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Forbidden Bond: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Silver Moon Wolf Pack Book 1)

Page 5

by Rae Foxx

  “Didn’t you hear me?” I increased my grip on her as she tried to pull past me again, keeping her where she was. “I’m leaving, and I want you to come with me. As much as I want to stay here with you and take the time to get you to trust me, I don’t have the luxury. I have a pack to run and people who depend on me to be there. I’m leaving and you’re coming with me. I won’t leave you behind.”

  “You can’t be serious, Luke.” She pulled away again, this time I let her. I wanted her to make this choice on her own. “We don’t even know each other.”

  “This will give us the chance. Come with me. Get to know the pack and me. I can show you everything…”

  I was sure I was pouting, perhaps even begging, but how could I not? I was starting to think that she wasn’t going to come with me. That Grant was right.

  And Grant could not be right, not about anything, the bastard.

  “I don’t know…” She glanced around the parking lot, looking anywhere but at me, the quick movement sent her hair flying over her shoulder, framing her face and sending her scent over me.

  Damn it all! Why didn’t I carry her away like the animal I was? My wolf wanted to. I needed to listen.

  “I didn’t want to do this, but you’re giving me no choice. Either you come with me the easy way or the hard way but one way or the other, it’s going to happen. I will be here waiting for your decision.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” She snapped, taking a big step back. “Are you threatening me?”

  “No.” Yes. Not that I had meant to. My wolf was a persistent bugger. “But it would be helpful if you stopped denying what is between us. It’s real, and you know it.”

  I closed the distance between us and grabbed the back of her head, letting her eyes burn into me. The look of her eyes, of the grey that was stormy like a sky. Stormy like the stubborn beautiful girl that had captured my heart.

  Gripping her neck, I gave her no choice but to meld her mouth with mine. She made a noise as my lips collided with hers, strong and powerful as I claimed her. The whimper faded as she kissed me back, as she parted my lips and let me taste her. Her tongue mingled with mine as she relaxed, and her sweet taste turned me into an addict. My hand grabbed her hip as she fisted the front of my shirt, making our bodies fall flush with each other as she deepened the kiss only to jerk away, both of us breathing heavily.

  The storm in her eyes had cleared, letting a deep purple stare into me, the color deep as she breathed.

  “Make the right decision, Cami,” I whispered, running my thumb over her swollen bottom lip before I released her, walking away without a backward glance.

  I didn’t want to. But I didn’t have a choice.

  If I didn’t walk away at that moment, I would have thrown her over my shoulder and taken her where she belonged.

  With me. Always with me.

  “Damn, that didn’t go well,” Grant said as I walked over to the alley and sat sideways on the seat of my bike crossing my arms over my chest in anger.

  “Understatement of the fucking year.”

  “I’ve still got this rope. It’s ready on your word.”

  I looked back at the bar and growled. “We might need it at the rate I’m going.”



  “This is the third time I’m going to tell you, Miss.” The man slammed his fist on the table before slapping the back of his hand against the bottle I set down, sending it flying. “Do I look like a light beer kind of guy?”

  I didn’t even jump as the bottle shattered over the floor; glass and booze spiraling and sending everyone's eyes right to me.


  “I’m sorry. I’m a little off tonight. I’ll go get the correct order right now.” My stomach swam as I turned on my heel, not even bothering to shake my ass as I stomped my way behind the bar.

  I was more upset at myself than anything. I was fucking up all over the place tonight, and there was only one reason for it.

  Luke had jarred me, shaken me so hard that my bones felt rattled and my insides sloshed like applesauce inside me. I couldn't think straight. Could barely see straight. And it was affecting my job.

  Gods, if I saw that Luke again he was going to hear it from me. I didn’t want to know how much money I was going to be out today after this.

  Vanessa rolled her eyes at me as I slammed down my tray, handing me the right beer, and a shot that I already knew was going to be coming out of my pay.

