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Their Royal Wedding Bargain

Page 12

by Michelle Conder

  A man, Alexa was starting to suspect, was decent and kind, even though she doubted he’d admit to it. And why was that? Why did he hide that side of his nature? And why, if he wanted her so much, had he stayed away from her all week?

  Was it out of deference to her wishes? Because he was afraid she’d fall in love with him? Or something else? Whatever his reasons, Alexa accepted that she’d been very short-sighted in believing everything she’d read about him. And really she should have known better, but then almost everyone believed what had been written about him and he didn’t help that by not defending himself.

  Still, there was no doubting some of the stories. He was a notorious playboy, and he’d definitely been a rebel when he was younger—the story of him stealing his father’s favourite sports car and cruising through the mountains with a girl, and another of him winning a dangerous cross-country horse race his father had forbidden him to enter, and the stories of his wild parties at the Summer Palace were the stuff of legend—but there was another side to him. A deeper side she longed to explore further.

  Her eyes drifted to his mouth and her body flushed with remembered pleasure at all the ways he’d satisfied her throughout the night. He’d certainly delivered on his promise of unadulterated pleasure and in one night he’d completely obliterated her first bumbling sexual experience with the treacherous Stefano.

  Recalling how easily she’d fallen under the Italian’s spell all those years ago, even knowing that she was older now, still made her throat constrict with unwanted emotion.

  The earlier vulnerability she’d felt on waking in Rafe’s arms returned full force, along with the sense that she’d never felt such a soul-deep connection with another human being before.

  And that was exactly the kind of thinking she needed to avoid at all costs.

  Driven out of bed by the knowledge that she was at risk of history repeating itself and creating meaning where there was none, Alexa quietly made her way to her room and jumped in the shower.

  Once there she groaned softly as the soapy cloth moved over the sensitive marks left behind by Rafe’s love making. He’d been both tender and demanding during the night, and a smile curved her lips as she thought about the way one particular mark had been formed. Warning herself again not to get hung up on what had happened between them, she pulled on her kimono-style robe and went in search of a much-needed coffee.

  Determined to figure out how to work the machine on her own this time, she’d just tried her fourth combination of buttons when she heard a deep chuckle behind her. ‘For a smart woman, that machine seems to have defeated you.’

  Alexa glanced over her shoulder to find six foot three of hot muscular man leaning against the doorframe watching her. He’d put on baggy sweatpants, the rest of him completely bare, his biceps bulging as he folded his arms across his chest, amusement shining from his sexy blue eyes.

  She gave him a droll look, unable to stop her gaze from falling to his naked chest. ‘For a man with a huge wardrobe, you seem to have forgotten your shirt.’

  A sensual grin curved his mouth as he sauntered towards her. ‘Why cover up what you like to look at so much?’

  ‘So arrogant,’ she accused, catching her breath when he wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck.

  ‘Why didn’t you wake me before you got up?’ he murmured, his hot breath making her melt.

  ‘I didn’t want to disturb you,’ she said. Nor had she wanted him to spot the panic that had galvanised her out of his arms.

  His lips grazed her ear and he gave it a light nip. ‘Next time you wake me, okay?’

  ‘But you were sleeping so peacefully.’

  ‘Wake me so I can kiss you good morning.’

  Cupping her jaw, he turned her face so that he could demonstrate and Alexa sighed as she leant into him, a sharp pang darting through her as she wondered if he always insisted on morning kisses from his women.

  Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he reached around her to change the coffee settings before pressing Start.

  ‘Does this mean you haven’t had coffee all week?’ he asked, grinning down at her.

  ‘No, it means your very helpful concierge has brought me one from the café next door every morning.’

  He turned her in his arms and linked his arms around her lower back. ‘Now you have me.’

  The tender words made Alexa’s heart beat faster. If she could stop time this second she would, with his strong arms enfolding her body and his hot gaze pinned to hers.

