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Envied Page 8

by Samantha Britt

  And for it to happen with Paige…

  Gradually, an unsettling truth fought to be accepted.

  Gregory refused.

  There was absolutely no way the witch’s words were true. He could not be Paige’s mate. They weren’t even the same species. Such a powerful bond could only happen between werebeasts. Gregory understood he did not know everything about the different half-breed race, but he knew enough to know, it was impossible for a vampire to be a werebeast’s mate.

  It was all some weird, unusual reaction.

  That’s all.

  Shaking aside the troubling notion, he reached for his phone and dialed his sovereign. He needed to gain his approval for the plan he and Lucas came up with. Once he did, they would be ready to lay the bait for the criminal vampires in the Silverton area.

  Alexander answered on the first ring. Their conversation was short and direct. The king was busy monitoring a dispute between two witch clans, one of them represented by Jennifer Bane. To Gregory, that meant his leader was busy trying to appease the subject of his unrequited love, but he would never dare utter such a statement.

  So, once Gregory finished relaying the plan to use Miles as bait, Alexander quickly approved. To his credit, the king’s distraction did not permit him to overlook Ava’s unique set of vampire-transformation skills. He instructed Gregory to find out if the witch would be willing to meet and discuss the implications of her gift – once the pack’s problem was taken care of, of course.

  The call ended, leaving Gregory to fall victim to the troubling thoughts he’d managed to push aside.

  Unwilling to succumb to the traps within his own mind – those which tried to force him to acknowledge how attractive he found Paige – Gregory followed Paige’s example and bolted out of the guesthouse.

  Instead of going to headquarters, where Lucas waited for him, he took a detour through the nearby trees. It wasn’t large enough to be a forest, but it was enough to conceal him from any eyes in a nearby building.

  He threw himself against the base of a wide tree and breathed in the fresh air. The temperature was still cool, and his long exhale fogged, in front of his face. He willed his mind to clear. It was a gift he’d adopted early on in his extended existence. Essentially, Gregory was immortal. As long as a silver weapon never penetrated heart and his neck remained attached to his body, he would never die.

  The longer life afforded many opportunities for enriching experiences, but it also provided too much time to obsess over one’s thoughts and decisions. Eternal life was a gift, but eternal time could be a curse.

  So, Gregory developed the necessary skill of shutting off his mind. Taking in slow, well-timed and deliberate breaths, he quieted his troubling thoughts and emotions, and relaxed.

  Wind rustled the trees. Birds were beginning to return from their winter migration, and a few chirped on a nearby branch.

  The sounds were soothing, and only facilitated Gregory’s calm moment.

  All too soon, the peaceful serenity ended.

  “Hey, man.” J.J. pushed aside low-hanging branches and stepped into Gregory’s sight. He wasn’t surprised by his appearance, he’d sensed the young man’s approach long before he’d stepped into the trees to search for him.

  J.J.’s arrival made Gregory glance at his wristwatch. He was surprised to note more than an hour had passed since he’d ran out of the guesthouse. It was unlike him to lose track of time.

  But even knowing he’d held up the impending meeting with Lucas and the rest of the Northwestern pack’s leaders, he couldn’t find motivation to do more than return the werebeast’s greeting. “Hey.”

  J.J. plopped onto the ground, unaffected by the melting snow dampening his jeans. “You alright?”

  They weren’t close enough for Gregory to consider J.J. a confidant, but he had to fight the urge to confess the truth of his unease to the friendly male.

  “I’m fine,” he lied.

  J.J. shifted his legs. “No offense, but I highly doubt that.”

  The knowing tone peaked Gregory’s interest. He straightened and looked at the werebeast. “Excuse me?”

  He didn’t mince words. “I heard everything over the earpiece… at Ava’s. I heard what the witch said.”

  Gregory ran a hand down the side of his face. He wasn’t sure what to do. Part of him wanted to acknowledge J.J.’s statement, but the other part of him wanted nothing more than to deny the acute observation.

