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by Samantha Britt


  Gregory’s Story

  Samantha Britt

  Envied: Immortal Chronicles Book VI

  © Copyright 2018 Samantha Britt

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  About the Author

  Also by Samantha Britt

  Gregory Fang never does anything for himself. He’s spent his entire immortal life serving the vampire king. Things almost changed when he fell in love with the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, she is destined to be with another, and Gregory seems destined to be alone.

  Resigned to mend his disappointed heart, Gregory throws himself into work. While on a mission to subdue rebel vampires, he is reunited with an old friend. Paige Green is a werebeast, but she isn’t the angsty teenager he remembers.

  Together, Paige and Gregory combat vampires, witches, missing persons, and unsuspected enemies. All the while, they are finding out just how much two years can change someone.

  WARNING: While Envied is a standalone story, there are spoilers for The Immortal Chronicles Series Books I-IV. Reader beware.


  “My King, you wished to see me?” Gregory stepped into King Alexander’s mahogany office. He lifted his forearm and crossed it over his chest—their coven’s sign of respect. It had been months since he’d seen his leader. He felt honored to be called for a meeting so quickly after his return to their base, in the outskirts of Pittsburgh.

  “Gregory,” the king greeted his second-in-command with genuine warmth. It was a side of the vampire the world rarely got the chance to see. Alexander was the leader of the largest gathering of vampires in North America. As such, he was rarely afforded the opportunity to drop his foreboding and commanding persona. Being king was a daunting position, and he relied heavily on Gregory to help keep the coven and outside vampires in order. “Welcome back. How was your mission in…”

  “Jamaica,” Gregory answered for the king. He wasted no time in reporting his results. “I found the ex-coven members. Let’s just say they will not be harming any more tourists.”

  “Good. Very good.” The last thing either of them wanted was rogue members of their coven causing trouble.

  Ever since the immortal rebellion ended and Lord Adir had been neutralized, Gregory spent the majority of his time hunting down vampires who sided with the rebellion. They were given a choice: abandon their rebellious ideology or receive a quick, merciful death. It had been a long year, but Gregory believed he was finally done searching for troublesome vampires.

  That is not to say he minded the work. Gregory never felt more alive than when he was dishing out his king’s justice. King Alexander was the best of vampires. He’d built unfathomable bridges between vampires, witches, and werebeasts—allying the groups like never before.

  In years past, the different half-breed groups would go to war over things as trivial as territorial boundaries, past transgressions, and more. But with the help of some powerful associates, Alexander managed to create a world where supernatural beings didn’t need to fear their own shadows. No one needed to be afraid of other half-immortal offspring. They were allies for the first time in history.

  Even Gregory could now boast of friendships with different half-breeds. It didn’t seem like much, but it was a marked difference compared to fifty years ago. He’d never befriended a witch or a werebeast in his long life. Though the king could seem elitist and was a force to be reckoned with when betrayed, Alexander’s legacy was marked by his desire to see the supernatural world become a more equal and fair place.

  As such, Gregory vowed to serve him the rest of his everlasting life.

  “What a lovely reunion,” a British accent lifted from the back corner of the office. Gregory turned and identified Lord Brian, King Alexander’s half-brother.

  The powerful vampire sat with his feet propped on an ottoman, his arms bent behind his head. “I can practically smell the loyalty seeping off of you.”

  Gregory stiffened. He didn’t like Lord Brian. Ever since the lord abducted Darcie right out from under his nose, he held a general distrust for the vampire. It didn’t matter that he was the king’s kin or that he hadn’t intended to harm Darcie when he took her away from the ball; Gregory would never respect the impulsive vampire, nor his dangerous tactics.

  “Lord Brian,” he said coolly. “I didn’t know you left London.” As the coven’s second-in-command, Gregory had instilled a network of spies to report on multiple high-power, half-breed individuals. Lord Brian was number one on the list.

  Gregory made a note to discuss the lack of intel with his London spymaster.

  “England is crowded with tourists this time of year,” Lord Brian replied, waving a hand. “Besides, I enjoy spending time with my brother. Reconnecting, and all that.”

  Alexander scowled. “All you do is hinder my work and pester me about when Darcie will visit.”

  Hearing her name caused Gregory’s gut to clench. “Darcie plans to visit?”

  Already, Gregory was thinking of a way to avoid the awkward encounter. He cringed as the memory of his desperate kiss filled his head.

  Gregory was lying on the couch. He’d been knocked unconscious by Adir’s attack. The last thing he remembered was terror; he’d been terrified to see Darcie in the crazed immortal’s arms, his dangerous flames licking at her slender neck.

