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Envied Page 9

by Samantha Britt

  Gregory and Lucas spoke at the same time.

  Ava chose to acknowledge the alpha. “I can trace her.”

  “How?” he repeated.

  She moved her attention to Gregory. “By using your connection.”

  There was a pause. No one but J.J., Miles, and Gregory had any idea about what Ava meant.

  Gregory was shaking his head as he said, “No.”

  Ava put her hands on her hips. “Do you want to find Paige or not?”

  The two engaged in a stare-down. Gregory wanted Ava to keep quiet, but he also needed to find Paige before anything happened to her.

  He felt stuck.

  Gregory was no longer able to deny a connection between him and Paige. The current situation forced him to acknowledge just how much she meant to him. He didn’t know what he’d do if something happened to her. Just thinking about it caused a sharp, unbearable pain to slice across his heart.

  “What connection?” Lucas asked. “What is she talking about, Gregory?”

  When he didn’t respond, a throat cleared in the back.

  It was J.J.

  The werebeast looked uncomfortable. He avoided Gregory’s stare and said, “Paige and Gregory are mates.”

  Lucas stumbled back like he’d been shoved. “What?”

  He whirled on Gregory. “Is this true?”

  Gregory’s lips turned down. He didn’t know how to answer.

  Ava spoke for him. “They have a bond, and I can use it to locate her.”

  Preston shoved J.J., choosing to take out his frustration on the messenger. “That’s a lie.”

  Ava frowned. “No, it isn’t.”

  “He’s a freaking blood sucker!” Preston threw an arm toward Gregory. He spun around to face his fellow werebeasts, looking for support. “There’s no way Paige can be bound to him.”

  Gregory’s irritation grew exponentially. “How about we focus on finding Paige?” he growled. The motive for Preston’s anger infuriated him.

  “I agree,” Lucas stepped forward, silencing the worked-up young man. “Do whatever is necessary,” he instructed the witch. “Find my daughter.”

  Ava nodded and closed the distance between her and Gregory. She held out a hand and lifted her eyebrows.

  Gregory clenched his jaw, unhappy with how the information was shared, but he placed his palm in the witch’s. He would do anything to find Paige.

  A chilling cold seeped into his hand, traveling up his arm and stealing the breath from his lung. Gasping, Gregory tried to pull back, but Ava held tight. She closed her eyes and exhaled a foreign chant. Wind picked up around them, ruffling his black hair and snapping her red strands in the air.

  Normally, Gregory would not be alarmed by the supernatural display. He spent his entire life immersed in such things. But never before had he felt so exposed – so at the mercy of someone else’s power.

  He did not like the feeling.

  Fortunately, his discomfort ended almost as soon as it began. With a shudder, Ava dropped her hand, freeing Gregory from her touch.

  The witch turned to the alpha. “I know where Paige is.”

  Gregory shook away the lingering effects of Ava’s power and said, “Let’s go.”

  The three-story home bordering the Silverton Reservoir was the last place Gregory would have picked for a rogue vampire hideout. Still, he did not dare question Ava’s ability to track Paige. He couldn’t afford to. She was the only hope they had at finding his friend.

  The entourage from the mission gathered at the far-end of the quiet street leading to the home. For a man whose daughter was in danger, Lucas was oddly composed. Gregory, on the other hand, felt like a stretched rubber band, ready to snap at any moment. He wanted to rush the hideout and rain violence down on the offending abductors, but enough sense remained to convince him the action was unwise. More than likely, it would endanger Paige – which was something he refused to do.

  “Is my scent still concealed?” J.J. asked Ava.

  The witch nodded. “Yes.”

  J.J. looked equally between Lucas and Gregory. “I’ll go in and search for Paige.”

  Gregory sniffed the air and shook his head. “There are dozens of vampires in there. Even without your scent, you will not be able to sneak in unnoticed.”

  “Pedro and I will go too,” Preston spoke up, stepping forward to block Gregory from the alpha’s view.

