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Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1)

Page 5

by Laura Ann

  “Okay, okay.” Leon held up his hands in a placating gesture. “I’m just covering all our bases.”

  “That’s sick,” Everly continued, hurt her brother would ask such a thing. “I can’t believe you would suggest that.”

  Leon hung his head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I know you would never be the type to do something like that, but I just...I don’t know! I can’t figure this guy out and it’s killing me!”

  Everly felt herself soften a little at his words, but a sharp pain still sat in her chest that her own brother would ask her if she had stolen someone else’s man.

  “Has anyone considered that this might be a woman?”

  Everly snapped to attention at Ridge’s voice.

  When all eyes were on him, Ridge shrugged. “It just seems to me that we’ve all been talking like this is a dude, but most men don’t go around calling women home-wreckers. Seems off.”

  Harlan pursed his lips and scratched his chin. “You have a point. Maybe this isn’t as much a stalker as it is a jealous female.”

  “Jealous?” Everly squeaked. “Of what?”

  Ridge raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Are you really asking that or are you fishing for compliments? Because there’s more than enough for any woman to be jealous of.”

  Everly felt as if the air had been stolen from her lungs. She’d never had someone speak so bluntly about her...and in a good way.

  “Ridge,” Harlan scolded. “Knock it off.”

  “What?” Ridge put his hands in the air. “I’m just stating facts.”

  Leon snorted and shook his head, but Everly couldn’t seem to take her eyes off Ridge. What is it about this guy? He was huge and handsome—a combination that should have been intimidating—but instead, Everly found herself intrigued. Just being in the same room as him set off sensations she had never experienced before. Except for when you were with Sawyer at the grocery store today, a small voice reminded her.

  That thought immediately slammed a lid on her fascination. If I keep going like this, I’m going to become the home-wrecker Leon just accused me of being.

  Harlan glanced at his phone again. “Sawyer’s here.” He looked at his brother. “Go let him in.”

  Everly held in a giggle as she watched Ridge roll his eyes, but obey his brother. Guess Harlan is the head of the triplets.

  It took longer than it should have for the brothers to come back and Everly could hear what sounded like a heated discussion going on. She frowned and almost stood up, but decided against it. It’s probably better to let them settle whatever’s going on without me interfering.

  When she finally heard their heavy footsteps coming toward the room, her pulse skyrocketed. What do I do now? Both of them are going to be in the same room. What if I, like...hyperventilate or something?

  Sawyer came in first, his bag hitched over his shoulder. He caught Everly’s eye and nodded. “Everly. Good to see you...again.” He turned to her brother. “Leon.” Sawyer stepped forward to shake Leon’s hand while Ridge went back to the chair he had been occupying before.

  Everly found herself staring at Sawyer. Her mind was in turmoil and she couldn’t make sense of the situation. When he’d entered and looked at her...she’d felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. What the—?

  Leon cleared his throat and Everly realized the whole room had noticed her staring. Her blush slapped her cheeks and she ducked her head. “Sorry. Daydreaming.”

  Ridge shifted in his chair and Everly glanced up. When their eyes caught, the sensations from earlier immediately came rushing back. Oh my word! This is crazy! First Ridge, then Sawyer, then Ridge, then NOT Sawyer, now Ridge again! I’m going insane! I’m having a mental breakdown.

  “Ouch!” she hissed, rubbing her ribcage where Leon had elbowed her. She glared at her brother.

  “Daydreaming again?” he asked snidely.

  Everly put a hand to her forehead. Could this get any worse? “Sorry. It’s been a rough day,” she muttered.

  Harlan stood. “Why don’t we let you and Sawyer get settled in and then we can talk some more. I already have my team working on the comment. We’ll see what we can do about tracing it.” He turned to Sawyer. “We’ll have a conference call later tonight to get us all caught up with each other.”

  Sawyer nodded. “Sounds good.”

  Keeping her mouth shut and her eyes straight ahead, Everly led the men back to the front door and opened it. “Thanks, Harlan...Ridge.” She dared a peek at his magnificent face. “I appreciate you guys coming so quickly.”

