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Night With Mommy

Page 85

by Sofia Connor

  "I'll make that little bitch of a sister of yours sorry all right, she's had this coming a long, long time!"


  Louise stood admiring herself in the mirror in her bedroom. She was tall, slim and had long, blond hair. She was, she thought, considerably better looking than that dirty little skank Julie and still could not quite get over a man going with her when he was with Louise. It was the kind of knockback that had stayed with Louise ever since, though she had never let on. She had dreamed of some form of revenge and now through the strangest of circumstances she had it. She very nearly cackled as she smoothed her skirt and set down her hair brush and counted down the seconds until her front door bell rung.

  Julie had sent a text to Louise the day after she had received the email. She didn't know what to expect but was contrite and pleasant and asked to come around and see Louise to see if things could be worked out. Little did she know things were already sorted out in Louise's mind.

  Standing on the doorstep outside Louise's house and ringing the doorbell brought back all the bad memories of doing exactly the same at her sisters and made Julie feel extra guilty before the door was even opened. And there standing waiting on her was Louise, three years her older and with a shit eating grin on her face as a repentant and subdued Julie stood there waiting to be invited in. Louise exuded a faux charm and asked Julie in but neither was fooled, they were both alpha females that went after men but both knew that one of them was in a bad position and the other held the upper hand. As much as it ate Julie up to be nice and polite to Louise, Lisa and the girls were her only surviving family and she could not envision a future not including them and she knew herself she had fucked up big style and deserved to pay for her monumental error.

  "As you know your sister is deeply upset by what happened" explained Louise in a condescending, haughty tone.

  "And she has told me that I should determine how truly sorry you are. Ah, ah, I don't want to hear your pleas. Words mean nothing from a cheat like you, do they? You've proved that time and again. So this time it will be by actions alone that I shall determine how sorry you are and what lengths you are prepared to go to prove you are sorry."

  The longer Louise had to look at and speak to Julie the more she her mask was slipping and she was reverting to type and her actual hatred of the younger woman. Sipping her drink as she let her previous words sink in, she glared at Julie standing before her and loathed her, detested her and it was starting to come through in her tone and words.

  "So, in other words bitch. To put it simply so even a dumb bimbo like yourself can understand, if you ever want to be able to see your sister or nieces again you will need to do exactly what I want. Because you'd better fucking believe that I will be quite content with telling Lisa that you weren't sorry enough and didn't want to make it up enough and I will go in there and tell her that you are beyond redemption and she should drop you like a fucking stone. I will get just as much satisfaction from that as you doing what I say. Understand bitch?"

  Julie stood there and looked coolly at Louise. Yes she understood and in some ways she even welcomed the fact that this was going to be hard. She deserved to suffer a bit, didn't she? For what she had done. Still she wished Lisa hadn't let this stuck up cunt take complete control like this.

  "So you understand Julie, you will either do what I tell you (and believe me I have some tasking tests for you to meet to show how sorry you are) and please me or I will go straight to Lisa and tell her you didn't impress me. And I will be more than happy to do just that." "I believe you Louise, and I'll do whatever you want. I just want to try and make it up to my sister."

  "Mmm. We'll see about that. You can start by taking off those frumpy clothes, they don't suit you, I don't know if you were trying to impress me but they don't. Remember, I know what kind of prink teasing slut you really are. So get them all off and let me see what seems to attract all these dumb guys to you."

  Julie hadn't really known what to expect from her visit to Louise's but it certainly hadn't been that! But even as she made to voice her argument she saw the look in Louise's eyes and remembered her words and realised she did not want to call Lisa's friends bluff. This was all a challenge now and Julie was determined she would prove to her big sister just how sorry she was. So, without words she stripped off her jumper and trousers and shirt and shoes and stood in the middle of Louise's living room in nothing other than a flower pattern, skimpy bra and panties

  "It surprises me you even wear underwear slut. I always just imagined you didn't bother, meant you could get fucked all the quicker!"

