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Page 13

by Colette Davison

Remy trailed his forefinger along Mac’s jaw. “You, on your knees, doing whatever I tell you to.”

  The thought made Mac feel sick. Remy wasn’t the kind of man he could ever want to be with, let alone as a submissive.

  “If Russel found out—”

  Remy tutted. “I wouldn’t tell him. Would you?”

  Mac clenched his teeth.

  Remy pulled a business card out of his breast pocket and held it out to Mac. “Think about it. I’m only a phone call away.”

  Mac hated himself for taking the business card and stuffing it into his back pocket.

  “So is your boyfriend’s precious interview,” Remy said. “A phone call and a few hours of being mine anyway.”

  Mac stood and turned his back. His emotions were a seething mess inside his chest. He wanted to scream or, better yet, turn around and punch the smile off Remy’s face, but none of that would do Russel any good.

  “Are you ready, babe?”

  Mac heaved out a relieved sigh at the sound of Russel’s voice. He plastered a smile on his face and turned around. “You bet I am.”

  When Russel joined him, he wrapped his arm around the smaller man’s shoulders and kissed him on the lips.

  Russel chuckled as their lips parted. “Well, that was pleasantly unexpected.”

  “Just showing you how much I love you.” Mac glanced at Remy as he spoke.

  “I love you too, babe.”

  Russel’s words made Mac’s heart stop for a second because even though they were fake and purely for Remy’s benefit, those five words had unexpectedly made his insides tingle in a way he’d never experienced before.


  “Okay, spill,” Russel said, the moment his flat door closed behind them. “Have I done something to piss you off?”

  Mac’s chest ached. “No.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” Russel’s wide, worried eyes searched Mac’s as he laid a gentle hand on Mac’s arm. “You haven’t said a word since we got in the taxi.”

  Mac had spent the whole journey thinking. He knew telling Russel about Remy’s proposition was the right thing to do, but a part of him dreaded it. Not because he thought Russel would disbelieve him—although that worry was nagging away at him—but because it would mean the end of their arrangement. As crazy as it sounded, Mac was enjoying being Russel’s fake boyfriend, Remy’s advances aside. He wasn’t sure he was ready to go back to a life that didn’t have Russel in it. Another crazy thought, considering he was the guy who didn’t like change, the guy who had refused to help his two best friends buy out Horns because he was afraid they might fail. Yet Russel had sauntered into his life, presented him with a crazy proposal, and he’d allowed himself to get swept up in it.


  Mac sighed. The longer he stayed silent, the more undue stress he was going to put Russel through. There was another way to fix it: make good on the things he’d said at Remy’s house about wanting to come back here and ravage Russel. If Russel could use sex as a distraction, so could he. He lifted Russel’s hand from his arm and pressed the smaller man’s palm to his lips. Russel released a contented sigh as Mac’s lips brushed several kisses against his sensitive skin.

  “If you’re trying to seduce me, you’re heading in the right direction.” Russel’s words were casual, but his voice was stiff.

  “I want to worship you.”

  Russel whimpered as Mac gently pulled him close and began to kiss his neck.

  “Every inch of you.”

  Russel let out a nervous laugh. “I’m going to hate myself for saying this, but I think I’d rather know what’s bugging you, Big Guy.”

  “Cuff me,” Mac pleaded. “Tell me how to adore you. Tell me what turns you on.”

  Russel pressed his hands against Mac’s chest and pushed away. He pointed to the door that led to the lounge. “On the sofa, now.” His tone brooked no argument yet held the gentle respect Mac realised he loved.

  He obeyed, even though his stomach felt heavy. He knew Russel’s order wasn’t going to lead to sex or even fooling around. Russel was going to order the truth out of him, and he wasn’t sure he had the strength to defy him.

  Russel followed him but didn’t sit beside him. Instead, he stood with his arms folded, chin raised slightly so he was looking down his nose at Mac. “What the fuck’s going on?”

  “I told you I—”

  Russel wagged his finger. “No. I am the queen of using sex to wallpaper over cracks. And can I remind you that you didn’t let me do that on Monday night?”

