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Sixth Realm

Page 18

by Michael Chatfield

  Erik’s expression was hard.

  “Okay, we’re going to need a stamina drip, let’s see if we can get a tube in to open his pathways and we need to drain some of that liquid. Yuli, would you give her a physical and make sure that she is okay?” Erik said, giving Yuli a look of ‘make sure she doesn’t see what we’re doing, we don’t want to alarm her’.

  She nodded and turned to the mother.

  “He is in the best hands, now I need to check you over as well,” Yuli negotiated and got out another cot, getting the mother to lie down in it.

  As she did, Yao Meng used a clean spell on the boy as Erik got a tube down his throat, opened a vial under the boy’s nose and his muscles slackened. Erik’s fingers were pressed to his neck, feeling the weak heartbeat there and scanned the kid’s body.

  Yao Meng prepared two needles and passed the first empty one to Erik. Erik aimed at the boy’s chest and punctured it. He then pulled on the plunger as a red and milky-like fluid came out.

  Yao Meng used the other prepared needle which had a potent stamina potion and found a vein. He inserted the needle with quick and sure actions before injecting the potion into the boy’s body.

  Erik finished draining the boy’s lungs and his breathing became a lot smoother. He checked the boy’s status.

  I have a cure disease potion, but could I use my knowledge on poisons to fight this?

  Erik searched through the body of the boy seeing where the different infections had taken place.

  A black thread left Erik’s fingers and entered the boy’s body, the ‘poison’ attacked the infection and then circulated throughout the boy’s body.

  It doesn’t take as much stamina. Is that because it is attacking the infection instead of using the boy’s reserves to repair him?

  Erik kept on using poison to attack the different infections. They started to dwindle and he saw that the boy’s body was recovering slowly, fighting back against them as well and showing that his immune system was learning from it.

  I was scared that attacking it with poison would mean that he would still be susceptible to it. It looks like that isn’t the case. Poison, if used right, can be a healer.

  Erik let the poison dissipate, the infections dealt with.

  “Let's start with the healing spells,” Erik said. “Without the infections still rampant in his body, his body isn’t having to overcome those so it is taking less stamina. Less stress on the patient’s overall health.”

  “Is that why you fix and heal the surrounding issues and then heal them afterward?” Yao Meng asked.

  Erik didn’t look as he worked. “Yes and no. Yes, it is less stressful for the person if they’re in critical condition. It takes less stamina from them and less mana from you. Healing is a fine balance, it can kill as surely as poison if done incorrectly. As a general rule in battlefield medicine, Stick someone with a stamina and a healing potion right away. That should give you both time, then assess and deal with the most critical issues. The more you can patch up without using mana, the less stamina the patient burns through.”

  “So with Chonglu?”

  “Removal of the limbs, less stress on the overall body, just sealed four wounds instead of managing tens of them, internal bleeding and broken bones,” Erik said.

  Yao Meng was healing the boy while Erik watched, keeping an eye on his head.

  He took out a towel and wet it, putting it on the boy’s head.

  The boy’s temperature was coming back down to normal and the swelling in his brain was decreasing.

  The mother had finished her physical so Yuli let her up, but the woman was tired from her ordeal.

  Erik looked to Yuli.

  “Minor infections, lack of sleep, malnourished, nothing major that some good sleep and food couldn’t fix,” Yuli said.

  “What happened?” The woman asked, anxious as she looked at her little boy.

  ‘”He had a small cut on his foot and that allowed an infection to get into his body, It wreaked havoc and then other infections piled on top of that.

  “We’ve dealt with most of the issues, just needs a little bit more healing and he’ll be good to go,” Erik pulled out the breathing tube. The boy’s chest was moving up and down, much stronger than it had just a few minutes ago.

  The mother wrung her hands looking at the boy.

  Yao Meng stopped using his healing spell.

  Erik checked the boy once more and then pulled out a different vial and put it under his nose. The boy’s nose and eyes started to move. Erik removed the towel as the boy sat up, coughing and spluttering.

  His mother moved to his side, and supported his little back. Seeing his eyes wide and bright as he blinked at her, all of the anxiousness and fear she had bottled up was freed as tears fell down her face and she hugged her little boy.

  He hugged her back, not sure what was happening.

  The group stepped back and saw that a crowd had gathered as they had healed the boy.

  Erik moved behind the stall and pulled out big sheets, creating a large sheet-covered area. Yuli helped him as Yao Meng turned to the people watching.

  “If you or someone you know is suffering from an ailment, for just two mortal mana stones we will heal them to the best of our abilities. We only accept payment upon a completed job and if you do not have the funds now, then you will need to say an oath on the Ten Realms to pay us later when you are able to,” Yao Meng said to the people that were watching.

  People looked at one another, some started to leave now that the spectacle was over.

  The mother stood up with her boy and bowed to all three of them as deeply as she could.

  “I cannot pay you now,” she said in a worried voice as she bowed.

  “Children are free,” Erik stepped forward and helped her back up.

  “Say this,” Erik cleared his throat.

