
Home > Paranormal > Awakened > Page 12
Awakened Page 12

by Amy Brock McNew

  Rhys yanked the male’s head up by the hair. “You’re healing as we speak. That means we can keep doing this for days. Weeks, if necessary.” The male jerked his head and snarled. It was more of a gurgle as blood spewed from his mouth. “If that’s your choice.” Rhys extended his claws again.

  “Wait!” The male coughed, spraying blood on Rhys’ leathers and boots. “If I tell you anything, Kylian will know.” He spit, thankfully away from Rhys. His eyes focused, fear curling around him with a stronger stench. He shook his head. “He’ll kill my family.”

  “He’ll never know.”

  “He has ways. Him and that buidseach of his. They know everything.”

  Rhys smirked. “This place is heavily warded. If they could see so much, they’d have already found us.” He leaned down. “You know you must die for what you’ve done. But I can assure you, Kylian will never know. And if you give me your name, I will do what I can to make sure your family is safe.”

  Makenna stepped forward. “Rhys─”

  Rhys held a hand up. He could feel the heat of her power, the glow of her eyes. He heard Amanda’s gasp as she backed away from her sister. Makenna wanted to kill the wolf. But Rhys needed answers. And he’d given his word. He would do his best to find the male’s mate and pups and see them to safety.

  Makenna growled low but retreated to the far wall. Rhys noticed Trystan go to her, but he stayed focused on the prisoner.

  Rhys eyed the nearly broken male. “Give me your name and tell me what you know. Locations, movements, whatever you have on Kylian. I’ll see that your family is safe, if it is at all in my power.”

  The male searched Rhys’ gaze for truth. Finding it, he nodded. “My name is Gaelen McIntire. We lived in Iberia Parrish.” His eyes hardened. “I was Beta, before Kylian came. Half our pack was destroyed, the other forced into service.” Sadness etched into the lines on his bloodied face. “I deserve death. I chose to follow Kylian.” His stare implored Rhys. “I chose to keep my family alive. I will face the consequences.”

  Rhys nodded as his heart clenched. “I appreciate your honesty and your sacrifice.” He glanced at Makenna. He understood. A male would do anything to protect those he loved. The wolf had made an impossible choice. Now he’d pay for it. It was their way. But this kill would give Rhys no joy. “Now, what of Kylian’s primary location?”

  The male coughed again. “I’ve never been to the main compound. We were kept outside the city, tucked away in the bayou. I haven’t seen Kylian in months.” He moved, wincing and biting back a cry of pain. “But I can tell you where Brianna will be.” His gaze turned wolf. “If you promise you will kill her. Painfully. It’s her magic that fuels this war. That devoured our home in flames.”

  Makenna laughed. “Oh, that I can promise you.”

  Rhys didn’t look at Makenna, not wanting to see the hatred on her face. “She will be dealt with. Where, Gaelen?”

  “Baton Rouge. They’re building a new compound. Brianna and some of Kylian’s forces will be," he gave another gurgling cough, “traveling there by vehicle. They’ll have supplies, so can’t go in wolf form. Two days. I don’t know where they’re coming from.”

  Rhys listened intently as he gave the exact location of the new compound and Brianna’s expected time of arrival. He ignored the low rumbling from Makenna’s direction. The building tension. The red glow gaining strength by the second. “Thank you. Is there anything else?”

  The male straightened his shoulders. “You swear you’ll try to protect my family?”

  Rhys nodded. “On my honor.”

  The male sighed, the breath ending with another gurgle. “I don’t know much. Little things. But they might─”

  A guttural growl echoed through the space. Makenna moved faster than thought. Faster than Rhys. Her claws shot out and raked across the wolf’s throat, severing the artery. Blood sprayed Makenna as the male’s eyes widened. Then he slumped over.

  Rhys stood paralyzed by the sudden violent display. The glint of light on steel flashed to his right. Trystan flew into view. His blade sliced swift and sure, separating the male’s head from his body. Then Trystan slammed his boot into the chair. It crashed against the opposite wall, splintering to pieces as the body splayed chest down on the floor.

  Amanda gasped. Her hand fluttered to her mouth.

  “Enough!” Rhys’ roar shook the walls. Lights flickered.

