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The Hearts of the Killers

Page 16

by Niecy P

  Barkley held his gun up to shot, but Juice stopped him. He removed his jacket and smiled as Smoke walked towards him. “I got her. I have been watching her for months now. I know all her moves,” his dumbass said. What he saw us do didn’t cover our warmup session. Truth didn’t trust that shit. He pulled Smoke ass back by her hair and whispered something in her ear. Whatever he told her, had Smoke looking at Camila with a fresh pair of dead eyes. “Go get that bitch,” Truth said and pushed Smoke towards Camila. “I got this nigga,” he finished. Juice was upset that he wasn’t going to be able to go toe to toe with Smoke. Juice pulled out his gun to shoot Truth instead. Truth dodged that nigga’s gun, wrapped his hand around Juice’s neck, and choked slammed that bitch as if he was a part of the World Wrestling Federation. That started the big fight on the side of the interstate. People were pulling over with their phones out recording us, which was going to be some work for Tylee and DJ to take down.

  I moved to the pussy ass nigga who had his eyes on me since day one. I knew he felt some way that he didn’t get to see his Pops after I murked his ass. I hoped that they didn’t have any children because I was ready to make the same promise to them.

  “You muthafucker,” he said and swung at me with a big ass blade in his hand. I ducked and threw a few punches to his gut. The blade dropped from his hand and into mine. I grabbed the arm that he swung and held it out. I stabbed his armpit and sliced his neck, cutting through his large Adam’s Apple. Before his body dropped, I felt a hand wrapping around my throat from the back, and a gun pressed to my temple.

  “You are going to die today, bitch. You owe me a life. You took my father’s. And now you took my brother’s,” Nick sneered in my ear. I grabbed his arm and spun him around. I needed him to see what he caused. Camile tried to hit Smoke with a roundhouse kick. Smoke grabbed her ponytail, after backing away from the kick. She yanked on it and the pull had Camile on her back. Camile rolled over onto her knees. Smoke didn’t wait. She kicked Camile’s face so hard that her head went back and was dangling on her neck. Marley was breaking the bones in Javier’s body. He had Javier in a similar lock that Nick had me in. The difference was Javier wasn’t getting out that hold. Marley smiled at Nick and snapped Javier's neck.

  Nick yelled in my ear and tried to pull the trigger. I grabbed the gun and pressed the button to release the clip. I elbowed Nick in his rib and ducked from the only shot he had left to kill me. He missed. I crossed his arms over his body, and head-butted him in the face, twice. He stumbled back into the knife that Smoke held out. Nick gasp with his arms out to the side as if he got shocked. The way his body was moving, let me know that she was ripping his shit opened.

  “Say hello to your father for me,” she told him. Nick fell to his knees with pain all over his face. Once he was stretched out on the ground, I saw that the blade ended up in his upper back. The eutrophic feeling crept up on me strong. Smoke eyes were closed, and she started twitching like a crackhead. I spotted Marley with a fist full of his dreads in his hand feeling the shit for the first time. His eyes opened up and he was looking around at us.

  “Yuh feel dat,” he asked me. I nodded my head and moved towards him.

  “Every time,” I answered. Smoke walked over to us and smiled. She had blood splatter all over her face. She looked like she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

  We heard grunts and a car door slamming. I turned and saw that Truth had Juice’s head in the car doorway. He was slamming the door shut, using Juice’s head for a door stopper. Smoke stared at the act as if Juice was performing a striptease for her. JoJo was beating Barkley with his pistol. I saw that he had a whole lot of built up animosity going on. Once he was satisfied with his work, he stood and took in a deep breath then released it into the night air. As much as I wished that it was over, we still had one more person to get rid of. I looked at JoJo, and he nodded his head. JoJo got on the phone and called on the cleanup crew. Marley was still in a daze from the killings. Smoke and Truth looked like they were going to have a promising night, as he dragged Juice’s body to her. I jumped in my shit and headed to the cabin where my lady was. I was ready to start new and put all that bullshit behind us.