  He lowered his head to Lucas. “We can figure out their numbers and come back to develop a plan to retrieve Paige.”

  Lucas scratched his chin. His friend, Jon, leaned forward and offered his two cents, “We need to know the layout of the house before we can risk entering. Once they know we are there, they might go ahead and kill Paige if we don’t reach her in time.”

  The words elicited an involuntary snarl from Gregory.

  All of the werebeasts eyed him with a mix of wariness and disgust. The latter reaction mainly came from Preston.

  “Fine,” Lucas stated. “J.J, Pedro, and Preston; go scout. Remove your mics and earpieces. We don’t want to risk the vamps hearing you.”

  With a nod, each of the men removed the mentioned devices and threw them on the ground before stealthily moving down the road toward the vampire hideout. Those remaining behind readied themselves to wait for them to return, while scanning their surroundings to ensure they remained undetected.

  The night air brushed against Gregory’s bare arms, but he didn’t have it in him to go to the van to retrieve his jacket. All he cared about was Paige and getting her out of the vampires’ hands.

  “Does she know?”

  Gregory looked away from the path the werebeasts had taken and was surprised to realize he and the pack leader were alone. He didn’t need to ask who or what Lucas was talking about. It was time to reveal the truth.

  “We were both there when Ava first mentioned us being mates.”

  “Jesus.” Lucas rubbed his head.

  “It’s impossible… right?” Despite what Gregory felt, the whole ordeal seemed too fantastical to be true.

  What were the chances he would befriend Paige over a year ago and suddenly become her mate? Again, they weren’t even the same species. Yet, Gregory couldn’t deny the strong feelings that were developing.

  Was he in love?


  Gregory wasn’t really sure if he’d ever really been in love.

  He’d thought that was what he felt for Darcie, but he’d been wrong. He was infatuated, but not truly in love with the young woman who had turned his world upside down. It had been months since he realized that wasn’t love.

  Now, unfamiliar feelings were growing for Paige.

  Gregory wasn’t able to say that he couldn’t see himself falling in love with her. He and Paige spent significant time together during the rebellion. She was funny, clever, and interesting.

  Paige was, without a doubt, a woman any man would be lucky to call their own.

  But did all those thoughts stem from some supernatural connection; Gregory wasn’t entirely sure it was possible.

  He didn’t know.

  “I don’t know,” Lucas answered on a sigh. “Paige’s mother was human, and everyone was surprised when we bonded. No one knew such a thing was possible.”

  The words caused Gregory to think of his own mother. She’d been human once.

  “Has the bond been completed?” Lucas asked, drawing Gregory out of his thoughts.

  “I don’t think so. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure.”

  The alpha turned away. “Trust me, you would know.”

  An uncomfortable silence fell between them. It was an odd topic to begin with, but it was even more so given it was between a father and his daughter’s rumored mate.

  Gregory pushed the discussion to the side. They could pick it back up once Paige was safely returned to the pack’s headquarters.

  Loud, stumbling footsteps reached Gregory. He rushed towards the sound before Lucas picked up on it.

  Pedro, brui
sed and bloody, fell to his knees. His shirt was shredded, and he sported several wounds.

  Gregory caught his back before his head hit the pavement. He leaned over to look into the young werebeast’s face. “What happened?”

  Pedro gurgled blood when he tried to answer. Gregory turned him to the side to keep him from choking. As he coughed, Lucas and several other pack members arrived and formed a circle around them.

  When Pedro quieted, Gregory placed himself in front of his eyes. “What happened?”

  He coughed again. “Preston,” he choked out. Water seeped from his eyes from the pain. “Betrayed.”


  Given Pedro had just been attacked, the vampire’s hideout was surprisingly quiet as Gregory approached. He’d expected to find the house in an uproar, but only eerie stillness greeted him as he crept in the shadows, towards the building.

  Pedro passed out shortly after he spoke. Jon took him to get medical treatment in town while Lucas and his team stayed behind. The werebeasts speculated as to what Pedro had meant, but Gregory didn’t need to guess. The two words were clear.