  Contradictory to me, she was dressed to kill and was pocketing tips left and right. She had some kind of bustier on with jeans that hugged her hips and gave the customers a peek at her lower stomach. It’s not that I looked that much different from her, but no amount of midriff and cleavage was going to make up for how much flailing I was doing.

  “Damn, girl, pull it together. What is with you tonight?” She snapped as I loaded up my tray again, well aware that some of the guys in the corner were watching me like a hawk. They probably expected me to trip and fall flat on my face.

  It was a possibility.

  Everything was too shaky, and my mind was all over the place.

  “Just didn’t get a lot of sleep, that’s all,” I grumbled the lie out and walked away, my mind going back to the real reason I was so flustered.

  “Don’t lie to me. Now, did that guy fuck with you last night? I knew you should have called the cops…”

  “No, he didn’t. He was fine, actually…”

  “Oh, so he fucked you in a good way. No wonder you're not walking straight. I saw the size of the guy…” and she was back to grinning. I guess a good fuck got you out of a shitty workday.

  Except that her narration was making me cranky. My heart thundered angrily as she reminded me of the storeroom, and I fought the need to throw the bottle of beer at her.

  “No. He didn’t… I just… I’ve got beers to deliver.” I rolled my eyes at myself and sashayed back over to the table, intent on bandaging the mess I’d made.

  “The right beer and a shot on the house,” I said, leaning over too much as I set the bottles on his table. I was used to letting guys look at my tits, but this time it felt dirty.

  “That’s a good girl.” He took the bottle and the freebie with a smirk, a smirk that grew as he slapped my ass.

  And my blood was boiling again. I turned before I could make the situation worse and went to my next order.

  Two tap craft beers from the uncomfortable couple at table three. Easy enough.

  I repeated the order lest I fuck this one up again, even ignoring Vanessa as I darted behind the bar.

  Two tap craft beers from the uncomfortable couple at table three.

  “Here you go,” I faked a grin as I approached the table, the couple gazing into each other's eyes and paying me no attention.

  The way they looked at each other lit something inside of me. That live wire tether that had been buzzing through my veins, pulling me towards the alley that for some ungodly reason I was well aware Luke was standing in.

  Waiting for me.

  Wanting me.

  My mind flashed with the scruffy smile that Luke always sent my way, and I set the glasses of beer on the table.

  Or tried to.

  I missed.

  The glass of one of the bottles caught the edge of the wooden table, sending me and the bottle forward. Suds-topped beer flowed out of the glass like a mini tidal wave, spreading over the table and right into the lap of the man. Splashing all over him.

  “What the fuck?” He yelled, jumping to his feet and sending the table rocking, and the glass that had made it safely on the table, off of it. Glass and beer shattered all over his date's shoes.

  “You little cunt!” He yelled; his face red as he leaned over the table the huge rock of his fist swinging at my face. I dodged, the waves of air beating against my skin as his fists barely missed my face.

  “The fuck?” I screamed, and spun, my fist moving toward him like it was an air missile.

  He wasn�
�t as fast, and my weak punch made contact with his jaw. He didn’t even flinch.

  “Hey!” Vanessa yelled stepping in between me and the red-faced, beer-soaked, man. “Let’s all calm our tits. It’s just beer, it’s not acid. Sit the fuck down or I’ll have you thrown out on your ass…”

  “Or I’ll do it for you,” I recognized the voice, the harsh tone clenching my stomach to my knees in a tight vice.

  “Luke.” I turned to the massive man, all of him pulled to his full height as he busted his way into the bar, stepping right up to the beer-soaked man who wilted like a cock in ice water.

  So much for that guy's manhood.

  “You took a swing at my girl,” Luke boomed to the now terrified patron, leaning over him like a wall.

  The guy shook his head, clearly deciding if this was a fight he wanted to take on. Even I would have run away from the violent warning in Luke's eyes. Well, if I wasn’t so turned on.

  What the fuck was it about this guy.

