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Pieces of You

Page 5

by Haven Rose

  “I took one look at him in his uniform and that was it. It was so symbolic,” she says with a giggle that brings to mind how she must’ve sounded as a young woman all those years ago, “stepping away from my parents and toward him. We spent the rest of the day together, under supervision of course, then were married the next morning. I still don’t know how we were able to pull it off that quickly.”

  Ernie pats her hand and says, “Magic, my dear. There was no way the universe would let me leave without making you my wife first.”

  She beams then throws a saucy wink his way and says, “The day after that, he shipped out.” Irma says it so simply, yet I know it was anything but. I can’t even imagine the worry, the pain of missing your other half after just finding them, and for so long. My eyes slide to Caden and, as if he senses my gaze, he lifts our hands and places a kiss on the outside of mine. I barely survived two months, the fear he was spending it with someone else too much to bear, and though I later learned it was his sister and nephew, the not knowing for those weeks couldn’t be erased.

  Irma watches us, seeing the look that passes between Caden and I, and tells us, “I see you two know the pain of separation as well. It’s something that can’t be described, only those who’ve experienced it can fully know,” she continues, her words so wise and heartfelt. When she sees my engagement ring, her eyes light up, the past leaving them as she congratulates us.

  We thank her and ask if they’d like to join us, they decline having already eaten and I’m sad to see them go. Caden, showing once again what an amazing man he is, pulls his wallet out and asks me for a pen. I hand it to him, wondering what he’s doing and my heart melts when he tilts so I can see what he’s writing.

  “I apologize for not giving our names before, this is my fiancée, Rooney, and I’m Caden. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and, to help you celebrate your anniversary, we’d like to do something special for you in return.” Both Ernie and Irma protest, saying it’s not necessary, but Caden and I insist, and I tell them with all sincerity it would mean a lot to us if they’d accept. They agree to and he gives Ernie his business card. Ernie and Irma look at it and recognize Howell Hotels. “My family, as you can see, are the Howells and the location here in Boston is overseen by me. On the back,” he says, waiting for them to flip the card over, “is my cell. I’m going to call the reservation desk tomorrow and book a honeymoon suite for you two for next weekend, all extras included and anything else you may wish, will be our gift,” he motions between me and him, “to you. Rooney and I can only hope to be as blessed in our life together as you two have been. If you need a different date, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  They thank us, both giving us hugs though Ernie jokingly growls when Caden’s arm wraps around Irma and she does the same as mine touches her husband. “Please,” I implore them, “use it and enjoy yourselves.”

  “We will dear, we promise,” Irma says then we part ways. I wish we could’ve had more time to get to know them, to hear the stories they must have.

  “They are so adorable,” I tell Caden, blushing myself when he brushes a tear from my cheek. Once we walk in, the hostess, a girl of about sixteen, greets us before calling someone over to take us to our table. We thank her, then the waiter, Ralph, for their help and each ask for a glass of water to start. By the time Ralph returns, we’re ready to order. “That was very sweet of you,” I say once we’re alone.

  Caden shrugs, looking a little embarrassed at the compliment. “They deserved to celebrate in style, and I could give them that.”

  “I love that you use your powers for good.” That earns me a sexy grin and I think, once again, how thankful I am we straightened out the misunderstanding. As we wait for our meals, we chitchat about a few things, getting to know each other, and so on. It doesn’t take long to realize we aren’t only compatible in the bedroom, though we’re explosive together in that way, but we also have a lot of the same tastes in books, movies, and television shows.

  When Ralph delivers our plates, ensuring we have everything we need, conversation goes quiet as we start eating. It’s not an uncomfortable silence, but that of a couple who’ve been together for years and are in sync, happy just being with one another.

  “So,” Caden says after Ralph clears our table and we choose our desserts, “tell me more about these alleged complaints they’ve received against you.” Not exactly my idea of what I want to talk about on our first official date, but not only do I want to share this with him, I also need to as we’re becoming a family and I could use his help, even if I acted as if I didn’t. I won’t let my independent nature, my pride, lead to risking this shelter. “You said no one at Town Hall could give dates, and none of your neighbors knew anything about them?” He asks, verifying the facts I’ve already told him.


  “If not them, then who? It makes no sense for a passerby to get upset. Any barking, not that I think there’s more than the norm, would only be temporary until they passed your place. Also, the chances of them seeing any loose dog, again pretty impossible as you have a fence, would be hard considering the distance from the street. Unless,” he says, thinking it over, “they saw the animal and not you right then and just assumed…no, that doesn’t really work either. You wouldn’t let the dog get too far away since you’re training them.” Watching him, getting a glimpse at how he sees things, is hot. My man is a nerdy alpha. “You’re smiling, my heart” he points out.

  “Yep,” I say, not even hesitating to admit it. “Of course, I am. I have a front row seat to how your brain works, and I’m enjoying it.”

  “So, you only want me for my brain?” He asks with a smirk.

