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Lawless Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Xander growled against my lips. “I want more, Letty,” he said.

  Suddenly, he was lifting me by my waist and settling me onto his lap so I was straddling him. One hand speared my hair and he brought my face to his so he could take my mouth in a voracious and demanding kiss. His other hand pulled my hips into his, making my core spasm as my legs were spread. For the first time in my life, I felt on fire with need. I finally knew what all those romance novels were talking about as my pussy started to weep with want.

  Xander was literally making me wet as he jerked his hips against mine all while devouring my mouth. I felt something hard press against the seam of my jeans and it put pressure right where I wanted it. I moaned and started moving with him, keeping my arms wrapped around his neck so I could still taste his mouth while I rode his hips. I wanted more of those delicious feelings that came with every thrust and kiss.

  Xander’s hand left my hair and trailed down to cup my breast through my shirt. I should have been shocked, but his hand only seemed to increase the pleasure. And yet, it wasn’t good enough; I wanted more. I took his hand and led it under my shirt. Xander didn’t need any help as he pushed my top and bra up my chest until my nipple was exposed to the night air, then he took it into his mouth. I gasped and my head flew back.

  He teased my flesh, sending even more bliss through my veins. He used his mouth on one breast while his hand plucked at the other. I gripped his hair, holding him to me while my hips still pushed against his.


  I froze at the sound of someone speaking and Xander raised his head from my chest. I looked behind me to see Ajax standing a few feet away with a smile on his face.

  I quickly lowered my shirt and climbed off Xander’s lap. A blush exploded over my face all the way to my roots. What is wrong with me? How could I become so wanton so quickly?

  “Your friend was looking for you,” Ajax said with a chuckle.

  I immediately marched past Ajax and back into the arcade without a glance at Xander.

  “Letty,” he said, but I wasn’t brave enough to look at him again.

  I found Emily near the front.

  “I am so ready to go,” she said.

  “Me, too,” I replied.

  Chapter Five


  Ajax and I headed back to the clubhouse after the arcade so he could get “a real piece of ass.”

  I just sat at the bar nursing a beer and thinking about Letty. Damn did she taste good. And I couldn’t get over how she came alive in my arms. It was like the sheltered good girl dropped away and in her place, was a fiery goddess who still had me hard two hours later.

  I was still thinking about it when I got a text from Jackson saying, Church Now. It was a little unusual to call a meeting at midnight so it must be important. Good, I thought. I needed a distraction so I could stop thinking about Letty.

  I pulled myself off my stool and headed to the back of the house where the Wraiths’ club table was located. I was one of the first brothers to take a seat at the long wooden table with our Wraiths emblem burned into the center. Others filed in along with Ajax who took a seat next to me, looking fresh from a fuck. I watched as Jackson took his seat at the head of the table with Mac, our VP, to his left. The two were close friends, but completely opposite in looks. Jackson looked like a dark Italian movie star, young and toned, while Mac was overweight with a long red beard and a burly face.

  Jackson knocked the gavel when everyone was seated. “All right, I know this meeting is random, but I’ve got some good news that I know a lot of you have been waiting for.”

  The whole room seemed to hold its breath before he continued. “It’s finally time to make our move in California.”

  A satisfied grin overtook Jackson’s face and we all knocked our knuckles against the wood in celebration.

  Jackson and I saw a lot of action together back in the Vegas chapter. Jackson was a club prince as the grandson of the national president, while I was the son of an enforcer and a slut who liked to hang around the clubhouse. We grew up surrounded by crime lords. As children, we were trouble, but as Wraiths we were reckless assholes, thinking we were untouchable. We wanted to carve out our own kingdom in a town that was packed with kingpins. Which was the reason Jackson’s grandfather exiled us to Wyoming seven years ago. We’d probably be buried in unmarked graves by now if he hadn’t sent us away. Ever since then I have tried to keep my head down. But not Jackson. He still wanted the kingdom and I had no doubt that California would be the place.

  “About time,” Ajax said, rubbing his hands together.

  Finally, I thought. We can get out of this mediocre town and find some real glory. We were going to make our name in California if it killed every one of us. And it literally might kill us. California was home to some very big, very ruthless MCs that wouldn’t like being challenged for territory. But I trusted Jackson to do it right. That was why he made us wait for the perfect opportunity.

  “Will the Covenant have our back?” asked Ajax.

  The Covenant was made up of three different MCs that came together when the need arose. We varied in some of our values, but we were true in our alliance.

  “This move might change our relationship with the Aces and the Bulls. I know they would help if we called, but this is our move and our responsibility.”

  We all nodded, acknowledging our President’s resolution.

  Jackson spent the next few minutes discussing the timeline and logistics before he dismissed the group. Ajax and I went to the bar to grab a drink to celebrate. I started making a list in my head of all the things I needed to do before the move. An image of Letty materialized immediately. I would love to do her before the move, but that is unlikely.

  “Hey, Bethany, grab us some shots. We’re celebrating,” I called out. Bethany was one of the club whores and a damn good bartender. She was a petite blonde with some luscious curves and a lovely face. I liked her a lot, but we hadn’t fooled around since she’d first arrived. We managed to become friends instead.