  The tone signalled that her coffee was ready, and severed the connection between them. Alexa rubbed her hands over her arms and gripped the mug he handed her in both hands, inhaling the heavenly aroma with a sigh.

  Rafe’s fingers sifted through her hair, making the mass tumble down around her shoulders.

  ‘This should never be restrained,’ he murmured, winding it around his hand.

  ‘It’s not practical to wear it down.’

  ‘Practical is boring.’

  He dropped a kiss on her mouth before stepping back to grab his own coffee. Alexa watched the play of muscles over his back from beneath the sweep of her lashes, heat curling through her.

  When he turned back and saw her a pulse of raw sexual energy arced between them. Watching his eyes darken, a thrill of excitement wound through her right before her stomach announced that it was empty, the loud rumble echoing off the polished angles of the cabinets.

  Mortified, she clamped her hand over the offending area and gave him a startled look.

  Rafe laughed. ‘Aren’t princesses allowed to make bodily noises?’

  ‘Not in company.’

  ‘Company?’ His eyes narrowed. ‘I’m not company.’ He dropped his empty espresso cup in the sink and leant back against it, reaching for her and tugging her between his splayed legs. ‘I’m your husband.’ He massaged the nape of her neck and she moaned as she leant into his touch. ‘And your lover. I get special privileges.’

  She knew she liked the sound of his words more than was good for her but for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. Being with a man like this was new and intoxicating, and somehow being with this man quadrupled the sensation.

  ‘Like hearing my stomach growl?’ she said dubiously.

  ‘Like taking you out for breakfast. In fact, let’s make it the whole day. We can start with this great place I know that does a mean English breakfast, and play tourist for the day. Go to those places you didn’t get to during the week.’

  ‘Really?’ Her eyes sparkled like a child standing in front of Harrods’ window display at Christmas. Then she remembered that she’d promised to email HR with the report she’d been working on the last few days. ‘I would love that but I can’t. I have work to finish up.’

  ‘No, you don’t. Not only do you need to rest, but it’s Saturday.’

  ‘Oh, so it is.’ She grinned at him. ‘I’ve lost track of time, and I never lose track of time.’

  ‘You work too hard. And while I respect your dedication, you also need to know when to take time out for yourself.’

  ‘And you’re going to tell me that now is that time?’ Not waiting for his reply and having thrown caution to the wind once already, she decided that she might as well go all-out. ‘Okay, fine. The report I have to finish up isn’t all that urgent and this...’ she opened her eyes wide ‘...being here with you, is a rare treat. Will we go there on your bike?’

  He laughed at the hopeful note in her voice. ‘You liked the bike, huh?’

  She gave him a wicked grin. ‘I loved the bike. Especially when you did that corner thing where it dipped low.’

  ‘The lean-in.’ Setting his hands to her waist, he pulled her closer. ‘I love that you love my bike.’ He kissed her long and deep, making her body quicken.

  Desire consumed her in a flame of need and she moan
ed, threading her fingers into his hair and flattening her body against his. Rafe made an indistinct sound that was somewhere between pain and pleasure, his hands on the sash of her robe. ‘If this goes any further we won’t make it out of the apartment.’

  ‘Oh, then we have to stop.’

  Stepping back, Alexa retied the sash on her kimono and smoothed her hair.

  Rafe shook his head. ‘Tossed aside for a hunk of metal. Nice to know.’

  Alexa gave him a teasing smile. ‘It is a really big hunk of metal, though...’

  He reached for her to give her a punishing kiss but she danced out of the way, laughing as he threatened retribution for her impudence.

  * * *

  Breakfast was as large and decadent as he’d promised and afterwards Alexa didn’t think she’d be able to eat for a week.

  Rafe teased her for her measly attempt and hoovered up her remaining eggs and spinach as if he hadn’t just devoured a plate twice the size of hers.

  The café he’d taken her to was warm and low-key, like she suspected he liked to live his life. Exactly the opposite to how she lived hers, which was all polished silver service and structured decorum.