  Julie bit her lip and didn't rise to the bait. But she still felt bad as Louise smugly told her that she wanted to see the whole package at that she should lose the bra and panties too. Defiantly Julie stripped those off too, tossing them on the ground and standing there stark naked, letting Louise see her entire body. And Julie decided to flaunt it, she crossed her arms under her breasts and boosted them out and made like she was not bothered being naked, not bothering to cover her neatly shaven pussy.

  "God you disgust me, you know that? Look at you, just a fucking slut, aren't you? You know it, I know it, let's let everyone else know it, shall we?"

  And with that Louise set her drink down and stood up, grabbing a black marker pen that she had placed on her coffee table. Julie flinched when she saw what the object was but found her nerve and stood still as Louise approached her. The older blonde took her time, drawing things out. She circled the younger blonde and made a point of almost inspecting her, tutting and generally trying to make Julie feel nervous. And then, once she was directly in front of Julie, she reached up and very carefully used the marker pen to scrawl the word "WHORE" right across her forehead. Julie figured out the word as it was being written but said nothing, aware that Louise was itching for a reason to say she had failed. When she was done Louise brought Julie over to a mirror and let her look at the reversed word. It was thick and black and unmistakable. Louise was a little annoyed at the lack of reaction from Julie to her doing this and so proceeded to scrawl another insult across Julie's washboard flat stomach.


  Julie's lip quivered as she peered down to see this daubed so crudely on her skin and that made Louise smile as she stepped around her enemy and wrote on her back "FREE ENTRY" and an arrow pointing right down to Julie's ass crack.

  Finished, Louise put the lid back on the pen and stepped back to admire her handiwork. Then took several pictures with her camera. Julie wanted to complain but daren't risk it so she just stood there as Louise took her shots and wondered where they might end up.

  "You can get dressed now and leave. I'll be in touch when I have your first task. No leave your clothes here, as I said they really don't suit you, you'll find more suitable clothing in that bag behind the sofa."

  Julie's heart lurched as she pulled out a tiny white half shirt that would barely cover her tits never mind the crude graffiti and a pair of too tight denim hotpants. She looked up but Louise was serious and Julie had to put them on. She made to take her car keys from her trousers but Louise even stopped that.

  "No I think you'd be better off walking home slut. It will give you plenty of time to consider your actions."

  "B_But, I can't like this! Let me wash it off. Please!"

  "You can wash it off Julie but believe me I will be straight on the phone to your sister to say that you really can't have been very serious about doing anything to make amends. What's the matter? Worried you'll be embarrassed or humiliated? Well imagine how bad it feels when some younger slut steals your man! Your choice bimbo, either wash off or get out and go home. Oh and I want a photo from you when you reach home, it has to show you are back in your house and that the writing is all still visible. Understand? Good, now go!"

  Walking home that afternoon was pretty humiliating for Julie. Once she was out of sight of Louise's house she ruffled her hair and managed to arrange it so that most of the insult on her forehead was covered by h
er blonde locks, though she kept flicking at it nervously with her hand. The bigger problem was her clothing and the writing on her stomach and back, mostly she used her hand to try and cover the front and walked swiftly so that people could see too clearly what was there -- but it was a losing battle. The women were the worst, the men she could handle, openly ogling her sexy body their eyes was something she was used to but, the stares of contempt she got from women cut her to the core. They tutted and pointed and seemed to read the writing all too easily and she was never gladder than when she reached home and slammed the door behind her.

  She had a cry, then composing herself she thought of her sister and her repentance and took the picture to send to Louise to prove she had done what had been asked of her. She already had the sinking feeling that things would get worse before they got any better.


  Louise was sitting at an outdoor table of a cafe wearing designer sunglasses and smirking as Julie tottered up the next day in a pair of impossible heels. Louise's instructions had been implicit, Julie had to be wearing the highest heels she had (and if they weren't high enough they would just go and buy a higher pair), the shortest skirt and the most revealing top she owned. This was followed by instructions of where to meet Louise and that they would be enjoying a girl's day out in the city.

