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Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1)

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by Laura Ann

  “You mean steal my food?” Everly shot back sarcastically. “Sure. Go ahead! See if I care!”

  Leon poked his head back in with a cheeky grin. “I knew I could count on you.” With a laugh, he disappeared down the hall.

  Everly fell back into her seat and put her face in her hands. “I have a feeling I’m going to regret all of this.” She turned and eyed the computer, shivering at the memories of the stranger’s worsening comments. “Maybe he’s right. I guess it won’t hurt to see what this Harlan guy has to say.”

  RIDGE STOPPED WITH the sandwich just outside his lips as he watched a woman who looked exactly like Everly Madison walk down the hall behind Harlan.

  “No way...” Setting his food down, Ridge snuck to the door of the breakroom and peeked around the corner. Long, milk chocolate hair flowed down the woman’s back with an easy wave in it. Her body was slim, but curved out just enough to be feminine, and when she turned sideways to speak to the tall man beside her, Ridge’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.

  Darting back into the breakroom, he scrambled for his phone and clicked on the camera app. However, by the time he made it back out to the hallway, the group was gone. “Probably in Harlan’s office,” Ridge muttered.

  He pinched his lips and squished them to the side, debating his next move. What is Everly Madison doing here? A quick thought had him jerking upright. Is she hiring us? A slow smile crept across his face as he thought about the possibility of protecting one of his favorite singers.

  “What are you doing?”

  Ridge jumped at Sawyer’s question and turned around, feeling guilty, like he’d been caught stealing a candy bar from his brother’s Halloween stash. Which I would never least not that any of them know.

  “Ridge?” Sawyer narrowed his eyes and scrunched his eyebrows. “Did I miss something?”

  A crooked grin crossed Ridge’s face. “Oh, yeah.”

  Sawyer lifted his eyebrows in an obvious attempt to get Ridge to spill, but Ridge was enjoying the moment too much. Besides, if I share her with Sawyer, I might not be the one to get the job.

  “Dude!” Sawyer punched Ridge in the shoulder. “What’s gotten into you?”

  Ridge scowled and rubbed the bruising spot. “Knock it off!” he growled.

  “Then tell me what has you smiling like a stupid clown, man!”

  Ridge jerked back. “I wasn’t smiling like a clown. Clowns are completely creepy.”

  Sawyer tilted his head to the side, unimpressed with his brother’s offense. “Fine. Like a girl, then.”

  “What?” Ridge stuffed his phone in his back pocket. “I’ll show you a girl.” He punched Sawyer in retaliation and soon the two were bumping into the walls as they wrestled with each other.

  “Ahh!” Ridge cried out when cold water smacked him in the face. He scrambled back from his brother, who was also choking and sputtering. Wiping the droplets out of his eyes, Ridge pushed his hair back and looked up, only to gulp. He waved awkwardly. “Hey...”

  Harlan was standing in the middle of the hallway with an empty glass of water and a scowl fierce enough to bring even the most recalcitrant teenage boy into line. However, it was the people behind him that had Ridge feeling like a scolded schoolboy.

  Everly Madison’s eyes were wide and her mouth opened into a perfect O as she watched the chaotic scene.

  The tall man who had come in with her was hiding his laughter behind a fist, and his golden brown eyes, which were eerily similar to Everly’s, were twinkling with amusement.

  “Leon!” Sawyer was the first to recover as he grinned and put out a hand to the laughing gentleman. “Long time, no see!” The two men stepped closer in order to exchange handshakes. “What brings you here?”

  Ridge studied the man. It was unusual for Harlan and Sawyer to know someone Ridge didn’t. Although they had been on different teams in the military, they had all gotten to know each other’s men. The triplets had never truly been separated, or at least not for very long. No matter how hard he wracked his brain, however, Ridge couldn’t figure out who Leon was. The name wasn’t familiar at all.

  “Just bringing in my little sis,” the man called Leon explained. He nudged Everly with his elbow. “I brought her to Harlan, knowing he’d be able to help with her...situation.”

