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Night With Mommy

Page 113

by Sofia Connor

Shel, understood, and it gave him some manner of courage. "I find myself aroused by your mere presence, you are by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would very much enjoy it if you would dance for me once more. A private dance."

  "I dance for coin good sir."

  "Ah, yes." Reaching down to his belt he opened a purse and pulled out a stack of coins that he placed gingerly upon the table. Talia ignored them and sipped her wine. More coins appeared. She sipped delicately once again. Soon a large stack lay upon the table and as the last coin was placed Talia placed her glass down next to them and stood.

  Moving to the bedside table she placed three rings on each hand. The rings had tiny silver bells on them and they pealed gloriously as she donned them. Then without a word she began a slow, sinuous dance.

  Talia's outfit looked like a billowing gown of sorts but as soon as she moved the gaps between scarves showed like slits revealing her long elegant limbs beneath. Her arms above her head, the rings tinkling a soft rhythm Talia danced a sultry dance that moved her around the empty space in the centre of the room.

  The merchant's eyes never left her form, his gaze tracking wherever she wanted it, a flash of leg there, an hint of belly there, she danced and made him dance with her, his eyes the most agile part of him.

  Like the dance below in the common room she slowly removed veil after veil. Seemingly by accident they fluttered to the floor showing more and more of her tanned skin. When she was once more down to just the tiny slips covering her breasts and sex Talia moved in very closely to the man.

  This time however she let slip the covering of her hair and her long black tresses fell in a cascade down her back and over her delicately muscled shoulders. As her hair fell a soft smell of jasmine filled the area as the spice wafted out from her.

  Dancing closer still Talia let her legs spread wide around Shel's where he sat still as a statue. Then she straddled him and began to undulate, simulating riding his cock passionately. As her hands played the gentle bells her fingers explored her body and seemingly accidently pulled the wisps of cloth from her heaving bosom.

  Her proud breasts were now exposed, the nipples hard and rosy. The meat of her swells swayed with her movements, the small mounds firm and smooth. Talia squeezed her own perky orbs and moaned softly while her hips lowered and her sex ground down over his.

  Lowering her hands Talia began to rub her toned belly, the muscles of her abdomen sharp and defined beneath the silky skin. Her belly encircled by the small chain seemed more bare for the tiny links enclosing it.

  Lower still her fingers roamed and the wisps of string holding the silk over her sex fell away and the gauze dropped to his lap revealing the slick pout of her lower lips.

  In a simulation of fever, Talia arched her back, hiding her sex from his gaze and then she curled her hips forward sharply letting her glistening slit wink at him. Back and forth she cavorted above him, her juncture leaving small wet marks on his robes where she pressed herself to him.

  Then when she could take the teasing no more, Talia fell to her knees before him and lifted his robes. Undoing his small clothes she pulled his rigid member out of its hiding place and engulfed it in her hungry mouth.

  By this point Talia was even more aroused than the merchant. Her body ached to be filled, her hungry slot demanded she satisfy it with man meat, but she needed to taste him first. The spear of his flesh slid to the back of her throat and she hummed a soft purr of pleasure, making him jump. With one hand she pumped his tool into her happy mouth, while she plunged the fingers of her other hand in and out of her grasping slit.

  When she felt him grow tense with the need to climax she stood up letting his wet cock fall from her saliva covered lips and she went to the large bed and lay down on it, her body open to him, her legs spread wide.

  He came to her, pulling his clothes off in a rush, and soon he lay atop her and plunged himself deeply into her steaming depths. Talia cried out a real cry of passion as he filled her needy chasm. And while he began to pump himself into her she had a climax of her own. As her passion tore sanity from her mind like one of her veils, she clawed at him like a cat, her short dull nails trying to rip him, which was one of the reasons they were so short.

  When her orgasm subsided Talia opened her eyes to see him gazing down at her with a glazed expression, one of his hands cupped her breast, massaging it, and the other held him up over her as he drove himself into her hard.