  “I will pay two mana stones back to the Health relief funds with the money that I do not require to care for myself and my dependents in order to have a roof over our heads, food, water and simple clothes. You so swear on the Ten Realms.”

  She repeated the oath and the Ten Realms descended over her.

  She bowed again.

  “Thank you, thank you!” She said, tears once again filling her eyes.

  “Please tell those that you know who are injured to come to see us, we’ll do our best,” Erik said.

  “I will,” she said.

  An older-looking man who was hunched over, using a cane to stay upright tilted his head to them.

  “Lies, you think that you could fix someone like me?” He snorted.

  “As long as you are willing to swear the oath with the stipulation that we must heal you,” Erik said.

  The man sneered, he looked like he was going to walk away or spit on them before he let out a sigh and raised his hand, “I swear that if you are able to heal my ailments then I will pay two mana stones back to the Health relief funds with the money that I do not require to care for myself and my dependents, to have a roof over our heads, food, water, and simple clothes. I so swear on the Ten Realms.”

  The oath was completed and as Erik guided him forward, he used a clean spell on the man, cleansing him and his clothes in a flash. He and Yuli took him behind the sheets.

  “Yuli, please examine him, tell me what you find,” Erik said, moving to the side. Yuli put her hands to the man’s neck and used organic scan.

  “How do you feel?” Erik asked.

  “How do I feel?” The man spat. “I have no feeling down my legs, I’m in pain all the time and I can’t straighten my damn back. I’ve been stuck like this for years now.”

  “Okay,” Erik said. “Yuli?”

  “He isn’t really injured, just things are in the wrong place,” Yuli said, a bit annoyed with how the man had talked to Erik.

  The man was getting angrier as they talked.

  “Right, for this we will need to adjust his body, we’ll just use healing to get him to recover faster,” Erik mo
ved to the man.

  “Okay, I’ll need you to lie down,” Erik said, the man was annoyed but with Erik’s help he lay down.

  “I’m going to use some salve so that this won’t hurt,” Erik said.

  He put Wraith’s Touch on the man’s back and he let out a sigh as his body relaxed.

  “Okay, so,” Erik scanned again. “What this looks like is a muscle and bone placement issue. The muscles pulled on the bones and joints and now they’re stuck in place. Now if I were a chiropractor I would know how to work these joints and get everything re-aligned. I’m not, so we’re going to have to take the easier approach. We’ll heal his body, that will re-align everything and start to repair him, although he’s lost considerable muscle mass.” Erik face the patient. “Sir, once we’re done here, go and get some food, walk around and stretch, then come back and we can heal you again, allowing you to regain some strength in your muscles. The more you do when walking around, the faster the recovery rate.”

  The man let out a grunt.

  Erik gathered mana around him and the man’s eyes widened as the mana in the room condensed together under Erik’s command.

  He used a healing spell and the man’s body started to move back into place, satisfying pops and crunches came from his body as his grimace turned into a look of relief.

  The small scratches and bruises on his body were removed and the man looked as if he were ready to take a nap as Erik finished after a few short minutes.

  My healing spells are a lot more powerful than when I was working on Chonglu as a healer.

  The mana in the room started to dissipate once again as Erik stepped back.

  “Alright, get up and take a walk around the room.”

  The man turned and put his feet under him as he sat on the corner of the cot. With a grunt he stood on his feet, he was unsteady as he slowly raised his back as he had been in pain for so long he was waiting for it to return. He raised himself up slowly, surprised as he went past his previous limits and continued to stand upright.

  He grabbed his walking stick and took a hesitant step forward, followed by another, then he was moving across the room, opening up his gait as his surprise turned into a great big smile and a laugh came from him as he moved back to Erik and Yuli.

  “Okay, everything looks good,” Erik waved Yuli forward, she steadied the man with her hands.

  “Do your legs feel tight?”

  “A little?”

  “ Since you haven’t used some of those muscles in a long time, it is only normal that they are tighter than usual. When you walk around they will loosen.”

  “Okay,” The man said with a shaky breath, all of it setting in that as he was no longer stuck bent over, his whole life had been returned to him.

  “Alright, well have a good day and we’ll see you later,” Erik said with a smile.

  “Thank you, thank you so much,” The man dropped to his knees and pressed his head against the floor. “What I said before, I was blind!”

  “Ah, no worries, I’d be a bit skeptical too,” Erik said and reached down to help the man up.

  The man took the offered hand, there were tears in his eyes.

  “Look after yourself,” Erik said. “I don’t want to have to heal you for the same thing twice!”

  “Understood.” The man nodded sheepishly.

  Erik and Yuli guided the man outside, people let out surprised gasps as they saw the man standing upright now. He bowed to the two before leaving.

  Yao Meng had a list of people waiting and was categorizing them based on their condition.

  He walked over to them.

  “We have a patient that breathed in some kind of fumes from an alchemist’s cauldron, burns across her face, neck and it got into her lungs: bad shape,” Yao Meng moved to the side, indicating someone who was lying on a handmade stretcher, burns covering her as she wheezed and coughed.