  Ridge immediately perked up. Situation? She really is here to hire us! And the dude is her brother? Niiiice.

  Sawyer’s smile dropped. “Ah, man...I’m sorry to hear there’s trouble. What’s going on?”

  Harlan stepped in. “I was just coming to get you to talk about it.” His brows furrowed again. “Instead, I find you two wrestling like cats at midnight.”

  Ridge blinked rapidly to hold back his eye roll. “Ridge Lockwood,” he said, stepping forward and offering his hand to Leon. “The best-looking of the triplets.” He looked over and winked at Everly, who raised an amused eyebrow at him.

  “Leon Madison.” Leon shook Ridge’s hand. “And this is my sister, Everly.”

  “The girl with the world at her guitar,” Ridge offered, using a common phrase said on the internet. He offered his hand to Everly, praying she didn’t notice how his fingers were trembling.

  Everly looked bemused. “You’ve heard of me?”

  Ridge took her offered hand and brought it to his lips. “Who hasn’t?” he murmured as he touched his lips to the back of her fingers.

  “Okay.” Leon grabbed his sister and tucked her into his side, away from Ridge. Leon’s scowl was almost as fierce as Harlan’s. “We didn’t come here to have her get hit on. Your job is going to be to protect her from creeps.”

  Ridge felt his defenses begin to prickle. Just who does this guy think he is?

  Taking charge of the situation, Harlan stepped between the two men. “You’re right. My apologies.” He shot a glare in Ridge’s direction, then turned to Sawyer. “Sawyer, would you join us in my office, please?”

  Ridge opened his mouth to argue, but Harlan cut him off.

  “I said, Sawyer.” Harlan’s tone brooked no argument. Turning, he led Leon and Everly back to his office.

  Ridge’s heart fluttered when Everly glanced shyly over her shoulder and gave Ridge a small smile. Dang...she’s even more amazing in person.

  Sawyer jabbed Ridge in the ribs with his elbow. “Wake up, Ridge. We’ve got a job to do, and you getting all goo-goo-eyed isn’t going to help.” He started down the hall.

  “Hey!” Ridge grabbed Sawyer’s arm. “Will you tell me what’s going on later?” He looked at his brother’s stern face. “Please? I’ve been following her music for over a year now and I’d really like to be able to help if I can.”

  Sawyer studied him intently and Ridge did his best not to shift under the scrutiny. If there was anything his service had taught him, it was to act cool under pressure. Finally, his brother nodded and Ridge held back a sigh of relief.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” Ridge gave Sawyer’s arm a squeeze before letting go and forcing himself to walk back to the breakroom. His appetite was gone after meeting his celebrity crush in person, but he had nothing better to do. Since they had just opened a couple months ago, business was still slow.

  Ridge forced himself to sit down and put his sandwich in his mouth. All the while, his brain spun from one idea to the next of how he could get around Everly’s brother in order to meet her again.


  Everly fidgeted in her seat as Harlan explained the situation to Sawyer. Talking about her creepy stalker out loud seemed to make it more real and she found it was extremely uncomfortable to listen to. Not to mention being in the presence of men who looked exactly the same.

  Everly had never seen identical triplets in person before and the sight of it today had taken her off guard. The wrestling in the hallway had been shocking, but it was how much they looked alike that had truly thrown her for a loop.

  How in the world is it possible to meet three identical men, and yet one of them is far more attractive than
the others? When Ridge Lockwood had introduced himself and flirted with her by kissing her hand, Everly had thought she might melt right there in the middle of the hallway. Each time their eyes met, butterflies erupted in her stomach. It had been the strangest, most exciting thing that had happened to her in a long time.

  She was a total sucker for old-fashioned, romantic movies, and his flirty gesture had spoken straight to her heart. She had wanted to wholeheartedly agree when he’d joked he was the best-looking of the triplets. There was something in the brightness of his blue eyes that had caught her attention from the start. His dark blond curls had been plastered to his forehead and drips of water were trickling down his temple while he had grinned at her. The sight of his damp T-shirt against his broad chest had turned the picture from adorable to downright seductive, and Everly was still trying to bring her heart rate back to normal. However, the strangest thing of all was the fact that neither Harlan or Sawyer elicited any kind of reaction from her. It had only been Ridge.