  Mac gave him a small smile. “Tuesday morning.”

  Russel rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  “I still gave you a blow job.”

  “After you made me talk.” Russel got down onto his knees and shuffled forward, parting Mac’s knees as he went so he could kneel between them. He laid his hands on Mac’s thighs and looked up. Even in that lowly position, he looked every bit the dominant. “Talk to me, babe.”

  Mac wiped his hands over his face. “Remy made it clear that the only way you’d get your interview is if I sleep with him.”

  Russel’s jaw dropped into a loud gasp. “What the actual fuck?” He shook his head. “You didn’t agree to it, did you?”

  Mac couldn’t put into words how relieved he was to hear those words coming from Russel. “I didn’t say no.”

  Russel’s eyebrows drew down over his half-narrowed eyes, casting shadows that sapped the light and sparkle out of his blue eyes. “You should have.”

  “I know.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  Mac cupped his hand around Russel’s cheek. “This interview means everything to you.”

  “I would never ask you, or anyone else, to fuck a guy so I could get a boost in my career.” Hurt flashed across his face, and he pulled away from Mac’s touch. “I can’t believe you thought I’d want that.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “It sure as hell sounds like you did.” Russel went to stand, but Mac placed his hand on his shoulder and applied downward pressure. Not enough to actually force Russel to stay put but enough to silently beg him not to move away. Russel sighed, complying. “You’re lucky I like you, or I’d never let you get away with that.” He brushed Mac’s hand from his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Trying to dominate me or thinking I might want you to whore yourself out because of me?”

  Mac sucked in a breath and turned his face away. “You make it sound so black and white.”

  “That’s because it is.” Russel stroked Mac’s cheek. “Babe, look at me.”

  Mac obeyed instantly.

  “Remy is a jerk. I’m sorry I didn’t realise how much of a jerk before now.” He pushed himself up so that he could press his forehead to Mac’s. “I’m sorry you were put in that position.”

  “What happens now?” Mac’s insides were a fluttering, tingly mess as he asked the tentative question.

  “Well, we’re never going back there, for a start. Fuck the interview and fuck Remy fucking Lawrence.”

  Mac couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear so much.”

  Russel shrugged. “Clearly, your dirty mouth is rubbing off on me.”

  “Funny.” Mac brushed his lips against Russel’s. “Because I thought your clean mouth was rubbing off on me.”

  “Oh, babe, my mouth is not clean.”

  “I’d like you to show me just how dirty it is.”

  Russel sighed against Mac’s mouth. “There you go again, trying to seduce me to avoid talking.”

  Mac stroked his fingers up and down the nape of Russel’s neck. “Is it working?”

  Russel whimpered. “Yes.” He cleared his throat and pulled back. “Which makes me wonder what else you’re hiding from me.”

  “Fuck now, talk later?”

  Russel arched an eyebrow. “You want me to fuck you, do you?”

  Mac hadn’t realised just how much he wanted that until the
words were hanging in the air between them. He nodded eagerly. “On my hands and knees.”


  Mac’s cock became hard at the thought. “Oh, God, please.”

  Russel’s mouth twitched. “You are a hard man to resist.” He shook his head firmly. “Talk first. Then… we’ll see.”

  “I—” Mac shook his head. “I should go.” He made to stand, but an authoritative stare from Russel had him crashing back down onto his arse.


  “I’m not ready to stop being your fake boyfriend.”

  Russel returned to his knees, his gorgeously full lips parting slightly.

  “I’m not ready for this to end.” The admission grated out of Mac, making it feel like sandpaper had been dragged over his tongue. “But if you give up on this interview, you won’t need me anymore.”


  Mac forced himself to smile. “What’s this? Is Russel Cantillon lost for words?”

  Russel snorted out a laugh. “Okay, that sounds ridiculous coming out of your mouth. My real surname is Brown.”

  “I knew Cantillon wasn’t your real name. It was far too fucking pretentious.”

