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Page 17

by Amy Brock McNew

  The red cloud dissipated almost instantly. As the power receded, the rest of them sucked in air, able to breathe freely again. Makenna slumped into Rhys as if all the energy had been forced from her. When she turned to circle Rhys’ waist with her arms, she looked at Trystan. She was Makenna again. Her eyes begged him to do what she wanted to but couldn’t.

  Kill her sister.

  Now he had a pretty good idea of what Rhys had said to her.

  Well, he didn’t have any compunctions about killing Brianna. Her being his mate’s sister meant nothing due to her actions.

  The darkness inside took over. Trystan snarled. Brianna’s gaze met his. He would swear he felt a tingle in his gut, like she was reading him. Impossible, since her power was bound. A knowing look settled in her cold eyes. She smiled. Trystan lunged.

  Talon was on him in an instant. “Trystan! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Trystan fought Talon’s hold, the beast salivating to rip his friend apart to get to the enemy. That stopped Trystan cold. Something was very wrong. And the bitch smiling in the corner knew exactly what it was.

  Amanda was raging, but Trystan couldn’t hear what she said. The noise in his head consumed him. The voice inside screamed for destruction. For violence. For blood.

  He squirmed out of Talon’s hold. This time, Talon let him go. Trystan ran straight for the door. He needed to be away from everyone else until he could figure out what was going on, why darkness coiled within him like a venomous snake preparing to strike.

  Bursting out the door and onto the porch, he bent over and rested his hands on his knees. For a moment, he thought he might vomit.

  What had that bitch done to him?

  Fear shot through him. That spell had been meant for Makenna. What had Brianna intended to do to her? If she’d succeeded in hitting her initial target...the thought chilled Trystan. If the spell had created this monster in him, what kind of effect would it have had on the goddess? With Makenna already being on edge, there’s no telling what kind of havoc would have resulted.


  The quiet voice behind him had Trystan standing up straight. He couldn’t be around her right now. Couldn’t have her see him like this.

  Without turning around, he dismissed her. “You should get out of here, Amanda.” His voice was harsher than he intended, twisted with the anger and fear swirling in his gut.

  A warm, gentle hand landed on his back, then was gone just as quickly. “Are you...” Amanda heaved a sigh and slid around him. “Never mind. Rhys wants us all in his office.” With that she headed for the house.

  Her concern touched him. After everything, she still cared. It should’ve warmed his heart. All it did was hack another piece from it. One more reminder he’d devastated one of the sweetest, kindest souls to ever grace the planet.

  “Come to the house.” Rhys stood beside him, Makenna at his back.

  She looked a little lost and a lot pissed. Rhys was stone. Trystan felt nothing from him.

  “We need to talk.” Rhys took Makenna’s arm and led her down the steps.

  Talon leapt off the porch. He glared at Trystan, then tilted his head. His scowl softened. A question lit his eyes. Trystan shook his head. Talon let out a huff, his face hardening again. Then he ran to catch up with Rhys and Makenna.

  Bowen walked beside Trystan as they left the cabin. Trystan glanced back to see that someone, probably Bowen, had repaired the door with magic.

  Trystan looked straight ahead as they walked. He had no desire to share what was happening. They’d demand he stay out of the fight until they could make sure the spell’s effects were gone. He needed the fight. No way would he let Rhys sideline him.

  Bowen sighed heavily. “After this meeting, I’d like you to come to the infirmary.” He grasped Trystan’s arm to bring him to a halt. “I can sense something is off. You haven’t been yourself since you awoke.” His serious eyes drilled into Trystan’s. Trystan pulled up mental shields, and Bowen sighed again. “I need to have another look.” Trystan tried to pull away and Bowen held him. “Don’t ignore this. I can sense the darkness.”

  Trystan shrugged. “I almost died. Actually did for a few minutes. That changes a person.”

  Bowen’s eyes narrowed. “It’s more and you know it. This isn’t something to play with. Brianna is more powerful than we thought. She created that spell for Makenna for a reason. We need to know its intent.” Bowen shook his head. “If we don’t stop this, it could destroy you.”

  Trystan pulled his arm free. “I’m fine. Makenna ripped the foreign magic out. It’s done.” He stalked toward the house.