  Louise pointed to the seat across from her and commanded Julie to be seated. There was a large glass of beer at the seat and whether she liked it or not Louise instructed Julie to get drinking while Louise enjoyed her own more ladylike drink.

  "Here, put that on."

  Louise tossed across a thin black leather necklace with the word "SLUT" at its centre. Reluctantly Julie picked it up and pulled it tight around her smooth neck.

  They sat in (for Julie at least) an uncomfortable silence and watched the city go by. Occasionally Louise told Julie to open her legs and flash her knickers when some rough sort like a labourer went past and Julie meekly complied, but for the most part Louise seemed intent on having her charge drink merrily through three more tall glasses of beer until Julie had to get up and make for inside.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I need to pee."

  "I see, well I want you to do it right where you're sitting."


  "Are you stupid? I said you can go pee pee right there. I want you to wet yourself. Piss your panties in your seat. Understand? It's just your next penance. I assume that won't be a problem, will it?"

  Julie slowly resumed her seat in the canvas chair and uncomfortably looked around, it was afternoon and the smart cafe was inhabited by a lot of gossiping women taking a break from a hard days shopping. There were plenty of young waiters moving about too so to do this and not get noticed would be very hard. Her cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment and once more she was reminded of why she was doing this to herself and that she deserved to be humiliated in any fashion going as it still would not be as bad as what she had subjected her sister to.

  Louise pushed her sunglasses down her nose and peered sternly at her companion. Taking a deep breath Julie screwed her eyes and began to strain and try to force her bladder to empty where she sat. At first she had no success but then it burst forth and Julie felt a horrible warmth spread through her crotch and seep into her panties and skirt and pour down her legs.

  Louise stifled a giggle and then very deliberately raised her hand to attract a young waitress to come over. Julie's eyes went comically wide and she struggled to finish her pee and had just managed to do just that when the girl arrived at Louise's side.

  "Yes Miss?"

  "Can you help my friend, she seems to have had a little accident."

  That flustered Julie and the waitress ( a pretty raven haired girl that must have been just out of school) peered at the blonde, suspecting that this was yet another case of one of these older women having had too much to drink and spilling their drink. It was only as she took out her cloth and moved to wipe the dark patch on the seat that it dawned on her that is wasn't beer. The waitress recoiled, exclaimed and treated Julie to the most withering, humiliating look. Some of the people at nearby tables looked up to see what had happened and just like that Julie had an audience.

  "I, Uh... sorry, I just,"

  Words and actions failed the sexy blonde and the waitress by now had seen and read the word on the necklace she wore and was starting at her like she was lower than a piece of shit on her shoe.

  "I think you should leave, we don't need your sort in an establishment like this."

  Louise chuckled and threw a note on the table to pay their bill and laughed as each head in the cafe turned to watch Julie rise shamefacedly, her skirt dark and damp where she had pissed herself and beat a hasty retreat into a crowded street. Seconds later Louise was behind her and guiding her into a derelict alley. She smiled as it appeared that Julie was on the verge of tears at her public humiliation at the cafe.

  "My that was fun, wasn't it? Still I guess those wet panties could be uncomfortable for you why don't you take them off."

  It wasn't a question and they both knew it and quite frankly despite her short skirt Julie was glad to peel off the wringing wet knickers as she had them in her hand Louise informed her what to do with them.

  "In your mouth bitch and you can keep them there until we come to a bar where you can go into and clean up in the bathrooms."

  Julie made to complain but didn't, she knew the stakes she was playing for and rather reluctantly lifted her thong panties and pushed them into her mouth. The taste and smell were vile and she nearly gagged but somehow kept them in her mouth as Louise headed back into the main street again and the two sexy women proceeded to walk along it. People looked at Julie, the dark stains on her skirt were very suspicious but somehow she ignored them and concentrated on following Louise deeper into the city.