  He wanted to save her, but Adir landed an accurate blow which rendered him useless.

  Now, the sounds of the room registered. He shifted, cursing his aching head. He needed to get up and help Darcie.

  On cue, her musical voice called out his name. “Gregory?” Her light fingers brushed his arm.

  Gregory jerked upright and whirled around to position himself over her, offering his own body as protection.

  “Gregory.” He’d never tire of hearing her say his name. “It’s okay. Adir is gone. Thane took care of him. We aren’t in danger.”

  Gregory scanned the room, unsure if he was imagining his reality. When he observed Thane, one of the three most powerful immortals, sitting on a chair in the wrecked room, he allowed his tense muscles to relax. He returned his attention to Darcie and noticed the crystal-blue color of her eyes had returned.

  “Your eyes are back to normal.” The beautiful irises had turned black when the immense power within Darcie took over. He’d been scared she’d be lost to the control of her witch abilities.

  She said something in response, but Gregory didn’t hear a word. He l
ifted his hand and brushed aside a stray hair. Her skin was smooth against his fingers.

  Thane said something, drawing Darcie’s attention. Gregory couldn’t do anything but watch the beautiful young woman in front of him. He’d known his feelings for her were growing for some time but seeing her in danger—seeing her in Adir’s arms… it caused something to snap.

  The vampire could no longer deny the emotion Darcie elicited in him. Before her, he was a shell. A deadly, professional shell whose life’s purpose was to serve his king and coven. But the weeks he spent with Darcie changed him.

  Now, Gregory realized, he wanted more.

  Giving in to his desires, Gregory reached up and cupped her porcelain face. Before he could change his mind, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

  The feelings were intense – like he’d finally unleashed the pent-up feelings he’d been concealing his entire life.

  When Gregory finally pulled back, he was breathless. An onslaught of thoughts overwhelmed him. Despite being drained, he would never forget the look of confusion and guilt marring Darcie’s beautiful face.

  She’d tried to apologize and explain away the situation. She tried her best to spare his feelings.

  To say Gregory was mortified was an understatement. He quickly absolved Darcie of all guilt. Instead of taking her in his arms like he longed to do, Gregory sent her away to find the subject of her own heart’s desire.

  Gregory pulled away from the agonizing memory. He didn’t know what he had been thinking. He knew there was no chance of a future for him and Darcie.

  Darcie Abernathy was once a normal, human girl. She grew up without knowing anything about the magical immortal world.

  Gregory moved his head from side to side, disagreeing with his own thought.

  Darcie was never normal. She was a witch – a direct descendant of the Original Immortal, Charmian. She was, also, the soulmate of arguably the most powerful immortal in existence.

  Gregory didn’t know why he’d succumbed to his desire to kiss Darcie. Adir had just been vanquished, and he acted on instinct. It was only after the fact he realized how desperate his action must have seemed. It didn’t matter if he had feelings for Darcie from almost the first moment they met; she was bound to Des. And Des was bound to her.

  Now, Gregory felt the need to avoid Darcie. A year might’ve passed, but his shame still lingered.

  “Darcie has expressed an interest in visiting the coven,” Alexander answered his second’s question, “but no date has been set.”

  Relief coursed through Gregory’s veins. “I see.”

  “Still got it bad, eh?” Lord Brian piped up.

  Chastising his lack of diligence, Gregory quickly schooled his expression. He ignored the ill-humored joke from the infuriating vampire.

  “If there is nothing else, My King, I would like to go speak with my spymaster.” He shot Lord Brian a look of disdain. “Apparently, we have some holes in our intelligence.”

  The British vampire waggled his eyebrows. It took all of Gregory’s self-control to not throw an object at his victorious face.

  “Actually, there is another matter we need to discuss.” Alexander moved to sit in his desk chair.

  All business, Gregory followed his sovereign’s action and took the seat across from him. “An assignment?” he asked.

  “Yes. I hate to do this to you after you’ve spent so long away from home, but there are rumors of rouge vampires terrorizing the Pacific Northwest.”

  Gregory processed the information. “That is werebeast territory. Have you contacted them about the problem?” Though the two groups had recently come together, there were still sensitive matters between them. Namely, the delicate issue of maintaining boundaries of each group’s territory.

  “Actually, the pack in that region reached out to us. They would like our assistance to investigate the problem.”

  Gregory sat back in the expensive chair. “Werebeasts are requesting our help? The situation must be dire.”

  “It is.” The king picked up a letter. “A dozen men and women have been reported missing, but only five bodies have been recovered. None of them were drained, but there were obvious vampire bite marks. The fear is someone is making new vampires. And we all know how that goes.”