  Makenna and Trystan froze. Growling.

  Rhys stomped toward them. “What the fuck was that?”

  Makenna glared, but the fire in her hands dulled. “He gave us Brianna. We’ll get what we need from her.” She eyed the body. “He even said he didn’t know much.”

  Trystan stepped to Makenna’s side. “She’s right.”

  “Now we’ll never know! Fuck!” The word exploded out of him as he paced. He grabbed his defiant mate by the shoulders. “I know you want someone to pay. But he was a good man caught in an impossible situation. He deserved better than having his last words interrupted.”

  Makenna shuddered as she sighed. The goddess backed down, the gold in her eyes receding. Sadness and remorse crept into her gaze. She turned away from the grisly sight and lifted glittering eyes to Rhys’. “I just wanted─I didn’t mean...” A single tear fell.

  Rhys’ anger faded as the full force of what she’d done settled on her heart. “I know it’s difficult, balancing your desires and those of the goddess.” He smoothed a hand up and down her back. “But I can’t lose you, Kenna. Especially to your own power.” Rhys lifted her face to his. “This is why I didn’t want you here.” His thumb traced her quivering bottom lip. “Go ahead to the house and get cleaned up. I’ll take care of this and join you in a little while.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I couldn’t stop it.” Makenna wiped at her tears and straightened. “But this is who I am now.” Her gaze hardened. “We know where Brianna will be. A couple more days and this will be over. Once I kill her.”

  Shields rose around her mind with a force that clanged a death knoll in his head and heart.

  Rhys shot a glare at Trystan. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with his rebellious Beta. “See she gets to the house. We’ll discuss this later.”

  Trystan opened his mouth, then clamped it shut. He gave a sharp nod and took Makenna’s elbow. She didn’t even look at Rhys as they walked out.

  Rhys went to Amanda. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Fine.” Amanda’s eyes fell to the body. “Trystan’s on edge. Everyone is. After what we’ve been through...” Her eyes met Rhys’. “We’re falling apart.”

  He pulled her in for a quick hug. “Perhaps. But we can stop it. Hopefully beginning with capturing Brianna.” With Bowen not sure killing her would break the spell, he hoped they could convince the female to lift it.

  “If Trystan and Makenna don’t kill her first.”

  As he released his sister-in-law and grabbed the pouch containing the transportation stones from the table, he had to agree. His pack was falling apart.

  Rhys placed the stones around the body of their captive and recited the chant to send him back to his family. His heart ached. His mate and Beta were pulling away from him. Both so consumed by their rage, they could blow the entire mission if he didn’t watch them carefully.

  Rhys guided Amanda out the door. “They’ll be fine. We’ll all be fine.” As he lied through his teeth, his gut churned.

  If they weren’t careful, battling Kylian would be pointless because there’d be nothing left to fight for.


  Til My Heart Stops

  Amanda stifled a yawn as she stirred the gravy the next morning.

  Sleep had been elusive. She’d tossed and turned, then gave up and curled into the chair on her balcony, her thoughts consumed with all that had happened yesterday.

  Watching her sister mindlessly slaughter someone had been disconcerting.

  They were warriors. Accustomed to death and battle. Amanda herself h
ad killed, many times. Had been part of multiple interrogations. But this had been different.

  Makenna hadn’t been Makenna.

  Her eyes had turned wolf, then a strange gold. Power had surged in the room. A power Amanda had felt only once. When Makenna had first changed, after she’d found out about who she was and Kylian’s control over her. She’d forced the submission of the entire pack so she could get away.

  This had been so much more vicious. Like there was very little of her sister left.

  “Hey, Panda Bear.” Talon mussed her hair and she growled. He knew she hated that. Just like she hated him calling her “Panda Bear.” “You look like shit.” His voice softened. “No sleep again?”

  “You know, the usual.” Amanda wasn’t in the mood to discuss it.

  Makenna wasn’t the only thing on her mind. But she wouldn’t think about Trystan now. Didn’t want to talk about him. Didn’t want to talk about how she’d seen that skank go into the woods after him. Or her and Trystan’s doomed relationship. Or the fact he’d defied Rhys.

  Or how he’d left the cabin last night without even looking at her.