  Tossing money onto the table, Rafe took her hand and led her from the café as if they were just a normal London couple enjoying a springtime weekend on the town.

  Throwing his leg over the big black bike, Rafe kicked the stand up and helped Alexa settle herself on the back, her body automatically moulding to his. He’d given her his leather jacket again and she curled her fingers into the over-long sleeves for extra warmth and tucked them against his stomach. The cool spring temperature wasn’t so bad with the visor covering her, but she didn’t really care about the cold anyway. She was just enjoying being with Rafe.

  ‘Where to now?’

  ‘I don’t know. You decide,’ she said, wrapping her arms around his waist as the bike moved off from the kerb.

  Rafe was an exceptional driver, his movements smooth and confident as he navigated his way through the congested city streets. But then he was exceptional at most things. His business enterprises, his coffee-making—okay, that was mostly the machine, but still—his dancing, and most of all his love-making...

  Hugging him tight, she stopped daydreaming and tuned into the world-famous landmarks that dotted the city. Rafe was clearly enjoying his new role as tour guide, but her attention was more on the man she was wrapped around than anything else.

  Until the bike zipped past a relatively normal-looking building bursting with pedestrians and shoppers. Tapping him on the shoulder, Alexa indicated that she wanted him to stop and when she saw that it was a bustling market she clapped her hands with glee.

  Ever since she was a young girl she’d been enthralled by the sights and scents of a busy market, loving the combination of old and new, and the anticipation that came with finding a hidden treasure. She still had the pair of lurid green sunglasses her father had once given in and purchased for her on a trip she had tagged along on and, much to Sol’s disgust, she’d worn them constantly for months afterwards.

  Rafe groaned good-naturedly when he realised how keen she was to explore, swapping their helmets for two caps and tucking her hair out of the way.

  ‘Don’t make eye contact with anyone and don’t leave my side. I don’t feel like getting into a fight.’

  Alexa rolled her eyes. They might have left their security detail behind for the day but she’d never felt safer—or happier. Shelving that unsettling thought, she rolled her eyes. ‘As if.’

  ‘Sweetheart, with those exotic green eyes of yours I’m almost tempted to keep you indoors.’

  Alexa grinned at him; she couldn’t help it. ‘Compliments like that will get you kissed.’

  ‘In that case, you’re not only beautiful inside and out, but when you slid down my stomach earlier and put your mouth on—’

  ‘Rafe!’ Knowing exactly what he was about to say, Alexa laughed and reached up to kiss him. His mouth immediately turned hungry and desire coursed through her with unnerving force.

  Moaning into his mouth, she extricated herself from his arms and stepped back. Being with him like this, so relaxed and natural, had a freeing effect on her. It was as if all her fears and inhibitions had been washed away and she didn’t have to worry about what the future might bring. It was just the two of them here and now.

  ‘Come on.’ She broke the kiss and hooked her arm through his. She’d stashed some pounds in her pocket on her way out of the apartment and she wanted to spend the lot.

  Wandering past various vendors, Alexa soaked up the Reggae music and the delightful fragrance of the multicultural food on offer, stopping first to buy some exquisite chocolates and then to stand behind a crowd of onlookers to watch a curly-haired Australian juggler ply his trade.

  Later, pleasantly exhausted and dressed in one of Rafe’s shirts and a thick pair of socks, Alexa wandered into the kitchen to find Rafe putting the finishing touches to their evening meal.

  ‘He cooks, he rides a motorbike and runs a multinational corporation.’ She took a glass of Sauterne he held out for her. ‘Is there anything you can’t do?’

  ‘Concentrate for any length of time when you’re in the room.’

  ‘I can live with that.’ Alexa laughed because she was meant to, but a pang of longing she didn’t expect to feel pierced her heart.

  Careful, she warned herself. You only have seven days left.

  ‘So what are we having?’