  Talia lifted a leg up over his hip and with a twist and a push flipped him over on his back, his member still wedged deeply inside her hole. The shocked look on his face made her smile inwardly. He hadn't expected that sort of strength from her, she looked so delicate. Now Talia rode him setting the pace. She bucked quickly up and down on him, stopping every few plunges to grind her sensitive button down onto his pubic bone, thrilling her body.

  His large hands reached up and began to both massage her tender mounds, making her sigh with lust. Milking him with her strong inner muscles, making him moan, she drew his seed from the depths of his heavy sack and she felt his rod swell up as he fought off his need to orgasm.

  Talia dismounted and pulled his hand to make him sit up, then stand. Then she fell to her knees before him on the floor and took his member into her mouth once more. With her hands she showed him what she wanted. Taking one she placed it on her head, the other she placed on his shaft and she began to stroke him with it, while he was still in her mouth. Then he took over and masturbated himself into her willing orifice.

  When he was doing it on his own Talia took her own hands and began to stoke his thighs and massage his testicles. Then with a grunt the merchant began to shoot his thick sperm into her mouth. As soon as the first gout spurted out onto her tongue Talia pulled her face back and put her hand over his to keep him pumping. She then aimed his cock at her face and made him shoot his seed onto her upturned features. Ropes of ejaculate sprayed out across her beautiful visage and Shel gave a long low moan as he did so. Looking up at him as his seed spilled over her Talia saw him looking down at her with a shocked expression, his face flushed and his teeth gritted.

  She had discovered over the years that men loved to abase a woman like her, and she had grown to love it as well. The moment a man spilled out over her face it made her have her own climax. Something in the demeaning nature of it thrilled her.

  As Shel's sperm trickled down over her lips Talia licked it delicately allowing the pungent flavor to fill her mouth while her hips juddered a new kind of dance. One she could barely contain. Gasping with pleasure she relished the hot spray of his sperm as it drizzled over her cheeks and into her open mouth.

  When he had spent himself she took his phallus into her mouth one more time and suckled him, pulling the very last drops of his essence into her thirsty mouth. The final tremors of her orgasm subsided and then, reluctantly, she let him plop out and she sat back on her heels.

  She looked up at him and saw the now familiar mixed gaze of wonder, satisfaction and disgust. These Northern men couldn't understand how she could abase herself like this. Their proud women apparently never wasted an opportunity to get pregnant, so dangerous their births. Medicine here lacked the knowledge her people had procured over thousands of years of civilization.

  When the merchant left her there, on the floor still kneeling, his sperm slowly drying on her face, Talia rose, and dressed. Not in the gauze, but in armor. She exchanged her jewels for steel, and her silk for studded leather.

  Garbed as a warrior she slid her twin blades out of their scabbards to check the blades for any marks.

  There were none, she kept very, very good care of her blades.

  When she was ready to leave, having gathered the coins in a pouch, Talia finally wiped the mess from her face, and the greatest swordswoman in the North left the room of her humiliation. Her fame as Talia the sword for hire far outstripped the growing fame of Dancer the Woman of Wonder, for now, but Dancer was becoming very well known, even if nearly impossible to fin

  The Dancer only danced when she wanted to, and only took to her bed those whom she chose. Somehow anyone who ever sought harm against her was found dead and she vanished. The legend was growing.

  None saw either The Dancer or the grim faced warrior leave the building; she was a Shadow Dancer they said, a Mistress of the Dark who changed her appearance at will, and gathered Shadows to do her bidding.

  However it was done she slipped into the night before any thought to knock on the door to see to the Dancer's needs.

  Two famous women, both enigmas, both dangerous, and desirable, both the same woman.

  The End.

  Naughty Conference

  Angela Knox stood in her walk in closet, shuffling through her clothes wondering what she was going to wear. It had been a few days since her daughter had handed her the letter from Mr. Smythe requesting a parent teacher conference.