  “No, sir,” I immediately deny before cheekily adding, “For your dick too,” causing him to laugh out loud. Damn, how is that even sexy? I’m thinking it’s because it’s him, us, but then I see a woman off to the right watching him as well and my hormones, that’s what I’m blaming, flare up and I glare, her death in my eyes. When she quickly averts her attention back to her own date, I smirk, mentally salute my inner bitch and go back to my fiancé. A shiver races up my spine as I refer to him that way and I smile wider.

  Caden convinces me to let him look into it, and based upon his expression after I agree, I think I surprised him. “My moms taught me to be independent, not stupid,” I explain, and he chuckles. “I didn’t get anywhere, and if you can help, I won’t turn it down. Besides, I owe it to all the animals I can help in the future to explore every option available.”

  “And,” he adds, “you forgot one thing.” When I ask what, he says, “We’re engaged, have already started our family,” he adds with a smug smile, “so, what’s mine is yours and vice versa.” I start to deny it, not wanting him to think I care about his money or what his name can bring, but he stops me. “Rooney, I know you don’t love me because of who I am or what I have, okay?”

  I nod, glad he knew my concern without having to voice it, and say, “okay.”

  “I’ll call the lawyer Monday. Now that we’ve got a plan for that, how much trouble am I in with your moms?”

  Laughing, I tease, “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  The rest of our evening is just as wonderful. Following dessert, we stop at a baby store, Caden excitedly showing me things he thinks we should get. I cave when I see his disappointment when I suggest waiting until I’m further along, and maybe even after we find out what we’re having. “It couldn’t hurt to look at cribs while we’re here,” I concede, loving the smile that crosses his face, this one different than any of the others I’ve seen from him.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me toward that section, almost running in his excitement. He carefully reads over the info on each before narrowing it down to two, both with have high ratings, are made by a well-known manufacturer, and include furniture we’ll need for the baby’s room. Once we finally choose, and oh man, was that a hard decision, Caden arranges to have it delivered as we can’t fit it
in his car. Which prompts him to mumble something about needing to get an SUV for all the kids we’re going to have.

  “Honey, let’s have this one first then go from there, all right?” I remind him gently, making the employee helping us laugh. She takes our information down and says to let her know if we need anything else while we continue shopping. It seems Caden is on a mission to buy out the store but again, I have to point something out. “If you don’t leave my moms anything to purchase for their first grandchild, they’ll kill you.” He looks at me like I’m joking until I say, “Scratch that,” to which he breathes a sigh of relief which fades as I add,” Only one of them will, the other will egg her on.” Now he’s side-eyeing me, as if gauging my sincerity. Yeah, he’ll see tomorrow my moms, Mary especially, can more than hold her own. “Won’t your parents want to buy some things? Or your sister?”

  “Peyton most definitely. I’m surprised she isn’t calling or texting constantly yet.” And I realize not only didn’t he say his parents would, he didn’t mention them at all, and very rarely does any other time. I feel bad for even asking, but I guess it’s good to learn exactly where I and our child will stand with them as they hardly acknowledge Caden aside from when it serves their purpose.

  “I’d love to officially meet her and your nephew.” Now that I know they aren’t his, in that sense, I see them in a completely different light, a non-threatening, I didn’t wreck her life, way.

  “Soon. I’m just not ready to share you.”

  Later that night, after we’d gotten home, spent some time with Boomer, and put what we could take with us in the room designated for the nursery, Caden and I make love. Savoring every look, each caress and stroke, as we find release together.

  Chapter Five


  June 16th…

  It’s here, my Judgment Day.

  The morning started perfectly, waking Rooney with my head between her legs, licking her to climax until she pleaded for mercy, then I started all over again and soon had her begging me not to stop. Once her body was no longer shaking from pleasure, she gave me the most satisfied smile and said, “Good morning to you too.”

  “That’s how I tell you good morning, with my tongue inside you, your taste coating it as I swallow every drop you give me. It’s the best part of waking up.”

  “Isn’t that a coffee slogan?” She’d asked, laughing when I said that’s because they didn’t know she was the only elixir needed to greet the day with joy.

  “And what if I need a second…cup?” Rooney grinned as she did just that to my balls. I’d flipped her over, her ass calling me as I’d started what we’d both wanted to do last night but knew then was for going slow.

  “You ready for me? I’m taking it today.” Knowing her juices would more than serve as lube to ease my way, I’d worked her to yet another release with my fingers before coating my eager dick and gently pushing in, a little at a time until I was fully seated inside her. We had talked, neither having done this before, and knowing this was a first for each of us made it even sweeter.

  After a few minutes, letting her adjust to my intrusion, she’d pushed against me, her signal she was ready. We’d taken it slow, not wanting to rush it, but it wasn’t long before we couldn’t hold back, and it turned wild as I fucked her ass hard, my balls slapping her clit with every thrust. When she’d raised up, her back to my chest, hands cupping her breasts and squeezing her nipples, my own went to her hips, holding her in place as my control fell away.

  Thinking about that now, the grease sizzling as the bacon cooks has me remembering where I am and what I’m doing. Though it only lasts a few minutes as Rooney joins me in the kitchen, wearing my shirt. That is sexy as fuck, her body draped in my shirt, knowing my baby is nestled under it. “Woman, you can’t walk in here looking like that when I’m cooking.”

