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Lawless Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  He glared down at me, fire blazing in his gaze. “What are you doing here, Letty?”

  “It’s a party,” I said simply.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit,” he roared. “I just punched a brother over you. Tell me why you are here?”

  “I didn’t make you punch him,” I said with a sneer. “And I can dance with who I want.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I am getting the feeling that you are trying to provoke me.”

  I scoffed. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because you want me to take you,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. My breath caught as he leaned close. “You want to get me riled so I tear your panties off and claim you against this wall.”

  My heart pounded against my chest at his words. Before I could even think of a response, Xander gripped my hair and brought his lips down on mine. His kiss was rough and demanding, invading my mouth like an undefeated conqueror.

  I whimpered against him, loving the taste of his possession.

  He tore his mouth from mine. “I want that sweet cherry right now. I want to be deep inside you, Letty. And you’d moan and take every inch, wouldn’t you?” he said crudely, my hair held tight in his hand as he looked down at me with pure lust.

  “Yes,” I whispered, sliding my arms up his shoulders.

  He froze for a moment, my comment confusing him.

  “Do it, take me. I want everything you said. Please, Xander.” There was only a moment’s hesitation before he bent his legs and gripped my thighs and lifted me against him.

  He pushed open a door to my right and sat me on a wooden table. The room was dark except for the moonlight shining in from a pair of windows at the far end.

  Xander’s hands went under my shirt and quickly pulled it over my head. My bra was off before I could even blink and he attacked my breasts like a man starved, taking my whole nipple into his mouth and sucking hard all while kneading the other breast roughly. His caresses were like small electric shocks going straight to my center.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he whispered as he laid me back on the table.

  “Xander, please,” I begged, ready for all the wicked pleasure only he could provide.

  The darkness made it so I could only see part of his face, but the fierce need was still there as he spoke. “Trust me, babe. You are going to get exactly what you are asking for. But I’m not such an asshole as not to give you a bit of a head start.”

  Xander kissed down my body, licking and nibbling as he went, making me arch off the table to get closer to him. He grabbed my panties and dragged them down my legs before spreading my legs wide. At the first touch of his mouth I jumped a little, surprised by the feeling, but he held me still with his arms around my thighs. His mouth explored me slowly, his tongue dipping in and out of me almost lazily. I squirmed against it, trying to get him deeper, harder. I heard him chuckle and then he put his mouth around my clit and sucked hard. I nearly shot off the table as pleasure blossomed inside me. I moaned and reached down to put both my hands in his hair, wanting so much more.

  Xander growled as my nails scraped his scalp and the rumble only intensified the sensations of his tongue moving inside me. I whimpered as my legs shook with the effort to stay spread. I was so close to coming that I was literally crying for him to finish.

  Suddenly, Xander stood up and leaned over me.

  “Why’d you stop?” I said as I pushed at his arms.

  “I wanted you on the very edge for what comes next,” he said, his voice deep and determined.

  I watched his motions in the moonlight as he unzipped his jeans. His member came loose and stood straight up, large and proud. I heard paper ripping and then Xander was putting on a condom. Yes, good idea, I thought.

  He took off his cut and then his shirt. He leaned over me slowly, his cock bumping against my entrance and slipping up to tease my clit which was still on fire.

  Xander came down on top of me and took my mouth in a fierce kiss, claiming my lips as his own. He wrapped his arms under me, crushing me against his body. I groaned against his lips as my hard nipples pressed into his firm chest. His kiss was slow and thorough, leaving me panting once he pulled his mouth away.

  “Look at me, Letty,” he said, his voice guttural with lust.

  I stared up into his face, thinking he was going to say something. Instead, he reached down and positioned his cock at my opening. I placed my hands on his shoulders to brace myself for what was to come.

  Xander’s thickness felt like perfect bliss as he pushed inside me. Nerve endings came alive that had been dormant, sparking with pleasure to ease his way. I clenched around him, loving the intimacy of this moment. But soon, he met the part of me that would have to be broken. I winced and closed my eyes when I felt the pain of my stretching muscles.

  “No, open your eyes, Letty,” Xander demanded. He gripped my hair and gave it a small tug. “I want to see your eyes as I take you.”

  I opened them to see his dark eyes searching my face. There was primitive heat radiating from his eyes along with a yearning I’ve never seen before. He gritted his teeth as he continued to shove himself deeper.

  “Xander, do it. Please.”

  He gripped my shoulder and pulled me down as he drove upward. I cried out as he seated himself to the hilt. He was so deep I felt like I was bursting with his girth.

  “Fuck, Letty. I’ve never felt anything so tight,” he said.

  I bit my lip as my pussy tried to adjust to his invasion.

  He immediately kissed me, moving his tongue inside my mouth in a sensual dance. He also reached between us to rub my clit, bringing pleasure back to the surface. I moaned and my hips moved against him while I spread my legs even wider, inviting him further into my body.

  He grunted as my inner muscles began to squeeze around him and I moved my hands to his hair once again to keep him close.

  He kept his thrusts shallow at first, but I wouldn’t have it.

  “It’s okay, Xander. Don’t hold back.”

