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Bloodstains and Bitemarks

Page 6

by Kyra Quinn

  “I thought you might be hungry,” he says, his voice silky and seductive. “Why don’t we play a quick game?”

  My stomach twists, but I push away the hunger and strengthen my resolve. I can’t trust anything he feeds me, anyway. “I don’t want to play anything with you. Kill me or let me go.”

  He tsks and drops my head to the ground. “There’s no point in trying to convince you I’m not the enemy here. Especially not given your current circumstances. But you can make this easy on yourself, love. We can enjoy our time together.”

  A sarcastic laugh bubbles from my lips. Who the fuck does this prick think he is? Any interest I had in him evaporated the night he stabbed my mother in the chest and disappeared into the night. It doesn’t matter how many backflips his sadistic smile once made my stomach do. The only reason I’d want to touch him now is to kill him.

  “Get over yourself. The only thing I will enjoy is watching the life fade from your eyes. The Dark Hunt will kill every one of you demonic bastards. Your time spent corrupting this world is over.”

  “Right. Like we’re the only thing wrong with Earth.” His hand strikes my backside, eliciting a scream. “You talk too much shit, you know that? Any other woman in your shoes would know when to shut up and play nice. Face it, Nadia. You have no power here. Make this easier on both of us and surrender.”

  He has a point. Without the ability to move my arms or legs, there’s not much I can do to fight back against him. He could kill me with a snap of his fingers, and I’m powerless to stop him.

  But that only pisses me off more. “Is this what it takes for you to get laid? You kidnap and drug the girls you wanna fuck?”

  Something—a hand, presumably—strikes the side of my hip. The sting spreads through the lower half of my body. Copper floods my mouth. Hatred flows through my veins like poison. I will rip his fucking heart out if it’s the last thing I do.

  “I’ve found girls respond well to spankings, no matter how old they are. And I always love an excuse to slap your ass, or as close to it as I can come. You can try to tempt me into killing you all you’d like. But I’m not some pathetic mortal with no control over my emotions. I won’t kill you, but I will punish you. Not that you fear pain.”

  He isn’t wrong about that. After two years of hunting monsters across Miami, I’ve broken six different bones and bruised nearly every surface of my skin. He can hurt me until the sun burns out. I won’t betray the hunters.

  “You’re tough, I’ll grant you that. But everyone has a breaking point, pet. Let’s not test how much pain your body can endure.”

  My skin crawls every time he calls me “pet.” I squirm against the restraints, but it’s useless. I can’t feel my hands anymore.

  He gives a heavy sigh. “Last chance. Earn your meal or I toss it in the garbage. No one else here eats poultry, thankfully. Vile creatures.”

  Chicken. My mouth waters. Maybe I can make something up to earn at least a bite. I’ve had little since they took me from the park. Demons may not need food, but humans can only live for so long without nourishment. “What is it you want?”

  “Atta girl. Why don’t we start small and work our way up from there? Tell me your name.”

  I tilt my chin, one of the few parts of my body I can still move. “You know my name, prick.”

  Whack! His palm lands against my cheekbone. “Last. Fucking. Chance. What is your name for the duration of your stay here?”

  Christ, he can’t be serious. My lip curls over my teeth. There isn’t a shred of humanity inside of Kane. Decency isn’t something demons concern themselves with. Not that it surprises me. If his side emerges from the war victorious, humanity will cease to exist. We’ll all become slaves to the darkness.

  “Well?” he presses, tapping his foot against the floor so close to my face the ground vibrates beneath me. “It’s a straightforward question. Tell me your name, and I’ll remove the blindfold and let you eat.”

  It’s tempting. At least without the blindfold I’d know when he plans to hit me. Food wouldn’t hurt, either. There’s no way I’d have the strength to overpower him and escape in my current condition.

  But Kane has already stripped me of my clothes, my name, and my dignity. My pride is the only thing he can’t take. I’ll die before I surrender to him.

  “My name is Nadia. Call me whatever you want, but it won’t change that.”