  “Like what?” She asks with a grin, knowing exactly what she’s doing to me.

  “All sexy and rumpled,” when her smile widens, I add the last part, “and mine.” That stops her in her tracks and she isn’t sure how to respond. Now I’m the one smiling, loving that the thought of being mine, the fact she has been since that first night, makes her lose all function.

  “Wh-what are you making?” She asks, trying to recover, and I let her. I proved this morning, literally, that I own her ass. And made sure she knows she does mine as well. I’d do anything for my rainbow, having her by my side making any step I had to take worth it for the privilege.

  “Waffles and bacon. I also made coffee, using the decaf you had in the cabinet. Was the switch hard?” I ask, referring to the lack of caffeine.

  “Not as much as I thought it would be. I think it was easier because of our raspberry.” What now? She must notice my confusion because she explains our baby is around that size now.

  “Okay then, I suddenly have this strange vision of me giving you the raspberries and making a little one from it.” When she cracks up, all nervousness at meeting her moms fade. Do I want them to like me? Of course. Rooney is very close to them, and they’ll be mothers-in-law and grandmothers to our children. But, will it change how I feel about their daughter? Fuck no. She’s mine and they’ll just have to accept that because I’m not going anywhere.

  Rooney turns and starts getting out the plates, silverware, and everything else we’ll need and by the time it’s finished, all we have to do is sit and enjoy it.

  Hours later, we’ve showered, needing it after cleaning out the guest room, deciding what goes and where to put what stays. We conserved water, at least that was the plan, but we were in their so long we used more than if we’d taken separate ones. Oh well, our way was much more satisfying. I’ve also discovered, it being too dark that night in my suite to see then, that my woman has freckles all over and took great pleasure in counting them as she stood there, rapidly getting wetting, and not because she was standing under the showerhead. When she returned the favor, dropping to her knees and taking me in her mouth, I mentally saved the image, knowing it was one I wanted to keep forever.

  Now we’re looking at the calendar, wanting to choose our wedding date and get started preparing for it. We agreed we want to keep it small, immediate family and close friends only. My mother won’t like it, preferring instead, I’m sure, to make it a spectacle, but I don’t care.

  “I’d love to get married before I pop,” Rooney says. “Not to mention my side will be my moms and Mona.” It wasn’t until then I realized just how small her circle is, not that mine is any bigger.

  “Mine will be my parents, Peyton, Reese, and my best friend, Drew. With so few needing to attend, it shouldn’t take long to put everything together. We just need the date and where we want to hold it.”

  “How about July fourteenth?” She asks. “It’s a Saturday. I’ll only be three months, still barely showing at that point.” I quickly check the calendar on my phone, making sure there’s nothing planned for work that I can’t get out of, and she does the same. We give each other a thumbs up as we both realize we’re free that day and those surrounding it.

  “Will that give you enough time to find a dress?”

  “Definitely,” she says, no doubt in her voice. “I want a simple white dress, which shouldn’t be hard to find. I’ll talk to my moms tonight and see if they’re free this week to go shopping.” With her working from home as a virtual assistant to help cover her expenses both personally and professionally, her schedule is pretty flexible as long as she gets done what she needs to. “Where she would have it? Here or at the hotel?”

  “I’d prefer here, if possible,” I admit and see the relief cross her face at my answer. “We’ll need a caterer to handle the food so that’s less on us and we can just enjoy our day.” Rooney smiles, liking the idea, and we start a list of local companies to start researching. Then another of everything else we’ll need, which isn’t much as we’re keeping it small.

  By the time we begin dinner, we’ve gotten a good start on what we need to accomplish this up
coming week. I’m in charge of grilling – chicken and burgers – while Rooney takes care of the salad and side dishes.

  The doorbell rings and I join Rooney as she opens it. Danielle, or Dani as she prefers, immediately hugs me after they come inside, welcoming me to the family.

  Mary though, is a different story. She’s watching me, then she turns to Rooney and declares, “I don’t swing that way – get it, a guy, swinging,” which has Dani shaking her head and Rooney mumbling why me, “but even I know he’s a nice-looking young man.” Then she stares at me, giving me her full attention and I realize she’s the one I need to be concerned about winning over, the tougher, more direct, of the two. “Looks fade though and therefore, have no merit. I don’t think you’re good enough for my Rooney, do you? What else do you bring to this relationship?” And then she crosses her arms and waits.

  “Thank you, ma’am, for that not so subtle insult,” which all three smirk at, “and no, I am not, nor is anyone else, for our Rooney.” I intentionally refer to her as ‘ours,’ wanting them both to know I also love her. “Lastly, I bring anything and everything she could ever want, aside from my heart as she’s owned it since the second I saw her.” Now both Mary and Dani stare at me, but it’s Rooney’s I feel most, her smile warming me and acting as a shield against anything her moms may say to my declaration, but it turns out my honestly was all I needed.

  “You’ll do,” Mary declares as Dani nods emphatically beside her. “Now, let’s eat.” And then she walks away, leaving me standing there slightly confused by the abrupt change in subject.


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