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Sixth Realm

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by Michael Chatfield

  The Sixth Realm

  Ten Realms Book 6

  By: Michael Chatfield

  Chapter: Back to the Old Ways

  “He will see you,” Pan Kun, Lord Aditya’s Guard Captain said, knocking on the big rough doors and opening them.

  Emmanuel Fayad walked into the room, technically he was in the same position as Lord Aditya. They were both outpost lords, but, Aditya was quickly drawing the outpost lords of Beast Mountain range to his side, giving them positions suiting their abilities and placing their outposts under the control of King’s Hill.

  I thought that I was able to see through him at one time. Emmanuel thought as Aditya stood with a smile on his face.

  “Lord Aditya, thank you for agreeing to meet with me.” Fayad cupped his hands to Aditya.

  “Lord Fayad there is no need, you asked to meet with me and I am happy to do so.” Aditya replied in kind, showing on the surface that they were of equal standing.

  Lord Aditya was a solid-looking man, he looked more like a fighter than lord. He probably cultivates such an image. The new influx of traders, the Alva healing house, the newly formed Beast Mountain Range army, the roads. A simple man on the surface, a true outpost lord underneath. It will not be long until he commands the entire beast mountain range.

  “Please tell me what worries you.” Aditya indicated for them to take a seat next to the large windows that looked over King’s Hill Outpost.

  “It is surely growing fast,” Fayad said, looking at the building and construction within the newly-built outpost.

  “Things are built fast and destroyed just as fast in the Ten Realms,” Aditya said.

  Emmanuel turned to Aditya watching the other’s every move.

  “And what are your plans for the outpost moving forward?”

  Aditya chuckled.

  “I’ve not been made the leader of this outpost. How do I know what the future will bring?”

  Emmanuel weighed the man in front of him.

  “If the conditions are right, then Shadowridge is willing to pledge fealty and connect our outposts in more than an alliance,” Emmanuel said.

  “And what would you want in return?” Aditya’s words were sharp his gaze unwavering.

  “Equality,” Emmanuel looked at Aditya.

  “Oh?” Aditya mulled over the words, holding his chin.

  “King’s Hill Outpost will become your property sooner or later. You have alliances with all of the major outpost leaders and have settled them into positions they enjoy. They have all become pillars for the future Beast Mountain Range nation.”

  “And what do you want to be equal?” Aditya said.

  “There is only one path ahead, we must work together to create a power that others do not wish to conquer. Positions for myself and my family within the administration, we are a trader clan and we will take posts based on merit we do not want people saying we bribed our way in.” Emmanuel said.

  “The ability to move freely as we wish, join our fighting forces together completely, our traders to enjoy the same benefits and taxation that your own traders receive, a complete merger of our two outposts.”

  “And what brought this on?”Aditya asked,

  Emmanuel noted that he didn’t seem shocked or surprised, merely interested in Emmanuel’s thoughts. I feel that I have picked right, he might be younger, but he is not brash and looks not at what is in front of him, but at what might come in the future.

  “I could say a number of things: your wealth, your tools, your military. Your shining personality.”

  Aditya grinned at the last one.

  “It comes down to just a few things. You have the Beast Mountain Range in the palm of your hand. You’re direct, your plans might work in the shadows but you are not one of those people that offer peace in one hand and hold a dagger in the other. You’re smart and you have the strength to back it up. In the Ten Realms does one need more than that?”

  Aditya’s expression was unreadable as he sank into thought.

  “I have heard from Pan Kun that your military is one of the most dedicated and well-trained. They will need to go through a training course with my new recruits and then, based upon that and their previous ranks, they’ll gain a position in my ranks. Your traders will be treated as my own backed traders are treated, a fifty percent less tax and security while in our lands. I will need your help in managing everything. You are possibly the best manager that the Fayad family has seen in three generations. Also the outposts you secretly control will need to join as well. Everything else will rely on a person’s abilities,” Aditya said.

  Fayad felt a thrill as his mouth spread in a smile.

  “Also, Lord Fayad, if I hear of just one plot you concoct in the dark, trust me when I say not even ascending the realms will free you from my reach.”

  “I understand,” Fayad nodded. He even knew about the secondary outposts under my control, not even all of my family knows. I made the right bet.

  “That is fair,” Fayad agreed.

  There was a knock at the door and it opened to reveal one of Aditya’s guards, a woman.

  “Lord Aditya, the meeting to select the leader of the King’s Hill Outpost is beginning soon.”

  “Ah, Evernight, yes, okay, well I guess that we should head on over,” Aditya rose and held out his hand to Fayad.

  “We’ll get the contract written up and completed tonight,” Aditya said.

  “Understood,” Emmanuel took his hand and shook it.

  Emmanuel left and went with his guards toward the headquarters. All of the lords and ladies were living in the noble district, it was the only part of the outpost other than the headquarters and the walls that was complete.

