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Draekon Desire: A Sci-Fi Dragon Shifter Menage Romance Boxed Set: Exiled to the Prison Planet: The Complete Collection

Page 39

by Lili Zander

  Agony explodes through me, and I whimper. I want to give up. I want to freeze and huddle into myself and pretend this isn’t happening. Images flash before my eyes. My grandmother smiling at me as she made me a ham and cheese sandwich. My grandfather and I fishing in silence. Mike yelling at me, his face red with rage, his hand raised. Seeing the prison planet’s crimson sky for the first time. Thrax and Zorux’s eyes, gleaming with desire when they saw me bathe on the banks of the stream.

  Thrax and Zorux.

  I can’t give up. I love them. I don’t want my story to end here, on this forest floor, my jaw aching, something digging uncomfortably into my back. I’m done letting the bad guys win. I’m thrilled I kneed this alien in the groin; I’m glad I fought back. I’m going to keep fighting back, as long as it takes, until my Draekons find me.

  He hisses something at me and hits me again, so hard that I see stars. The searing pain saps at my willpower. Blackness swirls over me and descends, and it would be so nice to pull it over me like a treasured blanket and embrace the dark.

  Through a haze, I hear someone shout my name. A familiar voice. Am I imagining it? Forcing my eyes open, I twist my head around, ignoring the sharp stab that accompanies any movement of my neck. Thrax and Zorux are in the distance, running toward me.

  Am I dreaming? My vision blurs as the alien hits me again, and I taste coppery blood in my mouth.

  Hold on, Ryanna. Just a little while longer.

  This guy is almost feral. His eyes glitter with unhinged malice as he strikes me over and over. My blood doesn’t deter him. My whimpers don’t move him. He’s barely paying attention to me, naked boobs or not. He’s in his own little hellhole, and as the blows rain down on me, one thought flashes in my head, bright and clear. I’m going to die before my Draekons can get close enough to throw their knives.


  My thoughts move as sluggishly as the muddy swamps outside Goose Hand, Georgia.

  Raiht’vi handed me a blade.

  We’d used it to cut the ropes that bound us, and before we split up, she’d pressed it into my hand.

  Where is it?

  Thrax and Zorux are closer now. As if in slow motion, I see both of them reach for the knives strapped to their thighs. Their chests heave with exertion, and their faces wear identical expressions of agony.

  “Ryanna!” Thrax’s scream washes over me, like a cool wave on a hot summer day. I’ve never heard him sound like this—helpless, desperate, as if his soul is being ripped out from his body.

  And then everything falls into place. I rip one hand free from the alien’s grasp and reach behind my back. Closing my fingers over the blade, I pull it out and stab it upward into my attacker’s throat.

  Bright blue blood oozes from his wound, soaking the hand that still holds the knife in a death-grip, dripping on my naked skin. It’s a mortal wound. The alien’s eyes lock on me in stunned disbelief, and then, his gaze starts to film, and he slumps on me.

  He’s dead.

  I’ve killed him.

  It’s over.



  Her face is bloody from her beating. Her right eye is swollen shut, and she has cuts and scrapes everywhere.

  She’s never looked more beautiful to me.

  Zorux pulls the body off her. I take her into my arms, uncaring that she’s covered with blood. She’s my mate. The dragon inside me growls in fury that she’s been harmed, as do I, but my predominant emotion is relief. She’s safe.

  Her translator is missing. I reach into my pack for a spare and slide it into her ear. She barely responds. For a long time, Zorux and I just hold her. She huddles into our embrace, her body trembling, and we stroke her hair until her breathing evens. Finally, she pulls back and looks at us. “You came for me,” she whispers. “I knew you would.”

  “We found your marks.” Guilt claws at my throat at her injuries. “We weren’t much use,” I say bitterly. My fingertips trace the cut on her cheek softly. “He hurt you, diya. We’ve failed you.”

  Through her one open eye, she glares at me. “You did no such thing,” she says indignantly. “This wasn’t your fault. The only person who was responsible for what happened was the person that did it.” She burrows her head in my shoulder. “Is he dead?”

  “Yes,” I reply quietly. “He is.”