  She was nervous, not because of what the conference was about, because her daughter was very studious with good grades. She was nervous, because of how Mr. Smythe made her feel.

  Every time she went to the school, when she was near him, she felt flushed. She often wondered if he noticed. Was that little grin him saying that he realized the power his presence had on her? Did he often have the same tempting thoughts that she did?

  When standing, he had to look down at her, because of their height difference; her being only 5' 4" and him just over 6 feet. He always looked into her eyes. That was a rarity for her. Because of her breasts being very large, it seemed to be the first thing men noticed, but this man always looked into her eyes. Though when those sexy brown eyes looked into her green ones, she would avert her gaze, sometimes lose her words, and stutter a bit.

  As she stood there in that walk in closet, she thought of these things and different images passed through her mind. She saw herself running her fingers through his brown hair as he kissed her. Would his kiss be as smooth and silky as her imagination perceived? What would his skin taste like as she ran her tongue along the sides his neck? Would his touch be gentle and teasing as his hands roamed her body or would they be rough with passion.

  "Quit being silly," she mumbled to herself. Really, for such things to happen would be unethical for a seemingly straitlaced man like Mr. Smythe. Doing such things with a parent would be too risky. Still she hoped.

  Finely she decided on a sage green tank top that was not too low cut, so that she didn't expose her breasts too much. It would show her curves without being overly flaunty. With it she wore a brown hippie skirt with a green tie dye effect that matched the tank top and a pair of simple brown sandals.

  When Angela arrived at the school, the moment her car went into park, her heart started racing. She closed her eyes, leaned back in her seat, and took a few slow breaths....slowly inhale...exhale. "It's just a conference," she told herself.

  On her way to Mr. Smythe's classroom, which seemed an eternity, she noticed that the school appeared to be empty, but in the distance she could hear something that sounded like a broom sweeping, possibly a janitor. After all, it was five o'clock at night. Usually by that time most of the staff was gone for the day.

  When she arrived at Mr. Smythe's classroom, the door was already open. She stood there for a moment, watching him. He sat at his desk under the florescent lights. Apparently deep in thought, he smiled slightly as he lightly scraped the center of his bottom lip with his two front teeth. She felt her heart beat speed up again. God that man is sexy, she thought to herself.

  She took in a deep breath. When she exhaled, he must have heard her, because his head came up quickly. His eyes brightened as he looked at her and a big smile formed on his face.

  "Come in Mrs. Knox!" The tone in his voice was obviously excitement.

  As she walked towards his desk, she could feel her heart racing. As if he sensed her nervousness, in a reassuring voice he said, "No worries, it's good news."

  "That's good to know," she responded, her voice shaking a bit.

  When she reached the edge of his desk, he stood up. He slid a paper towards her using the tips of his fingers. "As you know, your daughter has been doing very well. I'd like to get her tested for our GT classes, but I need you to sign some papers first," he said as he studied her face.

  "Wonderful! Of course I'll sign them." She spoke forcing the nervousness out of her voice. She couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't simply sent them home with her daughter. You would think something like this wouldn't be worthy of a conference. Did he arrange this so that he could be alone with her? Wishful thinking.

  She reached her hand down to the paper that his fingers were on. As her fingers touched the paper, he moved his hand to the top of hers, lightly touching with tips of his fingers, moving them slowly from her wrist to the tip of her fingers.

  She closed her eyes slightly, feeling her breathing quicken and her heart beat a little faster. A tingling sensation moved through her body. She suddenly felt warm heat rush to her groin area. Her pussy pulsated and she became wet with the anticipation of what would come next.

  When his fingers reached the tip of her fingers, she raised her eyes to meet his. This time she didn't avert her gaze. She allowed herself to absorb the passion in his eyes, letting him see her apparent lust.

  After a few seconds, he quickly moved to her, forcefully putting his hands through her long red hair as he moved his head down to hers. His lips forced hers open as he probed her mouth with his tongue. The musky smell of his aftershave, the feeling of his firm grip as his hand pulled on her hair, and the silkiness of his tongue, made her drunk with passion.