  “Does that work for you, Everly?” Harlan asked, interrupting her wandering thoughts.

  Everly’s eyes widened and she panicked for a split second. “Uh...sorry. My mind was wandering. Could you repeat the question?”

  Leon cleared his throat and shot her a glare before answering. “Harlan would like to start by monitoring your situation. That means they’d have to have access to all your online accounts and see if they can trace where the guy is sending from.”

  “Oh...” She bit her lip, hoping she didn’t sound as disappointed as she felt. I know I didn’t really want a bodyguard, but I don’t think I would have minded if Ridge had been assigned to me, she mused. She glanced at her brother, who was waiting patiently for her to answer. “If you feel that’s best, then I guess that’s okay.”

  Harlan spoke up. “I do. Right now it appears that the stalker is content with attacking you online, but if the situation escalates, then we’ll look into stronger measures.”

  She frowned. “Such as?”

  “Such as putting a personal guard with you twenty-four-seven.” Harlan looked at her sympathetically. “Even now, I’d like you to have one of us with you if you decide to leave the house.”

  Everly’s eyes widened. “Really? Even if I’m just going to the grocery store?”

  Leon grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Even then, Ev.”

  “It just all seems so ridiculous!” Everly roughly pushed a hand through her hair. “All this guy has done is complain on my channel. How does that translate into having someone with me when I leave the house?” Everly complained, pushing a hand through her hair.

  Harlan shook his head. “Too many people don’t realize how much an online stalker can affect their life. So far, your home seems safe. We’ll put up a security system and monitor it, in case that changes, but when you’re out and about, it’s too easy for someone to spot you. Next thing you know, they’ve followed you home and know everything about you. Especially since you’re a famous face, even a well-meaning fan could post a picture and suddenly, everyone knows where you live.”

  Harlan took a deep breath and looked at his brother. “Do you have any pressing needs or other assignments?”

  Sawyer shook his head. “I can stay on-call during the day and if it comes to it, I can stay at her house.”

  Harlan nodded gratefully. “Then it looks like we’re good to go.” He tapped his pen on the desk. “The sooner we get going, the sooner we can catch this monster and stop him.” He paused. “I should have asked what your schedule is like for the next while. Anything out of the ordinary?”

  Everly pursed her lips. “Just a music video scheduled for next month. I’ve got most of it planned, but I’m still hiring people.”

  Leon frowned. “Can’t you cancel that? It’s going to be a security nightmare.”

  Everly shrugged. “This is what I do, Leon. I mean, I guess I can, but I have to be releasing new material if I want to keep my day job.”

  “Can you send me a list of the people involved?” Harlan asked. “That way, we can vet everyone beforehand.”

  “Sure.” Everly nodded.

  Leon sighed. “You sure about this, Har? That won’t be an easy thing to take on.”

  Harlan nodded. “We’ll bring the whole crew in if we need to, but the plan is to stick to her schedule as much as possible. If she suddenly starts canceling big events, the stalker will get suspicious.”

  “True,” Leon agreed reluctantly. “Okay. I know I have a day job, but I want to be involved, man. Please call me. Everly will always come first.”

  Harlan nodded again. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Great.” Leon turned to Everly. “You okay with the plan, then?”

  A rush of embarrassed heat cascaded over Everly’s fair skin and she leaned closer to Leon. “I’ve never had a guy stay overnight at my house before,” she whispered, hoping he would understand her worry. Her eyes darted to Sawyer’s, but thankfully, he was looking away, purposefully giving them some privacy.

  Leon’s face softened. “Do you want me to come sleep at your house, too, if it comes to that? Just so you’re not alone with him?”

  Everly chewed her lip, then nodded. “Yes, please. I just...” She winced. “I get that it’s for my protection, but it still sounds weird, ya know?”

  Leon raised an eyebrow. “It better sound weird. I’d be worried if it didn’t.”