  He groaned. “Don’t say that. I’m trying to be gentle here.”

  “I don’t want you to be gentle. I have the rest of my life for quiet, gentle sex.” I ran my hands down his back and gripped his ass, urging him to go faster and harder.

  “You asked for it,” he said with a grin.

  Xander stood up straight and took my hips in a hard grip, pulling me onto his shaft fast and hard. I gasped at the violent thrusts, but my pussy felt like liquid fire as he slammed into me, giving me exactly what I wanted. I whimpered, loving his dominant possession. My breaths came in pants as his thickness dragged in and out of my pussy, laying claim to every part of me.

  I was also loving the new view that this position provided. My eyes were mesmerized watching Xander’s powerful body take mine. The muscles of his arms bunched and his glorious abs tightened with every thrust, the moonlight reflecting off his skin and tattoos to make him look like a heathen god.

  I reached out to touch his stomach, wanting to feel the firmness under my fingers all while another hard part of him took me to heaven.

  I only got to feel his abdomen for a moment before he took both my hands in one of his and pinned them above my head. He shoved his cock deep and held it there, grinding against me. “Is this what you wanted, Grady girl?”

  “Yes,” I said, pulling against his hold on my hands. “I want you, Xander.”

  “Fuck,” he groaned and pulled back so he could pound my pussy all while rubbing my clit. The room was filled with the sounds of our breathing and slapping of flesh, driving my need higher.

  Xander bent his head and suckled a nipple that had been straining toward him.

  “Come for me, Letty,” he said before he bit down.

  I cried out as the heat of my orgasm melted my insides and spread throughout my body.

  But I held my eyes open to watch Xander stiffen and then quake above me, holding himself deep. After a moment, he collapsed on top of me and nuzzled into my neck. I finally
closed my eyes as the pleasure seeped into my bones, making me drowsy.

  “What the fuck?” A voice said. Xander stiffened above me and I opened my eyes to look over his shoulder. A man was standing in the doorway with the light from the hallway keeping his features in shadow.

  Xander lifted himself off me and quickly tucked his cock back into pants after pulling off the condom. He grabbed his shirt from beside us and draped it over my breasts. Only then did he turn to the man while keeping himself in front of me. I sat up and clung to his back, not wanting to show my face to the stranger.

  “Sorry, boss. Spur of the moment,” Xander said with a shrug.

  I heard the other man sigh before he said, “Take it to your room, and off my club table. Now.”

  “You got it.”

  Then the man left and I finally relaxed.

  Xander turned back to me. “Well, you heard the man. Let’s take this upstairs.”

  Before I could even think about it, Xander was lifting me into his arms bridal style, holding my body to his. Being held like this felt so good that any protests flew out of my mind.

  Chapter Eight


  I woke up when it was still dark outside. Letty was in my arms, her back to my front, both of us still naked under my comforter.

  I laughed to myself. I hadn’t spooned with anyone since I was a teenager.

  I did not imagine ending up like this when I saw her at the party last night. At first, I was happy to see her, but that was quickly replaced by anger. How could a sweet and innocent lamb like her be stupid enough to enter a den of wolves willingly?

  It didn’t take long to figure out that she came here looking for me. She sought me out so she could give herself to me. But I still didn’t know why she did it. Why did she risk so much to seek me out?

  What happened on that table had been mind-blowing. And Letty was the most eager and sensual virgin I’d ever known. The way she demanded things, but still had that look of pure innocence had me questioning who was the one in charge. She also tasted like strawberry ambrosia between her legs of which I wanted more.

  Being inside her for the first time was something to remember. That was why I made her look at me when I took her virginity. I knew it was more than a simple fuck and I had to see into her as I claimed her.

  After Jackson kicked us out of the chapel, I brought her to my room where we talked and fucked all night long.

  I was finally able to explore her body the way I wanted, running my lips and tongue over every inch of her skin. Then I took her slow, drawing out every thrust until she was cussing like a sailor for me to fuck her properly.

  After that, I told her about losing my old man when I was little, growing up in Vegas, and joining the Wraiths. She had been a little hesitant to talk about her life, but I tickled her until she told me her favorite things to do like working in the library and volunteering at the church daycare. She also told me about her grandma and how she left a box full of romance novels under her bed for Letty to find.

  From the way she spoke, I got the feeling that this was the one night we would have together. A pang hit my chest when I thought about never seeing her again. She was so different from all the women I’d known before who were foul-mouthed and jaded. She was soft, sweet, and caring. I wanted to come home to her softness every night, to be the one she cared about, the one who got all her loving attention. I pulled her a little closer to my body.

  My dick stiffened against her softness and it slipped between her legs. I thought about slipping inside bare just like this, fucking her slow and soft with nothing between us. God, that would feel good.

  A sinister thought crept into my mind. If you take her bare, she could get pregnant.

  I slowly moved my hand down her body to slip between her legs and touched her gently. She moaned in a sleepy voice and arched her back. I kissed and licked her neck while teasing her center. It didn’t take long before I could feel her wetness leaking out on to my hand. Before I could stop myself, I was pushing myself inside her. Letty gasped and brought her hand back to grasp my neck. Feeling Letty around my naked cock was heaven, nothing but warm wetness urging me deeper.

