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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 9

by L M Lacee

  An unsavory character. Zenerra stated, a description she had learned from her Earth trooper vids.

  She and Ranarra turned their heads to watch Sedeen and Cobalt cross the street as with Drifter they were unsurprised when Sedeen demanded. Why are you here?

  Zenerra returned her attention to the building Jorge stood in front of as Matt faded from sight. As often as she saw it, she never got used to the Falears doing that. My Commander is here, where else should I be?

  At home asleep. Jorge stated in a hard voice.

  Zenerra’s wings shifted slightly at his tone as she replied. Perhaps as your Captain that is true. As your friend, not so much.

  They all heard him sigh as he accepted the inevitable. So be it.

  She grinned at Ranarra and Sedeen, who just shook his head. He looked at his winged friend and knew there would be no talking to him. The male would never understand he should not be here. As far as Ranarra was concerned, two of his friends were in need. So convincing him to leave would be as hard as shifting the building he stood in front of.

  Drifter grinned up at him. It appears you are learning Commander.

  ‘Yeah… yeah, as slow as I am, I get there eventually.’

  Ranarra asked them. ‘What are you talking about?’

  Sedeen quickly retorted. ‘My inability to stop an argument.’

  Ranarra nodded, having watched his brother and Hawk trying to stop Peyton and her sisters argue over just about anything, he understood Sedeen’s dilemma. ‘Okay.’

  Zenerra asked Sedeen. What do want us to do?

  Sedeen pointed to two roofs. There and there.

  With a look at Drifter who assured him he would stay with Cobalt. Ranarra flew to the roof top that Sedeen had pointed to.

  Now the Daygoniss siblings were watching their backs. Sedeen felt it was safe enough for him to enter the silent apartment building with Jorge.

  They followed behind Cobalt, Tipper and Drifter who were following Matt’s trail. Within seconds they were on the floor where Matt waited leaning against the wall. Carefully the Prowlers, Jorge and Sedeen picked their way around and over several unconscious males.

  Guards. Matt told them, then pointed to a set of doors opposite him.

  Sedeen took out his new lock-pick, which Peyton made sure they knew was from her original design. And within half a second, the single lock clicked open. He grunted, then said. Amazing, one would think a male such as this would have multiple locks.

  Matt agreed as he faded and eased through the now opened door. No guards.

  The others followed him in, the Prowlers silent as shadows searched the rooms. Matt returned to the lounge which was in the center of the apartment, and pointed to a set of closed doors. Bedroom, one occupant.

  Thank you, I will take it from here. Jorge commanded the two males.

  Sedeen shrugged as he offered. Are you sure, we don’t mind staying.

  No, I have this.

  Sedeen hesitated as Matt said. Jorge, I can do this without him waking.

  Jorge smiled grimly. I know my friend, and I thank you. But I want to give him the chance.

  Sedeen demanded. To do what, kill you?

  Jorge looked down at the three Prowlers, who listened intently to the conversation.

  I do not think that will happen.

  Sedeen said. Then let us stay with you.

  Sedeen, Matt said as his hand came down on his friend’s shoulder. Jorge knows what he is doing.

  Sedeen looked at Jorge, who remained silent.

  Does he?

  Matt nodded. Let us go.

  Sedeen looked between his two friends, then sighed as he said to the Prowlers. You three look after him. Your Beloved’s anger if he is hurt will be nothing compared to Amelia’s rage.

  They grinned as they moved swiftly through the now opened bedroom door with Jorge.


  Sedeen said as they hurried from the apartment. ‘I hope Jorge knows what he is doing, that male will slit his throat as quick as look at him.’

  Matt assured him. ‘He knows, if anyone does, it is Jorge. If you feel inclined and have the stomach for it, ask him what he did before he came home.’

  As they entered the lift, Sedeen looked at his friend and said. ‘I know you know I am an Assaen. So if you are giving me a warning. I think I will live the rest of my life in ignorance.’