  “What are we celebrating?” she asked, her brown eyes lighting up with excitement as she set out the shot glasses.

  “Jackson says were ready to move to Cali,” Ajax said.

  Bethany immediately started jumping up and down with a bottle of Jack in her hand, letting out a little squeal. I was delighted to watch the little beauty’s breasts bounce, but I wanted my drink.

  “Come on, girl. Pour.”

  She stopped bouncing and poured our drinks, still sporting a huge smile. “I am just so relieved. When I joined up I told Jackson I wanted to get as far away from Grady as possible and now it’s finally happening.”

  I grabbed her arm before she could pull away. “I never knew you were from Grady.”

  She just shrugged. “It wasn’t a secret, but I didn’t want to advertise it when I first came here.”

  “What’s it like?” I asked.

  She looked surprised by my question. “Um, it’s not all bad. I had a nice childhood in Grady. It’s not until you grow up that you start to realize how oppressive the rules are. I mean, we were barely allowed movies with a PG rating. And we only listened to Christian music. Every marriage is arranged and they expect you to wait until marriage to have any kind of sexual relations.”

  “Why did you leave?”

  “I got caught fooling around with a boy who was not my intended. They said I could submit to punishment or I could leave.”

  “What was the punishment?”

  I thought I saw her shiver but she just shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I did not stay to find out. My family did not support me and I wasn’t in love with the boy or anything.” She looked down. “Mac picked me up on the side of the road and invited me back to his house for a few days. He got me this job bartending and the rest is history.”

  I couldn’t help but wonder if Letty made it home okay, if she got caught. Could someone be hurting her because I touched her? I felt my fists clench at the

  I felt like taking a drive to Grady to check on her. Then again, that might cause more trouble for her.

  The celebration continued all around me, but all I could think about was seeing Letty. I decided that I would find a way to see her before we left in a few weeks. Just to make sure she was okay, I told myself.

  Chapter Six


  Emily and I caught a cab back to Grady and we had the driver drop us a few blocks away from our neighborhood.

  Emily told me that Ajax kissed her, but when he tried to go further, she pushed him away. When she asked me about Xander, I decided to lie and say nothing happened, too ashamed of my wanton behavior.

  When we got to our block, we shared a hug and went our separate ways. I managed to slip through my bedroom window without a sound and I stood frozen for a few minutes to listen for movement in the house. When there was nothing, I started to relax and went into my bathroom.

  Suddenly, my bedroom door swung open and the door bounced off the wall with a resounding thud.

  My father stomped toward me, anger like I’d never seen on his face. He gripped my upper arms and shook me. “Where have you been? How dare you sneak out of this house.”

  “Stanley, don’t hurt her,” my mother pleaded from the doorway.

  He threw me toward my bed and I fell on to it.

  “I swear,” he started and pulled his hand back to hit me. I covered my head quickly to ward off the blow, but it never came. I peeked out to see him still holding his hand in the air and looking down at me in disgust. He dropped his hand and turned away. “Get downstairs. Pastor Dean is here.”

  I froze. What would Pastor Dean be doing here?

  I made my way downstairs and into the family room. I was met by my father, Pastor Dean, and there was someone else.

  Sebastian. He had been my intended since I was eighteen. Our parents arranged it, as was tradition in Grady. We weren’t engaged or even dating, but it was understood that we would eventually marry.

  He had never been involved in my discipline before so his presence, and the pastor’s, made me nervous. Sebastian’s face, which I considered cute with his boyish cheeks and light green eyes, was set in a deep scowl, making him look menacing.

  “Sit down, Colette,” Pastor Dean instructed, his voice calm and serene.

  I did as I was told, sitting in the center of the couch, knowing better than to question him. Pastor Dean was well-respected and considered to be a nice man. His round face and easy smile gave the impression of someone friendly, but I never felt right around him, like something was amiss.

  “Colette,” Pastor Dean began. “You have always been a good girl and while we are willing to overlook some mistakes, I’m afraid this transgression cannot be ignored.” All three of them remained standing around the coffee table, looking down on me like a holy council of righteousness. “Since Sebastian was the one to discover you, he has made a request. Rather than punish you, Sebastian wants your marriage to take place immediately.”

  My blood ran cold. “I thought I had to be twenty-two before the wedding.” I still had over a year.

  “This stunt changes things,” Sebastian said with a sneer.

  I looked at my father. “Please, Dad. We just went to dinner and the arcade. I know I left without permission, but isn’t this a little extreme?”

  “And was disobeying your father the only sin you committed tonight?” Pastor Dean asked.

  I gulped. “Yes.”

  “What about lust?” Sebastian said, his words thick with constrained rage. “My brother was in Lockwood and saw you kissing one of those biker trash.”

  “He must have been mistaken.” I said quickly, but I blushed at the thought of what he might have seen. The arcade’s patio had a few trees around it, but it was visible from the street.

  “Are you calling my brother a liar?” Sebastian spat at me.

  It was easy to see that denying what happened would get me nowhere. “It was just a kiss,” I admitted as I looked down at my hands. When Sebastian didn’t correct me, I knew it was safe to assume that his brother didn’t see all that happened between Xander and me.

