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Page 32

by Sam Crescent

  Hannah felt conspicuous. Not that she had low self-esteem, she was comfortable in her skin, but not to the point she could showcase someone like Davis and feel worthy. By the time they’d finished dinner she was ready to leave. Davis was charming, and polite, and British, and everything she’d expected him to be. She learned very little about his life, though. He seemed evasive, always turning the questions back to her.

  By the time they walked out to the parking lot, suspicion was back. He escorted her to her vehicle, and it was the moment of truth—leave him here or invite him back to her place.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening,” he said.

  His gaze searched her face, his eye color vivid in the evening shadows.

  “Thanks for paying, but I would’ve gone Dutch,” she replied, still undecided. For her libido it was a no-brainer, but her gut instinct left her wary.

  His easy smile never seemed to quite meet his eyes. “A gentleman always pays.”

  Then silence fell between them. She should leave, but she couldn’t budge. He stepped closer, their bodies just brushing.

  “May I have permission to kiss you good night?” he asked.

  Her already pounding heart sped up even more. It rang in her ears. She stared at his chest and made her decision.

  “How about coming back to my place and kissing me there?”

  Chapter Six

  Davis followed Hannah back to her house. For a fleeting moment he’d thought she’d turn him down and he’d have to sneak into her home to finish the job. The idea didn’t sit well with him, though he knew it shouldn’t matter one way or another. He chalked it up to his ego; being turned down by an attractive woman would wound anyone’s pride.

  He made a show of keeping close to Hannah’s vehicle, but of course he already knew where she lived. He also knew exactly when he’d leave her place—at three AM. Too late for the night owls to notice, too early for the early risers to be up and about. Her neighborhood was generally quiet, and he hadn’t noticed activity at that time. Not that it mattered if people noticed him leaving; he’d be long gone before Hannah would be missed at work. He’d be safely ensconced in his island home as they interviewed shocked neighbors and friends.

  She pulled into her driveway and he parked along the curb. He met her as she was unlocking her front door. He took in the neighboring houses, but didn’t notice any nosy neighbors. He followed her inside. She dropped her purse on the coffee table then turned to face him. Her eyes shone with nervousness, as did the fidgety way she clasped her hands.

  He peered around the room. Comfy furniture, a few photographs on the walls. Cozy but not overly homely. A place to stay, but not to settle. He knew the look; his place back at Tortola looked the same.

  “I’m sure you’re used to more,” she said a bit breathily.

  “It’s inviting,” he said, wanting to put her at ease.

  At this point he should be running on predatory instinct. It was nearing ten PM, he had but a few hours left with Hannah. The sooner he was through with it, the sooner he’d be back in Tortola. Not that he’d ever enjoyed the actual kill, but he’d never dreaded it either. And as he stood there, staring into Hannah’s impossibly large and guileless eyes, he felt dread seeping into places he long thought dead to a man like him. A man that killed without emotion or regret.

  She also stirred within him other things he hadn’t felt since his fiancée. A woman he’d had to leave behind to enter this world. Last he’d heard Marla had found another man and was happily married with children. A life denied to Davis, but he felt no envy for it. Perhaps he was truly a sociopath.

  He reached out his hand, palm up. An invitation, because he needed her to come to him, to walk into the trap he was setting. Weakness had come upon him; he wouldn’t be able to simply take then destroy her. He half-hoped she’d change her mind and send him out of her house. But then what? He couldn’t leave it undone.

  She reached out, taking his hand. The trap was sprung, her life was now in countdown, and he had little choice but to follow through. With a gentle tug, he pulled her against him. He stared into her face. She really was lovely, and the freckles dotting her skin gave her innocence. Should she have lived to be an old woman, they would’ve always given her a youthful glow.

  He cupped her face, closed his eyes, and sought her lips. The kiss was a gentle coaxing, a teasing and testing. Lust had been put on hold as he explored his own feelings in the moment. He’d lived so much of his life in only two worlds—lust and indifference—that he couldn’t quite grasp what Hannah had done to him.