  Why did it feel like admitting the witch’s claim made it more real?

  Seeing no way to avoid discussing the matter, Gregory said, “It was a mistake.”

  “The witch said that?”

  He rested the back of his head against the tree trunk. “No.”

  J.J. whistled low. “Man, I don’t know how to say this, but I don’t think the witch was wrong.”

  Gregory lowered his head and narrowed his gaze. “What?”

  He threw up his hands. “Hey, I’m just saying… I’ve seen how you two interact.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  J.J. lowered his palms. “The first time was at the club. It’s obvious there is something between you.”

  If Gregory had the ability to laugh, he would have. As it was, he could find nothing humorous about the situation. “You’re mistaken.” That seemed to be his go to phrase.

  “Am I?” J.J. countered. “I’m not trying to pry or cause trouble, but from where I sit, it seems like there is something going on between you two. You two are constantly watching each other when you don’t think the other will notice, and those couple of days where you weren’t speaking, both of you looked completely miserable.”

  The observations took Gregory by surprise. He only just started to realize his attraction to Paige, and he had shoved those wayward thoughts aside.

  Had he unintentionally been admiring his friend longer than that?

  “The witch’s claim is impossible.” Gregory aimed to convince J.J. with logic. “I’m a vampire, and Paige is a werebeast. No such bond could form between us.”

  “I agree, it seems impossible,” J.J. acquiesced. “But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something else going on. Do you like her?”

  “Paige?” Gregory didn’t know why he sought the clarification. Probably just to buy himself some time.

  J.J. was patient. “Yes. Do you like Paige?”

  “She is my friend.”

  “Alright,” the werebeast nodded. “But is there more?”

  “No.” Gregory shook his head. “Of course, not. That would be inappropriate.” Not only was he decades older than Paige, but they were friends. Gregory already ruined one friendship with uncontrolled feelings. He would not make the same mistake again.

  He refused to.

  Thankfully, J.J. did not press the issue. “Got it. Sorry for mentioning it. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to check.”

  Gregory nodded and accepted the apology. “No problem.” He pushed off the ground.

  “Has Lucas gathered the rest of the group?” he inquired about the other decision makers, eager to change the subject.

  “Yes.” J.J. mimicked his move and stood up. “I was sent to find you. We are waiting to finalize the plan.”

  Eager for the distraction planning a strategy could afford, Gregory gestured for J.J. to lead the path back to headquarters.

  With each step, he chanted to himself.

  Paige is your friend.

  Paige is your friend.

  Paige is your friend.


  Just like last time, the strobe lights in the club aggravated Gregory’s vision, but he adjusted with a few blinks. The loud bass blasted through the tall speakers lining the room, but the volume fell into background noise with prolonged exposure.

  Unlike last time, however, Gregory was accompanied by more than J.J. and Paige. Preston and Pedro also joined the group of younger werebeasts. The five of them were to position themselves throughout the club. The plan’s success dep
ended on the team not missing anything, and more pairs of eyes greatly increased their chances. A team of the finest fighters in the Northwestern pack waited in two vehicles, in the street. Once the enemy was spotted, they would swarm the building, blocking any potential exit.

  Gregory searched the crowd for Ava. He spotted her and Miles at the bar. He approved of the position. It kept them in view, but not out in the open. The foundation of the plan was for Miles to be seen and identified by one of the criminal vampires scouting the bar. Despite Preston’s interference during their last mission at the club, surveillance proved the hunters did not cease visiting the establishment for potential victims. Luck was on their side.

  So, Ava and Miles sat at the long counter, sipping soda waters and conversing lightly. Gregory hadn’t wanted to involve the witch, too afraid the other vampires would identify her and be on their guard in response, but the witch refused to let her boyfriend enter the mission alone. She demanded she stay with him to offer protection if anything should go wrong.