  “Bring her in right away, I’ll deal with it personally. Yao Meng, you deal with low priority, organize people out here and stabilize any emergency cases. Yuli, you deal with moderate cases and I’ll deal with the severe ones.”

  “Yes sir,” Yuli looked at the sheet.

  “Frank, is there a Frank out there?”

  Yao Meng walked to the cots and waved two people forward who were coughing and looking ill. He put a mask and gloves on, using a clean spell on them and then administering a needle with a cure disease potion in it.

  The crowd started to grow and more people came over. They were in the worst part of town so the people that lived here were those that had been forgotten by others, but these three accepted patients as long as they gave an oath to pay two mortal mana stones. How much was two mortal mana stones? It was nothing at all.

  As Erik looked at the girl he could see the pain that she was in, but he ignored it and got to work. He couldn’t get emotional, it wouldn’t help.

  The girl's sister was there, holding her hand. He used a clean spell on them both and then used a vial filled with crushed up ingredients, the pungent smell causing the person smelling it to fall into a slumber.

  He stoppered the vial as he checked her vitals. With his domain he was able to see the damage to the girl’s body. It was a miracle that she was still alive and if he were back on Earth with the technologies there, he would have a hard time saving her.

  He pulled out a needle and filled it up with some stamina potion, checked the quantity and then injected it into the girl’s body, she had barely eaten in a few days and it showed.

  With that shot of stamina recovery, he focused his healing on her lungs.

  As her lungs were repaired more of the air she breathed in was able to enter her blood. Then he moved to the neck, it was cut up and mangled, obstructing her airways.

  Once that was done, he applied Wraith’s Touch to the woman’s face and burns.

  He put her in the recovery position and then used a vial to wake her up. She woke up and started to choke.

  “Get it out,” Erik said.

  In the healing process, the old materials were left behind. Her now conscious body was coughing violently, pushing out the objects trapped within her lungs and airways.

  He patted her back as she coughed out black impurities. Erik used his healing spells on the girl’s face, opening up her melted nose, healing the wounded muscles around the jaw and the interior of her mouth. She was focusing on coughing up all the gunk.

  Finally, she stopped coughing, breathing heavily and looking pale.

  “Your lungs are nice and open, your airways are clear and you should be able to speak. You’re in good hands,” he said to the woman, patting her shoulder before looking to the sister. “Right now I’ll heal one of her eyes and then you’ll need to feed her— the more food the better— then put her to rest. When she wakes up, bring her back to me. I’ll heal her other eye and the cosmetic,” Erik said.

  I really don’t want to push her limits, with this she’ll live and the eye will allow her some relief.

  Erik healed the woman’s right eye and eyelid.

  She opened her eye and looked at Erik, she looked like a nervous wreck.

  She must’ve been in the darkness since this happened, how scared would you be if one of your senses was blocked off, you couldn’t talk and you were in massive pain?

  Erik gave her a reassuring smile and stepped back.

  “Alina!” Her sister cried out.

  “Linda,” Alina said, the two of them hugged one another, crying and shaking together. Linda studied Alina again and hugged her. Erik quietly excused himself from the ad-hoc privacy tent.

  There was a much larger crowd, more people had come over. Erik grabbed the clipboard and looked at it, there were no more immediate aid cases.

  He went over to Yao Meng.

  “I can create a Hallowed Ground. You get people to swear the oath and send them in, then I’ll send them out when they’re healed. We should get through the people with infections quickly and save some of our potions.”

bsp; There was a cracking noise from the tent, Yuli was seeing to a patient who had a broken leg that had set wrong; it sounded like she had just rebroken it.

  Erik headed back into the covered tent, seeing Yuli sending the person out. He moved to the side checking the area around him and was about to cast his Hallowed Ground spell when he frowned.

  What if I were to combine Hallowed Ground with my knowledge of poisons used to heal and the combined healing practices?


  Divine Ground




  Someone that steps into the area of effect are healed rapidly


  Cast: 500 Mana 200 Mana/minute – 20m radius

  1500 Mana 500 Mana/minute – 40m radius



  For teaching yourself an Expert ranked spell, you gain: 5,000,000 EXP


  “If I combined stamina regeneration?”


  Divine Ground




  Someone that steps into the area of effect are healed and regain stamina rapidly


  Cast: 1000 Mana 400 Mana/minute – 20m radius

  2000 Mana 700 Mana/minute – 40m radius



  For teaching yourself a Master ranked spell, you gain: 50,000,000 EXP


  A flood of Experience rapidly filled Erik’s body, he felt his experience rapidly filling up before it slowed, with that much experience flowing into him, people looked at the tent in shock. It wasn’t that strange to see powerful people in the Sixth Realm leveling up.

  I totally forgot my notifications from the fight with the Orcs.


  Skill: Marksman


  Level: 82 (Expert)


  Long-range weapons are familiar in your hands. When aiming, you can zoom in x2.0. 15% increased chance for a critical hit.




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