  He knew the mage wouldn’t let this go. But Trystan didn’t need his help. He’d fight it on his own. There were more important things to worry about. Like making sure Amanda was made whole again. He wished he could heal the heart he’d ripped to shreds.

  Bowen caught up to him. “If I have to, I’ll have Rhys order you.”

  Trystan whirled on Bowen. “And I could order you to leave it be. You forget I’m your Beta. I outrank you.”

  Bowen shook his head, determination etching into the lines on his tired face. “Not in matters of magic.”

  “I respect you, Bowen, but don’t push it. Drop this.” Trystan spun and ran up the two flights of stairs to Rhys’ office.

  “You can’t be seriously considering her offer! She’s lying through her teeth!” Makenna’s scream hit him before he even got to the door.

  Trystan raced in. Makenna leaned with both hands on Rhys’ desk. Rhys stood behind it, face stern. Amanda stood off to the side with her face lifted to the ceiling in frustration.

  Rhys leaned over the desk toward Makenna. “We don’t know that. Kylian didn’t keep his end of the bargain. Brianna wants revenge. That could work to our advantage.” He held Makenna’s gaze as tension popped and crackled.

  Trystan wasn’t sure if they were actually angry at each other, or were thinking about ordering the rest of them out so they could bang on the desk. It just reinforced to him how explosive things could get between mates. Proving that staying away from Amanda was best.

  Rhys glanced at Amanda. “If Brianna is telling the truth, you kill her, and Amanda never gets her wolf back. Is that what you want?”

  Makenna growled. “She’s just saying that to save her ass. Yeah, she wants revenge on Kylian. But she wanted the throne. Do you think she’s gonna hand it to us on a fucking platter?”

  “No. I don’t.” Rhys sat back in his chair. His chin high, and his features stoic.

  But Trystan knew his friend. Rhys was exhausted. Furious. And he feared for his people if he didn’t make the right choice. Trystan already knew what the right choice was. Eliminate the threat. His mind wasn’t clouded by the need to save Brianna. She’d chosen her fate.

  It was their job to see she met it.

  Trystan stood behind Makenna in support. “She’s right. We can’t trust a word out of Brianna’s mouth. Especially after the trap she set earlier.” Amanda leveled her cold gaze at Trystan, and Rhys leaned forward, eying him. “She barely put up a fight. Do you not find that odd?”

  Rhys nodded once. “Aye. I do. But her powers are bound. She’s been checked for tracking spells. Bowen has connected himself to her magic, loosely, so he can sense any activity. There’s nothing she can do without us knowing about it first. I wouldn’t have her here otherwise.”

  Trystan clenched his fists. “She has to pay.”

  “She will.” Rhys stood and straightened to his full height. “Once Amanda is restored and we know everything she does.”

  Makenna moved in front of Rhys. “Then we tell her we agree, have her lift the spell, then torture her for what she knows and cut her fucking head off.” A deadly glow emitted from Makenna’s skin and her eyes glittered with delight.

  Rhys shook his head. “She won’t heal Amanda unless we meet her conditions first.”

  Makenna snorted. “You’ve got to be kidding. You’re considering giving h
er freedom and access to her magic? Are you fucking nuts?”

  Rhys’ eyes narrowed dangerously. “Watch the way you speak to me, mate. I’m not a fool. There would be safeguards in place.”

  Makenna stiffened. “You’re serious.”

  “I am. I sense she’s telling the truth. So far.”

  “I sensed she’s a lying, worthless piece of shit who’ll say anything to save her ass.”

  Trystan glanced at Bowen. The male looked grieved. He’d moved to Amanda’s side. The place Trystan should occupy. Trystan glanced at a silent Talon, sitting in a corner chair. Talon watched with sharp eyes. It was impossible to tell which side of the debate he fell on.

  Rhys’ jaw twitched. “I’ve been at this a lot longer than you. My judgment isn’t clouded by my need for revenge, or a power I’ve yet to fully control.”

  Amanda gasped. Trystan, Talon, and Bowen snapped to attention.

  Makenna growled. The light around her wavered. Pictures on the wall vibrated.