  “What the fuck is wrong with this guy?” Vanessa snarled in my ear. “You need to get out of here, now. And take him,” she nodded her head to Luke, “We will talk about this later.”

  That didn’t sound promising, but I wasn’t going to fight her. The way Luke and the guy were staring at each other was not going to end well.

  “Stop,” I hissed to Luke as I rushed between him and the poor guy, grabbing his hand. Just my touch was enough to pull his focus away and right to me.

  Holy fuck!

  Those yellow eyes from before were on fire, his jaw and lips a tight line of anger. I didn’t flinch, even though I sensed the warning. I tugged at him, pulling him toward the back room.

  “Why don’t you go clean up while I pour you a cold one on me?” Vanessa cooed as I led Luke away, the guy growling, yes growling as he fought against me.

  “Fuck. Come here, now.” That was all it took before he gave in, although he was still glaring daggers at the poor guy.

  I could hear voices in the alley, so I wasn’t about to take him back there instead I dragged him to the only other place I could think of.

  The back room.

  Damn, when it came to locations with this guy I sure could pick ‘em.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I snapped, whirling on him the second I had secluded us in the storeroom. His jaw relaxed, but his eyes were as yellow and angry as they were before.

  “Nothing is wrong with me,” Luke growled, his voice deeper than I had heard, almost like a bark. Feral. It twisted into me in weird ways. “I’m protecting my mate. I will always protect my mate.”

  “I’m not your--” I began to fight him, but he leaned into me, those yellow eyes locking onto mine and sending my stomach jumping.

  His dark gaze targeted me like an arrow that pierced my chest and left me aching in a mix of pain and anticipation. My stomach clenched, wobbling with nervousness and delight.

  “You are my mate, Cami.” His voice reached out of his chest and caressed mine, the feral snarl gone and replaced with a bass tone that was like velvet washing over me.

  Before I could speak, his lips were on my neck, making a dangerous trail toward my chest. A line of wet heat ran over my skin, prickling over and through me and making me feel like I was made of stars and fire.

  “It’s just so…” My words froze as he lifted the kiss he had planted on my collar bone and looked at me, devouring me with his eyes again. His hand combed through the back of my hair, right at the base of my skull. I bet if he wanted to, he could snap my neck in half.

  “Feels strange, doesn’t it?” Luke leaned in until our noses almost touch, filling in the blanks to what I was trying to say. “It’s not like a human to fall instantly, completely, and totally. That’s why we leave it up to our wolves to make that decision. They don’t think so much. They rely on instinct above logic.”

  I tried to fight him, but I couldn’t anymore. I didn’t want to. I didn’t take my gaze off his full lips as he dragged his tongue across the bottom one like he was warming them up for more. Fuck, I wanted so much more.

  “But I don’t have a wolf to rely on,” I countered as his hands gripped my waist tighter.

  “Good thing I do. You’ll have to trust me.” He leaned down again, kissing the soft skin under my ear as that same growling sound returned.

  “This is insane, you know that, right?” My words countered him, but I didn’t pull away. I let him kiss me again and again. “I just met you. I mean, who runs off with a guy they just met?”

  His kiss pulled away as he looked at me, his scruff pulling in that wonderful way as he smiled. “So you’ve decided to come with me willingly?”

  “I must be losing my mind because yes, fuck yes, I want to come with you.” My voice was breathless, tight as it pushed its way past the rock in my throat.

  It was as though the words had come out all on their own, whatever it was that was in me that pulled me to Luke speaking what it wanted.

  What I wanted.

  Before I could question myself, before I could question what I had said, Luke was kissing me again, his hands on my ass as he pulled me into him, right into the rock of his erection between his legs.

  I groaned at the pressure at the way his tongue dragged over my lower lips, and I tasted the sweet musky tang that I was coming to identify with him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him back, lifting my legs to wrap around his waist, and pulling the throbbing rock of him against my core.

  “Let me make love to you,” Luke said, his voice against my neck as he nipped at it and I jumped.