  They were in Soho now and the bars were cheap and trashy and much less salubrious than just minutes earlier and Louise headed into one and Julie followed obediently behind her. At the bar Louise pointed at the toilets and told her charge to go and take her panties out of her mouth and bin them, Julie had never been quite so glad to do something as then. Any uplift in feeling though was quickly wiped away when she returned to the bar to find Louise in deep conversation with a man in a suit, as soon as Julie emerged from the toilets both their gazes turned to watch her.

  The man was in his fifties with a weatherbeaten face and he openly leered at Julie, appraising her face and body as she slowed coming towards them.

  "This is Derek, he owns this place, he's been kind enough to grant you an interview so let's go back to his office and you can show us how sorry you are for what you did to Lisa, shall we?"

  Julie didn't like the sound of that but as Louise had alluded to, she had little or no say in the matter so she just got up and trailed behind the other two into a smoky office at the back of the club. As Derek closed the door behind them the banging music faded down to a much more pleasurable decibel and Derek sat behind a large wooden desk while Louise took the one seat across from him, leaving Julie standing awkwardly beside her.

  It was Derek that spoke as he lit a cigar and puffed smoke into the air.

  "Get a lot of girls in here I do, and you know what I tell all of them? No? Well I'll tell you. I tell them that the hardest punter they've got impress is me. They want to get up on one of my stages and strip for cash and they have to impress me first, so little lady, let's see what you've got, shall we?"

  Julie had suspected as much, that Louise was setting her up to have to become a stripper. That was bad enough (though Julie was an exhibitionist by nature) but the prospect of stripping for this fat pervert certainly didn't amuse her. But yet again one glance at Louise reminded Julie of her penance and her guilt kicked in. Reluctantly Julie peeled off her shirt and her skirt and stood naked across the desk from Derek.

  He stared at her intently. Which seemed to make the blonde uncomfortable, which he liked. She was a good looking youn
g woman but by no means the sexiest bitch Derek had 'interviewed' in this office. But most of the others had been either eager or desperate and there was something infinitely more arousing to the old misogynist about someone standing before him that really didn't want to be there. He took a long, lingering puff on his cigar, blew the smoke across the desk at Julie and continued to appraise her body before finally speaking.

  "Tell you what darling, my eye sights not what it used to be, must be too much playing with myself, eh? Ha! Why don't you come round here and I can better inspect the goods, eh? See if you cut the mustard."

  He made Julie's skin crawl, he was such a creep. His voice dripped of insincerity and ill disguised menace. Julie felt like an animal at a cattle market or a slave in Roman days, but she guessed, that was what Louise had wanted her to feel. She had to force her feet to move to walk around slowly and stand beside Derek's leather back chair. He dropped his cigar into a large ashtray and got to his feet and started to slowly circle Julie, examining her closely, staring at her legs, peered at the tattoo stamped just above her ass crack, leering at her pussy and her tits. She flinched as he ran his fingers into her hair and smelled it.

  "Yeah, you'll do. Still there's one other thing girls have to do to get a job here darling, know what that is?"

  Julie could guess alright and she stared across the desk at Louise and tried to make one last appeal to the controlling blonde but could see it was hopeless. She did though manage to shake her head. Whether it was a no that she didn't know or a no she didn't want this to happen no one would ever know. Derek wrapped the rest of his fist into Julie's blonde hair and roughly pulled her near to his mouth and his foul breath invaded her senses as he hissed the answer.

  "They bend over this desk and take it in the ass. So bend over girlie!"

  Julie felt like she was in a trance as she allowed him to push her towards the large desk by her head and then bent her over it. He kicked her feet apart and spat on her ass crack and casually used his fingers to rub his saliva over her asshole. Julie moaned and again was stuck by the feeling that she deserved this horrible treatment for her infidelity but at the same time she did not want this, not from this disgusting specimen of a man. She jumped at the sudden, harsh sound of his zipper being jerked open and dropped her forehead to the cool wood of the top of the desk as she felt the slimy touch of his stiff cock press against her ass cheeks.


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