  Before anyone in the crowd noted his attention, Gregory looked away from the couple. Unfortunately, his eyes landed on Paige.

  That is not to say the sight was unwelcome. In fact, Paige looked stunning in the black skinny jeans and low-cut, white blouse. It was the uncontrollable wave of desire flowing through Gregory’s core which was unwelcome.

  He watched her laugh at something Pedro said and jealousy flared.

  “You’ve got to control your face.” J.J. appeared at his side.

  He looked unafraid when Gregory glared at him. “Just trying to help.”

  Gregory rolled his shoulders and rotated his neck. “Noted.” He knew he needed to focus. It was just hard to do with the confusing emotions swirling in his mind.

  The pair split up.

  J.J. walked towards the bathroom, and Gregory made sure to move along the edge of the room. Ava had cast a spell to conceal the scents of the werebeasts in the club, but she was unable to mask the potent smell of Gregory or Miles. Not that she couldn’t, it was just that Miles needed to be recognized for what he was – a vampire. Otherwise, their plan wouldn’t work.

  So, Gregory stayed away from the airflow in the room, using mechanical strategies to hide his scent. His sharp eyes surveyed the scene. They were clear for the time being, but his gut told him tonight would be a success. He would detect the criminal vampires when they arrived. Then, he’d monitor them until they managed to spot and identify Miles. Once that happened, Gregory would send Ava a text, letting her know it was time for her and Miles to leave the club.

  They would be followed out of the building. Then, the surveillance teams outside would wait until the right moment to try and abduct at least one of the vampires.

  With any luck, the rogue creatures would not attack Miles and Ava out in the open. Such a confrontation would be tough to conceal from the mortal eyes populating the busy bar, and it would also risk the team losing their chance of abducting one of the criminal vampires.

  The minutes ticked by slowly. The crowd of unsuspecting humans carried on with their evening, unaware of the creatures walking in their midst.

  What would they do if they knew four werebeasts, two vampires, and a witch were all that stood between them and being forcibly turned into a monstrous, blood-thirsty vampire?

  Probably scream and run in terror.

  Gregory’s musing ceased when he spotted a lanky form prowling along the edge of the room. Using his heightened senses, he zeroed in on the pale figure, noting the bluish tint to his skin. His dark hair looked greasy and his lips were too red.

  Got you.

  Gregory lifted his wrist and spoke into the mic concealed there. “Spotted. Nearing the stereo by the south exit.”

  “Copy,” Pedro’s voice sounded through the earpiece. “Approaching.”

  Normally, Gregory would have continued to watch the vampire, but his eyes were drawn away. He scanned the sea of bobbing heads until he found Paige. She had stood beside Pedro but stayed put when he moved away to approach the suspect.

  Feeling his attention, her brown eyes swung towards Gregory. A frown marred her lips. Pedro must have insisted she not go with him.

  Gregory made a note to thank the werebeast for that later.

  Aware he needed to continue and avoid detection, Gregory slowly closed the distance between himself and the unsuspecting vampire. With his scent concealed, Pedro did not need to observe such caution. He casually walked toward the creature, stopping beside a pretty young woman, pretending she was the reason he’d crossed the room.

  The vampire did not notice. He crossed his long, thin arms and leaned against the wall. He glanced at his watch before returning his attention to the room around him. Gregory was less than five feet away when a loud clatter sounded from behind. He turned to investigate the moment a shrill scream filled the club.


  Gregory tapped into his full speed and rushed towards the bar.

  There, Ava and Miles were wrestling with a young woman. Miles was underneath her, pushing her away with locked arms. Ava stood over them, trying to pull the woman away from her boyfriend.

  Shoving Ava aside, Gregory grabbed the attacker’s shoulder and ripped away her arm. Whirling, the young woman hissed, showing off two finely-pointed canines.

  Realizing he wasn’t dealing with a pissed-off human, Gregory did not hesitate to wrap his arms tightly around the vampire, keeping her back against his stomach to avoid her bite. Normally, such a hold would break someone’s back, but vampires were stronger than that.