  “You have betrayed Sebastian,” my father said in a shameful tone.

  “He may be my intended, but I don’t belong to him,” I said, my voice raising at the end. I couldn’t help but feel betrayed by my own father.

  “You will belong to me a week from tomorrow,” Sebastian said with complete resolution.

  I looked at my father, begging with my eyes to help me. But he simply nodded.

  So that was it? We were really getting married? I looked at my mother who had been watching silently from the hallway. She gave me a look of pity as the men shook hands.

  I immediately rushed to the stairs and went back to my room where I let the tears start to fall.

  I cursed Emily and Xander, but mostly Xander. It was all his fault. If he hadn’t kissed me, I wouldn’t be getting married in a few days.

  I should have just given Xander everything when I had the chance. At least I would have done something that truly justified this punishment.

  The thought made me stop crying for a moment. Give Xander everything?

  In a few days, I’d be starting a new chapter of my life. Once I was married, I’d probably get pregnant soon after and then my life would belong to my children. Not that I minded; I always knew that I wanted children, even before I was told it was my duty as a wife. But my life was still my own in this moment and I wanted more for myself.

  I was raised to believe that every action in this life would determine my place in the next. But I believed that God loved me and I loved him. He would forgive me for giving into temptation, even if it was willful. At least I hoped so. Either way, I wasn’t going to let it stop me.

  I lay in bed until I was sure my folks were asleep and then I reached for Bethany’s letter that was stuffed under my mattress. I grabbed my cell phone off my dresser and dialed the number.

  Chapter Seven


  Once I got a hold of Bethany, we talked the night away about our lives since we last saw each other.

  She had a good laugh when I told her I wanted to give my virginity to Xander. Even though she thought my request was crazy, she said she would help me. A few days later, I was sneaking out of the house again and meeting Bethany down the block where she was waiting with a car and a change of clothes.

  The risk of getting caught as I snuck out of the house made me nervous, but now that we were approaching the Wraiths’ clubhouse, I was nearly shaking with nerves.

  I followed Bethany to the front door of the house and tried to emulate her walk. I kept my head high and swung my hips, allowing the pink skirt I was wearing to swish around my thighs and my cute cowboy boots to clack against the pavement. Along with the black low-cut t-shirt, Bethany said I would have Xander crawling.

  The clubhouse was old but massive, like it was built by a rich man a hundred years ago. The entrance had a grand foyer with two large rooms off the sides. I imagined bright chandeliers and fancy furniture once filled the space, but now the walls were covered in graffiti and posters of naked women with motorcycles. Bethany led me to the left where a long bar ran the length of the room. There was also a dance floor and a few dilapidated couches along the edge.

  The place was packed with scantily clad women and rough-looking men, some of which were wearing cuts like Xander’s.

  I leaned into Bethany. “What’s this party for?”

  “This chapter of the club will be split in two so one half can move to California. This is a pre-going away party.” She smiled like pre-parties were a normal thing.

  Out of nowhere, someone was standing next me. “What are you doing here?” It was Xander and he looked like he was ready to explode.

  Despite his indignation, I felt my body clench at his presence. “My cousin Bethany invited me. Want to dance with me?” I asked sweetly, more than ready to feel his arms around me again.<
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  “No, I don’t want to fucking dance with you.” I stepped back at his venomous tone. “I want your bible-banging ass out of my club,” he thundered.

  I blinked at his harshness. This couldn’t be the same man who’d kissed me two nights ago.

  Bethany quickly stood between us. “Jackson gave me permission for her to be here, so back off, Xander. She’s my cousin.” She turned to me. “Come on. Let’s find some more pleasant company.” I let her drag me away, but I glanced back at Xander to see him look a little confused, but still angry.

  I was suddenly doubting my decision to come here as Bethany ordered us drinks at the bar. I guess it was foolish to hope he would be happy to see me.

  Bethany nudged my shoulder. “Don’t worry, I got this,” she said after I gave her a sad look. She turned to the guy sitting behind her.

  “LT,” Bethany said and squeezed the guy’s arm. “I want you to meet my cousin, Colette.”

  He glanced at me before turning in his stool to face us. He was good-looking with dark hair that was cut like a soldiers and a cute smirk on his face as his gaze went up and down my body. Like the others, he wore a Wraiths’ cut but only had a white tank underneath, showing off powerful arms that were covered in tattoos.

  “She needs a dance partner. Could you oblige her?” Bethany said.

  He stood up and came toward me, his eyes darkening. “Of course,” he said, his voice deep like Xander’s. I glanced at Bethany and she winked at me.

  Then LT was taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. I tried to keep distance between us, but LT quickly pulled me into his body and helped me sway with him. He didn’t say anything, just kept holding me tight as the song played. I started to relax against him when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

  LT turned around only to be knocked back by a punch. I gasped and looked back to find Xander standing there.

  “Prior claim,” Xander barked before gripping my arm and dragging me out of the room.

  Once we were alone in a narrow hallway, he loosened his grip on my arm and crowded me against the wall.


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