  Talon stood and edged toward Makenna, ready to grab her if she lunged. Even Trystan couldn’t believe she was challenging Rhys this way.

  “Kenna, rein it in. Now.” Rhys forced the words through gritted teeth.

  “No.” Her refusal had everyone’s eyes widening. “First you take the word of a twisted bitch who clearly wants you over your own mate, then tell me I don’t know what I’m doing?” She encroached on Rhys’ space, eyes snapping. “That doesn’t fly with me, wolf boy.”

  “Stand. Down. This is not the time or place.” Rhys’ impassive face reddened.

  “I won’t.” Her eyes changed to wolf, a clear challenge raging in them. “You mated me because I’m the Morrigan. You told me I was necessary to win this war, yet you’re smacking me down every fucking time I turn around.” She glided forward until they were chest to chest. “You said we led together. I won’t stand here and let you shove my opinions aside.”

  Rhys’ eyes went wolf as well. Orange power formed a cloud around him, edging toward light red. “You don’t want to go down this road, Makenna.”

  “Oh, I think I do.”

  Amanda jumped up and stood beside Rhys before Bowen could stop her. “Makenna, I want Brianna punished more than anyone, but as much as I hate it, we need her.”

  Makenna’s glare snapped to her sister. “Sit down. This doesn’t concern you.”

  “Actually, it does.” Amanda’s shoulders drew back. The female had a spine of steel, magic or not. “If we kill her, there’s no chance of me being healed.”

  Makenna softened a fraction but didn’t back down. “And I think killing her will break the magic. So does Bowen.”

  The mage held up his hands. “I said it was probable. Most magic dies when its possessor dies.” He shook his head, looking tortured. “But with Brianna...there’s no way to know.”

  Talon moved behind Amanda. “Why don’t we all take a breath? Pretending to go along with her for Amanda to be healed and us to get what we need may not be a bad idea.”

  Makenna swung her hard gaze to Talon. “So now you’re siding against me too?”

  “I’m not siding with anyone. I only want what’s best. I want my sister healed, and Kylian and Brianna gone.” He swallowed hard. “But maybe Brianna deserves a chance.”

  Makenna backed up, shaking her head as she took in Talon, Amanda, and Rhys. “I can’t believe this. She doesn’t deserve a chance! We’ve hunted her for how long? She’s killed how many of our people? And you all want to just kiss and make nice. Fuck that!”

  Trystan stepped beside her and crossed his arms. He hadn’t said much, but his actions spoke louder than words. He stood with his Alpha female. He didn’t miss the hint of betrayal in Amanda’s eyes. He was trying to save her and protect their people. Someday, she’d see that.

  Rhys’ shoulders slumped. “We never had a plan for after we found her. That was my mistake. We should’ve had this discussion long ago. With cooler heads.”

  Makenna laughed, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “Right. So I guess all the talk about taking them out was just for shits and giggles.”

  “Situations change.”

  “Like one of our targets giving themselves up so they can take us out from the inside.”

  “We don’t know that’s what’s happening. Which is why we must proceed with caution.”

  “So what, if we catch Kylian are you gonna do the same thing? You gonna give him a chance too?”

  Rhys gritted his teeth. “No.”

  Amanda lurched forward but Talon held her. “Makenna, no matter what she’s done, she’s still our sister. She’s part of the Triad.”

  Makenna smirked. “Yeah, and Kylian is our dad. Both of them still betrayed us.” The cloud surrounding her wavered. “He killed our mother, then went after us.” She backed toward the door. “You have no idea what it’s like to live alone your entire life, wondering about your family. You’ve always had each other, always known where you came from. I had nothing! And when I finally get a shot at a real life, a real family, my own dad and sister try to rip it from me! I won’t let them! I’m not gonna just stand here and watch her destroy everything I love!”

  Makenna ran out, tears streaming down her face. Everyone stood in shocked silence. Rhys moved after her, his face twisted with pain. Bowen caught him as he got to the door. Trystan was right on his heels. He wouldn’t let Rhys bulldog her into submission. Maybe that wasn’t his intent, but Trystan knew his Alpha. He was in no state to calm his mate.