  Ava helped Miles off the floor, frantically checking him for an injury.

  “What happened?” J.J. appeared. His eyes widened when he identified the vampire. “Another one?”

  Remembering Pedro, Gregory looked to the corner of the room. He didn’t see him or the lanky vampire.

  “Where’s Pedro?”

  Preston arrived. Pedro was with him. “Here. The other guy ran the moment Ava screamed,” he explained.

  An unsettling feeling pressed against Gregory. He tightened his hold on the vampire and asked, “Where is your friend?”

  The vampire didn’t say anything. She didn’t even try to break away and escape. She stood still with zero fight. It was almost like she’d expected to be caught.

  One of the club’s bouncers drew near, coming to investigate the source of the crash and the scream.

  “We need to leave.” The last thing they needed was to try to explain the situation to a human. “Pedro, stay with Ava. Ava, convince the human everything is fine. Then, come join us.”

  The witch nodded, understanding the request, a mind-manipulating spell. Gregory didn’t need to ask if she possessed such skill, it seemed more than likely.

  Sure to maintain his grip on the vampire, Gregory moved to the nearest exit. J.J., Miles, and Preston followed.

  It wasn’t until they moved into the hallway, leading toward the back stairwell, that J.J. said, “Where’s Paige?”

  Everything around Gregory slowed down. His heart kept its normal rhythm, but each beat seemed more drawn out. His lungs constricted.

  “I’ll go get her.” Preston disappeared back into the club.

  Gregory wanted nothing more than to rush back inside to retrieve Paige himself, but he couldn’t leave J.J. and Miles alone with the vampire.

  So, he was forced to wait.

  The seconds took too long.

  The not knowing was agonizing.

  Just when Gregory readied himself to say screw it and go find his friend, Preston returned.

  The werebeasts skin was tight, and his lips turned down as he shared the dreaded result of his search, “I can’t find Paige.”


  Unadulterated fear pressed against Gregory’s chest, threatening to cave in and suffocate him.

  Paige was missing.

  He knew she’d been taken. Every inch of him knew it, and all he could think of – the only thought in his mind – was that he needed to get her


  Without thought, Gregory snapped the neck of the offending vampire in his grasp. Drawing his dagger, he stabbed her in the chest, ending her life. The quick death was more than she deserved. It was obvious what the creature’s role had been: cause a distraction.

  The vampires knew exactly who they were and why they were there.

  The criminal’s plan worked, and now, Paige had been taken.

  Gregory yanked his phone out of his pocket and dialed Lucas, rushing toward the exit. J.J., Preston, and Miles followed on his heels. None of them said a word, either too shocked or afraid to do so.

  The alpha answered immediately. “Status report.”

  “Paige is missing.” Gregory heard the cold violence in his own voice.

  Lucas stayed silent for a second. Then, he barked to the others in the surveillance van, “Get out and guard all the exits.”

  Then, he shouted at Gregory. “How?”

  “A vampire engaged Ava and Miles. We contained the problem, but another abducted Paige while we were distracted.” He had to force the last part out. His throat didn’t want to release the words.

  “Shit!” The curse roared in the earpiece. Gregory pulled the phone away and ended the call. He shoved through the steel door and ran out to the street. His neck whipped left and right, looking for any sign of Paige.


  Lucas rounded the corner of the building, three pack members trailing after him. He stomped toward Gregory. Worry and anger warred for dominance as he said, “How long since you last saw her?”

  “Five minutes. Maybe less.” Gregory didn’t understand how his entire world could flip in such a short amount of time.

  Light footsteps reached his ears. Gregory spun around, hoping to see Paige running towards their group. He was disappointed when he realized it was just Ava. Pedro jogged after her.

  “I know a vampire took Paige,” the witch panted, bending over to catch her breath. “I can help.”

  “How?” Lucas questioned.

  “Do it.”


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