  I picked up her leg and brought it over my thigh beneath the comforter so I could get to that spot inside her that would have her writhing.

  I kept my thrusts slow, but I made sure I bumped her womb with each one. She whimpered a little, but I rubbed at her clit to keep her pleasure flowing. She turned her head and I kissed her long and hard, letting my tongue explore her mouth leisurely.

  I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. Getting Letty pregnant felt too damn good.

  Soon her orgasm was gripping her and her sweet pussy clamped down on my cock while she arched her back and pushed against me. I held myself deep and let my own orgasm crash over me. It was so powerful that blood rushed in my ears and my vision blurred as I coated her womb in my seed. I growled into her neck and held her tight, wanting to be as close as possible.

  That was the most intense and blissful sex I ever had, which was fucked up.

  I rolled on to my back and Letty cuddled into my side. We laid there in silence with my hand caressing her hair and her soft breath flowing over my chest. I never felt so content and that was when my conscience started nagging at me. I’d done some fucked up and evil things in my life, but for some reason, I couldn’t stand this one.

  “Letty. I didn’t use a condom.”

  She stiffened and sat up. “Do I need to be tested?”

  Pre-dawn light shown through my window, giving me just enough to see the worried look on her face. “I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m tested regularly and I always use a condom.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Except now.”

  I decided not to respond to her comment since I didn’t have an excuse. I sat up and cupped her arms. “I can take you to the pharmacy to get the morning-after pill.”

  “What does that do? Does it kill the baby?” she asked, fear and sadness flashing across her face.

  I pulled her closer. “No, it won’t hurt the baby if you do get pregnant. It just reduces the chances of you getting pregnant in the first place.”

  “Oh, okay.” She seemed to relax a little and we lay back down on the bed. I’m not sure why, but I was pleased by her reaction to possibly aborting our child. It gave me hope that she felt more for me than just lust.

  For the first time in my life I wanted to ask a woman about our future. But before I could summon the courage, Letty asked, “What time is it?”

  I grabbed my phone. “Almost six.”

  Letty sat up and pulled her legs out from under the covers. “I should probably find Bethany so she can take me home.”

  I sat up, too. “I’ll take you.”

  “No, it’s less dangerous if it’s Bethany.”

  “What do you mean less dangerous?”

  “If I am caught with Bethany, I will be punished severely. If I’m caught with you … I don’t even want to imagine what they would do.”

  I suddenly didn’t like the idea of her going back to Grady. If they find out about tonight, what will they do to her?

  I opened my mouth to tell her so, but something stopped me. If she doesn’t go back to Grady, would she stay here? But I was leaving for California soon, so I couldn’t keep her. My idea of getting her pregnant suddenly seemed absurd. I wasn’t ready for an old lady or a kid and it certainly wasn’t a good idea to bring them along to a potential war zone.

  And yet, as I watched her dress, I realized that if things had been different maybe I could be ready for something like that. Lately, the same old tail was boring and I found myself wanting something more from a woman.

  But it didn’t matter, things were not different. She had to go back to Grady and I had to go to Cali.

  She began walking toward the door, but I snagged her arm and tugged her to me, giving her one last kiss. One passionate kiss that told her how I felt in this moment. When she pulled awa
y, I thought I saw a tear in her eye, but she quickly turned away and left the room. She didn’t even say goodbye.

  Chapter Nine


  I found Bethany sitting at the bar when I came downstairs. She simply smiled and tilted her head toward the door. I followed her outside and to her car.

  Once we were in the car, she asked, “Well? Was it everything you hoped for?”

  I sighed. “Yes. So much so that it breaks my heart.”

  I felt a little foolish for saying it out loud, but it was true. I had fallen in love last night and now that it was over, all I could do was mourn. It was stupid to let myself have feelings for a man like Xander. He was dark, dangerous, and probably a felon. But last night, the way he spoke about his friends and the things he cared about, told me that he wasn’t a bad man. His life had not been easy, but he took responsibility for all his choices. I didn’t know why, but I admired him for that. I was envious of his bravery.

  “Can I tell you something?” Bethany asked.


  “Xander is a criminal.”

  I leaned back, surprised that she would say something like that.

  “He has done bad things, maybe even killed people.”

  I shook my head. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I’m saying that, even though he has done bad things, he is not a bad man. He is a good man. And it is okay to love him.”

  “I know,” I said softly. It was funny how she had guessed my thoughts. Even with all this time apart we were still like sisters.

  As we headed through town, I suddenly remembered that Xander mentioned the morning-after pill. I was about to tell Bethany, but something stopped the words in my throat.

  I’ll be married to Sebastian in a few days. If I do get pregnant, there would be no way of knowing whose it was.

  And I wanted it to be Xander’s. It was selfish to want to keep a part of him, something to remember the wonderful night we had. But I didn’t say anything to Bethany.

  “Are we ever going to see each other again?” she asked as she parked the car a few blocks away from my house.


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