  Bowen patted Rhys’ shoulder. “Let me go to her. I don’t believe she’ll be receptive to you right now, mate or not.” Rhys shot him a glare, which quickly slid into agony. “I know you wish to ease her pain. But she believes you are part of the cause. I will take care of her.”

  Rhys stood stiff, looking the direction Makenna had gone. After a few tense moments, he exhaled roughly. His pain was palpable. He nodded. Bowen took off.

  Rhys followed him with his eyes. “Everyone go. We’ll finish this tomorrow.”

  Talon threw an arm around Amanda’s shoulders and led her to the door. When Trystan reached out on instinct to soothe her, Talon growled at him. “Leave her be, Trys.”

  Talon was right. But Trystan wanted to be the one to wipe that sorrow from her beautiful face. His wolf howled, wanting his mate. Wanting to ease her suffering.

  Amanda raised her eyes to his. The anger and betrayal there cut into his soul. His wolf whined. Then she turned away and walked past him like he no longer existed.

  As his heart liquefied and seeped down into his stomach, Trystan felt the beast rising again. He was angry his mate had turned away. Wanted to rip Talon apart for separating them. Trystan shook with the need to destroy.

  He didn’t realize he was growling until Rhys smacked him on the side of the head.

  “Whatever the hell is going on with you, snap the fuck out of it,” Rhys rumbled on his way to his chair. “Either claim her or stay away from her.” He fell into the seat and slouched back. The deceptively relaxed position didn’t hide his fury. His voice turned cold. “And don’t you ever go behind my back again. You do, and I’ll take you down in front of the whole pack.”

  Trystan turned slowly. Looking in Rhys’ eyes, he knew he was serious. Yet Trystan couldn’t bring himself to regret what he’d tried to do. It would’ve saved all of them so much grief, so much pain. But he did hate he’d not only gone against protocol, he’d hurt his friend.

  He met Rhys’ eyes squarely. “Understood.” He nodded once and turned for the door.

  “Trystan?” He looked over his shoulder at Rhys. “Get your shit together. Now.”

  Trystan walked out the door, closing it behind him.

  Rhys was right. He needed to get rid of this monster inside before it ate him alive and went after everyone he cared about. There was only one way to do that. One source for the new turmoil inside of him.

  Trystan made his way down the stairs and back toward the cabin that held their prisoner. He was about to ge
t to the bottom of this whole mess. After all, he was Beta. It was his job.

  One he’d carry out with extreme pleasure.

  The beast rumbled his agreement.


  Farther Away

  Makenna ran out of the house at full speed, nearly knocking over Reagan on her way. She threw an apology over her shoulder.

  Racing into the bayou, she ran until her legs collapsed from the weight of the pain in her heart. She landed on her knees, splashing mud and water. Her wolf paced within, whining and scratching at her to go back to Rhys. Her raven twittered in the corner, not sure what to think.

  A scream of fury and agony ripped from her soul. It rang through the cypress trees. Birds and nutria scattered as she made her pain known. But the sound wasn’t from the goddess, no matter how small the separation between them. It was all Makenna.

  Her mating to Rhys was falling apart. Part of it was her fault. She had no idea how to live as a couple. She hadn’t gotten a real chance to learn. Hadn’t really gotten to know him.

  Guilt choked her as she fell over on her ass. She’d disrespected him in front of others. Though she was new to all this, even basic etiquette told her that was wrong. Her heart told her it was wrong. She loved him, respected him, but she couldn’t see past her anger. He’d disregarded her opinion like it didn’t even matter and sided with the tramp making eyes at him even while Makenna was strangling her.

  He was convinced Brianna could be saved. Because he wanted to give her part of her family back. Help heal that deep rift inside of her she never talked about, but he sensed.

  Save her from killing her own sister.

  There was another problem eating at her. The rage inside Makenna, the pain, made it more difficult to control the goddess. The creature saw Rhys as her mate, respected him, but she wanted blood. Blood so like her own.

  Brianna. The one who should’ve been fighting by her side, completing the Triad, cementing their power.

  Makenna had no idea what would happen if she, Amanda, and Brianna were on the same side. She barely knew what she was. Yet the goddess knew. Makenna felt her ache at missing the final point of their triquetra. Missing the link to bring them together, three functioning as one with unimaginable power.


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