  Then she moaned and sank into him, digging her fingers through his hair, offering him everything. His cock grew rigid, her taste intoxicated him, and all thought was lost save for having her.


  Hannah had never been so turned on in all her life. Davis was a master seducer with his kiss, his hands, his incredible, deep voice that whispered wicked things in her ear. She worked at the buttons of his shirt, clinging to his kiss, while trying to tug him in the direction of her bedroom. He seemed to know where they were going, and guided her backwards down the hallway and through the bedroom door.

  They tumbled onto the bed. His mouth left hers and his teeth found the sensitive skin of her neck. She yanked at his shirt until a few buttons popped free and found the smooth, hard flesh of his shoulders beneath. Satin over the steely strength of muscle. Her fingertips reveled in the contrast.

  “You’ll be the end of me,” he said, parting her wrap top, his hands covering the lace of her bra. She moaned, arching as he stroked over her nipples. “Every inch of you is a luxury to be enjoyed.”

  But she grew impatient. She wanted to be skin to skin with the power she felt beneath her hands.

  “I can’t wait,” she pleaded. “Please.”

  He braced up on his hands, and she gazed into his eyes. The icy blue had warmed with desire, but she found she had to look away. Something in those eyes still unsettled her. His lips lifted in a wry grin.

  “As you wish.” He stood from the bed. “Give me a few moments to run to my car.”

  Hannah waited and he soon returned carrying a gym bag.

  “You packed an overnight bag? Presumptuous, don’t you think?” she teased.

  He chuckled, dropping the bag near the bed. “It’s spare clothing I keep in case of emergencies.”

  He winked. Then she watched in rapt fascination as he undressed. The tailored shirt gave way, and she devoured the sight of his broad chest—well-developed pecs sprinkled with coarse hair, then lower, to his ripped abs. His capable fingers made short work of his pants and boxer briefs, and…

  My God, how will I take that all in? His cock was huge and she realized the condoms she had in her nightstand would be completely inadequate. She reached into her top drawer and pulled out the box, frowning.

  “I came prepared, love.” He looked to his gym bag. She followed his gaze then looked back at his face. A muscle in his jaw ticked and when his gaze swung back to her she saw that icy coldness back in his eyes. The blue glittered, her warning bells sounded, but he blinked and his easy smile returned.

  You’re being dramatic, Hannah. Davis is harmless. Enjoy yourself for once.

  “Stand up and disrobe for me,” he instructed.

  Her heart rate kicked up, and she did as he asked. He took her in head to toe, setting her on fire. Her pussy ached, she needed his touch. She needed release.

  He licked his lips in a slow, provocative promise, a promise she prayed he’d keep, before he said, “So, love, how about we play a game? Have you ever tried bondage?”

  Chapter Seven

  Davis saw her uncertainty, her mistrust. Hannah was a clever woman with good instincts. He kept his smile in place as he walked to her closet. He found her duty belt, sans pistol, hanging on a hook on the back of the closet door. He guessed she kept her gun close, in her nightstand drawer in case of intruders. But she had never reckoned on inviting one inside.

  He pulled out h
er handcuffs and key. Her headboard was made of vertical wooden slats, perfect for binding.

  “You know it’s illegal to mess with a deputy’s duty belt,” she said when he turned back towards her.

  “Perhaps you should arrest me then.”

  He strode back to the bed then sat on the mattress edge. He let his gaze travel over her skin, flushed pink in arousal. Delicious. He reached above her, weaving the cuffs between the slats.

  “Now be a good girl and put your hands above your head.”

  She hesitated. He lowered down and sucked one of her nipples between his teeth, giving it a light pinch. She gasped and her thighs opened in invitation.

  “If you’d like more, I suggest you do as I ask,” he said while braced over her.

