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Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1)

Page 8

by Laura Ann

  The blood drained from Everly’s face and Ridge wanted to smack himself. Sawyer’s right. You have no filter. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have told you all that.”

  “No, no!” she hurried to say. “I want to be kept up to date. I just...” She looked away and chewed her lip. “I just can’t believe this is happening. I mean, I’m a nobody, really. I’m just a little musician with a small fan base. I don’t understand why someone would—”

  A buzzer sounded on Ridge’s phone moments before the doorbell rang. Both he and Everly jerked at the sound. Ridge pulled out his phone and stopped the noise. “You expecting any visitors?”

  Everly shook her head. “No.”

  Ridge stood and began to walk out of the room. “Stay here,” he said, putting out a hand.

  Everly didn’t argue with him, for which Ridge was extremely grateful. He walked up to the door and pulled out his phone again, using the cameras he had set up to scan the porch. It looked empty, except for a package sitting by the door. “Were you waiting for a package?” he called down the hall.

  Everly stepped out of the family room and started toward him. “Not that I remember.”

  Ridge held up a hand again. “I mean it. Stay put. Let me check this out.”

  Everly wrapped her arms around her middle and backed up. Ridge hated putting the look of fear in her eyes, but he refused to put her at risk.

  Slowly, he opened the door and peeked around. When he was sure the porch was empty, he looked down at the package. It had a shipping label, but he wasn’t ready to trust it. Squatting down, he nudged the box, then finally picked it up and put it against his ear.

  After shaking it did nothing, he brought it inside to the kitchen. Pulling out his pocket knife, he started to cut it open. A bunch of packaging met him when he opened the box and he frowned. Sifting through it, he found a folded piece of fabric in the bottom.

  “Uh...” Ridge slowly pulled it out, then looked at Everly, who was standing in the doorway. His eyebrows raised. “A scarf?”

  Everly slapped her forehead. “I’m so sorry! I totally spaced that I was waiting for that to arrive! It’s for my music video shoot next week!” She stepped forward and grabbed the material, wadding it in her hands. “I’m so embarrassed. Making you act all double-oh-seven over a scarf. The dumbest part is, my stylist and I decided not to use it just a couple days ago. I’m going to have to send it back.”

  Ridge chuckled and shook his head. “It wouldn’t have mattered what it was. We would’ve needed to handle it with the same caution. Right now we have no idea what’s going on with your stalker. If they can find your house, odds are they’ll do something to scare you.”

  Everly’s head was down and she nodded jerkily. “Still...I’m sorry I forgot about this.”

  Without thinking, Ridge put his arm around her and tugged her into his side. “No worries. We’ll get through this soon enough.”

  When Everly sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, Ridge almost melted with her. Having her even in a half-embrace was amazing, and it only made him ache all the more for something real.

  “Thanks, Sawyer,” she said softly. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

  Ridge stiffened. Crap. I can’t do this. I’m going to have to figure out a way to get to know her as myself. Who knew I could be jealous of my brother and myself at the same time?


  Everly set down her guitar and stood from the chair. With a groan, she stretched her back, sighing when it popped and relieved some of the pressure that had built up. Putting her hands on her hips, she surveyed the scribbles and notations all over her paper. “Not bad for a day’s work. But now it’s time for food.”

  She glanced at the clock, affirming it was dinner time and headed for the door. Her nerves began to tingle as she walked toward the kitchen, wondering where Sawyer/Ridge was and what he had been up to while she worked all afternoon. Their scare at lunchtime had been hilarious and embarrassing at the same time. But the highlight had been when he’d put his arm around her. “Who knew that feeling like you’re on fire was a good thing?” she murmured.

  Noise came down the hall and Everly shut her mouth, hoping Sawyer/Ridge hadn’t heard her talking to herself.

  “Oh, hey,” she said softly, finding the man she sought.

  Sawyer/Ridge gave her a jerk of his chin, then put his attention back on his laptop, which was sitting in front of him on the dining table.

