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HIS BOUND BRIDE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 25

by Sophia Gray

  Peter laughed. “Don’t give me that look! Today we have a new recruit, and I want you to show him around. He’s never done this kind of work before, and I want him to start serving food – he’s not hard on the eyes, if you know what I mean, and the ladies will love him. So, Teresa, can you show him the place, teach him how everything works, and stay with him at the serving bar and supervise?”

  A newbie! Teresa loved teaching newbies. Sometimes she even thought that she would have made a good teacher, but that meant going back to college, which wasn’t an option right now, or maybe ever. She tended to muse a lot about different jobs she could do but never did anything to change what she already did.

  “Sure! Who is he?” she asked, full of enthusiasm.

  “His name is Vance Tate; he’ll be here in half an hour or so,” Peter answered and then disappeared again inside his office. Teresa heard a loud bang and a muffled curse and immediately knew that Peter had dropped all his papers on the floor, as he usually did. Chuckling, she left her boss alone and resumed preparing and tidying up the place.

  Teresa was cleaning and lending a hand in the kitchen when, half an hour later, she heard the bell and the door opening and closing again. That had to be Tate, unless he was not on time – and that would not be good because Teresa valued punctuality a lot.

  Standing in the doorway was a young man who looked to be around her age, and incredibly handsome. She looked him over briefly. He was tall with clearly defined muscles and had a pretty face framed by his short, slightly messy, blond hair. He looks like a pop star!

  “Vance?” she asked, walking over to greet him. The man smiled, and Teresa could tell he won many people over with that smile. His hair fell graciously on his forehead, and he moved it casually, revealing his deep, green eyes. He could pass for the model in a magazine, if it were not for the shy look on his face.

  How cute, Teresa thought, biting the inside of her cheeks to prevent herself from smiling too much.

  “Yes, hi. I’m Vance Tate, and it’s my first day here. Nice to meet you…” He trailed off questioningly when he realized he did not know her name.

  “Teresa. Teresa Love,” she replied with a smile and signaled for Vance to follow her. “I’ll be showing you around for the day.”

  “Thanks, Teresa. That would be great.” He smiled again, and Teresa’s heart skipped a beat. Damn, he’s handsome! “I’ll try to do my best.”

  “I’m pretty sure you will. It’s hard to mess up,” she replied jokingly with a smile, trying to remove any unnecessary thought from her head. She focused on the task at hand and soon was able to look at Vance without getting all flustered or smiling too much that bordered on creepy.

  She showed him the place and introduced him to the rest of the crew.

  “Vance, this is Maggie, our best chef. She makes the best Chicken Pot Pie.” Teresa pointed to a large, round woman in the kitchen. Maggie was busy stirring two large pots full of soup and smiled at him when he entered the kitchen area.

  “Those two over there are Ashley and Raphael.” Teresa pointed to a young couple that was peeling, chopping, and slicing vegetables. “They’re usually Maggie’s assistants. Although we do not have fixed roles, everyone lends a hand here and there, but these three are almost always in the kitchen. When you taste their meals, you will understand why!” She laughed.

  Vance smiled and greeted them.

  “I’m Vance Tate, the newbie.” He saluted.

  Teresa then pulled him out of the kitchen and led him to the pantry, where a tall, black boy was moving boxes around.

  “Hey, Jacob, meet our new recruit!” she said. Jacob was as tall as Vance and twice his size.

  “Nice to meet you, Jacob. I’m Vance Tate, and if I can be of any help, please let me know,” Vance said formally. Jacob laughed wholeheartedly when he heard Vance’s polite introduction.

  “I like him!” Jacob exclaimed and patted Vance twice on the shoulder before going back to work. Vance lost his balance and was about to kiss the floor when Teresa grabbed him and pulled him out of the pantry.

  “He does that to everyone – you’ll get used to it.” Teresa laughed, referring to Jacob’s particular salute.

  “I’m sure I will. Is there anyone else I should meet?” he asked.

  “Well, you already know Pete, and there are several more people that work here, but they are not coming today. Depends on your shift,” she said, leading Vance to the bar.

  “What am I going to do?” he asked.

  “Pete wants you serving to start out, so today you will learn how everything works behind the counter. It’s the easiest job, but you’ll rotate around every position we have in time.”

  She started explaining how the charity worked and how to serve the food, talk to the customers, and retrieve the tickets. Soon they went from polite small talk to a deeper conversation about charities and volunteering.

  Vance amazed Teresa; he learned fast and was very intelligent. He was kind to the customers and the elderly and was very funny and clever. He was not like any of the guys she was used to, and definitely nothing like her father.

  She could tell it was going to be fun working with him.

  Chapter Two


  When his boss approached him to explain his proposition, Vance couldn’t believe his luck. Vance had joined the Grim Rebels just a few months ago, and was still one of the rookies of the motorcycle gang, although he knew that his lieutenants valued him and usually put in good words about him to the boss – but he just did not imagine that he would ask him to do that.