  Preston had betrayed them.

  He didn’t have all of the facts, but Gregory did not doubt it was the truth. Ever since he’d seen Preston, something didn’t feel right about him. Take away the fact he was trying to win over Paige, Gregory still had a sense of warning about the selfish and greedy young man.

  So, without waiting for anyone’s input, Gregory tapped into his speed and raced to the house.

  Now that he was near, he made sure his steps were soundless as he sniffed the air. Several mixed bloodlines filled his nostrils, but among them he isolated a familiar floral scent.


  The smell emanated from a window on the third floor. Bending down, he launched himself into the air and landed on a tree branch beside the house. Peering through the glass, he did not see Paige, but the smell was stronger. He was sure she was inside the large room.

  A shadow passed over the window. Focusing, Gregory identified two figures standing inside. Both were lean, and both paced nervously.

  He took a moment to consider his options. Either he entered quietly and took care of the vampires one by one until he found Paige, or he trusted his gut and crashed into the room, ending the offending vampires quickly, with no concern for being heard. He believed Paige was in that room, and he could get her out before any other enemies came to investigate any sounds they might hear.

  The animalistic urges, that ignited the moment Paige went missing, lingered inside him. They, along with his gut, made the decision for him.

  Bracing himself for impact, Gregory leapt off the branch and launched himself toward the window.

  His shoulder hit and broke through the surface with ease. Bits of glass embedded in his skin, but Gregory ignored the sharp pain. He rolled to a crouch in the center of the room. Instantly, his gaze landed on the subject of his soul’s desire.

  Paige sat, slumped, against the wall. She was chained to a vertical, wood beam with thick, silver manacles. Her cheek was bruised like she’d been struck. A trail of blood marred the corner of her lips.

  Blind, white-hot rage consumed Gregory as he zeroed in on her bloody face, marking every offending mark left by those who abducted her.

  Violent instinct dictated every subsequent move as he rose to his feet, drawing his faithful dagger. Gregory’s skill was well known. He wasn’t the king’s second just because his father held the position.

  No, Gregory was a skilled killer, and, in that moment, his ruthlessness and lethal efficiency had no equal. Never before had he lost control.

  Not once.

  Gregory was the epitome of cold calculation, knowing when to prolong an enemy’s life to draw pertinent information and when they were no longer valuable.

  But in that moment, entering the room of young, naïve vampires as they surrounded his unconscious friend, he had no qualms about removing them from the face of the earth. Information or no, they were destined to die, if only because they had the misfortune of being in the wrong room at the wrong time.

  Gregory snarled low, and he unleashed the beast within.

  Time escaped Gregory.

  Logic was no longer capable of stopping him.

  Mercy held no meaning.

  Gregory drove his dagger into a vampire’s chest before any of the others registered he moved. He was fast – much faster than any of them had ever seen.

  An uncoordinated and sloppy pair charged him. He sliced through the ropy muscle across their chests without blinking. He had only seen two vampires from the window, so he spared a second and confirmed no others were present before he stalked over and knelt beside Paige.

  He touched the manacles and pulled back with a hiss from the singe of silver. He noted the red, angry blisters covering her wrists where the offending metal touched her skin and growled. He needed to get Paige out of the house, but he wasn’t sure how to remove the manacles without hurting her even more. Just the thought of causing her pain made his stomach hurt.

  The door crashed open behind him. Gregory turned in time to see a new vampire diving towards him. He met the attack head on and jumped forward, intercepting the newcomer while keeping him away from Paige.

  Several more vampires entered the room. If he was the only one in the room, there was no doubt he could have eliminated each of the vampires within a couple of minutes, but Gregory struggled to keep them at bay while also ensuring none got close enough to Paige. The extra effort dragged out the fight, allowing for more reinforcements to enter the space.

  Now, Gregory counted ten vampires. They ranged in age and skill level, but none seemed particularly strong.

  A female landed a swift kick to his chest, forcing him to step back to regain balance. The move left space open for a male to pass by and arrive next to Paige. He started working the manacles, cringing as the metal burned him.