  Matt leaned back against the wall of the lift and said. ‘An excellent choice and if you ever feel the compulsion come over you to find out. Ask Po he was the one who told me. I do not know how he discovered it. I never asked, and he never offered to explain.’

  As the lift doors opened and they strolled to the exit. Matt stopped before he opened the doors and quietly asked. ‘I look at him and see a gentle male, and yet I know he is a killer. Do you think females see us the same way?’

  ‘No, Amelia loves and adores him. She only sees her mate. I would wager she knows who he was. Although she is not fool enough to believe he would not kill to protect her, their children and his home.’

  ‘As will we all.’


  Matt asked Sedeen. ‘You think the Terran females look at males this way, so they can mate with us and remain sane.’

  Sedeen thought about his answer before speaking. ‘No, I think they have an enormous capacity for love. And an even bigger capacity for understanding they live in a Universe where the rules of their world do not apply. Do not forget they chose to live here and to love us, knowing who we are and what we are capable of.’

  ‘I do not forget. In fact I am counting on it.’

  Sedeen slapped him on the shoulder. ‘Your treasure will come and she will love everything about you.’

  Matt raised his eyebrows. ‘Everything!’

  ‘Oh yeah, from the gossip I hear, you Falears hold a very special place in the hearts of our Terrans.’

  ‘Is that so?’

  Reaching pass Matt, he pushed the door open and said. ‘Smugness, does not become you, my friend.’

  ‘And yet that is how I feel.’

  Sedeen growled. ‘Please, I need food, you are turning my stomach with your vanity.’

  ‘Apparently, I have much to be vain about.’

  ‘Dearle stars!’

  Grinning, Matt murmured. ‘Jealousy does not become you, my friend.’

  Sedeen was stopped from replying by Ranarra and Zenerra touching down in front of them. ‘Where is Jorge?’

  Sedeen assured her. ‘He is well.’

  Matt rubbed his stomach as he suggested. ‘Let us go secure first-meal. I am hungry.’

  ‘Should we not stay to protect him?’

  Sedeen assured her again. ‘No Zen, he has the Prowlers. I vow he will be alright, let’s go.’

  ‘Well, if you are sure. Ran what say you?’

  Drifter, are you alright?

  Yes, I am well. Go, I can hear Sedeen’s stomach rumbling from here.

  Sedeen growled. How amusing, did you learn that one from Netta?

  No, Melody!


  Jorge sat in the armchair, angled so it faced the enormous bed. Gorbog Vulron lay sleeping flat on his back, taking up most of the mattress. It seemed he spared no expense when it came to his bed linens. The ones he slept on were of the finest quality.

  Jorge smiled to himself once he would not have even thought about linens, and if he did, it was only to make sure they were serviceable. Now, with Amelia in his life, he actually knew the difference between practical and luxurious. How he had changed and yet he was back here doing what he was designed for.

  No, Tipper said, now it is a choice. Remember that, my bondmate.

  Jorge did not answer him, he just watched Tipper as he crept up the bed until he stood over the sleeping male. Cobalt and Drifter moved into position on either side of the bed. All three waited for him to signal he was ready.

  Jorge studied Gorbog Vulron, he was an unattractive hairless male, pale orange with a large oval head. He had
wide elongated eyes covered by two eyelids. The inner eyelid filtered fine particles like sand and dust from finding their way into his eyes. Jorge could see no eyelashes or eyebrows, instead there was a thick bone ridge that doubled as a forehead. His nose was flat against his face, which explained he supposed, the horrendous snoring coming from the male. Wide cheek bones and large fat lips added nothing to his image. It was easy to see why his species was often referred to as the race of monsters. His huge body was configured to withstand the harsh winds filled with fine sand that swept across the desert planet he called home.

  Jorge knew Gorbog had earned the reputation as a devious, corrupt brute, and for that he had to be stopped. For his appearance he mentally shrugged, a person should not be condemned for how he appeared to others. This Universe was filled with many different species and not all of them were beautiful. It was what made their Universe unique, that was what he believed.

  Wake him!