  Gregory’s hands clenched. It was against vampire law to change humans into vampires, unless the coven leader approved the transformation. The creatures produced were unlike those made from natural means. They were cold, ruthless, and bloodthirsty. If they did not undergo rigorous treatment and intervention, their depravity would remain with them throughout their entire immortal life. Only in the most unique circumstances, would a coven leader approve of transforming a human into a vampire. Naturally, Gregory’s mind traveled to his parents.

  Calvin Fang, his father, had fallen in love with a human girl, but he planned on leaving her mortality intact. It wasn’t until finding out about their accidental pregnancy that Calvin approached his sovereign. He petitioned King Alexander for approval to initiate the mother of his child’s transformation.

  Thank The Creator, the king said yes. Otherwise, Gregory might not be standing there today. Human pregnancies with vampire babies did not end well for the mother or the child.

  Returning his mind to the situation at hand, Gregory acknowledged it had been years since he heard of any vampire daring to initiate transformations without approval. He couldn’t fathom what would motivate anyone to make such a risky decision, especially when the punishment was swift, unmerciful decapitation.

  “When do I leave?” He stood from the chair. Already, he was ready to make the rouge vampires answer for their crimes.

  “Well, aren’t you a good pet,” Lord Brian chimed from his chair.

  Both Gregory and the king ignored him.

  “Tomorrow. I promised your parents I would give you one night off. Go see them.” Alexander’s command was subtle, but it was still a command.

  Guilt pricked Gregory’s stomach. The last he spoke with his mother, he promised to stop in for a visit when he was back in Pittsburgh. He kept in contact with them throughout his year of missions, but his parents were adamant that it was not the same as seeing their only child in person.

  “Of course.” Gregory dipped his head. “I’ll return in the morning for my field assignment documents.”

  “Thank you, Gregory,” Alexander stood and returned the gesture of respect, lifting a pale arm to his chest. “I appreciate your sacrifice.”

  “It is no sacrifice at all, Your Grace.”

  The king nodded. “Tell your father and mother I said hello, and that we are due for a meal soon.”

  “I will.” Stepping back, Gregory waited until he was by the door before turning his back to his leader. He exited the office and immediately set out for the intelligence wing of the coven’s headquarters.

  Seeing his parents could wait. He had some things to discuss with a certain spymaster, first.


  Walking down the familiar hallway, Gregory paused by a family portrait. His father and mother looked the same, their appearances locked to look like young adults in their mid-twenties, but Gregory was much younger. He must have been no more than four years old when they sat for the portrait.

  His family home was full of relics of his childhood. He counted himself fortunate to have them. Most vampires were not raised by two loving parents. Some were not even lucky enough to have one. Many vampire children were raised by the entire coven, residing in communal barracks, under the guardianship of supervising vampires.

  The coven’s headquarters outside of Pittsburgh resembled a military base, minus the fences of barbed wire surrounding the premises. Renovated buildings in the abandoned industrial park made useful business offices, but the makeshift barracks did not seem like the most welcoming home for children.

  “Your mother is angry with you.”

  Gregory turned and was greeted by the sight of his father’s amused smirk.

“Why?” he asked, though he suspected he already knew the answer.

  “Someone in the king’s service revealed you arrived back hours ago. She would understand a quick meeting with Alexander, but she will not excuse your other activities.”

  Gregory groaned and stared helplessly at the ceiling. “It was a matter of importance.” He didn’t expect the fact to dissuade his mother’s anger, but it was worth a try.

  “More important than your own mother and father?” Claire Fang stepped into the hallway, standing at the threshold separating the men from the kitchen.

  Already, Gregory could smell his mother’s cooking. His stomach growled.

  “Of course not,” he replied, closing the distance between them. His mother continued to frown at him, even when he opened his arms for a hug. “Hello, Mother.”

  She stepped into him and wrapped her thin arms around her tall son’s waist. “Hello, my disobedient son.”

  Gregory chuckled. “I would hardly call a delay in arrival, disobedient.”

  “It has been a year since I’ve seen your face,” she countered. “You promised to see us straight-away when you returned.” She stepped back but continued to hold his arms.

  Her lips turned down. “You look tired.”

  “I am tired.”

  His mother shook her head. “This is different. You do not look like yourself. Have you been injured?”

  Only my pride.

  “No. I am alright. I promise you.” Gregory strived for his most convincing grin.

  Her skepticism didn’t fall away. His mother knew him too well, but she nodded and dropped her hold. “Come on, you two, before dinner gets cold.”


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