  Talon’s eyes narrowed. She shook her head and gave him a sharp look. He stepped back. Realizing that pushing her wouldn’t do any good. He instead chose to grab the spoon from her hand and bring it to his mouth.

  “Talon!” He froze at Reagan’s reprimanding voice from the other side of the room. She strode over, slapped the back of his head, and swiped the spoon, handing it to Amanda. “If you can’t behave, you can leave.” Hands planted on her hips, Reagan quirked a brow.

  It was all Amanda could do to hold back a laugh. She set the spoon on the counter and moved back to cut the biscuits she’d rolled out. It was simply too much fun to watch Talon and Reagan circle each other.

  Talon’s sharp brown eyes took on a mischievous glint. He didn’t step away from Reagan, like he usually did. Instead, he invaded her space. “And what are you gonna do if I don’t do either of those things?”

  Reagan’s eyes widened briefly. She stepped into Talon. Their chests were nearly touching. “I’ll just have to kick your ass into the middle of next week, and kick it again on Wednesday.” Challenge lit her eyes.

  Talon stared her down. Amanda knew her brother was as shocked by Reagan’s words as she was, but he’d never let on. She did wonder if he’d meet the challenge, or if he’d fall back on his usual humor.

  Talon pressed into Reagan, backing her up against the counter. He caged her in with both hands on either side of her, leaning in close enough to kiss the red head. That was Amanda’s cue to evacuate the area. If they were about to let loose everything they’d kept pent up, she didn’t want to be anywhere near the vicinity. She didn’t need to see her brother like that.

  She also didn’t need the reminder she’d never again have that spark like what Reagan and Talon had. That door had shut.

  She’d locked it tight.

  Amanda wiped her hands and quickly slid the biscuits in the oven, then backed toward the door to the dining room. “I’ll leave you two to duke it out.”

  “No need.” Talon’s voice was low and rumbling. It wasn’t a tone Amanda had heard before. “I’m leaving. As soon as Reagan admits she could never actually kick my ass.”

  Amanda froze, not sure what to do. She had to admit she was intrigued and wanted to see how Reagan would react. On the other hand, she felt like she was intruding on a private moment.

  Reagan pulled her shoulders back. “I could take you any day of the week.”

  Amanda believed it. Reagan spent most of her time in the kitchen. Cooking, cleaning, and other domestic tasks were things she liked doing. But she was also a lethal warrior. Amanda had seen her tear into an enemy with blades and magic without hesitation. Many times.

  Talon grinned. “Well, let’s put that to the test.”

  Reagan shoved him back. “Fine. Let’s go.” She whipped around Talon and had almost made it to Amanda when Talon caught her by the arm.

  “Not right now.” Reagan glared. Amanda stood there, fascinated by the scene. Talon continued. “When things calm down. You and me. One on one. No holds barred.” He flicked his chin at his sister. “Amanda can referee.” He grinned. “We’ll see if your ass can cash that check.”

  Reagan snorted. “You’re on. It’s a date.”

  Something flickered in Talon’s eyes and he seemed taken back. “Fine.”


  Amanda shook her head as Talon scooted past her, suddenly in a huge hurry to leave. She smiled at Reagan. “That was...interesting.”

  Reagan turned back to the stove to finish breakfast, but not before Amanda saw the flicker in her eyes. A flicker that said, “Finally.” Reagan moved the gravy to a potholder. “I guess. I’m gonna enjoy taking him down a peg or two.”

  Amanda snorted. “Yeah. Sure you’ll enjoy it. Enjoy getting your hands all over my idiot of a brother.” She laughed as she opened the oven to check her biscuits.

  For a few minutes, she’d forgotten the weight on her heart. But as happy as she was things seemed to be progressing with Talon and Reagan, Amanda couldn’t help her jealousy. They were kind of like how she and Trystan used to be. Joking, laughing, and poking at each other for shits and giggles.

  Reagan’s brow creased. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Amanda pointed to the stove. “The bacon’s burning.”

  Reagan jumped to tend the meat. As they finished preparing breakfast for the pack, Amanda steered the conversation away from herself. Thankfully, Reagan didn’t mention it.

