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Page 18

by Sam Crescent

  She shook her head. “I couldn’t watch them die. What I don’t get is why you’re not angry about this. Your boss ordered me to marry you, and now you’re saddled with me. Aren’t you the least bit pissed about that?”

  “Nope, not in the slightest.” He finished his bowl of pasta. “I’ve got to head out. I’ll be back. Make yourself at home, and I’ll be late so don’t wait up.”

  He moved toward her, and Patience couldn’t help but tense up. His lips brushed her temple.

  “Try and see what has happened as a good thing, Patience. You never know, you may come to love it.”

  She listened to him as he left the apartment. Once the door closed, she stood up, and moved down the long hallway to the door. A guy stood outside, she saw through the small peephole. She stood in front of the windows and cursed. It was too far down to attempt to escape.

  There was no way out for her.

  She was stuck.


  Cade walked into Alfero’s office, and he didn’t know if he wanted to hug his friend or beat the shit out of him.

  “Ah, my best friend. I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d be getting down and dirty and busy!” Alfero shook his hips and burst out laughing.

  “Why did you do it?” Cade asked.

  “Do what?” Alfero leaned against the desk.

  Cade had been friends with Alfero for many years. They had grown up together, both of them making a name for themselves. He’d always been Alfero’s guard, right hand man, and best friend.

  They had done a lot of crazy shit in their world. A lot of the stuff he never wanted to remember, but stuff that needed to be done. They were two of the most feared men in the mafia. If they came to call, then people knew blood would be spilled.

  “Why did you have to bribe her like that? Where are her parents?”

  “They’re working off their debt.” Alfero laughed. “They really thought that they’d gotten away with stealing my money. I did what I did because you wouldn’t do it, and I was tired of you spending your time panting after her like a little puppy. One look was all it took for you to realize that you wanted her. Now that you have her, do you even want her? Should I pass her off to another soldier?”

  “Don’t touch her.”

  Alfero held his hands up. “I don’t see what the problem is.”

  “She thinks this is just another trap. A cage. I didn’t want her to think or to feel that, and yet that is exactly what has happened. This wasn’t what I wanted.” He ran fingers through his hair and dropped down into the chair in front of the desk, resting his head in his hands. “I didn’t want it to happen like this. I don’t want her afraid of me.”

  “Then don’t do anything that will make her scared. This is a hard world, Cade. Accept what I give you, and be happy that no one else demanded blood.”

  Cade sat for several moments not saying a word. On the way over, he’d been ready to hurt his best friend. He hadn’t been thinking in roles of boss and employee. To the rest of the world, they were merely that: an employee, a soldier. His job was to protect Alfero. Cade would have no choice but to keep his mouth shut if he disagreed with anything his friend said. He’d wait until they were alone, like this, where he could speak freely.

  In all the years they’d worked together, since they were boys of ten years old, and now men in their forties, they had been friends.

  Nothing had divided them, and nothing would ever change that. Not even his obsession with Patience.

  “I need some time off,” Cade said.

  “Are you asking me as your boss?” Alfero asked.

  Cade shook his head. “No, I’m asking as your friend.”

  Alfero folded his arms and smirked. “You know I’ve given you a wife who also happens to be the woman you’ve been stalking for some time now. I was expecting … something.”

  “I’m not going to say thank you. I told you I’d deal with my feelings for Patience in my own time.”

  “Her parents were the ones that brought everything forward. I just saw a way to give my friend a gift. Consider Patience my very early birthday present. You know I hate those things. You have three weeks off. I wish I could give you more time, but with everything going down right now, be happy with three.”

  Cade hadn’t taken any time off in years, and he’d been hoping or a little longer vacation, mostly to help Patience with this new way of life, and to also bring her into his world slowly.

  “You better make sure she knows the ropes, Cade. Our enemies are everywhere, all around, and will do anything to weaken us. I would hate to see a mistake cost you the woman you love.”

  He nodded at his friend, shaking Alfero’s hand. His friend pulled him into a hug, slapping him on the back as he did.

  This was as close to brotherly love as they’d ever get. Neither of them really spoke of their feelings.

  Alfero only knew about his obsession with Patience because he’d caught him in the act. His constant stalking and watching of her. Cade had hated that. It had shown a weakness in his armor and in this world, that never happened. He didn’t believe in weakness.

  Driving back to his apartment, he nodded at the new soldier waiting and entered his apartment. Being Alfero’s main man, he had to have a guard just like the boss, or at least his woman did.

  Alfero had a wife that he kept locked away from the world, but she was happy with that. His friend also kept several mistresses, which Cade didn’t want to do.

  He didn’t hear a sound when he entered his apartment, and found Patience curled up on the sofa, wearing one of his large shirts.

  Pleasure swept through him at the sight of her, and he found it to be the cutest thing.

  Kneeling down before her, he reached out, stroking her hair back from her face.

  In sleep she looked so peaceful.

  From the first moment he saw her, every instinct inside him told him to take care of her, to love her. To wipe the pain from her face, and to show her exactly how amazing the world could be.