  “Tate!” he commanded one night after several rounds of whiskey and ale. Vance was with his lieutenant and was surprised by his boss: Jimmy Love had never spoken to him before so directly. He went over and greeted him, trying to show respect and hide his nervousness.

  “Yes, boss? Need anything?” Vance asked, standing still.

  His boss looked at him with an evaluating look in his eyes. He was examining him, and Vance stood stoically under his gaze, hiding his sweaty palms against his trousers.

  “Yer a young man, not bad to look at - and I’ve seen yer ways with them ladies,” Jimmy said. It was true – Vance knew he was physically attractive and he had yet to encounter a woman who did not swoon over him. He allowed himself to smile a little cockily and agreed with his boss.

  “Yes, sir, I am not bad at it.” He tried to be modest but failed completely. He was very proud of his record with women: if he wanted one, he got one. Always. He could conquer a shy one as easily as a fiery one, although they never lasted long at his side. One or two nights at most, and Vance was already looking for a new lover – he got bored of them quickly. The fun part was the chase.

  “Follow me, Tate.” Jimmy Love got up from his seat and went to his office. Vance followed him, and once they were alone, his boss handed him an envelope with photographs inside. He peered at the girl in the photos. She was easily the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Tall, strong, and curvy, with long black hair and a dangerous look in her blue eyes that was enticing even in a simple photo.

  “That’s me daughter,” Jimmy explained.

  Vance jolted slightly as if he was caught doing something wrong. “I didn’t know you had a daughter, sir.” Vance was confused. Those pictures had been taken in the gang, yet he had never seen or heard anything about her.

  “That’s ‘cause she ran away a year ago, before ye joined us,” Jimmy said gruffly, and Vance felt the anger in his boss’ voice. He was not happy about his runaway daughter.

  “Do you want me to track her down and bring her home?” Vance guessed. His boss laughed.

  “Something like that. Ye see, I am not on good terms with me Teresa, but I want her home. So, I want ye to marry her, that’s all. Get her to marry ye, bring her home… and yer inherit the Grim Rebels.”

  The offer was as blunt as his boss and Vance had to remind himself to breathe. Coughing a bit, he looked down at the pictures again. Marry his boss’s
daughter and inherit the club. The whole thing sounded crazy, but this deal could not be any sweeter, Vance knew that. He would be set for life.

  “I suppose it will not be easy,” he mused out loud. There had to be a trick somewhere.

  “No, I do not think it will. She mustn’t know I sent ye, of course – and after the wedding, ye must bring her to me and yer both inherit the club,” Jimmy explained, getting a flask out of a drawer and swigging from it. His boss did not offer it to Vance, but he did not care.

  Vance thought about it briefly. He didn’t think making Teresa fall for him would be that hard. And after the wedding, he only had to drag her home and take over the club. Sounded easy and tempting. The hardest part would be to keep everything a secret, but he knew he couldn’t pass up this request, so he agreed to do it.

  “I expect efficiency and discretion, or else….” His boss threatened him after Vance had accepted the deal. He knew better than to piss off Jimmy Love, so he decided to do his damn best.

  He left the boss’ office and was received by the inquisitive look of his lieutenant and his group. It was obvious that his boss had not discussed his new assignment with anyone else and Vance was not eager to disclose any details.

  “What was that all about, Tate?” asked his commanding officer. Vance shrugged and walked to the bar with his mates tailing him, shooting questions to know why his boss had required his presence.

  “I’ve got a new project, that’s all,” he said nonchalantly. Everyone in the group looked at him in disbelief.

  “And the man himself had to tell you? There’s a reason why there is a chain of command, Tate. So he does not follow people around giving orders,” said his lieutenant, David Bailey. Vance shrugged again and called the bartender.

  “Why are you asking me that? I’m new here!” Vance said. “Round of whiskey for the guys, on me,” he ordered loudly.

  His mates cheered and clapped him on the back.

  “What’s that for? Did you receive a raise or something?” Bailey pressed on. He had not been very happy when the boss called for Vance personally. Either it was to promote him or punish him, and Bailey had made damn sure that Vance did not get into trouble with the gang; therefore, it could only be the first option. And he sure did not deserve a raise so soon.

  “None of that crap, LT,” Vance said, dismissing it and handing him a glass. “I told you – just a project. A recovery one: I have been sent to track down and recover a package of sorts, and I do not know how long it will take me. And this is all I can tell you guys,” he finished. Vance drank his shot and asked for another one.

  “Undercover in another gang, maybe?” guessed one of the boys. Vance looked away, not wanting to confirm nor deny anything. He felt guilty lying to his comrades and did not want to push it further.

  “So, this is your goodbye?” His LT raised the glass of whiskey and Vance nodded. At that point, everyone in the group drank theirs, all at once, and asked for another. “Then let’s make it a night to remember, boys.”

