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Till The Sun Dies: Checkmate, #2

Page 26

by Finn, Emilia

  I’m hoping for a snicker, even if it’s scared and watery, but all I get is the door opening an inch.

  “Hey.” I smile and pretend I can’t see the tears in her eyes. “You okay?”

  “Yeah…” Shuffling her feet, she clears her throat and barely manages to hold my eyes. “I have a tendency to jump to conclusions. You only left a little bit ago, so I figured you’d be awhile. Then I heard something and figured it might be the creep. Ya know… Skeeter.”

  Fucking Skeeter.

  “Nope, just me. I was fast, because I’m starving.” I kick my shoes ahead and balance my things. “Take my bag?” I pass it over and force her to focus on something other than the darkness and things that go boo in the night. “I got you ice-cream. You want some?”

  She peeks into the bag, because she’s curious and has never been able to stop herself. “What kind did you get?”

  Stepping into the room, I turn and lock the door with a smile. “Ever heard the saying that beggars shouldn’t be choosers? Or, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.”

  “Ever heard the saying shut the hell up before I shove a shoe in your mouth?”

  I love that she’s joking. I love that she still has that sass I fell in love with.

  Fuck me.

  Should I change my name to Skeeter now, or…

  I set my wallet and cell on the rickety table beside the plastic knife I forgot I was still holding, and taking my styrofoam container of salmonella, I sit back where we left off earlier.

  Laine’s fries remain half eaten, and the fried chicken is untouched. “Sit down. Eat your chicken.” When she doesn’t move, I lift my chin in the direction of the fridge. “Toss dessert in while we eat, then by the time we’re done, freaks next door might shut the hell up, then we can maybe pull up a movie and eat ice-cream until we pass out.”

  “The TV doesn’t work.” She stands near the fridge with her pinky nail between her teeth. “I checked.”

  “We can use my cell. It’s not cinema quality, but it’s better than a slap in the face, no?”

  Finally, she gives me the watery snicker. “I can slap you if you want. If that’s what you’re aiming for, you don’t have to be so subtle.”

  “Sit down, woman. Eat. You’re too skinny these days.”

  Finally, she wanders toward the bed. I was so preoccupied with her sad eyes and fidgety hands when I got back, that I didn’t notice she’d gotten changed in the few minutes I was gone.

  She was in a tank and cut-off denims before, so what she wears now is no more revealing; little sleep shorts covered with swimming mermaids, and a peach tank. She’s not showing any more skin than ten minutes ago, but this is still different. She’s dressed down and ready for bed.

  And I have no fucking clue where I’m going to sleep.

  Pretending I don’t notice the tension in the air around her, I open my dinner and work through it with just a plastic fork, not commenting when she eventually sits down beside me. I do nothing but continue to eat and watch her pick at her chicken.

  I wish we could fast forward the awkward moments the way we can fast forward a movie. Get us through her shaking hands and straight to the bit where she picks the chicken leg up and eats it the way chicken legs were made to be eaten.

  It’s tempting to fast forward the bad times and enjoy only the good, but that’s not the way life is. If we fast forwarded through the hard stuff, twenty minutes after I sit down, I wouldn’t find us sharing a pillow, lying ear to ear, while we try to watch a movie on my cell. And I realize if I want these moments – the bits where her hair tickles my nose and her arm rests against mine, where her feet accidentally bump into mine when she moves, or the peals of laughter when I drop my cell on my face – I can’t have the good if I’m not willing to take the bad.

  So I sit with her through the bad and savor the good. I take whatever she has to give and treasure every moment.

  When she falls asleep on my pillow, turning into me and tucking her hands between her breasts as her plump lips pop out, I simply watch her instead of my movie.

  I watch her lashes flutter.

  Her lips quiver.

  Her chest rise and fall.

  I watch her sleep for a few minutes before remembering how we got into this place – Skeeter, the sketchy fucker. It’s my job to protect her, including from the pervert outside, so I vow not to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll catch up.

