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Beautiful Sacrifice

Page 25

by Jamie McGuire

  I nodded.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. "The worst day of my life has turned into the best day of my life."

  "So far," I said.

  He kissed me again. This time, he lifted me into his arms and then carried me to the bedroom before closing the door.

  We spent the rest of the day in bed, either making love or making plans. I waited to feel panic or regret, but neither came. I had been without him, and then I thought I'd lost him forever. Loss had a way of making everything very clear, and all the things I'd been so worried about seemed insignificant now.

  Just before dinner, Taylor's cell phone buzzed, and he climbed out of bed to check it. "Damn it. I got called in."

  I sulked. "So soon after what happened?"

  He shrugged. "It's the job, baby." He fetched the trash bag in the hall and put on the smoky clothes. "Come with me."

  "To wait at the hotel?"

  "Ellie will be there. You can hang with her. Tyler's crew was called out, too. I want you there when I get back."

  I walked over to the closet and slipped on a T-shirt and jeans, and then I slid my feet into a pair of sandals.

  Taylor seemed happy as he watched me wrap my hair into a bun.

  "Just let me ..." I said, hurrying into the bathroom to grab a toothbrush.

  We rushed downstairs, and I waved to Phaedra before following Taylor out to his truck.

  He drove a little too fast to the hotel. At the entrance, he handed me the key card. "Your phone is in the zipper part of my suitcase. Room two-oh-one."

  "The same room you were in when we met."

  He leaned over to peck my lips, and then I scooted out.

  "Be safe," I said before closing the passenger door. "I mean it."

  Tyler jogged out, his pack in his hand. He kissed Ellison's cheek, and then he climbed into the shotgun seat.

  Taylor punched his arm. "I'm gettin' married, fucker!"

  Tyler looked at me, shocked, and then a huge smile broke out across his face.

  I nodded to confirm, and Ellison hugged me.

  "Let's put out this fire then. Don't want to keep your fiancee waiting," Tyler said, socking his fist straight into Taylor's shoulder.

  They waved, and then Taylor pulled away, squealing the tires.

  "Oh, those Maddox boys," Ellison said, shaking her head. She put her arm around me. "You really said yes, huh?"

  "Am I crazy?" I asked.

  "Absolutely," she said. "Why do you think they fell in love with us?"

  I looked down the road even though the twins were long gone.

  "That's why I know it will work," I said. "You can't really be in love without being a little crazy."

  The edges of the napkin tore easily between my fingers as I waited at the bar for Phaedra to bring me a slice of her famous cheesecake.

  I smiled at the low hum of conversation that had made me feel safe for so long. The Bucksaw would always be just that--my home.

  "Hannah! Order up!" Chuck yelled. When he caught my eye, he winked. "How are you feeling?"

  "Tired," I said. "But happy."

  The chime on the door rang, and I turned to see Taylor holding our son on his hip, his free arm hooked around the handle of an infant carrier.

  Phaedra set my plate in front of me, but she barely paused before heading to the door. "There are those babies! Come to Granny!" she said, holding her arms out to Hollis.

  She carried him to where I sat, and Taylor readjusted the baby bag on his shoulder before bringing over the carrier. Once he set the carrier on the ground, a baby's wails filled the room.

  I arched an eyebrow. "Still think taking them to the hotel was a good idea?"

  He kissed my cheek. "The guys hadn't seen her yet, and I'd thought it'd be nice to give you a second to chat." He leaned over, pulled the blanket away, and unbuckled the tiny infant. He nuzzled her for a moment before handing her to me.

  "It was nice. Thank you," I said, touching Hadley's sweet soft cheek to mine. I hummed a little tune until she settled down.

  "I have a confession," Taylor said. "I took off the headband while we were there."

  My mouth fell open as I feigned being offended. "But it's so cute!"

  "It's ridiculous, baby. Those guys don't care if she's wearing one, especially not one bigger than her head."