  She shudders. “I’ve never killed anyone before,” she says, her voice muffled. “I should be sorry, I know. But I’m not. Does that make me a terrible person?”

  Zorux kisses her palm. “He deserved to die. If you hadn’t killed him, we would have.” His voice hardens. “Speaking of people responsible for this, where’s the scientist?”

  Raiht’vi. A surge of anger runs through me. Had the scientist not drugged us, none of this would have happened. This is her fault.

  My mate reads my mind. “It’s not her fault,” she says softly. “She’s caught in the middle of something.” She tells us what Raiht’vi told her. “She thinks that they’re going to come for her. She’s terrified, Thrax.”

  I’m not willing to let Raiht’vi off the hook so easily. “She might be a good actor.” The idea of Zoraken landing on this planet for one solitary scientist seems unlikely. It’s much more probable that the woman has illusions of grandeur.

  “I was there,” Ryanna insists. “She was genuinely afraid for her life. Besides,” she adds, “she gave me this knife. If it weren’t for it, I might have died.” Her fingers are still clenched around the metal blade. When she notices that it’s smeared with blood, she drops it, her face going pale. “We have to find her.”

  She’s hurt. Her cuts and scrapes will need cleaning and salve, but I can’t refuse her anything. If she wants us to look for the scientist, then that’s what we’ll do.

  Zorux swings her into his arms, and we follow Ryanna’s trail until we reach the point where the two of them got separated. Our mate points north. “She went that way.”

  I exchange a glance with my pair-bond. “That’s the direction of the containers.”

  Ryanna’s eyes go wide. “You think she’s still looking for them? How would she know where they are?”

  “The scientist has been hiding the truth from us from the start,” Zorux growls. His gaze softens when he looks at our mate. “We can’t risk following her, diya. You had good reasons for killing that Draekon, but those in his exile batch won’t see it the same way. We need to head back to our camp and get reinforcements before we approach them.”

  Ryanna nods reluctantly. “I don’t like it, but you’re right.”

  How do we head back? I don’t know. We can’t go back the way we came; the river current is too strong, and we can’t paddle upstream. The only way to get back to the caves in the Sa’Lung Range is to walk. And that’s not going to be easy.

  Solving this puzzle can wait. For the moment, tending to Ryanna’s injuries are my only priority.


  They wash the blood off me. Zorux spreads Vulrux’s smelly salve on my cuts. Though I wrinkle my nose at the odor, I know from experience that it works, so I bite my tongue and allow my Draekons to tend to my wounds.

  I can’t stop clinging to them. When I’m clean and dry, they start to pull clothes from their packs for me, but I shake my head. “I need you,” I whisper. “Both of you.” I need their welcome touches to counter that unwelcome one. I need their gentle caresses as a counterpoint for the punches I received from the rogue Draekon.

  I’m done being afraid. I need them to claim me. Both of them. At the same time.

  From the expression in their eyes, I can tell they know what I’m asking for. I half-expect them to protest and tell me that now’s not the right time, but neither of them says a word.

  Zorux lays a blanket on the ground, and Thrax helps me sit. I try not flinch in pain, but both men are tuned into my every grimace, my every wince. Their brows wrinkle with concern, and they settle next to me. “You’re hurt, sweet one,” Thrax says. “You need to rest.”

  I scoot closer and reach for them. “Please,” I beg, my voice breaking. “I’m ready. I want this.” I’m safe now. I’m with my Draekons, and they will protect me. “I need to forget everything…”

  Thrax cradles me, brushing the lightest of kisses to my temple. His lips caress my face, finding the few places that don’t bear bruises.

  I suck in a breath, and he draws back. “Does that hurt?”


  “Sweet Ryanna. So brave,” Zorux murmurs, lifting the hair off the back of my neck and nuzzling me there. His kisses send shivers up my spine.

  Their touch is so very gentle, butterfly brushes skating over every inch of my unmarked skin. They hold me like I’m made of china. Normally, I’d protest, but in my battered state, their care makes my throat clog with emotion. They treat me like a treasure, their touch tells me how precious I am.