  The secondary areas were on the rise now, with a few smiths and woodworkers that were toiling hard, laboring on the different parts and pieces that were needed for the outpost.

  Other lords and ladies were filing into the headquarters, leaving their main group of guards outside. Everyone had greater protection and the people that were manning their outposts were on the lookout for anyone that might try to attack while their masters were away.

  All of them had grown more fearful after the attacks that had happened less than two weeks ago.

  The main hall was quickly filling up, people taking their positions at the main table, looking across it to others. Emmanuel greeted some of the people that he knew.

  Everyone was there and they quickly took their seats.

  “Well, I think that I speak for all of us when I say that it is about time we figured out who will be leading the King’s Hill Outpost and the other outposts under its command. Old Quan said.

  “First, nominations. One can only nominate someone other than themselves and one cannot vote on themselves. With that in mind, I nominate Lord Aditya of Vermire.”

  The room grew quiet as people looked around.

  “I nominate Lord Gerroud,” another Lord said.

  There were two other nominations, Emmanuel looked over to Aditya who was quietly sitting there, looking over the room with a simple smile on his face.

  Does he know the outcome already?

  “Are those all the nominations?” Old Quan asked, looking around the table, there was no one that wanted to raise other names.

  “Very well, then we shall vote, raise your hands once for the person that you want to be the ruler of the King’s Hill Outpost.”

  “For Lord Aditya, those that wish to see him as leader,” Old Quan raised his hand. He scanned the room as others solemnly followed after him.

  “Good! Over fifty percent agree. Lord Aditya, you are now the head of the King’s Hill Outpost for three years.”

  Lord Aditya stood and bowed to the people at the table.

  “I thank you for yo
ur confidence in me.”

  Emmanuel looked at the sour faces around the table. They will either join us, or they will become potential threats from those that would wish to take Beast Mountain Range.


  “Well that went smoothly,” Evernight said, she was still wearing her armor, but now she was sitting at the table Aditya and Emmanuel had been sitting at when she had come in earlier.

  “Lord of King’s Hill Outpost,” Aditya said, his hands behind his back as he looked at a wall map of the Beast Mountain Range.

  “Ruler of the Beast Mountain Range,” Pan Kun said.

  Aditya chuckled and turned to face his two compatriots.

  “Pan Kun do you want to tell Miss Evernight what you were telling me?”

  “Training has begun with the Beast Mountain Army. All of the guard units that came from the other outposts have completed their oaths. We have begun recruiting directly from the other kingdoms and empires in the surrounding area. In times of peace they are not needed for fighting. In the beast Mountain Range there is fighting year round, good pay and benefits. The Kireu Kingdom has been at peace for a number of years and their military continues to shrink. The Gelabo Kingdom has had bad harvests for the last few years. The lords are happy to remove the burden of vassals while the lowest peasants just want food and shelter. Seeing the trend, some knights and war fighting bands that wish to settle down with the security of money and work have come over as well.”

  “Militaries in peace time are an expense that not many kingdoms will support. Thankfully there is always something to fight in the beast mountain range,” Aditya shook his head. “Make sure that there are no spies in their ranks or using us as a stepping stone.”

  “Life in the outposts has made you two wary of any boon you two get.”

  “You disagree miss Evernight?” Pan Kun asked.

  “Not at all, I’m paranoid all the time. Taught you well.”

  Aditya snorted “That is the rule of the ten realms, if you are worth more alive, or such a pain in the ass to attack that you would lose more than you would gain. You are a dead man walking. The outposts didn’t declare war on one another as they could trade and support one another, the threat of the actual beasts were enough of a threat. Fighting a war on two fronts one would lose more than they gained. It did not mean that the people or their leaders grew soft. They had only grown sharper as they worked together feverishly to prepare for anything that might come their way.

  “On the side of trading. We’ll need to diversify the industries of all the outposts that are under our direct control. If we can create and sell goods instead of just acting as a transaction point of materials, our profits will only increase. We gain crafters and coin , hand in hand,” Aditya said, breaking up the tense atmosphere.

  “I might be able to get a few crafting teachers to visit King’s Hill and teach people a thing or two about different crafts.” Evernight said.

  “Good, we need to become a market hub for the surrounding area. If we have the crafters here, then traders and buyers will quickly rise in number. Traders have a lot of say in kingdoms and empires.”

  “Here is a survey,” Evernight took out a map and threw it to Aditya. With it your army will never be lost. I also marked locations with resources that could be mined or cultivated.”

  “I guess I should stop being stunned at this point,” Aditya said.

  “Ah, well it is nice to see you all flustered,” Evernight smiled and continued to go through her reports.

  “Anything from the kingdoms and other places along our border?” Aditya asked.

  “They are waiting to see what happens. As you’ve said, the Beast Mountain Range is a place that would need a lot of funds and people to maintain. Right now you are loose sand. If you can entice the traders and pull the outpost leaders together then they will think twice about attacking.”