  Tipper moved and his snout almost touched the male’s face. Then he growled low in his chest as he and the other two Prowlers morphed into battle mode. Gorbog come instantly awake and stared into a mouth full of canines.

  Jorge had to give the male credit, he did not scream or leap from the bed, and he barely breathed. Tipper growled again, followed by Cobalt and Drifter. Slowly, Gorbog rolled his head to the side and saw Drifter. He rolled it to the other side and encountered Cobalt. He returned his eyes to Tipper, swallowed and hissed at Jorge.

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘So many things you are unable to give me.’

  ‘How… how did you get in here?’

  ‘That I cannot or should I say I will not tell you. Tipper one pace please.’

  Tipper stepped back a pace so the male could see Jorge. His eyelids flicked several times but he did not move.

  Smart male, thought Cobalt.

  Jorge leaned back in the chair and asked the male. ‘Do you know who I am?’

  Gorbog let his eyes travel over the male sitting at ease in his chair. He was dressed in clothes he had coveted since the Star Daughter’s people had arrived at the Capital.

  ‘You are from the Star Daughter’s people.’

  ‘Perhaps, but I was thinking more along the lines of reputation.’

  ‘Reputation, why would I know your reputation. If I do not know who you are?’

  Jorge nodded. ‘I see your confusion you are still thinking about the Star Daughter and what you know of her. Think of who her Warriors are, then look at me.’

  Gorbog did as he was ordered and blinked both sets of eyelids, bringing Jorge’s face into focus and his body involuntarily jerked. If he could have perspired, he would be soaked in sweat as fear poured from between the layers of his skin. ‘No, you are dead.’

  Jorge smiled, but Gorbog could see it did not reach the cold dead eyes. ‘As you can see, I am not.’

  ‘My government swore you were.’

  ‘Are you really surprised they lied?’


  Jorge cocked his head to the side as his eyes remained on the prone male. ‘Bonetaker! I have heard that name before.’

  Desperation filled his voice as Gorbog asked, ‘Do you know who I belong to?’

  ‘No, now ask if I care.’

  ‘My family is the line of Dessence.’

  ‘Royalty, that must be why you are allowed to do as you please without consequences.’

  ‘They will hunt you down.’

  Jorge leaned over, his hands between his knees. ‘No, there will be no hunt. Do you know why I am here?’


  Jorge wondered if he was denying he knew why he was there or that the feared Shadullar was in his apartment. He looked at Tipper, who watched the male as one would a bug.

  ‘Shodian Lujunn Dorjinu.’

  Gorbog shut his eyes as he pleaded. ‘It was mistake. I will not touch them.’

  ‘I wish I could believe you, but I know you lie. You made it so they had to leave their restaurant. Your next step was to contact their home world and collect the Priounty on Lujunn so you could enslave his daughters.’

  ‘No… no, you are wrong.’

  Jorge rose and moved closer to the bed where the male remained immobile. If Gorbog had hair on his body, it would be standing on end and if he could cry, tears would spill from his eyes as he once more begged. ‘Please Shadullar, spare me for my family, for the people who depend on me.’

  Clinically Jorge watched the once powerful male as he begged for his life. ‘If I thought for a min, you would honor your word. I would leave here, so you could go back to sleep and pretend this was a terrible dream. But I know, as you do, you will not. As soon as your fear lessens, you will go back to business. No Gorbog, what I will do is not make an example of you. No one needs to know the Shadullar still lives, and I do not need to be hunted. I am trying to find a new life.’

  He stared off into the distance, not saying anything. As his mind tried desperately to place the memories from his past back into the compartment that should never have been reopened.

  My Jorge, are you with me?

  I am sorry Tipper, I am becoming lost in the past.

  You are never lost. I am here, as is our Amelia.

  Jorge desperately asked. If I do this, will I once more fall into the abyss that took me so long to escape?

  Cobalt stated. No, we will not allow it.

  Ahh Cobalt! I fear even with the Prowlers indomitable will, it is not that easy.

  Drifter’s thoughtful voice pulled him from his memories. My friend, what we were, is not who we are now. We have more to live for, we have family and friends who love us. We have a home that is ours, no memories can take that from us.

