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Sixth Realm

Page 56

by Michael Chatfield

  They sank into silence, their eyes filled with the spell scroll creators that drew out formations in the air, others that made needles dance in the air to the slightest movement of their fingers. Blueprint drawers were silent in their corners, sheets continued to flow around them as they modified their drawings according to the changes that the crafter underwent.

  It was beautiful for casual observers, impressive for those with an insight into either craft and terrifying to other masters. Expert draftsman and spell scroll creators had all achieved high in their mana cultivation so they could feel the mana movements.

  "It is as if the Ten Realms is breathing with them. I haven't seen such powerful control over mana anywhere but the fighting arenas," Glosil said.

  "This is their battlefield," Tan Xue said.

  The timer was running out as people started to combine their spell formations with their spell scrolls.

  Tension rose as everyone held their breaths. Under the fierce concentration of the spell scroll creators ink touched the scrolls, soaking deep into the fibers as mana surged, being drawn into the spell formation. Mana stones crumbled into dust as power flowed into the inks. Needles dove towards their own scrolls, piercing through like fierce sabers and spears. Then like sentient creatures the needles dove and rose again as if great sea beasts fighting against the sea trying to hold them down. The stitched formation that hung in the hair was drawn through the scrolls, as the thread prototype in the air was pulled apart it was needled into the scroll. The spell scroll creator's eyes turned bloodshot, the world had disappeared for them as everyone saw their determination.

  Glosil was leaning forward, his eyes flickering between the competitors, the blueprint drawers were going through paper, sometimes using brushes and pens in the air so that they could write on several pages at the same time. Pages were discarded in madness, they gritted their teeth, showed grins as all of the crafter's on stage exploited all of their potential!

  Failures occurred as spell scroll crafters showed dejected expressions. Scrolls were burnt up, inks combusted or changed colors as the creator didn't think of some combination of ink to their scroll that ruined them both.

  Others nearly collapsed in relief as their scrolls were completed.

  Blueprint drawers talked to the creators, pulling more information to add greater detail to their drawings.

  More people failed but the majority succeeded.

  They were all doing their best, but some of them went above their abilities and weren't able to sustain it.

  Glosil saw people that had failed looking at their new materials.

  "If at first you don't succeed try again!" One yelled out, their voice appearing in the arena. Others called out after them.

  A new fire was ignited in their hearts!

  Like maddened beasts they reached out and grabbed the remaining materials as if nothing more than weak sheep in front of wolves.

  Glosil felt his heart surge seeing their determination.

  His lips pulled back, revealing his teeth as he hit his fist on his armrest.

  That's right! Never give in!

  "You can do it!" Someone in the crowd called out, the silence that had fallen across the arena changed as people cheered out, supporting their crafters.

  "If at first you don't succeed try again!" Some chanted.

  "Do your best!" Others yelled.

  Glosil felt his heart thumping out of his chest as the mana around the arena surged, it had been stirred up with the excitement of the supporters and the fighting will of the crafters!

  The crafters redoubled their efforts, sitting taller, their bloodshot and tired eyes showed a new light as they fought on!

  Time went on as crafters turned into legends and into dragons as they held nothing back, showing everything and giving their all.

  The Gong sounded again, just like that two hours had passed. The rooms were opened, people had half finished scrolls, others had failures.

  While some of their faces were stiff, when they stepped out and looked at the audience who were standing in their seats, applauding their work, they couldn't help but stand taller.

  Many grasped their fists emotionally towards the crowds in thanks.

  Glosil released his fists the smile wide on his face as he saw everyone in the arena.

  "I think that these competitions might make Alva stronger than any fighting competitions the army has."


  Delilah and Fehim were sitting down and talking at one of the large cafeteria areas around the arenas. Different screens were showing the competitions that were ongoing and highlights from previous competitions and the results as they were reported.

  The two of them were close but their duties took them in different directions, it was hard for them to meet up.

  "The cooks of Alva are fierce! Did you see the cook that was creating the spicy fish soup? They must be so strong to be able to toss so much liquid and meat with just a flick of her hand! She didn't even miss a drop," Fehim praised.

  "It was incredible, there are many things that our alchemists can learn from the cooks," Delilah agreed.

  "Maybe one of them can be making your pills and concoctions taste better?" Jia Feng asked as she came up behind them.

  "Principal Jia Feng! please join us," Fehim said.

  "Thank you Alchemy department head," Jia Feng said dryly.

  "I'll drop the titles then?" Fehim asked.

  "Please," Delilah and Jia Feng said at the same time and looked at one another. They all laughed as Delilah poured a drink for Jia Feng.

  "We were just watching the cooking competition, it was fierce! There were so many different kinds of dishes."

  "You're telling me! Thankfully we have some arts from the military to consume more food and turn it into pure energy," Jia Feng patted her stomach. "It is so good, but a lady has to watch her figure."