  Laine will never know that she talks in her sleep. Nothing I can understand, just mumbled sentences, silly grins, but every now and again, I make out a soft ‘Angelo’. She smiles, links her fingers together, and makes my heart to soar when I know she’s dreaming about me.

  Good dreams.

  Smiling dreams.

  Because I was here for the bad, I’m rewarded with a few minutes of stroking her creamy soft cheek while she dreams of me.

  It’s a risk. She could wake up and lose her shit, and I’d be squarely to blame for that one, but for right now, I’m lucky.

  Tonight, I get to share a bed with the one woman I love, and that’s enough for now.

  It has to be.



  Back On The Road

  I step outside of my room at four-fifty-five a.m. and close the door with a soft snick. Ang is asleep, and I’m not entirely sure how I feel about waking him.

  I fell asleep in bed with a man last night. I didn’t have nightmares, I didn’t freak out, and I woke half an hour ago more rested than I’ve been in a long time.

  Sleeping next to Ang is a brand-new experience for me, and it was both healing and exhilarating.

  Maybe I’m not broken. Or, at least, not as broken as I thought I was.

  I slept in a bed with Ang and didn’t ask him to leave; I didn’t sneak off to sleep in the bathtub or car, and when I woke this morning, when I realized the weight pinning me down was his arm over my ribs and his leg over my thighs – and that he’s a snuggler – not only didn’t I freak, but I turned toward him with a smile and studied his features for a moment.

  It’s not often I’d get the chance to study him so closely that I could count the pores on his nose, so I took my five minutes and prayed he wouldn’t wake while I was being weird.

  The pad of my thumb studied the bridge of his nose; crooked from one too many fights over the years. His lashes, longer than any man should be allowed to have without mascara. His lips, heavy, but chapped from the windy drive.

  He didn’t take his shirt off to sleep, so I didn’t get to study the smattering of hair I’ve seen over the years at the lake. He didn’t even take his jeans off, but there was no way in hell I was going to suggest it.

  I spent the night in a man’s arms, and I’m so happy I didn’t panic that I could high-five Skeeter-The-Creeper.

  The door to Kane and Jess’ room cracks open so light spills out onto the concrete pathway. I wasn’t coming out to knock on their door, but since it’s open…

  I step forward and stop when my nose almost touches Jess’.

  Her lips quiver with a smile. “What?”

  I push her face away and laugh. “You know what! You’re freaks.” As soon as Kane walks out of the bathroom, I point. “You’re pigs. Both of you.”

  He stops in the middle of the room with a tube of toothpaste in his hand, and his jeans slung low on trim, tattooed hips. “What’s your problem, Twink?”

  “We heard you! We heard you for ages! Do you have no shame?”

  Smirking, he moves to his backpack. “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Stop clutching at your pearls and admit you liked it.”

  “I didn’t!” I pick up a balled pair of socks and peg them at his head. “Are you kidding me? You knew we could hear, but you did it anyway?”

  “As if we didn’t hear you giggling.” He makes a mocking, giggling sound and goes about packing away his things. “Oh, Angelo. You’re so cute with the way you’re probably still a virgin. Giggle giggle. I’m so innocent, I love how we’re both vi
rgins who pretend we aren’t turned on listening to the hot couple next door. Giggle giggle.” Jess snorts and walks away to begin packing her things. “Let’s just touch ourselves and admit we’re kinda horny.”

  “I never said any of that.”

  His brow lifts. “Don’t pretend like you weren’t thinking it. You kept listening because you were hoping he’d admit he’s into it, too, and put you both out of your misery.”

  “No! That’s not–”

  “Unfortunately for you, the man you’re hoping will make a move is scared of freaking you out. So this one’s on you; you’ve gotta make the first move. He’ll join the party once you put his dick in your mouth.”

  “Kane!” Jess smacks his shoulder as she passes. “Stop being a pig.”

