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Sixth Realm

Page 98

by Michael Chatfield

  "Could be hours, could be days, with their actions. They're not fools, they'll take a few hours to set up their camp, from there they'll start truly fighting."

  The Willful Institute's siege weaponry attacked.

  Jasper half-jumped while Domonos surveyed the different weapons.

  Their pillars of mana from their spells and mana cannons left burning lines of light across the watcher's eyes and the grey mana barriers with red and yellow lines running through them.




  The city of Reynir is under attack! Pick a side!

  Defend Reynir

  Attack Reynir



  “They’re using fire based siege weapons, mainly mana cannons and spell scrolls. Standard tactics.” Domonos said to the side ignoring Jasper’s half-jump.

  He’ll get used to the sound of incoming fire all too quickly.

  "Looks like they are serious, we did rattle their cage. Those must be their dark birds," Domonos pointed at new siege weapons that were pulled out from storage rings. They rested on five wheels, two at the front and three at the rear, tubes were stacked upon one another in a square.

  Formations were carved along the weapon barrels and there were ferocious bird heads on the end of the cannon's mouths.

  "They look rather dominating," Jasper said dryly.

  "What, not impressed by their craftsmanship?"

  "Why does it matter if they have eagle heads on them and fancy formations?"

  "Traditionalist crafters instead of our more utilitarian ones," Domonos patted his simple looking armor. “Though they are pretty powerful, they use a fire spell medium that looks like a bird, shoot it out of the tubes, their damage is lower but they’re more accurate and they can shoot multiple attacks in a row. If you hit mana barriers in the same place again and again, then it can create a spotting effect, opening it up as the power needs to reach that area. If they punch a hole with their dark birds, they can flood through the barrier and the dark bird projectiles can change their point of aim, raking targets inside the barrier. They might use different gear but we would be fools to think of them as weak opponents.”

  “I understand, I guess it is just part of being an Alvan.”

  From afar it looked as if two giants were waging battle in the mortal world. The heavy siege weapons of both sides hammered on the other's mana barriers, projectiles were turned to dust with their impacts and beam weapons left traces on one another. The heavens and the ground was transformed as golems turned into the main ground forces, looking to attack the other's stronghold.

  Where projectiles missed they slammed into the rock of the mountain, exploding and leading to landslides, the ground was turned into craters and precious ingredients were ruined. Unlucky golems disappeared under the attacks, turning into spreading shrapnel that rained down on the ground, only to be re-summoned into other golems.

  Domonos saw it all but his eyes were focused on these tube squares as mana stones were absorbed into the tubes.

  A mage activated the weapon. They were set four tubes across and four down. The top row of tubes ignited from the right side, ripple firing across all eight tubes to the other side. The wheels rolled back as a stream of red lights impacted the mana barrier, exploding with fiery results.

  The upper tubes were recharged and allowed to cool as the second row was ignited, letting off ear splitting ripple-shot. A dozen of the dark birds fired, spitting out their projectiles that looked like fiery phoenixes crashing into the Grey Peak Sect's mana barrier.

  "Interesting, looks like they've been drinking their own medicine," Domonos was muttering to himself.

  "What do you mean?" Jasper asked, seeing all of the fierce attacks around him, he was walking along the edge of fear and complacency.

  If those attacks were to hit us head on, just like those golems we would be torn apart and turned into rubble. Only the massive mana barriers of Reynir are keeping them at bay. Those dark birds are terrifying weapons, capable of firing faster than the regular mana cannons repeatedly. Like a group of mortars strapped together.

  "The weakness of most of the Institute's mana barriers is fire spells right? Their siege weapons all tend towards the fire that they would be going up against lightning based mana barriers. All of the different crafters used fire based attacks to look better to the purchasers."

  "So you're saying that these attacks are good against metal element based mana barriers, but not as strong against other barriers?"


  "What is our process of attacking other's barriers?"

  "Fire a volley with each type of elements, figure out what the composition of the enemy barrier is elementally. We can alter the formations in the artillery shells and the spells that our mages are using so that they do the most damage."

  "What about the Kinetic penetrators?"

  "Well, when that tactic might take too long, we can just overwhelm them with power."

  "Why does it sound simple when you say it, but terrifying when you explain it?" Jasper felt his heart thudding in his armor and his palms sweaty, but he stood there seemingly unmoved by the battle in front of him.

  "Best to take a walk, don't know how long this will take, the troops will feel better seeing familiar faces. I'll rotate them on and off the wall that way they can get used to the sights and sounds," Domonos said.

  Jasper nodded. Thankfully we have Domonos here, if it was just me then we might be lost. I'm used to administration, not running a full-fledged war. Come on, pull yourself together. Need to go and raise morale, crack a few jokes.

  Jasper put a hand on Domonos' shoulder.

  "I'm glad to have you here, I put my Adventurers in your care."

  "I'll treat them as I would my own soldiers."

  The two men met one another's eyes. Jasper clapped his shoulder again and walked down the wall.

  I used to be a farm hand in some backwater village in the First Realm. Now I'm here.


  "Is something wrong Grand Niece?" Low Elder Kostic looked to Mercy as they reached the Wandering Inn where they were staying.

