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Page 4

by Samantha Britt


  Flashing lights and neon colors assaulted Gregory’s vision. He scowled as he entered the nightclub. The dark room’s music blared from the speakers, and the sea of people stood crowded against one another throughout the space. He didn’t think a place could be any worse.

  Paige didn’t have the same opinion. She stood to his left, surveying the scene with an approving smile. She moved her shoulders to the sound of the music, brushing her leather jacket against him. “Nice.”

  “Nice?” Gregory shook his head. “Are you serious?”

  “This is the most popular club in town,” she told him. “Compared to other places, this one is pretty sweet.”

  The vampire frowned. He’d been to many bars and nightclubs in his younger years, and each of them was better than his current location.

  Since when did people enjoy losing their hearing during a night out?

  “We should move,” J.J. called from behind them. He stood near the entrance, moving to the side to let people pass. “Let’s find a table.”

  Both Gregory and Paige nodded. Gregory gestured for Paige to lead the way. He didn’t miss her irritated glare as she glanced back at J.J. – no doubt cursing his presence for the fifth time that evening.

  Leaders of the Northwestern pack met the previous morning and confirmed Gregory’s role as the leader of the proposed scouting mission. To stay inconspicuous, he suggested keeping the number of participants small. The last thing they wanted was to draw attention to themselves by having seven or eight werebeasts walk into the bar.

  Instead, two werebeasts were positioned in a truck outside. They were there in case Gregory, Paige, or J.J. needed back up within the establishment, but they were to remain outside unless absolutely necessary.

  At first, when Paige learned J.J. was accompanying them on the mission, she did not hesitate to make her frustration known. She did not want any of her potential mates to go, but Gregory told her they could not afford to scout alone, and older werebeasts would stand out too much. Their half-breed species did not maintain appearances as youthful as vampires. They didn’t stop showing signs of aging until their mid-30s.

  Besides, Gregory had seen J.J. fight during the rebellion. If he found himself in a tight spot, he’d feel better knowing J.J. was there. Not only for his safety, but also Paige’s.

  The trio arrived at a corner booth with a small, round table. J.J. slid in and positioned himself in the middle. Gregory wanted to smirk. It was a clever move. Now, no matter where Paige sat, she would be beside him.

  Paige realized it too. With narrowed eyes, she sat on the very edge of the bench, turning her back to J.J. to face the club.

  Gregory shot J.J. a knowing look before taking his seat.

  No one said a word as each of them scanned their surroundings. Gregory relied on his enhanced senses to try and locate any vampires. Not only would he recognize one by sight, but he could also smell the distinct odor of various blood types swirling in a single body. It was different than the scent of non-vampires.

  Unfortunately, he did not detect anything out of the ordinary. They were clear – for now.

  Gregory sat back as a waitress with a tight-leather corset and a short, black skirt approached. She flung her blonde hair to the side and shot him a bright smile. “Hi there. Something to drink?”

  “Your best single malt scotch whisky,” Gregory replied. He turned to Paige, but she wasn’t looking at him. She was gazing at the waitress with a scowl.


  She moved her frustrated eyes to Gregory.

  He tilted his head to the side. “Do you want something to drink?” He knew humans were not allowed to drink under the age of twenty-one, but Paige wasn’t a human, and she had used a fake ID to get into the club. Normally, Gregory would not condone breaking the law, but they needed to blend in.

  “I’ll have what he’s having.” Paige returned her irritated attention to the waitress who had finally decided to look at someone other than Gregory.

  “Great,” the blonde said. She glanced at J.J. “You?”

  “Make it three.” J.J. reached over the table to hand her a credit card. “Keep the tab open.”

  She bobbed her head. “I’ll be right back with your drinks.” The waitress shimmied away, shooting Gregory a coy glance over her shoulder.


  Both men turned to Paige.

  “What is?” questioned Gregory.

  Paige gestured to the retreating waitress. “She was practically undressing you with her eyes.”