  Gregory’s snarl vibrated against the wall. A few of the vampires paused, but the others took advantage of the situation and moved to cut him off from Paige even more. They were going to take her.

  He wouldn’t let that happen.

  His dagger landed in the vampire’s neck with a well-executed throw. The vampire stumbled back from Paige, screaming in pain.

  Gregory continued fighting off the vampires, snapping necks and breaking bones when he could. It wasn’t enough to kill the creatures, but it would debilitate them until he could get Paige and escape.

  Someone bit his shoulder. Gregory reached back and threw the attacker over his shoulder against the far wall. A crack sounded, and the female stayed crumpled on the ground.

  A male vampire roared. He’d watched the female’s flight and seeing her injured had triggered his anger. They must’ve been lovers.

  The incensed vampire charged Gregory. He moved fluidly across the room, more so than the other attackers. Gregory lowered his center of gravity, preparing himself to engage the more-skilled adversary.

  “Enough,” a booming voice called out. To Gregory’s shock, all of the vampires stopped. Even the one charging towards him stumbled to a halt, but rage still shined in his gaze.

  The vampires collectively inched away, distancing themselves from both Gregory and Paige.

  Gregory stepped back, moving closer to Paige while continuing to eye the vampires with suspicion when his gaze landed on the owner of the commanding voice.


  The cocky werebeast stood in the doorway. He crossed his arms and frowned at Gregory. “I was supposed to be the one to save her.”

  He blinked at the deranged young man. “Are you mad?”

  Preston sneered. “Could a mad man orchestrate the attacks these past weeks? Could someone not in their right mind fool Lucas Green into allowing me to join in the investigation of the vampire attacks?” He stepped into the room, and the vampires flanked him.

  Gregory observed their protectiveness and scowled. “How?” Only a vampire’s master could elicit that kind of
loyalty, and Preston, obviously, wasn’t a vampire.

  “My father has many allies.” He didn’t elaborate further.

  He didn’t need to.

  Gregory understood that the werebeast had hired a vampire to do his dirty work, but what he didn’t understand, was why?

  Why would the beta of the Great Lakes pack stir up trouble for Lucas’ pack?

  Why would he send his son under the guise of courting Paige?

  The truth smacked Gregory in the face.

  With a snarl, Gregory crouched protectively in front of Paige. “This was all to force the mating bond with Paige?” He remembered his friend saying some believed the bond was a matter of being in the right place, at the right time.

  Did Preston and his father plan the rise in vampire attacks, knowing Lucas Green would welcome visiting werebeasts to help in the investigation?

  All so he could be around Paige?

  Preston narrowed his gaze. “I would have forced nothing. Once I rescued Paige from danger, the bond would have snapped into place.”

  The young man was obviously delusional.

  “But then you had to come along and ruin everything.”

  Gregory wasn’t sure if he referenced his attempt to rescue Paige, or the alleged mating bond Ava had revealed earlier.

  He didn’t have to wonder for long.

  “Whatever connection you believe you and Paige have,” Preston continued, drawing nearer. “Consider it severed.”

  Gregory longed for the werebeast to continue his approach. He wanted nothing more than to get his hands on him and snap his neck. Preston was too cocky. He had no idea who he was dealing with.

  “I don’t think it’s something you can break,” Gregory baited him.


  Preston’s lips stretched into an eerie smile. “It will be when you’re dead.”

  Gregory hissed as a silver bullet lodged itself in his abdomen. The shooter, a vampire by the window, had missed his target.

  Now, he would deal with a pissed-off Gregory.

  Ignoring the pain, he whirled into a blur, closing the distance and lodging his spare dagger in his throat. He’d let him bleed-out slowly.

  Taking the pistol with silver bullets, Gregory snapped it in half and tossed it out the window before continuing on his path of destruction. Bodies fell around him, and blood spattered the white walls. He was one vampire-guard away from reaching Preston when he was beaten to it.


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