  ‘Steak with pepper sauce, potatoes and salad.’

  ‘Wow, now I’m even more impressed.’

  * * *

  Rafe smiled across the bench at Alexa, unsure if he’d ever enjoyed a woman’s company as much as he was enjoying hers. She was bright, funny, beautiful... His eyes took in her clean face and laughing eyes. He liked being with her like this, relaxed, natural, just the two of them without any outside interruptions. And as much as he enjoyed making love with her, having her in his space filled him with a sense of wellbeing he would be hard pressed to explain. Maybe it was knowing that he could take her to bed any time he wanted. Because he did want to. All the time.

  ‘I know that look,’ she said huskily, her eyes growing heavy.

  ‘You should.’ Rafe told himself to pull it together before she accused him of having a one-track mind.

  ‘So how is it you can cook?’ she asked, reaching for a carrot stick.

  Glad to be focusing on something else other than the way he was feeling, Rafe sliced vegetables and answered her question. ‘When I moved to Cambridge I shared a house with a few other guys who could barely reheat beans. Since I had developed a penchant for fine dining, thanks to the palace chef, it was either learn to cook or starve.’

  ‘I’m sure your brother would have provided a chef if you’d asked.’

  ‘He would have, but I was determined to make my own way. Which I did. Partying, drinking, studying...playing darts. You do realise that your lover is a Cambridge darts champion?’

  ‘Darts?’ Alexa grinned. ‘Be still my beating heart.’

  Rafe arched a brow. ‘Some respect, please. It’s more difficult than it looks.’

  Alexa grinned and sipped her wine. ‘It sounds like fun. By contrast, I had private tutors and then I studied at Berenia University, surrounded by security.’

  He looked up from chopping herbs for the vinaigrette. ‘No partying for the future Queen?’

  ‘No.’ She gave a wistful sigh. ‘I was accepted into an American university, actually. Sol helped me apply and then, when I got in, he managed to convince my father to let me study abroad, but then I made the mistake with...’

  Rafe stopped chopping, noting the way the smile had died on her face. ‘The Italian with the arms?’ he prompted softly.

  ‘Yes. Him. My father decided that I was too young. Too vulnerable to be that far away from ho
me. He was probably right.’

  ‘He wasn’t right, Princess, and you need to stop feeling guilty about it. What happened wasn’t your fault. You’re entitled to make mistakes, and you have to live your life.’

  ‘Yes, but I should have known better. I should have been prepared.’

  Hearing the subtle anguish in her voice, Rafe reached over and took her chin gently in his hand. ‘How could you? You were seventeen years old. I bet your father kept you under a tight leash when you were young—there, I see I’m right—so what previous experiences could you have had to prepare you for being conned by a man like that?’

  She looked at him for so long he wondered if he had offended her when her lips twisted into a faint smile. ‘Do you know, when I was in my teens I used to be a champion horsewoman and I always trusted my judgement. Then Stefano happened and bam—it’s like I’ve second-guessed myself ever since. I’ve blamed myself for what happened for so long. Trying to be good and to do the right thing...’ Her smile hit him like a sunbeam. ‘Why did I never look at it the way you just did?’

  Rafe leaned over and gave her a quick, deep kiss before handing her another carrot stick. ‘Too hard on yourself, perhaps.’

  ‘Maybe. It’s something I’ve never been able to talk about with anyone else before.’ She palmed her glass of wine and watched him cook. ‘You’re a good listener. And a good person, you know that?’

  Rafe placed the steaks on the grill. ‘Careful, I’ll get a big head.’

  ‘You don’t like me saying that.’ She tilted her head as she studied him. ‘Why not?’

  ‘I suppose I’m not used it. It wasn’t something I heard growing up.’

  ‘Your parents never told you that you were a good person?’

  ‘My father and I never saw eye to eye. He told me he’d disown me if I didn’t follow his rules.’

  ‘But that’s awful.’


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