  Patience was the one person he was going to be selfish with. He shouldn’t want her. The life he lived was way too dangerous, but he couldn’t be without her.

  He would always be thankful for Alfero for giving her to him.

  Cade only hoped that he’d not condemned her to death.

  Chapter Three

  Patience woke up to the scent of bacon and coffee. Sitting up, she ran a hand over her face, gasping as she realized the difference in her surroundings and bed. Her wedding, the threat to her parents, everything came rushing back to her.

  She didn’t know if happiness swept through her or worry.

  Glancing around the room, she didn’t recall sleeping in a bed, and the sound of a man clearing his throat had her turning toward the door.

  Cade, her husband, leaned against the doorframe.

  “I thought you’d be awake by now.”

  “How did I get to bed?” she asked.

  “I carried you.”

  “You did?” She stared down at herself.

  “Yes. I’ve made breakfast if you’re ready.” He turned and left.

  Climbing out of the bed, she slowly made her way toward the kitchen. The shirt she wore covered everything, not that she had anything to worry about. Cade hadn’t demanded sex or anything.

  Now she felt stupid as she didn’t know what kind of marriage he expected, and if she should even be worried. He didn’t want her like that. She didn’t think he wanted her like that at all.

  No one ever wanted her.

  Entering the dining room, Cade was already there and fully dressed. She tucked some hair behind her ear, and when she looked toward the clock saw it was a little after ten. She had never slept so late in her life.

  Taking a seat, she watched as Cade piled her plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. She didn’t say anything as he did the same to his plate. When he finished serving, she dug in, enjoying the food on her plate.

  Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, and
she enjoyed the peace. Should she be afraid of him?

  She didn’t know if she should be cowering in a corner afraid of being tortured. Instead, she ate her food, and tried to think of saying something else, something witty.

  “I’ve taken some time away from work. I figured it would be best to help you get used to everyone and everything if I was with you. Your life is going to change, Patience, and I need you to accept it. I don’t have time in my life for a woman who cries at everything.”

  “I don’t cry at everything.” The life she had lived hadn’t been some fairy tale. Being a fuller woman, she had learned to have a thick skin. Her parents made sure she understood that being bigger didn’t make her better, and that to a lot of people she would always fail to meet a standard.

  Remembering their cruel words never helped her in any way. They were still her parents and she loved them.

  Taking a bite of her bacon, she glanced over at him.

  “Good. I didn’t think you were. You’re a strong woman. A lot of people would have broken down last night when given that ultimatum.”

  “Now I’m married,” she said. “I, erm, I wanted to ask you about that.”

  “What would you like to ask?”

  Patience paused. Could she ask questions?

  “Why do you suddenly look so worried?” He reached out, placing a hand over hers. “I promise you, you’re safe here.”

  “Can I ask you questions? I don’t know what I’m allowed to do.”

  He chuckled. “You can ask me anything you like.”

  “Our marriage … what do you … I don’t know … is it to be a proper marriage?” Her cheeks were on fire, and she felt like such an idiot for the way she mumbled her words. She was a full-grown woman. She shouldn’t be mumbling stuff like this.

  “I want a proper marriage, Patience.”

  “Like … sleeping together?” she asked.

  “Sex. Yes.”

  She nibbled her lip and took a deep breath. “I’ve never been with anyone.”

  “I know.”

  Patience frowned. “How?”

  “I have my ways of finding everything out. You’d be surprised exactly what I do know about you.” He pushed his chair out from the table, and took her hand.

  She didn’t put up a fight as he led her toward the sitting room.

  “I also know you hate shopping above everything else.”

  The sitting room was full of boxes. Cade released her hand, and she didn’t like how she mourned the loss of his touch.

  Was she that desperate for affection that she would throw herself at a man she just met?

  He’s your husband now.

  Cutting off her own thoughts, she watched as he opened up one of the boxes, and she saw the clothes inside.

  “When you’re ready, you can go through these, and pick what you like. What you don’t can go back.”

  She reached into the box, and checked to see her size on one of the items of clothing, surprising her. He knew her size.

  A size eighteen lay in the box, and she didn’t point out her size, nor did he mock it either.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. I’m going to spend a great deal of time with you, Patience, so that you feel more comfortable in being married to me. There’s a lot you don’t know. A lot I will share with you, and to help you.”

  She nodded.

  “I will warn you. There’s going to be a lot about this lifestyle you’re not going to like. There’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t take you out. You’ve just got to try and find something you can enjoy with it.” He stroked her cheek, and she forced a smile to her lips.

  “I’ve just got to learn to live with it?”

  “Yes. I can make you happy, Patience, if only you’d let me.”

  She nodded, not really knowing what to say. He was being sweet, and he’d offered to help her, but she knew this life wouldn’t be easy or enjoyable.

  He worked for men who had cops in their pocket, that killed people.

  How was she going to be able to live with that?

  She would have to.

  To live, she’d have to accept whatever he said, otherwise she’d be the one who ended up dead.