  "I ran into the Colonel."

  "Did you remember where you know him from?"

  "I-I think I might, but it doesn't make sense."

  He waved for her to continue.

  "When I talked to him, he knew my name, my nickname, Mistress Mercy. He called me that without blinking. Not like he had to recall the name, but he knew it. He made me think about this nobody that I saw in the Third Realm. He had a powerful piece of gear that he used to get there. I trained him with my whip and turned him into one of my attendants."

  "Colonel SIlaz is one of the strongest people in Vuzgal. Few people have seen how powerful he is, but through our sources all of the soldiers say that he is like a demon in human skin. The referees that are on the stages, they are apparently three places weaker than him and the places are supposed to be large gaps."

  "I know, which is why I am not sure. I beat that man halfway to death. I broke his body and I wasted him. I sent him to the darker side of the city. Though he never made it to the slaver I sent him to. Two people rescued him. That was why I remembered him. Knowing that there was one person that got away. He could be a possible threat. He wasn't that strong even if he escaped there wasn't much he could do. What if...?"

  "That is a dangerous thought," Low Elder Kostic held his chin. "If he is really the same person, then we have waded into deep waters."

  "What do you mean Great-Uncle?"

  "Make sure that you cover your tracks. Is that slaver still alive?"

  She nodded.

  "Make sure that he and others that know about that man are silenced, remove any possible link to him. Research just who that man is, his name and where he came from. If it matches up, then I can take it to Elder Cai Bo. If used right then you might get a reward from the sect."

  "Do you think that it is possible?"

  "I do not know anything until you find more information. Remember next time to make sure that there are no witnesses or people with loose lips," he growled looking at Mercy.

  "Yes Great Uncle, I was too short-sighted."

  "In these turbulent times, if you can prove yourself, everything can change, for the faction, for our own clan."

  "I won't let you down Great Uncle."

  Chapter: Breaking into the Top 100

  Ledell looked around Vuzgal, after meeting Momma Rodriguez he'd lost most of his piercings and instead of hunching over he stood straighter. He'd applied to different mercenary groups and on his third application to the Adventurer's Guild, either out of pity or something else, he had been accepted.

  Since then he'd made a number of friends in the guild.

  "You want to get food?" A mage asked as Ledell led the party through Vuzgal.

  "The fight is going on! We can just have stamina potions!" Another said.

  "Trust me, I got a recommendation!" Ledell waved his hands, dismissing their comments.

  He reached the entrance to the Sky Reaching Restaurant and looked up at the tall building.

  "Really Vuzgal is a city apart. They have theses skyscrapers and towers with stores and large rooms inside. There are even apartments! There are so many people living here," One of his group clicked her tongue in disbelief, shifting her sword.

  Since going to Momma Rodriguez's, Ledell had turned into something of a foodie. Every place he went if there were restaurants then he would try and test them all out. Few of them were able to beat Momma Rodriguez's menu.

  They waited in line, interested more by the building and mollified with the powerful people that were entering ahead of them and waiting behind them.

  "Things are so orderly here," The swords-woman said.

  "There is the Vuzgal Defence Force, the police force and there are several mercenary companies that are stationed here. All of them would be happy to show off their support to the Vuzgal city lords. Even our own Adventurer's Guild is just a minor power here."

  They chatted before they made it to the front of the line. A host was waiting for them.

  "Party of five, please come with me," The man led them through the restaurant, on the lower floor there were people sitting around a large bar, people were making drinks and the customers were watching the events in the fighting competition. There were also people talking about their different crafts, mercenary companies to spread their presence.

  They went in through a doorway to a platform, the host pressed a button and they rose up slowly and then quickly.

  "What is this, a floating platform?"

  "It is called a lift, there are multiple safety formations put in place. Please hold onto the railings," The host said.

  Ledell did so as the tube around the lift disappeared and they were in a glass tube looking out over Vuzgal.


  A few of his party members freaked out as they looked out at the city that was tens of meters below them and separated by only a few pieces of glass.

  The host continued to smile unsurprised by their reactions. The lift stopped and the doors opened as they all quickly left.

  He took them to a booth and they sat down, looking out at Vuzgal. Several towers were dotted around the city they weren't all crowded together so they could see more of the city with unobstructed views.

  The fights continued on the screens, in the distance they could see the famed Battle Arena where everything was happening.

  The waiters came and went and soon they arrived with food.

  "Seeing all the plates coming out from the kitchen, I can't help but be hungry! Good call brother Ledell!"

  "I said that I wouldn't take you out somewhere bad!"

  "What did you get big brother Ledell?" A younger looking woman asked.

  "Deep fried chicken!" Ledell grabbed the chicken and took a bite.

  He closed his eyes, the crunch, the perfectly cooked and flavored chicken. The spice that sent his mouth on fire!

  It is so damn good, it could compete with Momma Rodriguez's carnitas!

  Ledell left talking to others as he dove into his meal.


  Domonos left Vuzgal two days ago, Erik and Rugrat watched the matches, distracted by the reports they were getting. Elan and Glosil were working in the dark affecting the Willful Institute across the Ten Realms.