  “I, uh, haven’t tried bondage, and I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with it tonight,” she countered, smoothing her hands over his shoulders. “Besides, I like touching you.”

  He bit his bottom lip, her hesitance familiar and easily overcome. He simply had to make himself more human to her.

  “Then how about you keep the handcuff key in your hand? You’ll be in complete control, and can release yourself at any time. Be brave, Deputy Stephens.” He nipped the side of her neck and she sucked in a hard breath. “I’m an investor from London,” he whispered against her ear. “My first kiss was stolen from Elisabeth Rhodes at her eighth birthday party. I was briefly in love with her after that.” He nuzzled the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet vanilla aroma mixed with the honeyed scent of feminine arousal. “I play squash on the weekends with my mates, and they can tell you I’m a terrible loser.” He pushed back from her and studied her face. “Now, do I really seem that dangerous?”

  He met her gaze again. She wrinkled her nose in the most adorable way then grinned. “Dangerous? No,” she said. “I’m overly cautious, it’s part of the job description.”

  But then she placed her trembling hands over her head. He snapped the cuffs closed, using the key to lock them in place. He placed a kiss on her lips as he dropped the key into her palm.

  “You shall be richly rewarded for your trust in me, love.”

  This could be the most difficult part of his seduction trap, immobilizing a wary lover, but now he could have her at his leisure. He rose from the bed and walked to his gym bag. He squatted down and unzipped it.

  “What are you doing?” Hannah asked. He heard her jerk at the handcuffs. If she chose to back out now, it was already too late.

  He pulled out a box of condoms, then dug deeper until he found what else he needed. He returned to the bed, set the condoms on the nightstand, and held up a necktie.

  “Now comes the best part, love. Your absolute submission.”

  She struggled more earnestly against the handcuffs. The handcuff key appeared between her fingers. “I’ve never done this sort of thing before,” she said, pulling back when he approached her face with the tie.

  He wasn’t surprised at her admission. “Relax, you’ll find it quite enjoyable.”

  He reached down, between her thighs, and stroked a finger within her sex. She was slick with arousal, and she jerked as he pressed her clit. He leaned in close to her ear.

  “Be brave, Hannah. As I promised this morning, I’ll make you orgasm in any way you desire. With my hands, my tongue, or my cock, it’s your choice, now choose.”

  He teased her clit with light circles until her breaths came in short pants.

  She arched her back. “Tongue. Please, Davis, eat me out.”

  “Mmm, my pleasure. But first, the blindfold.”

  She nodded, and he carefully wrapped the necktie around her eyes. But he had one last item he needed to retrieve. He left the bed and reached into the bottom of the gym bag, withdrawing his knife. He unsheathed it and stared at its silvery blade.

  “What are you doing?” Hannah asked, looking in his direction, the blindfold making it impossible to know what would be coming.

  He returned and quietly placed the knife on the nightstand next to the condom box.

  “Nothing to worry about, love,” he said.

  He crawled over her thighs, and lifted her legs over his shoulders. Her pussy glistened wet in the lamplight, making his mouth water. Suddenly famished, he dove down, taking her fully in his mouth.


  Hannah cried out in sheer ecstasy as his tongue drove into her pussy. Though she’d resisted the idea of bondage, she had to admit it pushed the eroticism to unexpected heights. She was a damn good deputy with damn good instincts, but she couldn’t fall into the trap of distrusting every man she met. So she reveled in pushing against her own boundaries, she loved the thrill of playing with fire. The world was dark, the handcuffs left her immobile, and the only thing she could do was feel. Feel his tongue stroking through her lips, diving deep within her walls before slipping up to tease her clit. Feel his fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs. Feel the slight rasp of his evening beard growth against her sensitive skin. God, had anything ever felt this incredible?

  She pushed into his mouth, rubbing against his face. He hummed, a tickling vibration she’d never experienced before that drove her to madness. He pressed his lips against her clit and shook his head, and in a burst of light her world shattered. She screamed with the climax, and as she came he shoved two fingers inside her. The unexpected penetration hurt, but the incredible waves of pleasure blended seamlessly with the pain.