  I had dressed her in tiny black-and-white houndstooth leggings, a hot-pink shirt, and socks that looked like Mary Janes. Granted, the headband was a bit excessive, but we didn't have many opportunities to dress her up. I mostly focused on keeping her comfortable.

  Chuck came out and held out his arms for Hadley. "Just washed my hands."

  Phaedra gently pinched a roll of fat on Hollis's arm. "Are you feeding this poor kid?" She kissed his cheek and bounced him a bit. "He's as big as a toddler!"

  Hollis rubbed his nose on Phaedra's shirt, and then he rubbed his eyes with his chubby hand.

  "Are you getting sleepy, son?" I asked.

  He reached for me, and I patted his back while he rested his head on my shoulder. He was his father's son with the same long lashes and warm brown eyes.

  Taylor had attended every doctor's and ultrasound appointment Alyssa allowed, and he'd read every book on parenting and newborns he could get his hands on while he was on shift at his new job at the Estes Park station.

  The whole time Alyssa had labored and for the half an hour after Hollis was born, Taylor had paced the floor, and I'd watched him from my uncomfortable waiting room chair, rubbing my round belly. The moment we'd entered the room where we met him, the nurse had handed Taylor his son, and it was love at first sight for us both.

  Four months after Hollis was born, we'd brought home Hadley. Miracles happened, and Hadley was ours.

  "There she is!" Kirby said, grinning and wrinkling her nose at the infant in Chuck's arms. Then she came over to rub Hollis's back in small circles. "His hair grew in dark, huh?"

  I kissed the back of his head. "He's all Maddox."

  "Lord help us," Phaedra teased.

  The door chimed again, and Gunnar breezed in, a big grin on his face.

  "Hey," he said, leaning down to take a peek at Hollis. He looked at Taylor. "He's gettin' big! How old is he now?"

  "Six months," Taylor said. Like any proud father, he puffed out his chest. "He's going to be a beast."

  "Yeah, he is," Gunnar said, walking over to stand next to Chuck. "Aw. She's adorable! Cute headband!"

  "See?" I said to Taylor before sticking out my tongue.

  I reached over for my fork and cut a piece of pie. "Oh my God, do I miss your food, Phaedra."

  "It's here for you anytime," Phaedra said.

  Hadley began to wail, and Chuck bounced her up and down before holding her out for Taylor. Hadley squinted her eyes, her whole body shaking while she cried.

  "Goodness," Taylor said, leaning down to fetch her pacifier.

  Hadley sucked on it for a few seconds and then began to cry again.

  "I think she's hungry, baby. I'll trade ya," Taylor said.

  I took Hadley in one arm and let Taylor take Hollis from the other. Hollis was already asleep. Taylor handed me a cover-up, and I pulled it over my head with my free hand.

  Chuck and Gunnar were instantly trying to find somewhere else to look.

  Hadley settled down, and Taylor swayed from side to side as he held Hollis.

  Phaedra shook her head. "Good grief. It's like having twins."

  "Just about," Taylor said. "Wouldn't trade it though."

  He winked at me, and I grinned.

  We had matching pairs of dark circles under our eyes, and when Taylor was at the station and both babies woke up during the night, it would be challenging, but we had become pros.

  Taylor had been a great boyfriend, but he was the perfect father.

  "So, when is the wedding?" Kirby asked.

  "As soon as I can fit into the size-six dress that I bought," I said.

  Everyone laughed but Taylor.

  "You know
," he said, "I thought you couldn't be more beautiful than you were when you were pregnant, but I was wrong. I fall in love with you every time I see you holding our kids."

  "Easy," Chuck said. "You'll have another one on the way."

  Phaedra, Kirby, and Gunnar laughed.

  "Wedding first," Taylor said. "Then who knows?"

  "I know. We got lucky," I said.

  "We've been lucky a lot," Taylor said before kissing me on the forehead. He looked to the others. "We're getting married in Eakins in October. We have a few people from there besides family we'd like to invite."