  “Yeah? Well, Brown is far too bloody boring for someone this fabulous.” Russel tilted his head. “As for me not needing you anymore… I…” He dragged in a huge breath, which made his skinny chest puff out almost comically. He exhaled, his warm breath brushing over Mac, as his body visibly deflated. “I don’t think that’s true.”

  “What does that mean?” Hope manifested itself as a kaleidoscope of butterflies in Mac’s belly.

  Russel dipped his chin. “Honestly? I don’t know.” He let out a soft, almost fragile sigh.

  Mac frowned. “Do I need to get you to talk next?”

  Russel laughed, but the sound was as brittle as his sigh. “Can we take a rain check on that and get back to the topic of you cuffed, on your hands and knees, while I fuck that gorgeous arse of yours?”

  Mac shivered. Blood rushed to his cock, and his arse cheeks clenched at the thought of Russel fucking him. “As wonderful as that sounds…” His voice was tight and a little lower than normal. He stroked his fingers down Russel’s cheek to the underside of his chin, where he applied gentle pressure, tilting Russel’s face upwards so their uncertain gazes collided. “Talk to me.”

  14 Russel

  “I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I have no fucking clue what’s going on with us.” Russel shifted off his sore knees but didn’t move from between Mac’s thick, strong legs. He felt safe there. “Are we just having fun, or are we…?” He ran a hand through his hair, tugging slightly to ground himself. “The way you acted back at Remy’s… I almost believed… Oh, fuck, this is hard.” And he was rambling, which was just fantastic. Mac was expecting a heart to heart, and all he could do was ramble like an idiot.

  Mac’s lips quirked up at the corners. “Almost believed what?”

  “That you might actually like me.”

  Mac chuckled. “I do like you.”

  “Like, like.” Russel tilted his head, waiting for Mac to say something, anything.

  “I do like you.” Mac’s words thrummed with truth despite their slow hesitance. “I wouldn’t have sucked your cock if I didn’t.”

  It was Russel’s turn to laugh. He loved how Mac could turn a serious moment on its head and then bring it right back round again if necessary.

  Mac ran his thumb over Russel’s lips, rubbing it back and forth across his bottom lip for a couple of seconds. “You’re amazing.”

  Russel felt heat rise to his cheeks. “Well, yes, but was that ever up for debate?”

  Mac chuckled. “No.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty awesome too. Not that I want you to go getting a big head or anything.” He smiled teasingly. “Mine’s more than big enough for both of us.”

  “I’m glad you said that!”

  And the mood was suitably lifted; at least Russel hoped it was. He really didn’t want to have that heart to heart Mac had tried to prompt him into.

  “As for the whole fake boyfriend thing… I’m more than happy to keep up that arrangement…” He ran his fingers from Mac’s knee, up his thigh, over his groin, and back down again. “Especially if being fake boyfriends comes with benefits.”

  Mac sucked in a breath and shifted, adjusting his trousers, which looked like they were stretching far too tight over his hard cock.

  “You’re changing the subject,” Mac said in a sing-song voice.

  “Maybe.” Russel shifted onto his knees again, hands running up and down Mac’s thighs. “Are you complaining?”

  “I should be.”

  Russel slammed his mouth into Mac’s, using his tongue to part the bigger man’s lips so he could fuck his mouth with his tongue. Mac moaned against Russel’s mouth, a clear signal that Russel had succeeded in diverting them away from deep and meaningful topics; at least for the time being.

  “You’re bad,” Mac whispered when they were forced to break apart to catch their breath.

  “Have you only just realised that?”

  Mac’s forehead creased into a temporary frown. “I want to know what’s going on in your head.”

  “And I want to see you on all fours.”

  Mac groaned and then bit his lower lip. His eyelids were heavy with lust as he stared at Russel. “We were talking.”

  “We’re done talking.”

  Mac shivered. “Fuck, I love it when you take charge.”

  Russel chuckled. “I know you do.” He used Mac’s knees to push himself onto his feet. “Now, march your cute arse into my bedroom and get your clothes off.”

  Mac stood but didn’t obey the command Russel had given him. Instead, he gathered the smaller man into his arms and held him against his chest. “If something’s going on, I want to know.”