  I brace myself and wait for Kane to strike me again, but the hit doesn't come. Instead his footsteps move away from me and make their way towards the door. The knots in my chest twist.

  “Have it your way, pet,” his voice calls. “I’ll return with something to loosen your tongue.”

  The door swings open as I open my mouth to tell him not to waste his time. The door slams shut, and I’m alone once more. I try not to let myself think about what he meant, but thinking is about the only thing I can do. A million weak strategies fly through my head. I could use this to the Dark Hunt’s advantage somehow. He’s so arrogant he wouldn’t notice if I fed him false information or led him into a trap. But without a way to contact Jade or Zeke, there isn’t much I can do to set a trap while in captivity. All I can do is daydream and hope the mortal can outsmart the monster.

  * * *

  The door opens again, and I know within seconds it isn’t Kane coming to torment me. The footsteps are too soft. A gentle breeze from the door hits my skin, bringing with it the faintest scent of jasmine and vanilla.

  “Well, that doesn’t look comfortable,” a sultry voice purrs. “These guys sure know how to treat a lady.”

  I scoff. “What, did Kane send you in here to try the sisterly solidarity act? Do me a favor. Tell him to bathe in a tub of holy water.”

  She laughs, the sound like music after so many hours with only the sound of my breathing to keep me company. “Oh, sweetie, that’s adorable. But it’s best if you let go of any childish fantasies of someone coming to save you. The only way you’re escaping this dungeon is if Kane allows you to.”

  But I can’t focus on her voice. My gut gnaws and twists, furious with me for refusing Kane’s offer of food. A dry, coppery taste clings to my mouth. Every muscle in my body is tight and cramping. My head throbs, pain pulsing behind my eyes. I can’t stay like this until I bore Kane enough to kill me.

  “What does Kane want to know?” Defeat laces my voice. Numbness spreads through my chest until I can almost pretend the words are coming from someone else. “What do I need to tell him to convince him to let me go?”

  “That’s between you and Kane,” she says, almost sounding bored by the entire exchange. “I’m not here to interrogate you or whatever. Honestly, I don’t understand why he’s wasting his time toying with you. There are better ways to get the information he’s after. Ways that don’t rely on you to speak or tell the truth. In the meantime, I’m just here to make sure you’re presentable for tonight.”

  Heat floods my body. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re excused. Now, would you say you look better in red or black? I’m leaning towards the red, but your skin is so pale I’m worried it will wash you out.”

  I don’t know if I want to laugh or scream. Whoever this demon bitch is, she’s as unhinged as Kane. “Lady, I’m tied up naked on the floor in a house full of demons. What in the actual fuck makes you think I care about whatever it is you’re doing?”

  “It’s not for your benefit, stupid. The Knights are coming to assess you, so Kane insists I fix you up a little. Lilith prefers pretty things, and it never ends well for anyone to disappoint her. Kane and Dagon can be dicks, but the Knights are everyone's worst nightmare.”

  It's hard to imagine things getting any worse than they already are. But as much as I want to tell her to go to hell, I'd rather wear a tablecloth than remain exposed to Kane.

  A spark flashes through my thoughts. She can't dress me without untying me. If I move fast enough, maybe I can overpower her. Hope flutters in my chest.

  “Red isn’t my best c

  “Didn’t think so. Your skin is almost as pale as the vampires. No worries, though. I’ll have a much harder time finding something small enough to not drown you in fabric. Not much to work with in the chest area, but I’ll figure something out.”

  Heat rushes into my cheeks. It’s not as if I’ve never seen myself undressed. The active nature of my job chiseled away the squishy bits of my thighs and backside. My already petite breasts shrank a full cup size within my first year as muscle replaced the fat in my chest and arms. It’s not that I consider myself unattractive—hell, the demands of my job mean I have a body most girls sweat and starve for—but I wouldn’t describe my physique as feminine.

  “Why would Lilith give a damn what my tits look like? I’m a war hostage, not a prized pony.”

  “True, but the others might. Males of all species are simple creatures at heart. They enjoy a little something to look at.”