  Everly frowned, feeling a little hurt at his curt greeting. “Um...I’m just going to get some dinner. Do you want some?”

  Sawyer/Ridge looked over his shoulder. “If you don’t mind, that’d be great. I’m not much of a cook.”

  Everly paused, her ears perking up. “You don’t cook at all?”

  He shook his head. “I mean, I can make a sandwich if I need to, but I’m pretty helpless in the kitchen. I do my best to just stay out of the way.”

  The light in Everly’s mind was brightening and she decided to push the issue a little more. “Really? So you never, like, make breakfast for your brothers or anything?”

  The man she was now positive was Sawyer snorted. “Uh, no. They wouldn’t want me to. Truth is, none of us are good cooks, but at least Ridge and Harlan’s food turns out edible...most of the time.” He grinned.

  Everly chuckled. “Good to know.” She turned toward the kitchen, but stopped for a second. “Hey, did you change your shirt? I could have sworn you were wearing red this morning.”

  When Sawyer’s face began to pink up, Everly had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. She had this game figured out now. Sometime during her practice, the boys had switched back. Not only had Sawyer’s words contradicted what had happened this morning, but the fact that the usual flutters in her belly that accompanied Ridge’s attention were nowhere to be found, confirmed it even more.

  “Uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “yeah, I spilled...something on it. Had to change.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She couldn’t help but keep going. This is more fun than I thought. “If you want to grab it, I’ll toss it in the laundry so it doesn’t stain.”

  “No!” Sawyer cleared his throat. “I mean, no thanks. I’ll take care of my own clothes. It’s no big deal.”

  “If that’s what you want.” Doing her best to keep a neutral look on her face, Everly walked calmly into the kitchen. Once there, she held her sides as she laughed silently. Oh my word. Those two are so bad at this. I wonder if they ever got away with it when they were younger.

  Wiping tears of amusement from her face, she began grabbing ingredients for pasta alfredo. While she worked, her mind wandered back to Ridge and how he made her feel. The way he looked at her as if she were desirable. The way her heart skipped a beat when his voice dropped. The way his touch sent pleasurable little skitters up her skin. I wonder what it would feel like to kiss him? she mused. If just touching his arm nearly puts my heart out, I can only imagine what his lips can do.

  Thinking about his kiss brought to the forefront the realization that Ridge had left. Everly’s hand paused midair as a sharp pang went through her chest. “He’s gone,” she murmured. “Did I scare him away with the whole scarf thing?”

  “What was that?” Sawyer turned around in his seat with an expectant expression.

  Everly shook her head. “Sorry. Nothing.” I need to calm down. I barely know the guy...but the problem is, I want to know him.

  Everly had to concede to the thought. She did want to get to know him. He made her feel things she hadn’t before and it made her curious. Plus, his curly hair and big muscles don’t hurt anything, either.

  A while later, Everly dished up the pasta and brought two plates out to the table where Sawyer was sitting.

  “Thanks,” he said distractedly, his eyes still riveted to the computer.

  “Everything okay?” she asked before taking a bite.

  “Not really, but I’m working on it,” Sawyer answered.

  Everly froze. “What does tha
t mean?”

  Sawyer sighed and shut down the computer. “Sorry. I’m just frustrated we can’t seem to trace this guy. Between Ridge and Roman we can usually track down just about anyone, but this one is eluding us. They both have decent IT backgrounds.”

  Everly swallowed hard, the fettucini feeling like lead in her stomach. “So what does that mean for us?”

  Sawyer picked up his fork and stabbed some pasta. “It means we keep watching and waiting. There’s nothing we can do if we have no real direction.”

  Everly nodded.

  “When is that music video you have again?”

  “Two weeks.” Everly set down her fork and took a long drink of water.

  Sawyer nodded. “I don’t like having you out in the open like that. We’ll be bringing some extra guys to the set to keep an eye out.”

  “You think something will happen? Everyone who’s going to be there has been hired by me before.”