  Russel shook his head. “That’s going way beyond fake boyfriends with benefits territory. We haven’t crossed a line out of that zone, have we?”

  Mac’s pupils shrank a fraction, but then he shook his head. “No.”

  Disappointment tugged at Russel’s stomach, but he smiled nonetheless. “We need to keep those lines clear.”

  “No blurring,” Mac agreed.

  “Exactly! I’m so glad we’re on the same page.” Except they weren’t. Still, it was enough to know that Mac hadn’t wanted their arrangement to end. That meant something, didn’t it? He folded his arms and tapped his foot. “I’m waiting.”

  Mac’s eyebrows pinched together.

  “My room. Naked?”

  “Oh, fuck, yes!”

  Russel laughed as Mac hightailed it out of the room, waggling his arse as he went. He didn’t follow Mac immediately. He stood and covered his face with his hands, breathing in and out a few times. His breath was ragged, something he needed to get under control. He couldn’t lay all his cards on the table and confess that he was falling hard for Mac because sooner or later, the big guy would become disappointed in him, just like everyone else had. It was better to keep things fun and casual than risk having his heart broken.

  15 Mac

  Mac was naked and on his knees by the time Russel sauntered into the bedroom. The slim man leant against the door frame, eyebrow arched as he looked Mac up and down.

  “You’re going to make a guy self-conscious,” Mac said.

  “Just appreciating the view.”

  “Like what you see?”

  “Very much so.” Russel pushed away from the door and wandered over to Mac, leaning down to squeeze his biceps. “You must have to work out a lot to look this hot.”

  Mac chuckled. “The punters expect the dancers to look ripped.”

  “I bet.”

  Mac glanced up into Russel’s eyes, his gut twisting as he saw lust coupled with uncertainty. He knew Russel had been holding back, but thanks to his aching cock, he was happy to give the man a pass just this once.

  Russel straightened up again and ran the
back of his hand down Mac’s cheek and under his jaw. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me, Sir.” Mac’s voice was gravelly but firm; he knew exactly what he wanted.

  Russel raised his eyebrows a fraction. “Is that all you want?”

  “I want you to cuff me and fuck me, Sir.” Just the thought of it increased Mac’s heart rate and made his skin tingle with anticipation.

  Russel clutched Mac’s chin in his hand, tilting his face up. He leant down but, instead of kissing Mac, whispered against his lips, “Are you sure?”


  Russel sucked Mac’s lower lip into his mouth, applying gentle pressure with his teeth. Mac shuddered and whimpered as his cock twitched eagerly. Then Russel spun away with all the grace of a dancer, opening the wardrobe to pull out his box of toys. He took out the collar and cuffs and put the rest back in the wardrobe. Without a word, he put the collar around Mac’s neck and buckled it, using two fingers to check the fit. Mac’s pulse was going crazy. The leather was soft against his skin, comfortable and noticeable, without feeling restrictive. His breath hitched in his throat as Russel knelt down and buckled the cuffs around his wrists, the chains that ran from collar to cuffs jangling in the process.

  Russel stood and took a few steps back, his gaze roving over Mac once more. “Oh, babe, you look fucking sexy.”

  Mac grinned. He felt sexy. He couldn’t explain why, because he should have felt powerless. Instead, he felt invigorated. And the way Russel was staring at him left his whole body crying out for the man.

  “You’re still dressed.”

  “Tsk. I’m the one giving the orders.”

  “It wasn’t an order, more an… observation.”

  Russel’s mouth curled into a lopsided smile. “You’re naughty.” His eyes gleamed. “You realise naughty boys get punished, don’t you?”

  Mac’s spine tingled at Russel’s teasing words. Even though he’d never done anything like this before, he was enjoying it, and he wanted to push a little further, to make Russel explain his comment. He wanted to know how Russel would punish him. “Take your clothes off, and I’ll show you just how naughty I can be.”

  Chuckling, Russel started to undo his shirt, one button at a time. He’d only undone two when he paused. “I bet you like to be spanked.”


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