  There’s a faint trace of disgust in her voice. Whatever kinky perversions she might have, it’s clear she doesn’t think much of the opposite sex. Under different circumstances, her ability to use her body as a weapon to manipulate men in the easiest way might remind me of Jade. Except Jade would kidnap no one.

  “I’m guessing you aren’t much better. You work for them.”

  She snorts. “Spoken like a girl who’s never been to Hell. Kane and Dagon have their moments, but they’re much more pleasant to work for than Lucifer. Besides, you’re one to talk. I can’t imagine how anyone puts up with Michael.”

  I can’t help but laugh, and for a moment the tightness in my chest loosens. Michael isn’t my favorite hunter to work with, but my personal feelings about him never made much of a difference. Zeke did his best to keep the two of us away from each other.

  “Michael isn’t much of a people person, but he doesn’t tie anyone up and torture them.” Well, except for the demon messenger tied up in the utility closet.

  Her voice turns to ice. “No, instead he sends his human meat puppets in to slaughter anything they see with magic. What a hero.”

  "It isn't about magic. It's about protecting humanity from those who seek to exploit and destroy it."

  She burst into a fit of manic giggles. "Man, the brainwashing they give you is top notch. If you believe any of what you just said, you are nowhere near as smart as Kane made you out to be."

  "Because I'm not stupid enough to trust a demon?"

  "Because he's convinced you we're the ones who want to destroy humans. Lucifer still hates you hairless apes with a burning passion, but he doesn't come topside much. The rest of us realize mortals are essential to our survival. What do we have to gain from wiping them out?"

  I shake my head, disregarding the stiffness in my neck. “You’re lying. It’s what your kind does best.”

  “Ouch. Little racist, don’t you think? I don’t know which demon possessed your grandma or killed your dog or whatever, but we aren’t all alike.”

  Except for the glowing red eyes, lack of soul, and sadistic tendencies. “Demons don’t feed on human blood. The only thing you need us for is entertainment.”

  “Au contraire. We don’t strike deals with humans for our own amusement, sweetie. Mortal souls are the currency funding this war on both sides. No more humans, no more souls.”

  A growl escapes my clenched teeth. She’s toying with me. Zeke and Michael don’t trick humans into selling their souls. They don’t attack mortals or use them for their own agenda. The Dark Hunt’s mission is simple: find the monsters and kill them before they hurt anyone else. Hunters have nothing in common with the casual chaos demons create.

  “I don’t expect you to believe me,” she says as if sensing my thoughts. “I’m no expert on how the Dark Hunt works, but Michael and Zeke prey on mortals in vulnerable positions for a reason. Let me guess. You were a runaway or an orphan or something. Zeke and Michael approached you after some big tragedy, when you were at your lowest. It’s the same tactic pimps used to pull in new girls to work.”

  Half the pimps I’ve encountered in my line of work were also demons, but it doesn’t seem like the best time to mention that. The bitch has a point. Zeke recruited me to join the Dark Hunt the night of my mother’s murder, hours after I fled my home and left everything behind to avenge her death. I doubt I would have made the same decision under better circumstances.

  But Zeke had nothing to do with what Kane did to my mother, or my decision to leave home. No matter what lies the demons spin for him, I know what I saw. I found Kane in the doorway to my mother’s studio covered in blood. There’s not a doubt in my mind he’s guilty.

  Zeke just helped pick up the pieces of my shattered life. He offered me direction, a sense of purpose to the growing bloodlust inside. Without Zeke, who knows what sort of monstrous hot mess I might have spiraled into. The Dark Hunt saved me from the darkest parts of myself.

  “Does this psychobabble bullshit usually work for you?” I snarl. “You don’t know me, or anything about my life or the Dark Hunt.”

  She sighs. Her heels click against the floor, moving back towards the door. “I’ll dig around upstairs and see what I can find for you to wear tonight. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Bitch. The heaviness in my chest eases when the door slams shut. It’s impossible to tell how tall or fit she is with the blindfold over my eyes. I’d like to assume she isn’t much of a fighter with her interest in fashion, but Jade taught me how multifaceted women are. Even roses aren’t without thorns.