  That night, Vance celebrated his new mission, although he was careful not to disclose any details with his mates despite how much they insisted. They drank until the early hours of the night, and when he got home, he knew he would not miss the place he lived in: a complete hellhole in an abandoned building.

  If he pretended to be someone else for a few weeks, he could come back home with a ticket to a better life: his own club, his own gang, and a new, much nicer place. Jimmy Love would never allow his daughter to live in such a place like Vance’s current dump.

  # # #

  Immediately after closing the deal, he cut his ties with the gang and located to a new place to live near Teresa. Despite avoiding her father at all costs, Jimmy still knew where she lived. Vance learned everything about her: where she worked, where she volunteered, her favorite places to go.

  A couple of months later, he was living in her town and had managed to get a spot as a volunteer at Silver Spoons for Charity – the soup kitchen where she worked. Everything was going according to plan and Vance was surprised that he didn’t even miss his nights at the motorcycle club. He had adjusted to his new role quite well.

  When he got to the charity for his first day and for his first encounter with Teresa, he didn’t know what to expect. Half of him was nervous and the other half excited.

  “Vance?” A stunning woman came out to greet him. He instantly knew it was Teresa, but she was far more beautiful than the pictures revealed, and for a moment he was taken aback.

  “Yes, hi. I’m Vance Tate, and it’s my first day here,” he said. “Nice to meet you…”

  “Teresa. Teresa Love,” she replied with a smile and signaled for Vance to follow here. He did so, sheepishly. “I will be showing you around today.”

  I can’t believe my luck! he thought.

  “Thanks, Teresa. That would be great.” He smiled again, trying to be as charming as possible. “I’ll try to do my best.”

  “I’m pretty sure you will. It’s hard to mess up!” she replied with a smile.

  After introducing him to everyone, she showed him around and taught him how everything worked behind the bar, which was his first position. They started serving the food together when the kitchen opened, and he did his best to impress her. He was charming to the old ladies, clever and funny to the old men, and caring towards the children. He basically tried to show her the opposite characteristics of his fellow gang members. If she had run away, a biker would not impress her very much.

  It was a fun day, and she was much more intelligent, clever, and interesting than he had imagined. They cleaned things up after the service and closed the Silver Spoons for Charity until the afternoon shift. Everyone else – Maggie, Ashley, Raphael, Jacob, Peter, and Miranda, who had arrived later – had already left, and Teresa was tasked with closing up. Vance stayed with her as part of his duties.

  “Well, see you tomorrow, Vance. Thanks for all the help today – you’re a fast learner!” said Teresa, grabbing her purse to leave. Vance seized the chance.

  “Thanks. Hey, Teresa, would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime?” he asked when they were out on the streets, giving her an unsure smile. He knew she would say yes. Women loved a kind, innocent gentleman, and they always said yes.

  Teresa paused, looking at him with apologetic and wary eyes. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I don’t date co-workers.”

  Her reply left him puzzled and slightly offended. No one had ever refused a date with him.

  “I really hope that is okay. I’ll see you later!” She waved goodbye before turning the corner.

  Vance stood there, watching her go. He felt numb. She was the first woman ever to refuse him. He was sure that after a day with him, Teresa would have said yes. He felt stupid and humiliated. Rejection was not something he was used to and he would not –could not – take no for an answer. He had come there to win her over on his boss’ orders, but now it was personal. He had been on his best behavior, and he couldn’t understand how she could resist him.

  Vance was sure he could conquer her as he had done so many times before with other women, but he had misjudged her. She was, by far, the strongest and most independent woman he had ever met. Of course, she would not swoon over him in a day, but she would dream of being with him eventually.

  His mission had suddenly become a lot more complicated, but more fun and exhilarating. It had become a challenge: to make her fall for him. And he never ever refused a challenge.

  Vance left the place with a satisfied smile on his face. He would have to do his best, but Teresa love would fall for him eventually. It was just a matter of time.

  Chapter Three


  “Hey, Teresa, would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime?” Vance asked her at the end of their first shift together, and she did not even think twice about her response, but she paused from surprise. She hadn’t expected him to be so forward.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. I don
’t date co-workers,” she told him. And it was true: she did not date co-workers or anyone else for that matter. “I really hope that is okay. I’ll see you later!” She waved at him and turned around without looking back.

  Teresa left the charity and headed back home, thinking about Vance. She didn’t have to think twice about rejecting him, but that was just because she had given up on dating since she left the club. She was fed up with men – although it was true that Vance was nothing like the motorcycle type she used to date.

  He had proven to be resourceful, helpful, intelligent, and very kind, which she liked. But she would rather have him as a friend and a co-worker than a significant other. She simply did not trust men, given her record, and preferred to remain single.

  After dropping a few things off at home, Teresa headed to her favorite coffee shop, where she was meeting some friends before work. She couldn’t not tell them about Vance – it was too good not to share.


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