  Later, as Amanda busied herself keeping bowls full and making small talk with the pack as they came and went, she tried not to think about the fact Trystan hadn’t showed. He was probably still sleeping. His wounds would take time to heal, and he’d need rest to accomplish that. He’d also need protein.

  Once the last pack member had left, before she even realized what she was doing, she made up a plate for Trystan and wrapped it in foil. She froze as she went to put it in the fridge. Why was she so concerned about him? He obviously had no regard for her. He’d said he loved her. Then turned right around and screwed that little whore in the woods.

  Her blood boiled, even though it had no right to. Fate may have declared him hers, but he wasn’t any longer. They were over. History. The rage building inside didn’t care about those details. If her wolf would’ve been present, she’d have been howling to go to her mate. To claw the face off the man-stealing bitch. Stupid fucking animal.

  “Is that for me?”

  Amanda closed her eyes. Trystan did not just catch her. Seriously. Could her week get any worse? She whirled around, warm plate still in hand. Yep. Fate was just that much of a raging bitch, as Makenna would say.

  Amanda lifted her chin. No way in Ifrin would she let him see her pain. “You didn’t come down for breakfast.” She tossed the plate on the bar between them. “I’d do the same for anyone in the pack.”

  Partly true. He didn’t need to know she’d taken more care with his plate. Loading it with all the things he loved. Even spooning gravy over his cheesy scrambled eggs, a combination she’d never understood but he adored.

  Trystan peeled the foil back and took a whiff. His cuts, bruises, and burns were almost gone. Smooth, muscled flesh called to her, as it always had. Caramel colored skin she knew tasted like salt and male had her biting her lip. She nearly smiled before she caught herself.

  Amanda whirled to the sink to finish the dishes. She’d long ago sent Reagan away, saying she wanted to finish things up herself. “The table’s clean if you want to eat there.” Hopefully he’d get the message.

  As per her usual bad luck, he didn’t. He settled on a stool and pulled the plate toward him. Well shit. Amanda pretended to ignore him. She almost cut herself on a knife, distracted by his scent of pine and wildness. His nearness flipped her senses into overdrive.

  “You make the best biscuits ever.” Trystan moaned as he shoveled a forkful of biscuits a
nd gravy in his mouth.

  What was his game? Was he going to sit there and stuff his face and pretend nothing had happened? Amanda gritted her teeth. She barely kept from telling him that she hoped he choked. She really didn’t. Well, she kind of did. How was it possible to love someone so much, and hate them at the same time?

  “How are you feeling?” Trystan asked around a mouthful of bacon.

  Amanda turned on him. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Trystan’s eyes widened, then narrowed. He dropped his fork. “I’m still your friend, Amanda. No matter what happens.” He held her glare across the bar.

  “We’re not friends. We’re not anything.” She turned back to the sink, pressing her lips together. Damned if she’d let him see her cry over his sorry ass.

  Trystan was at her elbow. Before she knew what was happening, he’d swung her around and leaned down until they were almost touching. His words were a low growl. “Don’t ever say that to me again. We’re not nothing. How can you even think that?”

  Amanda tried to shove him back, but her action didn’t even register on his broad muscles. She straightened. Determined not to cower.

  “Well, let’s see. You claim we’re friends, when I’m actually just the one you run to when you’re in between bed buddies. Then the last time we sleep together you just let me walk away, then you go right out and fuck that tramp.”

  For the first time in months, she felt a spark in her body. Like her magic was seconds away from firing to life. It made her bolder. What flew out of her mouth next proved she wasn’t only bold, but stupid.

  “You refuse to claim me. You treat me like one of your whores. Fuck you, Trystan! We’re not friends. We’re not mates. We’re not anything!”

  Trystan’s head snapped back as if she’d slapped him. Those riverbed green eyes turned sharp and cold. “You don’t get to deny what we are or what we had. Whether I ever claim you or not, you’re mine. Always will be. And I’ve never treated you with anything but respect. You’re the one who walked out. I let you go because I knew no matter what I did, you were walking out anyway.” His shoulders sagged. Suddenly he looked twenty years older. “For the record, I didn’t fuck her. I was going to, but I couldn’t.” He caged her against the cabinet. “You want to know why I didn’t take what she offered, Amanda?”


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