  "It is a hard endeavor," Delilah smiled into her drink.

  "I won't need to eat for a week! Though there were a number of items that I wouldn't mind a second taste of," Jia Feng said in a low voice. "There are so many items that can be created in each craft. I think that next year having it last two weeks and having multiple different categories would be fairer. Right now we have to limit them due to time and it isn't fair to everyone. Some might have a magnificent pie, but they are competing against all kinds of different desserts. It is hard to get a clear winner with so many different types competing against one another."

  "For the first year things are going rather well," Delilah said.

  "Yes, but that is due to most of the teachers helping out. We've got so much support from Alvans. Seeing the different crafts it has opened up many eyes. People that were hesitant and not interested in different crafts are now taking a look, it is breaking down the walls."

  "What is the next event you are going to?" Delilah asked.

  "I have some more judging unfortunately," Jia Feng said.

  "We do as well," Fehim said.

  "I forgot I volunteered," Delilah winced.

  "Welcome to adulting, thankfully there will be re-runs and we can watch it all later!"


  Taran was in one of the viewing rooms over the arena, he leaned against the railing, as the different crafters walked out to the large platforms.

  It wasn't individual crafters but teams of up to ten people.

  There were farmers, alchemists, formation masters, laborers and woodworkers. Some people were wearing branded clothing, others were wearing random clothing.

  Looks like all of the building companies have at least one team here. It is a good way to advertise their speed at building. Many people underestimate builders. They think of them as nothing but laborers. They do not know of the planning that goes into a building. One must work with the environment to create the best building for the area. Then they have to make sure it is structurally sound, can be warm in the cold and cool in the warm. The rooms make sense to allow people to move around and make the greates
t us of them. That is only the basics, once they have done that they need to add in ways to manage clean water, the waste, formations embedded into the walls. They are the most practical of crafters, as everything that they create and do will be used in the real world. Working in teams they have some of the strongest mages and body cultivators. Their team leaders are trained by Blueprint Drawers and some have backgrounds in the different crafts so that on complex projects they know when to best utilize different crafters, prepare for them. Simple on the outside, but that is because they make the complex look easy.

  Taran's eyes moved to the new groups the different areas had materials laid out for the building. There were stone, metal, pre-made formations and then in several areas there were different trees.

  Everyone was assembled, they stood in the middle of their large squares dirt lay under their feet.

  There were a lot of building crews and their families that were watching, crafters that focused on growing their own materials were there out of interest as well. It was more of an exhibition of abilities than the other competitions.

  The gong sounded out and people started moving. The building teams had already broken down what they were going to do, laborers or mages quickly started to excavate the soil, others checked on the supplies, their team leads checked the plans as everyone worked on creating the foundations.

  The academic teams are a lot slower and all over the place, they have worked together on ideas but being part of a research group and a group that works together day in and out they have many weaknesses.

  Different people were standing around, without clear leadership they were giving their advice to one another, drowning out one another. Some groups had clear leaders, Taran noticed that the farmers made up the core of these organized teams.

  They started to work with their trees, they had picked out plans to work on as well.

  They took the trees and planted them at different locations. Most of the supplies were mana gathering formations and mana stones.

  They got the trees planted in the correct positions, checking their plans multiple times.

  Taran's eyes drifted to the building companies. The leads only checked the plans a couple of times having to give their team members a few instructions. They had done this so many times that they were already accommodating for things they would need to do later. Pipes were laid down for water and waste. Formation links were added to connect the building to the energy grid.

  The foundations complete those with a high body cultivation started to put in metal framework, the mages bent the framework into shape. Then molds were created and stone chips poured in. A few fusing spells later and the foundations were created, supporting walls were added and the basement was getting finished off as they moved to the second floor.

  "Huh, they are using molds instead of just growing out the stone. I guess that there isn't a ready source of stone beneath the building and this way there is less mana expenditure. It takes a bit more time though."

  Taran looked over to the growing groups.

  Formations were places around the trees and activated, farmers were checking on all of the trees, rotating through. Alchemists were tapped into the trees, injecting concoctions or dropping it on the soil. Wood workers were checking the plans and the trees, they worked beside the farmers, telling them how they would like the trees shaped, the Farmers and Alchemists worked as one.

  The trees were all different kinds. Some stretched their limbs across the ground, snaking together and creating floors. Others spread branches upwards, creating the second floor, they weaved together creating walls, and stairs, openings were left between the branches. Where there were gaps wooden weaved walls appeared with windowless openings.

  Farmers and Alchemists placed windows in, the trees growing around them.

  The resource cost is heavy. So many concoctions, the farmers and alchemists have to alter their practices and what they are doing constantly so that the building grows properly.

  The builders seemed to be moving slower than the growing groups, but their buildings were going up faster.