  J.J. busted out laughing, and Gregory’s forehead creased.

  “No, she wasn’t.”

  “She totally was,” Paige countered. “It reminded me of the time we ate at that restaurant in Florida. The waitresses were practically falling over each other to get a glimpse of you. I swear, women act like idiots around you.”

  Gregory’s mind traveled to the American café where he, Paige, and Darcie had eaten lunch. It was a pleasant meal, but he recalled how uncomfortable he felt with the young female employees’ admiring stares. Especially since Darcie was there to see.

  Don’t go there.

  Gregory shook his head and dismissed her comment. “It’s a part of a vampire’s draw. Also…” His eyes twinkled. “I have attractive parents.”

  The comment earned an amused smile from his friend. “I don’t doubt it.”

  J.J. watched the exchange and an intrigued look crossed his face. Before Gregory could ask about it, the expression disappeared.

  The waitress returned with their drinks. Gregory made a point to avoid eye contact, suddenly uncomfortable with the attention he was so used to receiving.

  “Should we split up and survey the club?” Paige asked, sipping the whiskey. Gregory was impressed when her face didn’t pucker. The strong odor had filled his nose and almost made him cough.

  “Yes.” Gregory rose gracefully. “I’ll take the bar.”

  “I’ll go to the dancefloor,” Paige offered. Gregory was glad he didn’t have to face the packed area.

  “And I’ll scope out everywhere else while I walk around.” J.J. slid out of the booth on Gregory’s side. He didn’t even look at Paige as he turned to begin his rounds.

  Once he was out of earshot, Gregory looked pointedly at his friend. “Must you be rude?” The vampire wasn’t rooting for the werebeast, but he thought J.J. a decent enough person. He wasn’t sure he deserved Paige’s coldness.

  She sighed. “You don’t understand. I have to be that way. Otherwise, my mating bond could engage at any moment. I cannot afford to let my guard down around any of them, even if they aren’t all bad.”

  Gregory pursed his lips. He knew his knowledge on the subject was limited, and his trust in his friend made him believe she wasn’t being unpleasant for no reason. “Alright. I’ll be at the bar.”

  Paige dipped her chin. “And I’ll be on the dancefloor.” She waggled her eyebrows before swiftly disappearing into the crowd of moving bodies, lifting her glass above her head as she started swaying to the music.

  Gregory chuckled, resisting the instinct to tell her to take care. Paige was a grown woman, no longer the silly teenager from Greece, and she was trained by her father. She could take care of herself. He moved to sit at the bar.

  A couple of women tried to strike up conversation, but Gregory effortlessly deflected and discouraged each attempt. He couldn’t afford the distraction. His senses needed to be on high alert.

  Eventually, the surrounding women got the hint and left him to his observations. Rotating the chair, Gregory rested an elbow on the bar as he scanned the club.

  He noticed two pale men in the corner. They were lean, yet muscular like most newly changed vamps, but Gregory’s nostrils detected the ordinary scent of humans.

  Moving on, he identified several more tall, skinny men and women. Several sported the unnatural, predatory beauty of a vampire, but not one was, actually, a vampire. One woman, a stunning brunette, noticed
his gaze. She lifted a hand and wiggled her fingers in greeting, inviting him to approach.

  Gregory remained in his seat and turned away.

  Shouting reached his ears. He followed the sound to a couple arguing on the dancefloor. He saw the beautiful woman shove the man away before stomping off into the crowd. Gregory shook his head as the man trailed after her, looking like a lost puppy who didn’t know how to get his favorite toy back.

  He was about to look away and continue his surveillance when a dark-haired beauty caught his eye. He couldn’t see her face, but the black dress she wore made his stomach clench. The tight fabric hugged the woman’s athletic body, dipping low to reveal the small of her back. The muscles moved as she swayed, facing her dance partner, revealing two small dimples towards the edge of the fabric.