  Harlan nodded. “Call us any time. Now that Sawyer is here, we’ll expect him to keep us updated on everything. Hopefully we’ll have this all settled soon.”

  Everly nodded. “Yeah. I hope so too.”

  Harlan walked outside, Ridge on his heels.

  RIDGE STOPPED IN THE doorway, unable to simply walk by without saying anything. “Hey.” He waited until Everly looked up at him. “Everything’s going to be okay. We’ll take care of this and soon you’ll be footloose and fancy free once more.”

  She grinned shyly and Ridge gave himself a mental high-five. She’d been so somber during their meeting and it was breaking his heart. Bringing a smile to her face made him feel like he’d won a race or something.

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever been the type to be footloose and fancy free,” she answered.

  “Well...maybe we’ll have to fix that.” Ridge gave her his most flirtatious grin.

  Everly raised an eyebrow, acting daring even as a blush crept back into her cheeks. “We will, huh? You have a lot of experience with it?”

  He turned toward her fully, still smirking. “I might know how to have a bit of fun.” Ridge leaned down until they were nose to nose. “And I don’t mind teaching someone else.”

  Everly’s pulse in her neck was bouncing rapidly and Ridge couldn’t help but be smug about the fact that he obviously affected her, since his own heart rate was just as fast.

  A throat cleared, causing the two of them to jump apart, and Ridge guiltily rubbed the back of his neck. Glancing over, he saw Sawyer glaring at him with his arms folded.

  “Thanks, Ridge,” Everly said breathlessly.

  Ridge wasn’t quite sure what she was thanking him for, but he nodded and then hurried out of the house. At least her comment gave me an excuse to leave. He opened the passenger side door and jumped into the seat, buckling his seatbelt as Harlan took off.

  “You want to tell me what that was all about?” Harlan snapped as he turned onto the road.

  Ridge frowned. “What what was about?”

  “Don’t give me that,” Harlan said, shaking his head. “You were totally coming onto her.” He glanced sideways before looking back at the road. “She’s a client, Ridge. And she’s in danger. You hitting on her won’t help anything right now.”

  Ridge sighed. “I understand that, Har. It wasn’t like I was asking her on a date or anything.”

  “No, but you were still flirting with her. She’s off limits.”

  Ridge slumped in his seat. “I know she’s off limits. Don’t worry. I’m just as interested in catching the perp as you are.”

  Harlan nodded. “Good to hear. Make sure you keep it that way. Nice job, by the way, on the gender idea. So far, we’ve only approached this as a male, but you’re right that the tone has a female ring to it. Maybe this will open up some new ideas.”

  Ridge nodded, but his mind churned with an idea he had thought of earlier in the day, but hadn’t had the opportunity to put it into play yet. Deep down, Ridge understood he should wait to get to know Everly Madison, but the chemistry between them was too strong to ignore, and the more he saw her, the more he knew he couldn’t waste time. If I don’t make my move now, I might not get a chance to.

  Now all he needed to do was get Sawyer on the phone and plead his case.


  Everly closed the door after Ridge left, the butterflies disappearing with him. Turning, she eyed Sawyer, waiting for someth
ing to happen, but it never did. Seriously. I think I need to see a doctor. Something is definitely broken. “Well” —she rubbed her hands together— “let me show you to your room.”

  Sawyer nodded and followed her down the hall.

  “This is the hall bath. Your room doesn’t have an en suite, so this will be yours,” Everly explained.

  “Thank you.”

  “Of course.” She continued down to the next door. “And this is your room.” She paused before opening it. “It just occurred to me that I haven’t washed the sheets in a while. Let me strip the bed and we’ll get it taken care of before you go to sleep tonight.”

  Leon, who had come up behind them, snorted and grinned, and Everly stuck her tongue out at him.

  “No worries. You don’t have to do things for me,” Sawyer said calmly. “I can take care of it.” He made to step forward, but Everly put a hand on his arm.

  “I know you’re being paid to be here and help protect me, but you’re still a guest in my home. I’ll feel much better if you’ll let me wash the sheets.”