  I had questioned everything, but for some reason, I didn’t question this. I knew I wanted it. No matter what happened after this. I wanted him.

  “Please.” I agreed, I begged, and those large hands that cupped my ass lifted me to one of the shelves in the storage room, his rough handling pushing full bottles and piles of napkins out of the way.

  “Good, soon I will make you beg for me. But today, I want to make you writhe.” As Luke spoke, his hands moved from my hips, the skin of my stomach, to the button and fly of my jeans as he undid them with expert precision.

  I was bared before I could fully exhale, his eyes boring into mine as he leaned into me and pressed his lips against mine. Running my hands through his hair, I tasted him, my heart thundering as the sound of another zipper hit my ears.

  I felt him against me as I kissed him, the wide head of his cock pressing against my opening. Spreading me as he entered with me.

  Joined with me.

  “Fuck!” Luke hissed, pulling away to place his forehead against mine as he gripped my hips and pressed his way in further.

  I could only gasp and breathe, my back tight as I spread before him. As I took him.

  I had been fucked before. But I had never been properly fucked. He was so wide, and the way he took me, sliding his cock inside of me was a claim I had never felt before.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” Luke moaned, his fingers tight against my hips as with a heave he slammed his cock the last of the way into me.

  I gasped as we connected, as his cock twitched inside of me.

  “Oh my God.” It was the only words I could get out, the only words I could think of that encompassed the volcanic power of what was passing between us. The pleasure and need that was sparking through every inch of my flesh.

  “You like my cock inside of you, mate?” he growled low, biting at my earlobe.

  “Yes.” There wasn’t a question about that. I had never felt something this intense, this pleasurable, before. Something which only grew as he pulled out and slammed back into me. I let out a little yelp, and he smiled in a way that told me more of that was coming.

  “Tell me how you feel?” He purred as he pulled out, slow and teasing that time. I whimpered at the loss, but he only chuckled. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

  He slammed in again, bottled clanging and falling onto the floor and my heart gave a little leap.

��Fuck me.” I leaned my head back as he kissed my neck, exposing the curve of my breasts to him, he took advantage, pulling my bra down and exposing me.

  “No. Something else. What do you want me to do to you?” The yellow in his eyes sparkled in his wicked gaze before he darted down, his teeth capturing my nipple and giving it a bite. A bite and a suck as he growled and sent sparks of electricity through me with every bite.

  I think, for the first time, I recognized the growl. I recognized the yellow in his eyes.

  His wolf.

  And I knew what his wolf wanted to do to me.

  “Mate me. Claim me.” The words were more like a plea as I opened myself more to him, his fingers hard points of pressure against my hips as he growled and looked at me, leaving my nipples red and swollen and begging.

  “Yes.” Luke pressed his cock inside of me, his swollen member spreading me each time he pressed inside.

  Each time he slammed against my pussy. Filling me. Claiming me.

  Fucking me.

  Bottles clanged as I screamed, as Luke grunted and heaved in a feral way that made me beg for more. Spread wider for him.

  “Come inside me!” I begged as I felt myself move closer to orgasm, sure with the way he was twitching that he was close.

  “You’re my mate,” Luke growled, pressing himself into me as his finger left my hip to press against my clit, to swirl and pleasure and send me gasping. “I will always cum inside you. I will always claim you.”

  I don’t know if it was his voice, his twitching cock, or the way his finger worked my clit, but I threw my head back and screamed as I came. Every muscle in my body clenched, my pussy clenching around Luke and he swore, fucking me one last time before he stiffened, jerking against me as he came.

  I could feel his cum inside me, feel the heat and the wet fill me. Take me.

  “You’re fucking mine,” Luke growled, biting my nipple again before he leaned over me and bit my ear.

  “I’m yours,” I repeated, my heart thundering at the truth and comfort in the words. His hands were both soft and powerful as he pulled me into him, as I felt his heart thunder against my bare breasts.


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