  Gregory’s eyes traveled up and down the stranger’s body, admiring her long legs and hourglass figure. It’d been many months since a woman stole his attention in such a way. The mess with Darcie left him wary. He wasn’t sure he should pursue female company until he got his head and heart back on track. You could say he’d been adamant about ignoring the opposite sex, entirely.

  The dancing woman captivated him, drawing him in with each sway of her hip and dip of her toned legs.

  When the woman’s partner started to turn her around, Gregory eagerly looked up to see her face.

  His green eyes locked onto the woman’s flush cheeks and sultry smile. She gazed over her shoulder, eyeing her partner with an enticing expression.

  Gregory drank in her flawless complexion when recognition punched him in the gut.


  He shook his head, trying to clear his vision, but the attractive image was still there when he looked back.

  In the beginning of the evening, he acknowledged how nice Paige’s legs looked in the black heels. But, other than that, he didn’t register how attractive the young woman was. He hadn’t even seen Paige’s jaw-dropping dress; the leather jacket had covered up most of her body.

  Gregory continued to watch Paige dance. She was laughing at something her dance partner said, but she took a step forward to distance herself from the groping man.

  Gregory felt inclined to reprimand Paige for not performing her duties when he noticed her gaze travel around to the different men and women around her. She was studying them, looking for anyone who seemed out of place, and she was doing it very subtly.

  “Ah. I get it now.” An unfamiliar voice said behind Gregory.

  Turning around, he met the bartender’s knowing gaze. “Excuse me?”

  The bartender lifted a hand towards the dancefloor where Paige was working. “The girl… I was wondering why you kept turning down all those babes. Now, it makes sense.”

  Gregory wasn’t following.

  The tattoo-covered man noticed. “Your girl. I wouldn’t be interested in anyone else either.”

  “Oh.” Understanding dawned. “She and I are just friends.” He didn’t know why he said that. The words just fell out of his mouth.

  “Sure.” The bartender smirked. “Friends.”

  Not knowing how to respond, Gregory turned back around but made sure to keep his eyes away from the dancefloor. He knew his productivity would be hindered if he allowed himself to continue watching Paige.

  He decided to search for his other companion, instead.

  The vampire found J.J. standing towards the back of the club near the hallway which led to the restrooms. He was engaged in conversation with a pretty redhead, smiling warmly at whatever the woman was saying.

  Gregory readied himself to take a lap around the room when it hit him – the smell.

  Back straight as a rod, he slowly moved his head, sniffing the air. His neck rotated ninety degrees when his eyes landed on the source of the odor.

  A vampire – young by the smell of him – was standing against the wall, arms crossed. Gregory followed his gaze and unease began to grow as he noticed the vampire’s attention was locked on J.J. Without hesitation, he pushed off the stool and started to walk to the vampire.

  A loud, masculine shout filled the air.

  Gregory glanced towards the sound, thinking it was probably another couple in the middle of a drunken argument. His eyes widened, and a menacing growl escaped his chest when he observed what was happening.

  Standing on the edge of the dancefloor was Preston. The werebeast was angry, and he was shouting at the man Paige had been dancing with.

  You have got to be kidding me.


  The werebeast was not supposed to be there. Preston was not selected to partake in the mission. His presence and current outburst threatened to destroy the entire operation.

  Gregory forgot about the spotted vampire and arrived next to Preston in seven long steps. He placed his pale fingers on the werebeast’s arm and pulled him back with hardly any effort. He was, by far, the stronger of the two.

  The human dancing with Paige, now freed from Preston’s wrath, disappeared into the safety of the crowd.

  Preston swung around with a furious gaze. Recognizing Gregory, a healthy amount of fear seeped into his eyes. But, just as soon as the emotion appeared, he used his anger to force it away.

  “Get your hands off me.”

  Gregory did not remove his grip. “What are you doing here?” he spoke so only Preston and Paige could hear. Everyone else on the dancefloor gave them a wide berth, continuing to dance as they watched the scene unfold.