  We end up naked. I straddle Thrax, gasping as he rubs my clit, working my hips up and down his hard length. Zorux’s hand slides down my back. His fingers, slick from precum, slip between the cleft of my buttocks. It feels so naughty. So good. Holding onto Thrax, I tilt my bottom up. Tendrils of pleasure coil through me as Zorux’s fingers circle my tight bud, and I bite my lip as he rims me.

  Thrax leans back against the packs. His eyes are warm and loving. “I’m ready, Ryanna, when you are.”

  He guides me onto his waiting cock. Though I’m more than ready, I gasp as it fills me. I could never grow tired of this feeling, this sensation.

  “Are you alright?” He watches me worriedly.

  “Yes. It feels so good.” His hard shaft presses against me, stretching me, sending pleasure rippling through me. Zorux’s fingers stretch my back hole, turning me on. He takes his time preparing me for his cock, playing with me, teasing me until my tight muscles relax.

  “We’re going to take it very slow,” he promises. “You are precious to us, Ryanna. We’re going to please you.” His lips graze the back of my neck gently, and the tender gesture makes my heart ache with its sweetness.

  Everything they’ve done to me has brought me pleasure. I’m not nervous. I know they’ll never hurt me.

  Thrax trails a finger over my nipples. “Ready?”

  Both men wait for my word.

  Beaten and bruised, but I’ve never felt more powerful. I lived through Mike’s abuse, and I survived. I faced off with a Draekon bigger and stronger than me, and I came through alive. I’m not weak. I’ve been through hell and come out the other side. I deserve to be with these beautiful men and feel the full force of their love. Nothing’s going to stop me. Especially not my own fear.

  “I’m ready.” I press against Thrax and push my bottom up in invitation. Zorux sets his cock against my asshole and slowly eases in. There’s a slight burn as he stretches me, and then his entire length is in me. I’m filled front and back, and every cell inside me holds its breath.

  “We’ll go slowly,” Zorux murmurs again. He tips me forward and starts to move, pushing his way further with each gentle thrust. The two cocks inside me rub against my inner walls, making me whimper with delicious sensation.

  “Ryanna?” Thrax’s voice pulls me from my fog of pleasure. “Does it hurt, sweet one? Do you want us to stop?”

  Zorux stills as he waits for my answer.

  “Don’t stop,” I gasp, gripping Thrax’s shoulders and sinking deeper onto him. He groans, thrusting up into my wet pussy. Zorux responds with an answering thrust. The two build a rhythm, rocking me between them. Bliss rolls through me. My body clenches down on the two men, greedy for more.

  Zorux cums first with a ragged cry. My orgasm peaks sharply, crashing into another as Thrax snaps his hips, plunging deep within me. Fierce joy fills his face. I kiss him, hard enough to bruise, ignoring the ache in my face. The pain of the day washes away before the sweetness flooding my body.

  “Ryanna,” Thrax breathes my name as he finds his release. For an instant, he holds me, his arms tight around my body, and then a shudder runs through his body. His eyes widen, and he stands, stumbling backward.

  Zorux does the same, jumping to his feet, and backing away from me.

  “What is it?”

  Thrax opens his mouth to answer, but his head snaps back. His body transforms, spiny scales erupting from his skin as his torso stretches, elongates, and widens all at the same time.

  I jump to my feet as my lovers both turn into dragons.

  When the dust settles, a few trees have fallen, and more than a few bushes have been trampled underfoot. Thrax is big as a fire-engine and a deep, jungle green. Zorux is darker, almost black, with a purple shimmer. He stretches out his neck—long as a barn, tail to tip—and bellows. Goosebumps run up and down my body.

  The giant wedge head angles down, the serpentine neck arcs, and the purple dragon brings his head level with my body. My awestruck reflection stares back from the depths of his dark eyes.

  Behind me, the green dragon lowers his head, blinking caramel colored eyes with pupils slitted like a cat’s.

  I reach out a shaking hand and hesitate. Both dragons dip their heads closer, the dark one edging me closer to his green partner. I stroke the smooth ridge over Sexy Dragon’s eye.

  They’ve transformed to dragons. There’s a tight lump of joy in my chest, and it hurts, in the best kind of way, to breathe.