  Cade washed the dishes, giving her time to get dressed and to pick some clothes. So far, she hadn’t run away screaming.

  They had the entire day together. He had no doubt that Alfero would call him sooner than the three weeks.

  The life of a mafia king was never easy. There was never a guaranteed vacation. Work always came first. It was life or death, that was the way he worked.

  He finished the dishes as Patience came out of the room dressed in jeans and a long shirt.

  Wiping his hands on the towel, he smiled at her, hoping to relax her a little. So far, he’d sucked at it.

  The scent of coffee filled the air as it brewed, and so he urged her to take a seat.

  When their cups were full, he sat with her, placing a cup in front of her.

  He’d taken women as and when he wanted them. There had never been a need for polite talk. They knew who he was and what he did.

  From the time he was a kid, and knew who his father worked for, and who his best friend was related to, he’d been part of their world.

  “Thank you,” she said, holding onto the cup.

  He loved the little things about her.

  Rarely any women in his world said thank you.

  Alfero had wondered what he found fascinating about her. No matter what he said to describe her, his friend never got it.

  He never saw the sweetness of her actions as she helped a kid get a football down, even though the kid would no doubt invade her space by kicking the same damn ball next to the wall where she sat. She always helped people, and hated to see others in pain.

  Cade had watched her carry out groceries for older men and women. She’d even helped with the trash, helped a kid find its parents.

  A lot of people were oblivious to the world around them, not Patience. She always had time for everyone and everything.

  In a world where the women wanted to know what he’d give them before they’d fuck him, he found Patience to be a breath of fresh air.

  He took a seat. “Tell me everything you know about me.”

  “I don’t know anything about you. Besides the fact that you kill people, that I’m married to you, and you like the color yellow. The men you’re associated with are the mafia. My parents owe them a great deal of money.”

  “Yes, and they’re going to pay it off.” Cade didn’t leave anything out. He told her about Alfero, the family that ran the city from here to Italy, how they controlled everyone and everything. How there was a war as there always was with other families wanting more and more territory. How the risks were always high, especially to the women and children.

  For over an hour he talked about his job, his role, and what he did.

  “You’ve killed people?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Your parents. That wasn’t just lies? That was the truth?”

  “I would never lie to you, Patience. That I can promise you.”


  She looked down at her empty cup.

  He took her cup and got to his feet, heading toward the kitchen.

  Cade knew she’d try to run. That she’d have this moment where it really got to be too much.

  Dropping the cup, he got her just as she was about to grasp the door handle. “Let me go,” she said crying out as he hauled her back from the door, and shoved her against the wall just as the door opened.

  “Is everything okay, Cade?” the guard asked.

  He placed his hand over Patience’s mouth to silence her.

  “Everything is more than fine.”

  He nodded at his guard, and waited for him to close the door before looking back at Patience. “You want to freak out then do it here. Do not for a second attempt to get away. I can only save you from so much.”

/>   “Why did you bring me into this? I’m not my parents. I shouldn’t be here. I can’t handle this. It’s too much.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have taken the fall for them. I guess we’re both fucking stupid.” She panted as her hair fell wild around her, framing her face. His body pressed right next to hers, and it was all just too much of a temptation. Ever since he’d see her, there hadn’t been any other woman for him.

  There was never going to be another woman for him, and he wasn’t going to pass this up.

  Cupping her face, he slammed his lips down on hers and claimed her as his own. She tasted of coffee, and he was sure he’d gone to heaven. All of his patience and her parents’ stupidity had led to this moment, and it felt so fucking good to finally have her with him.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he heard her moan.

  He had expected her to push him away, and yet she didn’t. Her hands went to his shoulders, and she held onto him, keeping him close. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he felt his cock begin to thicken.

  It would be so damn easy to make her want him, but he wasn’t going to cave right now. Seconds after she had tried to run.

  He would never let her run, not ever. No matter how much their life scared her, he’d prove that he had what it took to take care of her. He’d expected her to run. Why not? From a single woman to marrying a mafia soldier, her world had never once touched his. Now she belonged to him, and in doing so, the mafia as well.

  Cade broke the kiss first, and when he pulled away, her eyes were closed.

  “I can give you a good life. I know you’re not going to like everything about my life, and there will be times you hate me. I would never treat you with anything but respect. I will always tell you the truth, and I will be faithful to you. There won’t be any other woman. Of that I can promise you.”

  Slowly, he released her.

  She didn’t make a run for it, and he watched as she licked her lips.

  Patience nodded at him, and then he went to make them another cup of coffee.

  Chapter Four

  One week later

  Patience climbed into the bed, and couldn’t believe that it had already been a week since she’d been married. That day she had run from him had been instinctual. She’d felt trapped, even though there wouldn’t be an out for her now. She couldn’t leave Cade. He intrigued her. She hadn’t worked a single day, and Cade spent so much time with her. The first day, he’d not left the apartment. The second day he had. Alfero, the man who gave the ultimatum arrived and then they closed themselves away in his office, talking for over three hours.


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