  “I’m here for backup,” he gritted.

  “This is not your assignment,” Paige hissed. “Leave.”

  “Not until you cover yourself up,” Preston snapped back, eyeing her up and down. There was a hint of lust in his gaze, enough to make Gregory tighten his grip on the male’s arm. He dipped his head until he and the werebeast were eye to eye.

  “You have no rights regarding Paige. None.” His tone was menacing, full of the cold and cruel venom vampires were known to possess. “If you do not leave at once, I will make sure you and your pack are ostracized from every gathering of half-breed leaders. Your pack will be alone – isolated. Is that really something your pack can afford?”

  Gregory knew the answer without Preston’s reply. No half-breed community wanted to be excluded from King Alexander’s uniting efforts. There was protection, wealth, and power at stake.

  Still, the vampire’s gratification increased exponentially when he saw the werebeast register the threat.

  Preston’s lips twisted into a scowl as he tugged his arm back. Gregory released him.

  The werebeast stared at Gregory with loathing and disgust. “Touch me again, bat, and I will send you back to your master wrapped in garlic.”

  Gregory wanted to laugh. Either Preston was so hotheaded he didn’t realize he threatened one of the most powerful vampires in existence, or he was too stupid to care.

  Before Gregory could react, however, Paige stepped forward.

  Without hesitation, she pulled back and quickly brought her right fist forward to collide with Preston’s cheek. The punch caused him to stumble back into a high-top table full of drinks. The liquids sloshed to the floor. Preston’s stunned expression turned to fury. He pushed off the table, ready to retaliate when J.J. arrived and stepped in his path.

  “Leave.” J.J. commanded. “Before you embarrass yourself further.”

  Preston’s chest heaved, and his nostrils flared. Gregory readied himself to step between him and Paige, but the volatile male surprised them all by turning on his heel and stomping away.

  Gregory watched his retreat and confirmed his exit before facing Paige. “You shouldn’t have hit him.”

  She cradled her hand against her chest. She didn’t look as angry, but she was still irritated. “He had no right to behave like that. He’s a mongrel.”

  Gregory agreed, but that didn’t change the fact Paige shouldn’t have laid a hand on him. Rather than starting an argument though, he turned to J.J.

  “Where is the woman you were speakin
g with?” he asked, trying to salvage what little hope they had of a successful mission.

  J.J blinked, surprised. “The witch?”

  It was Gregory’s turn to feel surprise. “The red-headed female was a witch?”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “That’s why I was talking to her. I could smell the magic on her.” A werebeast’s sense of smell was only second to a vampire’s.

  “A witch is here?” Paige jumped in, lowering her injured hand. “Where?”

  The three of them glanced around the bar, but Gregory did not see the petite red-head anywhere.

  J.J. shook his head. “I don’t see her.” He returned his attention to Gregory. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I spotted a vampire, and he was staring right at the two of you while you were talking.”

  Both Paige and J.J.’s stances shifted. The presence of a vampire made the tension in their muscles rise.

  “Don’t worry,” Gregory exhaled. “I don’t see him either.”

  “Do you think he went after the witch?” Paige asked, fear for the unknown woman overriding her previous frustration.

  “I don’t think so. Even a new vampire would be able to sense a witch and know better than to mess with one.” Gregory’s forehead creased. “Call me crazy, but I think they may have known each other.”

  “You’re not crazy,” said J.J. “She mentioned she was here with someone. It could have been the vampire.”

  His gut told him J.J. was right.

  Gregory called on his impressive memory to remember the expression on the vampire’s face. Now that he thought about it, the male seemed irritated and perhaps a little jealous while he eyed the woman speaking with J.J.

  Was the vampire her lover?

  Or perhaps they were friends?

  Regardless of the nature of the relationship, the familiarity between the vampire and the witch was suspicious. He knew it was a lead they needed to follow.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Gregory said as his mind was busy forming their next move. “I have a plan.”


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