  “I’m the only one on this trip willing to speak the truth! Look me in the damn eyes and tell me you’re not into him. He’s not listening right now, so admit it; you like him. You wanna know what it feels like to be with him. But you’re a soap bubble in his eyes, Twink. He’s never gonna make a move, so you need to start shaking your ass.”

  “No. I don’t even know what you’re talking about, so shut your face.”

  “You’re saying you don’t want him? You can literally look me in the eye and say that with a straight face? Fuckin’ liar. You want the dude, just go and tell him already!”

  “Can you stop being so damn loud?” I hiss. “I don’t know if you noticed, but these walls are thinner than Jess’ orgasms. We can hear everything.”

  “Jess’ orgasms?” His eyes spark with a dare. “The fuck you talking about, woman?” He snags Jess as she passes and slams his tongue down her throat.

  Not so long ago, I’d have turned away and fought away an embarrassing blush. I’d have had to fan my face and breathe through my feelings.

  But not anymore.

  I don’t know if Kane does this with the express intention to desensitize me to people practically fucking in front of my eyes, or if that’s just a side benefit.

  But it’s working.

  His large hand squeezing her boobs doesn’t fluster me the way it used to. The way she started this make out session with hands that were pushing him away, only to now end with her groaning and pulling him close doesn’t make my heart race the way it used to.

  Kane has desensitized me to his filthy behavior.

  Bravo, thug.

  When he pulls back and holds a gasping Jess upright, he turns to me with a smug grin. “Jess’ orgasms are just fine. Now get the hell out while I show her.” When I don’t move, when I simply fold my arms across my chest and glare, he shrugs. “Or you can stay. Whatever. Then you can learn what to do next time you’re giggling with the band geek.”

  “Ugh!” Turning on my heels, I push back into the breezeway and thoughtlessly slam the door, rattling the walls. “Shit.”

  Rustling in my room proves I woke Ang, and within two minutes of leaving Jess’ room, he opens the door and steps into the breezeway amid sleepy eyes and giant yawns.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “It’s okay.” He rubs the heels of his hands into his eyes. “Is it time to go?”

  “Yeah.” I walk to the car and begin moving the soft top back. It’s so perfectly warm, and we’re driving direct to the coast today. No way am I doing it with the top up. “We gotta wait, because Jess and Kane are doing it again.”

  “Again?” He turns, as though to see through the brick wall. “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “Not kidding, but this one was probably my fault. I might’ve challenged him…”

  His eyes narrow. “What did you do?”

  “I may have mentioned he sucks in bed.”

  “Why?” I giggle when he throws his hands into the air. “Why would you challenge him, Laine? Where was your brain?”

  “I wasn’t thinking! He was shirtless and being a crass pig. He challenged me, so then I said something about how Jess’ orgasms are lacking…”

  “And now we’re standing outside before the sun for no damn reason.”

  I lock the soft top back and try to control my giggles. “I don’t know how long they’ll be. I said some mean things.”

  He turns back with clear eyes. No longer tired, no longer yawning, he watches me with laughing eyes, and shakes his head. “Let’s get some breakfast. My treat.”

  “Can we get it to go? We could sit outside and watch the sunrise.”

  “Sure. You got all your stuff from inside?”

  “Uh-huh. You?”

  “I’ve just gotta throw my toothbrush into my backpack. That’s it.”

  A few minutes after we do a final run through of our room and make sure we didn’t forget anything, I climb into the passenger side of my shiny new Buick and let Ang drive us across the highway to the diner.

  I let him order our breakfast.

  And the whole time, I run Kane’s words through my head.

  I love how we both pretend we aren’t turned on listening to the hot couple next door. Giggle giggle.

  Was I turned on listening to them?

  Not exactly.

  But was I thinking about Ang and I making similar noises?


  Let’s just touch ourselves and admit we’re kinda horny. Don’t pretend like you weren’t thinking it… You were hoping he’d admit he’s into it, too. Eventually he’d make a move and put you both out of your misery.

  Will Angelo make a move?

  No, because he has no clue I even like him. He doesn’t see me the way I’ve become to see him.

  Awesome communication skills, Laine.