  Jorge sighed and nodded at the wisdom of Drifters words. You are right, my friend.

  Tipper quietly asked. My bondmate, is this justice or is this revenge?

  Jorge’s head jerked at Tipper’s question.

  It is not revenge, I finished with that yentas ago.

  So justice?

  Yes, what he would have done to the Dorjinu’s he has done many times before.

  Cobalt stated. Is this what our Beloved fights against?

  Yes, it is.

  Drifter asked. If you do not do this. Do you honestly believe he will not hurt, enslave, rape or kill another living being?

  Jorge grimly answered. No, I do not. He will do all of that and more.

  Cobalt softly stated. So you have your answer.

  I do! Jorge placed a small device on the forehead of the male and flicked a switch.

  Gorbog trembled as he asked. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Long overdue justice.’

  The disk vibrated as it pulsed a soft red light, Gorbog’s skin paled and his eyes rolled back in his head. Unable to speak, he whimpered in one continuous whisper of pain. Suddenly the sound stopped as Gorbog’s brain collapsed and turned to mush within his skull.

  Jorge looked down at him, Tipper nipped at his jacket as he left the bed. Come, we are done here.

  ‘Yes, let us go.’


  In the early hours of the morn, Peyton and Kardan lay in bed. ‘I don’t want to go.’

  ‘I know my heart, but everyone must do tasks they do not want to.’

  ‘This will suck so much and you won’t be there.’

  ‘I will not, but all the ladies will be.’

  Peyton played with his hair as she told him. ‘They will talk to me and there will be fawning. I hate fawning.’

  ‘I have seen this.’

  He grinned as he remembered the male at the gallery the night before who was still probably regretting his choice of words and attitude toward his mate. He wondered if he was still in pain.

  Kardan smoothed his hand down her bare back as they lay together. It was becoming a habit to speak together before the day started. Today they spoke quietly so they would not wake Keylan, who was in the small annex off their bedroom. She had slept through the night for the firs
t time in days.

  The female who Coraan had advised Esther to speak to had assured her Keylan would only suffer for a little longer. Teething for Draygons was a very complicated procedure. It would please Kardan when it over, he hurt for his little one.

  Peyton stretched as she lay on top of him, her ear on his chest so she could listen to his hearts beat. ‘Maybe, we could cancel.’

  ‘You know you cannot.’

  ‘The Prowlers all refused to come, did I tell you that?’

  ‘Yes, you did.’

  ‘They said that it was undignified for their species to attend a biped morn tea.’

  ‘So I heard.’

  ‘Undignified!’ She snorted. ‘I bet that was a Melody excuse.’

  Kardan grinned. ‘I would not think so.’

  He knew for a fact that all the female Prowlers had gone to Fanharr and demanded to be released from attending. She and Lott had sought his advice, which he had provided. On the understanding that Peyton never found out who helped them escape the nightmare of a morn tea, as Fanharr described it.

  Peyton growled low in her throat as she thought about how lucky the Prowlers were they did not have to go. It never occurred to her to order them to attend.

  ‘Do you know Jean refuses to go, she said she would not waste her time getting all dressed up. So every dayam female can inspect her like a piece of space junk.’

  Kardan nodded. ‘I had heard that, Trina said she is just shy.’

  ‘Shy my foot!’ Peyton muttered.

  He tweaked her hair and said. ‘You could make her go.’

  Sighing, she said. ‘No, that would be wrong. What surprised me is how many of them want to go and are looking forward to it. Even Netta and she hates stuff like that.’

  ‘Perhaps mating has released her feminine side.’

  Peyton reared back and looked down at him. ‘It’s Netta we are talking about, not Heather.’

  ‘Of course, silly of me.’

  She smiled and said coyly. ‘If I canceled, we could cuddle in here all day and do other more interesting things.’ She moved her eyebrows up and down.

  Grinning, he told her between kisses. ‘We can do that now and you are still going.’ He rolled over and kissed her to silence. Then showed her how interesting he could be.


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