  A lot of shit had been going on with the family. I hated that our past enemies’ children had the balls to come for my children. They got exactly what they deserved. Barkley punk ass was looking for a come up. He got tired of working his 9 to 5 and decided to come after the wealthiest family in Jamaica. He thought he had us once his son was working for us, but that shit fell through quickly. Beauty was lucky that my son loved her enough to keep her and her mother alive. I was ready to take them two bitches out with the quickness.

  The most devastating thing that happened was Madison getting shot. My heart was heavy with mixed emotions. I was angry, upset, hurt, and scared. I had never felt that shit before in my life. The showdown between my husband and son didn’t help matters at all. It was hard trying to keep the peace when there was none inside of me. I knew that Madison didn’t want them at each other’s neck while she was recovering. I wasn’t surprised at her waking up the way she did at all. Of course, she was ready for blood and murder after waking up to everyone saying that it was her fault. What I was surprised at, was the warning she gave her brother. She gave him a chance to walk out of the room before she got up to remove his tongue from his mouth. It would have been something that her father or I wouldn’t have stopped. Mason would have been on his own.

  Jason and I tried to be there for her as much as possible. Like me, she was going to have to release all that anger before getting better. I didn’t want her to take it out on any of us and hoped that the kills they made by the interstate were going to set her right. When we got the call from Marley that he was on his way home from the scene, he explained to me how he felt during the kills. I couldn’t help but smile at the childish behavior he expressed over the phone. He told me that Truth and Smoke were on their way to her house in the subdivision. I knew after that she and Truth were going to need some time to themselves.

  Jason and I walked from Madison’s home, holding hands and enjoying the night air. We turned when we heard a car speeding up the street. It was Madison and Truth. Her garage door opened, and they flew in as the door closed up. I looked at my husband, and we both laughed, remembering a time when we barely made it home to rip each other’s clothes off. We turned and continued walking to our home.

  “You know I love you more and more, every day,” Jason whispered. I squeezed his hand and leaned against his arm. There was something about our love that made me want to create a world with only us in it. I loved my family but moments like those were some of the best. Witnessing my husband raw and in his natural state, gave me life.

  “I know, luv. Same here,” I replied.

  “Will you be willing to show me?” he asked. I stopped and stared up at Jason. The smile that grace his face was innocent, but his brown eyes had lust and promises. Promises that I didn’t want to explore.

  “The last time you talked like that, I got pregnant with Marley. I’m too old for any infants, Jason. No, let me repeat that. We are too old for any infants. Our children found their spouses, and I’m sure that one of them are bound to get pregnant. I am not trying to be pregnant with my child,” I shook my head. Jason started laughing and pulled my body forward to start walking again.

  “If it happens, it happens. You can’t deny me, woman. You don’t think that Marley needs a little sister or brother,” he teased.

  “Yeah right. Marley ass is about to be up and outta of here soon. Just imagine us having our house to ourselves. Wouldn’t you rather that instead,” I responded. Jason led me up the stairs to our home. He turned the knob then opened the door to our home. We didn’t lock our doors around here, because of how tight our security system was, including the guards at the gate. Jason grabbed my hands and backed into the house while he pulled me in with him.

  “As I said, whatever happens, happ
ens. I ain’t against us having another killer kid,” he gave me that Davis smile that both of my sons inherited. Those deep dimples were on full display. And that was going to be the reason why I was going to be pregnant again. I would surrender my soul for that man. He made me complete. I kicked the door closed and was ready to get to our bedroom. Jason turned around and paused. A soft sound pierced through the night and caused my husband’s body to jerk back. Jason fell into my arms and had me stumbling back. I looked up and saw a woman with a scowl on her face with a smoking gun in her hand. She was older and taller, but I knew exactly who she was. I glanced back down to my wheezing husband. The small hole in his chest was leaking blood. I pressed down on it and tried my best not to worry.

  “They say that dying in a love one’s arm is so cliché. I watched my brother die of a gunshot wound and felt nothing. Nothing like what you feel now. Tell me, cousin. How does it feel?” The bitch asked me. I glared up at her and felt myself going under. I leaned down and kissed my husband on his lips. I placed his hands over the wound and got to my feet. Lisa shook her head.