  Sawyer nodded and finished chewing. “I know, but that doesn’t matter. These kinds of attacks can come from anywhere.”

  “Wouldn’t a friend hit closer to home since they know where I live?” Everly left her fork on the table. Her appetite was completely gone, but she was desperate to understand what was going on.

  Sawyer wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Maybe. It depends. Anyone can pretend they don’t know where you are. There’s no way for us to know.”

  “Gotcha.” Everly continued to play with the food on her plate, her mind jumping from one thing to the next. She finally decided to change the subject, looking for information she had wondered about for a while. “So...” She picked up the bread on her plate and played with it. “Can I ask you a...personal question?”

  Sawyer raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, I guess.” His lips quirked in a half-grin. “This isn’t about my dating life, is it?”

  “No,” Everly said strongly. “Definitely not.”

  “Okay, then shoot.”

  “What, uh, what was your specialty in the military?” She glanced up from beneath her eyelashes and then back down to her plate. “I mean, Leon specialized in computers, but what did you do?”

  Sawyer tilted his head and leaned back against the couch. “You’re wondering why I’m the one protecting you?”

  Everly winced. “Was it that obvious? I’m just curious. I mean, I don’t want you to think I don’t want you here. I’m just curious about your credentials.”

  “As opposed to another Lockwood’s credentials?” A knowing smirk crossed his face and Everly scowled, folding her arms in defense. Sawyer chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t worry. It’s a valid question. I specialize in stealth operations and hand to hand combat. It makes me an ideal candidate for personal bodyguard duty.”

  “Oh. Wow. That’s pretty cool.”

  “Ridge specialized in weapons.” Sawyer shrugged when Everly’s eyebrows shot up. “He did some computer training, but he always liked to destroy things, even when we were kids. Now he can create a bomb out of stuff you find in your garbage.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  Sawyer put his hand up. “Cross my heart.”

  Everly found herself relaxing for the first time since she sat down. “Well, that’s good to know. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.”

  Sawyer grinned and winked. “Anytime.”

  RIDGE PACED HIS OFFICE at the firm. Ever since he and Sawyer had swapped back, he hadn’t been able to rest. He had no idea what was going on and his mind was going through worst case scenarios like they were candy.

  “What’s got you all up in arms?” Harlan asked from the doorway.

  Ridge stumbled as he turned to see his brother. “Just...worried about a case.”

  “This wouldn’t happen to be a case that I specifically told you to keep your distance with, would it?” Harlan folded his arms and leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

  Ridge scowled and turned away, walking to a chair and throwing himself into it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Harlan sighed and walked into the room, joining Ridge. “Why are you all upset about this? You have no connection to this girl.”

  Ridge pointed a finger at his brother. “That girl, as you call her, is Everly Madison. She can play the guitar as if it were a part of her.” He sighed and pushed a hand through his hair. “I knew who she was a long time before she ever came through our door.”

  Harlan’s eyebrows were high on his forehead. “I see.”

  Silence reigned for a few minutes and Ridge didn’t know how to break it. The mood was stiff and he worried he’d said too much, but his emotions were in an upheaval after the faux-scare this morning. It just reiterated that she was in danger, and it was driving Ridge crazy. Along with the fact that she seemed to be getting way too comfortable with Sawyer.

  “I guess I should’ve let you get her autograph while she was here at the office a couple weeks ago,” Harlan said with a small grin.

  Ridge snorted, the tension dissipating with the joke. “Yeah...that would have been nice.”

  “Although, you were acting like a Neanderthal, so she might have turned you down.”

  Ridge rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Sawyer started it.”

  “That’s what you always say.”

  “And it’s always true.”

  Harlan shook his head. “One day, you’re going to have to grow up.”

  Ridge clenched his jaw, holding back the hurtful words that wanted to shoot out. Ha! If that doesn’t show you I’m grown up, I don’t know what will. “I guess I’m bound to just see the world through rose-colored glasses,” he said instead.