  They tore at each other's clothes, breaking their kiss only to remove their shirts. Hands groped instinctively without thought; hers to his hair pulling him closer, her fingers digging into his back, roaming his chest feeling the curve of his muscles, and then feeling his hard cock outside of his jeans.

  His hands roamed to her chest, moving the white lace of her bra down, revealing her large breasts, cupping her breasts, and teasing her hard nipples. He pinched her nipples slightly and then a little harder, twisting them, and playing with her nipple rings.

  As he released his kiss, his hands moved to the side of her stomach. With a strong grip, he lifted her onto the desk, oblivious of the papers crumbling under her ass and falling to the floor. She leaned back using her arms to support her weight as he pulled her skirt up to her waist. Then he stepped back to admire her.

  She laid there exposed, her breasts lying outside her bra and nipples hard , legs spread, and her wet pussy exposed. Overcome with desire and want, she put her weight on one arm, while the other played with her breasts. Her hand moved below to play with her wet clit and two of her fingers plunged inside to fill her need for him, and then back up to her mouth, tasting her own sweet yet salty nectar.

  "Please." The word escaped her lips in rasping breaths. Answering her pleas he began to remove his jeans, exposing his exquisite hard cock. His body wedged between her thighs and she sat up pushing her body close to his. His fingers probed her, feeling the hot moisture there, rubbing her g-spot and feeling it get larger with every stroke, the smell of her sex getting stronger as she got closer to climax.

  Her mouth was on his neck, kissing, nibbling, and licking faster with every stroke of his fingers. The smell of his aftershave and salty taste of his skin mingled with the scent of her own smells, adding to her arousal.

  As shivers went throughout her body, her muscles tightened around his fingers, and she bit down slightly on his shoulder blades from the intensity. Hot liquid released onto his hand and desk, drenching the back of her skirt. She stayed there for a moment, using his chest to support her and listening to the steady sound of his heart beat as her body relaxed from the intensity of her orgasm.

  "Turn over," he demanded. Following orders, she turned around laying her chest on the desk, her ass exposed. With his hands on her ass for balance, he plunged deep inside her wetness. She let out a little screech from the force of his cock filli
ng her. Her muscles there tightened as she sucked in a deep breath. As if it had a will of its own, her body responded, her hips moving back and forth, feeling the friction on her g-spot.

  His body responded with the same rhythmic motions, moving away just far enough for the tip to be inside, then plunging deep inside feeling her cervix. Each time there was a slapping sound from his pelvis banging against her ass. With each hard thrust, she let out a moan. Her teeth dug into her hand as she felt herself getting closer to climax.

  His hands reached for her hair, pulling harder as he got closer to release, making her own arousal more intense. His sweat dripped on the small of her back, turning cold from the air-conditioned room, and sending goose bumps down her spine.

  He leaned forward, his chest on her back, the smell of their sex and sweat mingling together. He began to move his hips faster, plunging deep and hard inside of her. The front of her thighs pushed hard against the edge of the desk with every thrust, but all she could feel was pleasure.

  Her moans got louder. She could feel herself about to cum again. Right as he plunged deep inside of her releasing his juices, he bit down on her back right below her shoulder. At that moment, pain became pleasure and shivers went through her body. She came, mingling her liquids with his, her body quivering beneath his and her pussy pulsating around his hard cock. They laid there for a moment letting their bodies relax, him still inside her.

  "You better get those papers signed," he whispered in her ear. The tone in his voice, made it apparent that he was smiling.

  They both got up, and began to put on their clothes. She fumbled around the desk finding the permission form and a pen. Quickly she signed the paper, glancing up at him seeing his flirty grin. Her automatic reaction was to bite the edge of her lip with a slight grin in return.

  "So, shall we have another conference soon?" His smile widened as he spoke.

  "Most definitely," she answered right before she moved forward to taste his mouth and the skin on his neck again. Then she pulled away to leave.


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