  Everly rolled her eyes and pushed his shoulder. “Whatever.”

  Leon grinned, then turned back to Harlan and raised his voice. “Sounds like a plan.” He stood and offered his hand. “Thanks, man. Now I owe you two.”

  Harlan shook his head, but stood and took Leon’s hand. “Nope. This is just a business transaction. Friends don’t keep track of favors. They do things because they’re friends.”

  Leon and Harlan stared solemnly at each other for a moment, and Everly had a sudden realization that she didn’t know the full story between these two. Just served together? No way. There’s definitely more to the story than that.

  Now, however, was not the time to ask. Gathering her things, she shook Harlan’s hand and offered sincere gratitude for his willingness to help her out. Then she turned to Sawyer and gave him a small smile. “I look forward to getting to know you,” she said softly. Ducking her head, she turned toward the door and led the way back to the exit of the building, her fingers twitching the whole way, wishing she had her guitar to keep them occupied.

  A bit later when Leon dropped her off, he followed her inside. “I’ll just stick around until Sawyer gets here to put up the cameras. Then I need to head into work.”

  Everly headed straight for her music room. “I’m gonna fiddle around with an idea. Can you let me know when he’s here? I can’t hear the doorbell from my practice room.”


  She turned, her eyebrows raised.

  “You know he’s off limits, right?” Leon pinned her in place with his stare.

  Everly scowled. “He’s my bodyguard. Of course, he’s off limits.” Besides, he wasn’t the one I was interested in.

  “I meant any of them.” Leon walked forward slowly. “Harlan was my commanding officer for a while and I also got to know Sawyer just because we served in some of the same areas.” He stopped right in front of her. “I’d trust either of them with my life. In fact, I probably owe Harlan my life. And even though I never got to know Ridge, I don’t doubt he’s cut from the same cloth.”

  Everly tilted her head back to meet his gaze. “If you trust them so much, then why would you be against me dating one of them?”

  “Because they’re just like me. Protectors. They will forever be putting themselves in danger because that’s who they are.” His fierce gaze softened and he tweaked her nose. “And I want better for you than to spend your nights wondering if your man is going to come home. You need someone stable and reliable. Someone who will always be there, and these guys?” Leon shook his head. “They’ll always b
e in the line of fire.”

  Everly gulped, moved by her brother’s care, but not completely agreeing with him. “Thanks for your concern. But I’m a big girl and believe it or not, you don’t actually get a say in whom I do or do not date.” She put her hand up to stop his retort. “However, I will do my best to be careful. And you can rest assured I have no intentions toward my bodyguard.”

  Leon sighed and frowned, but nodded.

  Everly grinned when he turned and started back down the hall, muttering under his breath, “He isn’t the one I’m worried about.”

  “ALL RIGHT,” HARLAN started as the last of the group sat down. “We’ve got a new client and I wanted us to go over the case together.” He clicked buttons on his computer until he’d pulled Everly’s picture up on the big screen.

  Ridge barely caught the smile that tugged at his lips as he stared at her bright eyes and beautiful face. Nothing could compare to seeing her in person, but any chance he got to see her was worth it.

  Archer whistled low. “She’s a cutie.”

  Ridge growled and spun to look at his friend. “Watch it.”

  Archer raised an eyebrow.

  “He’s right.” Harlan interrupted their stare-down. “She’s a client. No comments on her looks.”

  Ridge sighed in relief. He hadn’t been able to stop his jealous reaction to Archer’s comment, but he was grateful Harlan had misinterpreted it. Client. She’s a client, Ridge. Gotta remember that.

  “She looks familiar,” Val mused, tapping her lips. As usual, her long, dark hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail and she was dressed in athletic clothes. The woman almost never appeared in anything else, but Ridge couldn’t really blame her. In their line of work, heels and skirts weren’t exactly ideal.

  “She’s an indie musician. Has a channel on YouTube,” Harlan explained.

  “Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Val said excitedly, sitting forward in her chair. “I’ve heard her stuff. She’s really good.”


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