  All the amusement faded from Harlan’s face. “At least one of us gets to.” Straightening, Harlan stalked out of the room.

  “Oh, man.” Ridge put his face in his hands and moaned. “Even when I try not to say the wrong thing, I say the wrong thing.” He blew out a breath. “How are we going to help him?”

  “Help who?”

  Ridge jerked and then relaxed when he saw Cora in the doorway.

  “Cora! What are you doing eavesdropping? I thought I taught you better than that.”

  Cora smirked and walked in, dropping some files on his desk. “No. You taught me how to blow up a pumpkin. Sawyer taught me how to eavesdrop and not get caught.”

  Ridge laughed. “Yeah...I guess that’s about how it would be, huh?” He studied her, curious about something. “What did Harlan teach you?”

  Cora stilled and Ridge knew he’d been dead on. “Harlan taught me life doesn’t always have a happy ending,” she said softly. “Excuse me,” she sniffled. Spinning on her heel, she hurried out.

  “Crap.” Ridge stood and ran after her. “Cora!”

  Cora didn’t stop until she was at the front desk. “What do you want, Ridge?” she asked from the safety of her chair, a desk between them.

  Ridge deflated and walked around, not letting her get away. “Come here.” He held out his arms.

  Cora’s bottom lip trembled and she glanced around to make sure no one was watching. When she didn’t spot anyone, she stood and wrapped her arms around Ridge.

  “I know I’m not the real thing, but maybe a hug will make you feel better anyway,” Ridge said softly, patting her back.

  “How did you know?” Cora asked in a muffled tone.

  “Your eyes go off like Christmas lights every time you see him,” Ridge answered. “Plus, you give all of us a taste of our own medicine...all of us except Har.”

  Cora pulled back, wiping at her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt him any more than he’s already been hurt.”

  Ridge nodded. “I know. I get it.”

  She hiccuped a laugh and grabbed a tissue before sitting back down. “I wouldn’t have thought you were so observant.”

  Ridge put a hand to his chest. “What? After all those years I spent teaching you how to watch for bugs and worms in our backyard, you think I don’t notice details? Who taught you how to see the slightest wiggle in your line when
we were fishing?”

  Cora laughed. “You.”

  “Who taught you how to see when your mud pies were just the right consistency?”


  “Who showed you how to look over your shoulder just right in order to get a guy’s attention?”

  Cora put her hands in the air. “I give, I give! It was all you! I guess you do notice details.”

  Ridge snapped his imaginary suspenders. “Darn right, it was me.” He frowned. “Think I don’t notice details. Bah!” He turned and started walking back to his office. “I’ll show you details.”

  “Never change, Ridge,” Cora called out.

  “What?” Ridge spun. “You don’t think I need to grow up a bit?”

  Cora smiled. “No. Hang onto the fun part of you. Life has a tendency to beat it out of us, and it would be a shame to see you change.”

  Ridge gave her a wink and a salute and went back to work. Or at least tried to. As soon as he was back in his office, his mind began to churn with worries over Everly again. Everly and Cora. One woman was drowning in unrequited love that Ridge wasn’t sure could be fixed. The other was in danger and Ridge felt helpless to stop it.

  He pulled out his computer. Determination worked inside of him as he tried once again to trace that last comment the stalker left. “I can’t have her next to me, but I can still help protect her,” he muttered while he worked.


  Everly threw her pencil across the room. “Argh! This is so stupid!” Several days had passed since Ridge had swapped with Sawyer, and Everly couldn’t get her mind off of him. Sawyer had been kind enough to answer a few questions for her, but the problem was, it just made her want to know Ridge more.

  She missed the butterflies and sweaty palms his playful gazes brought and the way he liked to back her into corners. Her desire to see what it was like to be kissed by him was spiraling out of control and she could hardly concentrate on anything else.

  A knock caught her attention and Everly set her guitar aside to get up and answer it. “Hey,” she said to Sawyer as she leaned against the door. “Everything all right?”


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