  It is so tiring and there are things going on all the time with growing a building. If you are constructing one, you don't need to stay ahead of your materials growth speed, you have to follow the steps. Step by step you'll get there in the end. Where are the bathrooms in the growing houses?

  Taran watched, appreciating the different styles and he made a few notes down, a new door seemed to have opened in his mind.

  The buildings if they are broken then one can use the materials again and recreate the building. If the growing building is broken then with enough resources and time it will repair itself. The growing building acts like its own eco system and will require constant maintenance. It can be slightly offset and even normal buildings will require maintenance over time. The growing houses take five to ten times as much to create. Each will be expensive. Look that group is complete ahead of time.

  The growing house group were done ahead of time. The team talked with one another and checked the building.

  After a few minutes, the trees started growing again and the first floor trees started to expand the building outwards.

  "Once they are complete they can make the building grow again? Regular buildings can have additions as well but they are much harder. The trees are opening one another, instead of destroying walls the trees just adjust to the new shape. With new blueprints builders will need to build a new house, the growing group will need to hire a team and they could adjust the trees in place already."

  Taran sunk into thought before he pressed his lips together and sighed writing in his notebook.

  While the growing groups have a good idea, they do not have the planning or coordination of the builders. It might be because they can adjust their building later that they don't worry about these smaller things that are always part of the builder's plans. They have systems built into the house to supply clean water, and clean the waste, supporting the trees. Though it creates each as their own economy. People might drink more water or have more waste than one house can sustain. They don't have a basement. Their heating and cooling isn't as effective, if not maintained then the house will fall apart and rot. The trees can recover with time, but they are not as strong as regular buildings. For bunkers they wouldn't be as useful. If the builders gave them a few tips and worked together then they could be much better. A good starting idea but it will require time to mature.

  Taran was pleased as everyone finished off their buildings by the time the gong sounded.

  "Even in just a few hours they were able to make these houses. Working as a team can really help."


  After watching the competition with Tan Xue, Julilah and Qin had a new outlook on everything. They went to as many competitions as they could to show their support and learn. In between they spent their nights judging different formation competitions.

  "There is so much to see, but I'm so tired now," Qin complained.

  "You wanted to attend the healer lecture last night!" Julilah said as they walked through the throngs of people in the stadium.

  "It is interesting, a medical debate. You learned many things as well!"

  "Apparently we need to stretch our hands more. Why can’t they just work?" Julilah complained.

  "They will make sure that your hands can work long into your old age."

  "You're old."

  "What did you say?" Qin pinched Julilah's cheeks.

  "Hey! Aren't you the department head!"

  "You're aiming for my position I know it I saw your plan when you fell asleep in the library the other month!"

  "I told you that already! Why were you reading through my things."

  "A queen should know when her sister is going to stab her in the back!"

  "Well you must've missed something," Julilah said as she pulled out a crest and put it on her chest.

  "You!" Qin looked at the Senior formation master crest. "W-what? How?"
r />   "Well you wanted to stay in Vuzgal you turned down the position. I talked to Jia Feng, she agreed that I could be the department head in Alva. With how connected they are I can give lessons in both locations and I can get the benefits in Alva!"

  "You, I thought you were coming for my position?" Qin looked distraught.

  "Is that anyway to talk to your senior?" Julilah said with her nose raised high a grin on her lips as she walked ahead.

  "I will take it from you next year you hear me!" Qin saw she was being left behind and jogged up.

  "The term is for four years. I took the position as a new person so wait four years. If you can hold onto your position for another two!" Julilah said.

  Qin stopped in the hall, gripping her chest, Julilah's tongue had inflicted a critical wound!

  "You are going to study and work in another workshop?" She asked a few moments later, recovering.

  "Of course not," Julilah frowned, looking at Qin as if she is insane. "Why would I ever get a formation workshop away from you?"

  "I thought that-with your new position-you might leave," Qin pressed her fingers together.

  "You're too silly, you think you're getting rid of me that easy?" Julilah put her arm around Qin and pulled her forward.

  Qin showed a small smile.

  "I want to hear you call me senior everyday, how could i get that if you are in another workshop? Are you okay Qin, your color doesn't look so good.

  Another critical hit. Please sister your wounds are too vicious!

  "Come on, the smithing competition is up next!"

  Julilah dragged her through the stadium to the right arena.

  They were a few minutes late the competition was underway. Smiths stood in the face of the ferocious flames, framing their strong backs arms and legs. Their muscles were popping out as they refined ores with enhancers.

  "On the outside their actions are so violent, taking on the heat of such flames with their bare bodies, using their strength to bend metal to their will. When you look at it from another point of view, they are turning their bodies into tools to shape the metal. Their actions are forceful but it takes precision and ability to shape such fine items," Qin said.


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