  Thankfully they were kind enough to send one of their elders over to Vuzgal. With the answering statue we have been picking up parts of different reports and getting up to date and accurate information. Without needing one agent to have their life in danger.

  The fight at Reynir and Meokar would be their opening blow. If it went well, then it would show people that their military was on the right path. It would raise their morale. With the Adventurer's Guild and the people from the Dragon Battalion remaining hidden. People were starting to get anxious, including Erik and Rugrat.

  "Looks like Kim Cheol is heading up on stage, after his soul-stirring fight last year, I was determined to bring him to my Fighter's Association. You know he turned me down? I guess that only makes sense for someone that would go to extremes to win a simple competition," Klaus the leader of the Vuzgal Fighter's Association sounded more excited than upset.

  "He is a powerful fighter," Erik agreed.

  "If he wants to make it into the top one hundred, it won't be easy. He is up against Tilly the trainer. She's a ranger who has three trained Iron wolves under her command. It is said that they have reached a level of compatibility that they can work together seamlessly. She can buff them and support them with her own attacks."

  A young looking lady wearing grey and white shaded armor stepped out onto the stage. There were three wolves that reached her chest height. The four of them moved together as if a single entity.

  Kim Cheol walked up to the stage with his massive shield and large hammer that rested on his hip. His hog helmet showed scars and one horn had been broken, no longer as clean and perfect as it had been last year.

  They marched up to the stage and reached the referee. The wolves snarled at Cheol as he reached out his hand. Tilly shook his hand and they returned to their sides of the stage.

  Cheol dropped the visor of his helmet down and pulled the hammer from his side while Tilly pulled the bow from her shoulder.

  The referee began the match. Tilly fired arrows as she cast spells.

  "She's dual casting buffing spells on herself and on her beasts," Rugrat said.

  Cheol moved out of the corner but he was moving along the side of the rectangular stage.

  His shield rang out with impacts, his eyes focused on Tilly.

  "He's using the side of the stage to protect himself, he's outnumbered," Klaus said.

  Tilly had him on the defensive, holding him back.

  She sent out her wolves, glowing with buffing spells. They advanced and spread out. Cheol slipped on the ground and the wolves charged as they saw Cheol's open side. Seeing him falling Tilly anticipated where he would be and fired. The arrow that looked like it would strike his helmet went right past.

  He faked the fall!

  Cheol used the fall to actually gain momentum and ran to meet the wolves that were running full out. The wolves were coming from his right, left and straight on.

  He made to bash the first wolf and fell, sliding. The wolf jumped up above Cheol. He used a wind spell, it was badly placed, but it pushed the wolf high enough so that it only came down outside of the fighting stage. Cheol, dug in his foot coming to his feet at a run as he shot out a blast of air at her. She took the hit head on and released an arrow. Cheol knocked it to the side with a yell. The half-pause was all the wolves needed, they jumped up and clamped on his arms, dragging his shield down. Tilly held an arrow ready, aimed directly at Cheol's head.

  "I lose!" Cheol declared.

  The referee came out and Tilly lowered her bow, her wolves released Kim Cheol's arms. He opened his visor with a smile o
n his face. He bowed his head to Tilly who returned the gesture and they walked off the stage.

  "It is a shame, even Kim Cheol wasn't able to make it into the top one hundred," Klaus sighed.

  "Are you jinxing my guild Mister Klaus?" Blaze complained.

  "Jinxing you? You have sixteen people in the top one hundred, I only have four!" Gu Chen, one of the Silver Dragons managers, which was similar to most guild's and sects branch leaders.

  "With that the top one hundred are decided. Come on, you should be able to have some people reach the top fifty right?" Blaze joked.

  "Don't you start jinxing me too!"

  Chapter: Beware the unseen enemy

  Darkness fell over the city as a group of men were walking back through an alley way they were stumbling slightly from drinking.

  “The Elders are all working together now. Using us to protect these cities. We should be in the higher realms cultivating and getting stronger. So what if we lose some lower branches!”

  “Right! The other factions are losing more than us. They are just bad at managing their cities!”

  Roska was standing on a roof, watching them, unmoving. She tilted her head over to another shadow. It moved and rose up slightly. Other shadows were shifting and moving unseen behind the group.

  “In position,” Imani’s voice a soft whisper in her ear.

  “Nothing in the surrounding area, you’re clear,” Tully followed up.

  Roska dropped down to the ground her cloak covered all but the bottom of her face.

  She walked out of an alleyway turning in the middle of the street.

  “Disciplinary Elders Oskar, Alan and Ren Yu?” She asked.

  The men looked up at her in surprise.

  “Ah perfect, you brought some friends, that will make things easier.”

  “Who are you?” Oskar asked, blinking to clear his eyes and focus on her as he put his hand on his blade.

  “And you’re wearing your armor, that will make things easier,” Roska didn’t stop her steps and whistled.

  “I asked who you are!” Oskar demanded.

  “That should be good. Need the arrows to come from the right place. I’m your killer,” Roska was just a few feet away as Oskar and Alan opened their mouths to cry out in pain, but found that they couldn’t make any noise, struck by a silence spell attached to the arrows that pierced their backs.


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