  “No. No. I don’t want to kill you yet, cousin,” she said, but I was already moving. I grabbed the vase that was sitting on the stand by my front door and threw it at her. Lisa shot the vase, which gave me more tools to kill her with. She shot to my right, and I went to the left, catching pieces of the vase as I moved. I tossed them at her and dodged the other bullets that she was firing off. Her face wasn’t smooth of any marks anymore. She had cuts on her right and left side of her face. When she ran out of bullets, I ran straight at her, not knowing the second weapon she produced. In the blink of an eye, I was shot with two darts in my stomach and fell backward. My body went numb and cold. I tried to get a visual of my husband, but whatever she shot me with prevented that. Lisa stood over me with a grin on her face.

  “Well, that was refreshing. Now that you are settled, I want to take you for a ride,” a deeper voice came through and said. She leaned forward and grabbed my body and tossed me over her shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes. Lisa carried me out the front door leaving my husband on the floor barely breathing.


  After Truth handled his business, I was ready to bathe into him. He knew how bad I wanted Juice’s blood on my hand but being the man that I knew him to be, he couldn’t see me rumbling with Juice. Camile thought she had a chance, but when I hit that bitch with the first hook, it shook her soul. She didn’t recover, and it was too late for her to turn back the hands of time. Those kills didn’t do anything for me. I needed more. And the look in Truth eyes told me that I was going to get it that night. He walked to me with Juice’s body, dragging the ground. I didn’t take my eyes off of him.

  “Home,” I growled out. Truth dropped Juice’s arm and snatched me up off the ground. Truth carried me on the way to the car. Marley got in the car with JoJo. He didn’t want to go home. Marley was still hyped up on the adrenaline from the kills. I assumed that he was going to go get friendly with one of the girls he been talking to. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wait for us to get home. I pulled out Truth’s dick from his black joggers and stuffed that bitch in my mouth, as soon as we got in the car.

  Truth hissed and fisted my hair. “You betta know what you are doing, handling my shit like that,” he told me. I relaxed my throat and showed him what I could do. I had Truth speeding through the residential neighborhood. I went up and down, tightening my cheeks and making enough noise to drive him crazy. When he got to the stop light, he put the car in park and leaned his seat back. He didn’t care who was behind him. Truth wanted to enjoy my first oral game. And from the way his ass was grabbing for the ceiling of my car, I knew I was doing a great job. I didn’t know that doing that was going to get me horny as fuck. The wetness in my thong was evidence of that.

  “Oh, shit, girl,” Truth yelled before pulling my head from his magic stick. “Nah, you are not about to do that shit to me like that,” he said and shifted the gear in drive. He sped off with his dick bobbing for my attention. I reached out to stroke it and keep it warm until it got inside me. Truth blew my horn at the security guard that was guarding the gate. The guard recognizing my car opened it, and Truth went through without stopping. I didn’t pull my car in the garage much because I wanted my parents to know that I was home. Truth pressed the garage opener on my car and pulled in when the garage was fully opened. Truth got out the car and tried to get to the other side to open my door. How I was feeling, I couldn’t wait. He was trapped, and his pants were halfway down anyway. I got out the car and was picked up and slammed on the hood of my car. Truth snatched my bottoms off and attacked my clit with an agenda. Made me as crazy as I did him on the way to the house.

  His tongue curled around my clit and had me scratching through the paint on my car. He held my legs tightly so that I couldn’t move. We weren’t able to do things like that while I was recovering. Truth didn’t want me to rip any of the stitches I had. He was showing no mercy at that point. My sweet little nub began to grow and get harder. I chanted Truth name as I rode his face all the way home. Truth didn’t give me time to settle. He picked me up and brought me into the guest bathroom to take a shower. I knew that it looked like I was in a massacre by the face and that was hard for anyone to look at during sex. I mean for me it wasn’t. I guess Truth thought I needed cleansing.