  Aditya bit the inside of his cheek.

  “I have, a-proposal.”

  “What?” Evernight asked.

  “Build a sect.”

  Aditya talked quickly before Evernight could cut him off.

  “While the outpost lords might be working together, we do not have a connection with the people of the beast mountain range. With a sect we increase the strength of our people, we bring them closer and create a community. We can teach people how to craft, we have plenty of beasts they can learn to fight as well. It is a new route to bring people in, test them and train them. You won’t just get people who will be loyal, you get people who have had their loyalty tested and have at least basic skills.”

  “I will have to check with the higher ups. I will wait for an opportunity.” Evernight said. “Is there any other plans you want to pursue?”

  “Becoming self-reliant, raising crops and food in some of the more secure outposts so we don’t need to rely on the fluctuating food prices. If we have enough crops, then we can sell them on to the different cities and Kingdoms. They’re always looking for more food. We also need to draw the traders back, they were scared off with the fighting. Traders are the Beast Mountain Range’s lifeblood; we need them to ship our goods and bring them in.”

  “I can help on both counts, I know some farmers that can train some trusted people. Getting some traders to visit shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll contact the trader’s guild. In the meantime, finish off those roads and start creating camps near those resource locations. It won’t be long until a new Beast Mountain Range Nation rises.” Evernight looked at Pan Kun and Aditya. “I and those above me are pleased with what you have done here.”

  She took out a book and four vials, putting them on the table.

  “This is a body cultivation manual. The manual will teach you about body cultivation, take the potions to the healing house and they’ll help you temper your bodies. I have a feeling you’ll need the stamina in the coming days.”

  Pan Kun and Aditya stood, cupping their hands and bowing deeply.

  “Thank you Miss Evernight!”

  “Only use the book between the two of you. In time you’ll gain access to much more.”


  Erik was riding Gilly while Rugrat was on George’s back. Special Team One was babysitting them, spread out all around them as they moved through the forest. They were to the West of Vuzgal in the woods along the path that they had taken from Aberdeen to Vuzgal.

  Erik checked over his stat sheet.

  Five stat points are almost lost in here. The quests and cultivation can give more stat increases than leveling up ten, or even a hundred times. I put all ten points into Stamina regeneration. If I’m injured I want the stamina to survive it.


  Name: Erik West


  Level: 59


  Race: Human



  From the Grave II

  Blessed By Mana

  Dungeon Master III

  Reverse Alchemist

  Poison Body

  Fire Body

  City Lord

  Earth Soul

  Mana Reborn


  Strength: (Base 54) +41




  Agility: (Base 47) +72




  Stamina: (Base 57) +25




  Mana: (Base 27) +79




  Mana Regeneration (Base 30) +61



  Stamina Regeneration: (Base 72) +59



  Erik checked his latest quest to stave off boredom.


  Quest: City Leader 2


  You have unlocked the City Leader Quest-line. Grow your
territory, your population and protect what you have.



  Have a permeant population of at least 100,000 for 3 months



  +10,000,000 EXP

  Upgrades to defensive formation. Able to create (2) village cornerstones.


  “A hundred thousand people for three months. Looks like it is a slow growing quest.”

  “It was a hidden quest, it wasn’t until we had ten thousand people living there for three months that it was unlocked,” Rugrat said.

  “Increased the defensive buffs for Vuzgal nicely. Enemy’s stats decreased by five percent within the city’s formation range. Just like the dungeon though, need to be within the city in order to get the updates.”

  Erik leaned forward and scratched Gilly’s neck, she tilted her head so he could give her a good rub.

  “Doesn’t really effect us that much. Also, is your healing skill level still increasing?”

  “Yeah, just slow you know, just need more time to work on it. Luckily, it is because I have a lack of patients. I have dealt with combat wounds nearly this entire time, but there are a lot of things with healing that is not just about being stabbed, shot or hit with magic,” Erik fell silent.

  “What is it?” Rugrat asked, curious by his brother’s silence.

  “Skill levels, they’re not simple or linear. In games the more you do one thing, then the higher it grows. Sometimes you have to create something more powerful to grind out more experience. That relates to the Novice, Apprentice and partially to the Journeyman, but not the Expert. It is not just about repeating and re-creating. It’s like the Ten Realms wants to test just how much you know.”

  “The more you show you can do, the higher your ability in different aspects of the same skill, the greater your skill level,” Rugrat said.

  “Look at the brain on you,” Erik grinned.

  Rugrat flipped him the bird and shrugged.

  “You have a point, figuring out these damn skill levels is a pain in the ass.”

  Niemm, the leader of Special Team One rode his panther over to them. Erik and Rugrat sat up more as George and Gilly’s eyes opened completely, the four of them giving off a faint pressure.


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