  But it’s my best hope. There’s no way I can handle Kane without a weapon. Zeke and Michael trained me for situations like this. If I can play it cool long enough for her to untie me, I’ll have the element of surprise on my side. I can get the jump on her, do whatever it takes to escape.

  Her death won’t cost me any sleep. Zeke trained me to put monsters down without a second thought. Even if she plays nice to my face, she’s a threat to humanity. I’ll sleep safer with her six feet under.

  But killing her isn’t enough to secure my freedom. Wherever they’ve taken me, the place is crawling with demons. Kane is here somewhere, not to mention the other creep who came and spoke to me. Still, a sliver of an idea is better than nothing. I must pray it’s enough to save me.



  Dagon leans back in his wicker patio chair and folds his hands in his lap. “We need to discuss how to handle our hostage situation.”

  We sit crowded around the long rectangular patio table covered with various bottles of booze and glasses. A tightly wrapped blunt waits at each end of the table. Sun beats against my neck and scalp. I can think of a thousand things I’d rather do than discuss Nadia with the rest of the Legion, but Dagon’s little impromptu meeting doesn’t leave me much of a choice.

  I slump back against my chair and pick at the dirt under my nails. Whatever the others have to say doesn’t interest me. I have hundreds of ideas of what I want to do with Nadia, and none of them require help. By the time I’m finished with her, she’ll forget Zeke’s name.

  “Things have gotten more complicated,” he says, avoiding my gaze with his trademark tinted shades. He’s traded his usual charcoal suit for a navy one today. It’s not his best look, but only a dick would tell him so without being asked for an opinion.

  The ceiling fans suspended from the arched stone roof of the enclosed patio whirl, but it does nothing to ease the blistering summer sun. Hell had nothing on Miami. I’ve heard mortals compare Florida to Hell, but demons have nothing to do with the insanity they’ve created for themselves. A combination of heat and witchcraft are more likely to blame for the bizarre headlines. No, Hell is more comparable to Las Vegas—it’s a dry heat, but most of the residents are too acclimated to the conditions to notice them anymore.

  “It turns out you and I aren’t the only ones who recognized our prisoner’s photo,” Dagon continues, swirling his drink. “Lilith is taking a special interest in her.”

  Not good. If Nadia has cau
ght the attention of one of the Knights, they might become more involved. The last thing I want is Lilith or Levi hanging around more often. I debate driving a nail through my eye socket every time she speaks as it is.

  “Why?” I demand, maintaining an even tone despite the pressure building in my chest. Leadership requires a cool head even in the most stressful circumstances. Whatever complicated feelings I might have towards Nadia are no one’s business but mine.

  “Can’t say. Lilith isn’t the most forthcoming with her motivations. But she and Moloch are coming tonight with Levi for dinner. We’ll film the ransom video afterwards.”

  Just fucking great. The ransom video still makes little sense. Michael won’t negotiate for the life of a human, even one he once valued. Unless she wants to rub what she’s taken from him in his face, the entire plan is a waste of my night.

  “Arachne,” he says, shifting his attention towards a younger demon poised at the far end of the table near the door, “I need you to work your magic on our guest before the Knights arrive. Dig through your closet and find something cute for her to wear to dinner. I can’t imagine Lilith will let us leave her locked in the attic.”

  Arachne scoffs, tossing her magenta hair over her shoulder. “I peeked at her when you guys brought her in, and we’re nowhere close to the same measurements, D. Nothing I have will fit her.”

  He slides his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose until they rest on his flared nostrils. “Did I ask what size you wear or if you want to?”

  She shrinks against her chair. Poor kid. “No, sir.”

  “Make it happen. I don’t care who you have to contact or what you need to do.”

  Her head bobs.

  “Swell. Perhaps Levi will show more pity to her if she’s aesthetically appealing to him.” He swivels in his chair to face Saleos. “You, my friend, need to handle the security arrangements for Ava’s nest tonight. This nasty little surprise will keep Kane busy for the night.”


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