  "Like who?" Phaedra asked.

  "Shane and Liza ... and Olive," I said.

  Phaedra and Chuck traded glances. "So, you're going to contact them?"

  "I'm going to write them a letter," I said. "I have to explain a few things first."

  Phaedra seemed concerned. "If you think that's best."

  "I'm sure it'll be fine, honey," Chuck said with a smile.

  Kirby left to check on the remaining tables, and I finished my slice of pie with one hand, something I'd grown accustomed to. Once I burped Hadley, Phaedra buckled her into her seat.

  "Do you have to go so soon?" Phaedra said, forlorn.

  "We'll be back," I said, hugging her.

  I took a sleeping Hollis from Taylor, and Phaedra kissed the baby's hand.

  Taylor picked up the carrier and leaned in to hug Chuck.

  "Drive safe," Chuck said.

  We waved good-bye, and after securing the children into their seats, we climbed into ours.

  Taylor started the truck and reached for my hand. "So much has changed since I first walked into that cafe."

  "That's an understatement."

  He held my hand to his lips, and then he lowered it back to the console. "One choice led to all of this. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have either of my children. I owe everything that's important to me to you."

  With his left hand, he reached across to put the gear in drive. We drove away from the place where we'd met to the place where we were raising our family, holding hands the whole way.

  I thank my husband in every book. I can look back on each acknowledgment and see the love and support he's shown me over my career. Jeff helps me so much that at times I joke that his name should be on the cover, too, because without him, there would be no Jamie McGuire books. His presence in my life is just as instrumental to my finishing novels as my creativity or work ethic. Not only does he handle most everything so that I can focus on my career, he is the reason I know how to write about love and why I know men have a soft, sweet, kind side. He is why I know men can be so forgiving and patient.

  There are three other people in our household who show patience and love daily--my children. It's hard to have a mom who works in the home. It takes a lot of understanding and respect, and my children have become pros. Thank you, babies.

  Thank you to two readers who have become like sisters--Deanna and Selena. You were the first to travel more than an hour to one of my early signings, and it was before anyone knew who I was! I'm so glad that we've become so close, and I cherish our friendship. I love you both.

  Danielle, Jessica, and Kelli--Your support has been invaluable. I can't thank you enough for what you do. Not only do you rally the troops on your own time, but you also expect nothing in return. I cherish our friendship as much as I appreciate your dedication.

  MacPack! You all, every single one of you, rock my socks. I am in awe of how devoted you are to the cause, and I am eternally grateful. You'll never know just how many times you brighten my day.

  Megan Davis--You've never let me down. You are always available, always around to lend an ear or to help in any way you can. You are an amazing friend. The Vegas signing simply would not have been possible without you, and I will never forget your kindness. Thank you.

  Teresa Mummert--My sanity thanks you. I don't think there is another person who makes me laugh or look forward to a phone conversation like you do. I consider you to be one of my very best friends, and I'm so grateful you put up with me.

  JAMIE MCGUIRE was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She attended Northern Oklahoma College, the University of Central Oklahoma, and Autry Technology Center where she graduated with a degree in Radiography.

  Jamie paved the way for the New Adult genre with the international bestseller Beautiful Disaster. Her follow-up novel, Walking Disaster, debuted at #1 on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. Beautiful Oblivion, book one of the Maddox Brothers books, also topped the New York Times bestseller list, debuting at #1.

  Novels also written by Jamie McGuire include Red Hill, an apocalyptic thriller; the Providence series, a young adult paranormal romance trilogy; Apolonia, a dark sci-fi romance; and several novellas, including A Beautiful Wedding, Among Monsters: A Red Hill Novella, and Happenstance: A Novella Series.

  Jamie lives on a ranch just outside of Enid, Oklahoma, with her husband, Jeff, and their three children. They share their thirty acres with cattle, six horses, three dogs, and a cat named Rooster.

  Find Jamie at or on Facebook, Twitter, Tsu, and Instagram.




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