  Sweet Dragon nuzzles me gently—no small feat with a head as big as a tractor. When he angles his head, I turn and scratch his eye ridge until a soft murmur rumbles from deep within his dragon body. It takes me a minute to realize he’s purring.

  A few more minutes, and the transformation reverses. I wrap a blanket around myself, suddenly chilled as the dragons shrink, their ridges smoothing to beautiful, bronzed muscle. Thrax and Zorux stride back to me.

  “You did it.” They transformed into dragons. I’m their mate. I can’t seem to stop touching them. A powerful gladness is building inside me. I’m so filled with joy that nothing else seems to matter. All my worries have receded for the moment, and only happiness is left.

  Happiness, and more than a little confusion.

  “No, you did it, Ryanna,” Zorux says. “You joined with us, and made us whole.”

  “But how?” I sink back down on my blanket, and they join me, holding me tight. I don’t know why I’m talking when I could be kissing them. “When Arax and Nyx first saw Viola, they changed into dragons. But I’ve known the two of you for months. Nothing happened. What was different?”

  Thrax shrugs, unconcerned. Zorux considers my question silently. “I held myself apart,” he says at last. “Because of what my father did, and because of my fear for my family, I built walls.” He takes a deep breath. “On our way here, I told Thrax everything. Maybe I needed to do that in order for the pair-bond to fully happen. Maybe that’s the reason we didn’t transform.”

  I contemplate his answer silently. It’s not just Zorux. I hadn’t trusted either of them at the start. I’d closed myself off too. Did my walls need to come down as well?

  Raiht’vi was right about one thing. The mating bond isn’t a simple, easily-understood thing.

  I take a deep breath, content beyond belief that things worked out. “I’m so glad. I was terrified of losing you.”

  “You could never lose us, sweet one.” Thrax’s eyes are serious as he laces his fingers in mine. “You are our mate. Draekon bond or not, my heart has always known.”

  Zorux brushes his lips over mine. “Ours,” he agrees. “Forever.”

  I was married once; it didn’t end well. I swore I’d never give someone that kind of power over me. Then I crashed on the prison planet.

  I blink back sudden tears from my eyes. “I love you too,” I whisper.

  They saved me. I’d been broken and terrified, and though I’d been afraid of everything, I was never once afraid of them. “Forever,” I repeat, a smile growing on my face. I settle back against Zorux’s broad chest. “I like the sound of that.”

  Zorux’s arm tightens around me. I rea
ch for Thrax, but he sits up in sudden alarm. I look up as well, and my heart stops.

  North of us, six dragons form a circle in the sky.

  In the middle of that circle are two dragons I recognize. One is crimson red, and the other is black as night.

  Arax and Nyx have flown into an ambush.



  The six dragons attack. They open their jaws and exhale fire. Arax and Nyx dive out of the way, but there are too many of them, and there is no escape.

  One of Nyx’s wings catch fire, and he tumbles to the ground. Arax dives after him, picking up speed in his attempt to save his pair-bond.

  Thrax has shifted already. His wings are spread out, and he looks ready to take flight. “No,” I yell. “Stop.”

  It is my duty to help the Firstborn. My hesitation is shameful. Honorless.

  But smart.

  “We cannot take on six of them,” I shout to the dragon in front of me. “Not by ourselves. We need the others.”

  The dragon Thrax paws the ground impatiently, unwilling to listen to reason. The creature inside me is similarly minded. Why do you hesitate? it growls. I am not afraid. I will fight to the death.

  “We cannot leave Ryanna undefended.”

  Those words get through. The air shimmers as Thrax shifts back. “You’re right,” he says. “Of course you are.” His expression hardens. “They attacked without provocation,” he says. “We will burn them into the ground.”

  I take a deep breath and force my own anger to abate. We need to get our mate to safety. That is our first priority.

  “Why did they attack?” Ryanna asks, her eyes shining with tears. Her right eye is starting to discolor. We need to get her to Vulrux. “Was Viola with them?”

  “No.” Arax and Nyx would never put their mate in such danger, and neither should we. “They were riderless.”

  “What now?”


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