  He removed both of our clothes, turned on the hot water, and stepped in the waterfall shower with me wrapped around his waist. The water came from the shower head like hard rain. My head dropped back and let the spray hit my face. Truth kissed and sucked on my neck. I looked back at him and palmed his face. He could be that bridge for me to cross back over to being who I was before. I didn’t know if that was what I wanted but staring him in the eyes had me thinking about it. His lips grazed mine once. Then twice. The third time was passionate and lustful. I felt his thick rod like a log between my legs. Truth pulled back for permission. He knew that I wasn’t looking for anything slow and soft. I wanted it rough. I didn’t care that it was my first time. I needed him inside me at that time to cool the ugly beast down inside of me.

  “Yeah,” he asked. I bit my lip and answered.

  “Yea,” I whispered. Truth turned us around and placed me on the wall. He teased my lips with his tongue. I opened my mouth to receive him as my pussy was invaded by the thickness of dick. I gasped and dug my nails in his shoulders. Truth accepted that pain and sat still until I got used to him.

  “It’s alright luv. I promise that I will make it better for you. Trust that baby. Trust me,” Truth repeated over and over until the pain melted away. Truth kissed me all over my face as he pulled out and thrust back inside me. I met his every thrust with a roll off my hips. Truth took my body to heights I never thought I could reach on my own. Not even killing brought it out of me like Truth did that night.

  He blessed my body once more in the shower and brought me into the bedroom to finish me off. Truth was tired from the flight and the shit that he had to take care of when he went to Washington DC. After he exploded inside of me, he was out like a light. I was tired, but I needed answers. I remember my mother telling me a similar situation happened to her and Dad brought her back to the sanity she created. I threw on some clothes and went to my parents’ home. That was one thing that I loved about my parents. Their home was never closed off to us. Whenever we needed them, they were there for us no matter what. I was blessed to have them in my life.

  I got to the front door and noticed something wrong. I turned the knob and the door was locked, which was something that my parents never did. I stepped back and lifted the welcome mat up to retrieve the key. I placed the key inside the lock and unlocked the door. Nothing could have prepared me for the scene of my father, lying in his blood. I ran over to him and grabbed his wrist to check his pulse. The shit was weak, and I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to keep my father alive. I snatched the phone from my father’s pocket and called the doctor that lived in our subdivision. When the good
doctor voice came through, I immediately started talking.

  “Come to the main house. My father has lost a lot of blood and needs some assistance, now. His pulse is feeble,” I yelled as I tried to maintain my English language. I felt the tears falling down my eyes.

  “Mada,” I screamed in the middle of the floor. I listened for her to come down but didn’t hear shit. I yelled for her again and got scared. I picked my father’s head up and rocked him until the doctor burst through the doorway. With all the information I gave him, he brought the necessary tools to keep him breathing. I whispered in his ear that he wasn’t alone and that I was there for him. I heard an ambulance riding through the subdivision, which caused the rest of my family to come out of the house. When my uncles saw their brother on the floor, in the condition he was in, they dropped to their knees and was overcome with emotions. Nanna screamed and almost fainted if it wasn’t for Papa holding her up. The medics rushed in and started working on him with the doctor. I was told that I needed to move away from them so that they could do their job. I looked up at them and nodded my head.

  “Eff him dies, every laas one of yuh wi feel mi wraith,” I threatened everyone in the room. I didn’t care. There was nothing that was going to help me overcome that loss. My chest was going up and down. The air seemed as if it was hard to catch. I looked towards the house and saw Truth running out in his basketball shorts. He took one look at me and knew that I was a goner. I told Mason if any of our family members were hurt during that shit that his Beauty had to die. Well…


  After I dropped Marley off to one of his girl's house, I headed home to have a conversation with my parents. I had a copy of the recording from the video of the incident with Madison. I wasn’t shocked by the shit at all. I was more upset at Madison being targeted. She was trying her hardest to balance her assassin life with the regular one. As always, the neighborhood was quiet. I didn’t see Jeremiah car parked in the driveway and I hoped that he was home. I pulled in behind my father’s car and took a deep breath in before I got out of the car. I walked in the house through the side entrance after hearing my mother and father laugh.


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