  Unfortunately for you, the man you’re hoping will make a move is scared of freaking you out. So this one’s on you. You’ve gotta make the first move. He’ll join the party once you put his dick in your mouth.

  What would he do if I simply threw myself at him? I’m not quite at the ‘drop to my knees’ stage of this situation, but what if I tossed all common sense aside and put everything on the line? My pride. My dignity. My heart.

  Would he reciprocate?

  Would he run away like I had cooties?

  Would he send me home with a patronizing pat on the ass and a memo to get a stern talking to by my brother?

  “Tastes good?”

  I jump in my seat and choke on dry pancake. Turning to Ang with tears in my eyes, I cough the pancake out of my lungs and smack his thigh when he does nothing but grin.

  “You okay?”

  “Shut up.” I push my food away and pretend my red cheeks are from nearly dying. “I’m choking.”

  “Guess breakfast tastes good, then.” He pats my back, and what starts as gentle taps turn to solid thumps when he realizes I’m not as fragile as he thought. “Here.” He passes his coffee, since I already chugged mine. “Wash it down. The freaks are done.” He nods across the freeway toward a laughing Kane and Jess. “We’re ready to roll, so no time for the ER.”

  “You’re so kind,” I joke. I sip the cooling coffee and try not to be weird about the fact we’re sharing a coffee. We’ve done this before. Angelo didn’t obsess about how my lips touched the rim of the mug, so I need to get my head together and stop being weird.

  Damn Kane!

  And since I texted her last night while Ang ran to get food, damn Sonia.

  And while I’m freely blaming the people in my life, damn Jessie, too!

  Maybe I should just shake my ass and see what happens…

  “Hey, lovers.” Kane drags Jess toward the car with a filthy grin marring his face. He tosses his backpack into the trunk and messes my hair as he passes. “Morning, Twink. Sleep well?”

  “No.” Ang turns with a glare. “We didn’t, because our neighbors were too fucking noisy and grossed us out.”

  “Not my fault you wanted in on the action, band geek.” Kane slams the trunk and helps Jess into the backseat. “You should learn how to channel that anger into a girl. It feels better, I promise. There are two guys in this car right now, but
only one of us has blue balls.”

  Ang’s angry eyes turn murderous. His gaze flickers toward me, as though he’s scared I might freak at the sex talk being thrown around. “Shut the fuck up, Bishop. Get in. We’re running late.”

  “Hold on.” He pulls the permanent marker from his pocket and drops a kiss on Jess’ cheek. “Running in to get coffee, then Jay’s gotta take a piss. Back in five.”



  Group Chat

  Jess: Just do it already! Lean into him. Suck on his ear. I dunno. Do something!

  I don’t dare look at Ang while my sister texts me from the backseat. My heart pounds so hard it’s almost painful. He’s right there. He’s driving; hat on, arm on the doorframe, thick thighs spread wide while we cruise in the car he helped me rebuild.

  Me: I will NOT suck on his ear. You’ve lost your damn mind!

  Jess: He’s a gentleman, Baby! He’s not gonna make the first move. This is up to you.

  Me: I don’t want it to be up to me!

  I’m such a coward.

  Kane: Coward!

  Me: Shut your stupid pie hole and get out of our chat!

  Kane: You just gotta lean in and tickle his balls. He’ll perk right up.

  Me: I’m going to kill you. I’m gonna cut you up and bury you all over the country. I’ll put your pieces so far apart, you won’t be able to crawl back together again!

  Kane: You’re threatening a federal agent, Twink. That’s like, thirty years straight up. You prefer the Betties over the band geek?

  Me: You’re not a federal agent! You’re a criminal who was once given a badge. And don’t call him band geek! That pisses me off.

  Jess: It’s so cute that you’re protective of him.

  Kane: Okay, you know what? Lemme talk you through it. You just gotta lean in and touch his leg a little bit. Fuck, I feel gay right now!

  I angle my head and catch a glimpse of a frustrated Kane wiping a hand over his face.


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