  “You’ll never be able to take me in this tight, love.” His voice sounded ragged, overused. “Open up for me.”

  She let her trembling thighs fall apart, and he worked his fingers inside of her, stretching her, until he slid a third finger inside. The fullness was uncomfortable, but she craved it and so much more.

  “That’s it, good girl,” he said. “Now, I think you’re ready.”

  In her blindfolded darkness she heard him take the box of condoms, open it, then she heard the tearing of foil. An erotic backdrop to her expectation. He nestled his hips between her thighs, and his hand moved between them. She felt the tip of his cock pressing into her sex.

  “On the count of three. One.”

  He shoved the tip in, and she gasped, her tight flesh momentarily resisting him. She clamped her teeth together in frustration. He kissed her, his hands finding hers, their fingers weaving together. She felt his smile on her lips.

  “Relax. Ah, that’s a girl, now, two.” He thrust forward, stretching and filling her completely. She jerked in equal parts delight and pain. He gave her a moment to adjust.

  “What happened to three?” she asked.

  He circled his hips, and hot shocks of pleasure shot through her. “This is three, love. How do you like it?”

  She could only answer in groans and gasps as he started a slow rhythm that soon gave way to hard thrusts which lifted her hips from the bed. She couldn’t catch her breath as he pushed her higher. She clung to the brink of oblivion.

  Then he pulled out. She hissed in frustration until she felt his tongue on her clit. A rapid flick and she broke. The orgasm took her whole body as he reentered her, pounding into her, driving those shockwaves of pleasure to the tips of her toes. He bucked hard and called out, pumping his hips until he collapsed, bracing his weight on his elbows.

  They were slick with sweat, their ragged breaths mingling together. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, look into his face and see if she’d affected him as much as he’d just affected her. She realized in a moment of shock that her hand was empty, the handcuff key gone.

  “I’ve lost the key, do you see it?” she whispered.

  Davis let out a hard breath and pushed back, his cock falling out, leaving her empty. She felt the edge of the bed shift; he’d sat down next to her.

  “Do you see the key? I want free,” she repeated louder.


  She frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Fuck.” The bed shifted again as he stood up.

  He pulled the pillow from beneath her head, t
hen she heard a clink against the top of her nightstand.

  Unease crept through her, replacing the warm and fuzzy afterglow.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded. Why wasn’t he looking for the key? It had to be close by.

  She heard him moving about. Something brushed against her throat and she flinched. It was his lips, the handcuffs gave way, then he pulled the blindfold from her eyes.

  “It had fallen on the floor,” he said.

  She blinked against the glare of the lamplight then focused on his eyes. Their cold blue had given way to a twinkling life she hadn’t seen before. His smile shone within them. He kissed her again, and she felt a shifting of her heart. Against her better judgment, she’d allowed him inside it.

  Chapter Eight

  “I have but two rules, and you’ve chosen to break one of them. You know the consequences.”

  His handler snorted. “I don’t think you remember the mercy we’ve shown your brother. It’d be a shame if he had a tragic accident.”

  Davis felt nothing but calm, his stony indifference back in place. “I understand you are rather proud of your son rising in the ranks of the organization. He’s expecting his first child; your first grandchild, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Don’t you dare go near him!”

  Davis pitched the mobile phone into the creek next to his campsite. He’d already placed the call of an abandoned car to lure Deputy Stephens and her partner out to the wooded area. He had loose ends to tie up before he took care of his handlers. Make the scene bloody enough and any others wouldn’t dare touch his brother.

  He shouldered his rifle, strapped on his hunting knife, and shoved his Glock in his shoulder holster. Hannah had changed everything. She’d robbed him of one-dimensionality. She’d forced emotion back into him last weekend. Two days lost in one another. Two days to rediscover what living actually meant.


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