  Sawyer stared at her with his bright blue eyes. They were penetrating and serious, nothing like the playful gleam she had seen in Ridge’s or that Sawyer himself had displayed at the grocery store. Maybe he’s just in business mode at the moment? Will he loosen up if things calm down?

  Finally, he shrugged. “If that’s what you want.”

  Everly smiled. “Thank you. It is.” She pushed the door open the rest of the way and walked into the room. It was fairly simple, like the rest of her house. A bed sat near the window with a dresser and matching nightstand that complimented the headboard. A fluffy blanket sat on a chest at the end of the bed and a reading chair sat in the corner. The closet was small but serviceable. “I know it’s not much, but hopefully it’ll be adequate.”

  Sawyer chuckled as he set his stuff down. “I’ve slept on far worse than anything we’ll find in your house. This’ll be great. Thank you.”

  Everly’s brow furrowed. She wasn’t sure whether he was joking or not, but considering the stories Leon had told her about his service, she guessed that Sawyer was serious. “You’re welcome,” she said softly. She stayed by the door, waiting to make sure he settled in all right, but nervous about what to do next.

  She jumped when Leon tugged at her hands where she had been wringing them together. “Come on, let’s give him a little privacy.”

  Everly nodded, grateful for her brother’s help.

  “Bro,” Leon caught Sawyer’s attention. “When you’re done, come on out and we’ll make sure you and Everly get to know each other a little better, all right?”

  Sawyer nodded. “Of course.”

  “Great.” Leon kept a hold of Everly’s hand and led her back down the hall and into the kitchen. “Where’s the herbal junk you drink all the time?” he muttered as he looked through her cupboards.

  Everly laughed softly and stepped around her brother to find what he was looking for. “You thirsty?” she teased, holding out a mug.

  “Nah. You just looked like you could use something to help you calm down.”

  Everly’s heart melted. Stepping forward, she wrapped her brother in a hug. “You’re so good to me,” she mumbled against his chest.

  Leon snorted, but hugged her back. “You’re my little sister. Of course, I’m good to you.” Putting his hands on either side of her face, he tilted her head back so he could look her in the eye. “But I’m also going to be hard on you if I feel like you need it. This stalker guy is dangerous. I know having Sawyer here freaks you out, but you really do need protection and my job won’t let me do it twenty-four-seven.”

  “I know. Thank you.” Everly blinked back tears and stepped out of his embrace. Turning to the counter, she began to make herself a soothing cup of chamomile tea.

  “Hey, man.” Leon broke the silence as Sawyer stepped into the room. Everly turned, keeping her mug in front of her as if to shield herself, only to feel foolish. We just spent a chunk of the afternoon together. Why in the world am I nervous around him?

  Leon’s eyes darted between Everly and Sawyer. “Well, I really need to get back to work, so I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.”

  Everly felt her eyes widen and her pulse speed up. “You’re going to leave so soon?”

  “Sorry, Ev. I ran out of work without an explanation. I’m just hoping I have a job when I get back.” Leon leaned over and kissed the top of her head, fist-bumped Sawyer and waltzed out of the room. “See ya!” he called over his shoulder.

  Everly chewed her lip as she tried to think of something to say. Sawyer stood awkwardly, his hands in his pockets as he rocked back on his heels. It made the tall, muscled man look slightly boyish, and the effect was adorable. And yet I feel nothing else. Where are the flutters and the warmth from earlier? Why did they stop?

  Everly forced herself to step forward. “Would you like something to drink?”

  Sawyer frowned and shook his head. “No thanks, maybe later.” He squished his lips to one side. “Look, I know all this makes you uncomfortable, but I promise to be a complete gentleman and not bother you. Unless there’s danger. Then I make no promises that I won’t throw you over my shoulder and make off like a caveman with a prize, but otherwise, I’ll do my best not to bug you.”

  Everly couldn’t help but smile at his little speech. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make things awkward, but I’ve never had a man over like this. I’m not much for the dating scene, or much of anything social.” She chuckled. “Why do you think I’m an online musician?”

  Sawyer laughed with her.

  She shrugged. “But I’m sure I’ll get used to it, and I’m very grateful to have someone around with all the creepy things going on.”

  Sawyer cocked his head. “So, you’ve never held a concert or whatever in front of a crowd? You strictly stay online?”

  Everly nodded. “Pretty much. I like sharing my music, but I don’t like being on stage. This works perfectly. And I’m lucky enough that people enjoy my songs so that I can make a living at it. I’m not wealthy by any means, but I can pay the bills.”

  Sawyer nodded. “Got it.” He glanced at the kitchen table. “Should we sit down and introduce ourselves, then? I mean...more than we already have?” He looked uncomfortable again, and Everly wondered what he was thinking.

  Everly shook her head. “Let’s go to the family room. The couches are way more comfortable.” Leading the way, they got settled in their respective seats. “Now.” Everly took another drink, then set the mug on the coffee table. “I know we talked some at the grocery store earlier, but why don’t we start with the basics anyway?” Everly smiled to try to ease the tension between them. “I’d love to hear about life as a triplet.” And if I can get more information about Ridge...then all the better.

  SAWYER’S SIGH WAS LONG and loud over the phone speaker. “You know I can’t do that, Ridge. It wouldn’t be ethical.”

  Ridge grit his teeth and held in his smart aleck remark. “It would only be once or twice!” he argued. “Seriously. When have I ever asked you for a favor?”

  Sawyer choked before answering. “How about freshman year when you wanted me to go out with Lonnie so you wouldn’t have to kiss her?”

  Ridge closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “ have to go back twenty years to find something? That right there should tell you that I don’t ask for help very often.”

  “Or when I gave you the cookies out of my package from Goldie.”

  Ridge’s grip on his phone tightened.

  “Or when I took your turn cleaning toilets so you could go on a date with Elizabeth Burns? Who, by the way,” Sawyer snapped, “thought she was going out with me.”

  Ridge fought a grin, glad that he wasn’t in the same room as Sawyer right now.

  “Just why do you think she thought you were me, hmm?” Sawyer asked sarcastically.

  “Oh, come on, man. You know full well you had no interest in the girl! I was do
ing you a favor.”

  No answer came through the phone.

  “Admit it. She was driving you crazy,” Ridge pushed.

  Sawyer sighed again. “You’re right, she was. But still...I don’t think you suffered too much in the process.”

  Ridge shrugged. “Someone had to let her down easy, and your love ‘em and leave ‘em strategy wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Whatever,” Sawyer muttered.

  “Please? I’m only asking to take a couple of your shifts. I’ve been half in love with this girl for months and getting a chance to get to know her in person would be amazing!”

  “How did you ever hear of her?” Sawyer asked.

  Ridge’s jaw dropped. “How have you not? She’s a singer. Well, a guitarist who sings is probably the better description. She posts music videos and recordings of the songs she writes. She’s amazing.”

  “Is this the chick that you’ve had on your ringtone for the last six months? The one who wrote that “girl power” song?”

  “The very same,” Ridge stated.

  “Since when do you listen to girly stuff like that?”

  Ridge’s temper was starting to flare, but he did his best to hold it in check. “Look, my taste in music really doesn’t matter here. I’m asking my brother to help me out.”

  Sawyer chuckled. “Nice try, Ridge. But seriously, I don’t know about this. It just doesn’t seem right. Harlan’s just getting this firm off the ground and you want to go and pull a trick that might ruin it. Don’t you care that he’s finally off the couch and not staring into space anymore? That he has a purpose and gets up every morning with a responsibility to take care of people?” Sawyer’s voice softened the longer he talked. “How can you ask me to risk that, Ridge?”

  Ridge felt a trickle of shame run through his chest and he pushed his hand through his hair. His excitement over the situation deflated and he knew he needed to step back. “You’re right. I’m sorry...I shouldn’t be willing to risk that.” He slumped in his seat and let his head fall back. “I want our brother back too, and you’re right, this business seems to be helping. He always did better when he had a responsibility, even when we were kids.”


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