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Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1)

Page 11

by Laura Ann

  “Might as well grab a cart and get going.” Sawyer brought a cart up from the side. “I’m sure Ridge will be here when he can.”

  Everly nodded and began to head into the produce section. Shoving her hurt aside, she started to go through her list, scribbling things off as she put them in her cart. Every time she grabbed something new, she glanced around, still looking for the man who had promised to meet her. Maybe something came up at work. But couldn’t he have texted or something?

  Sighing in disappointment, she leaned forward to grab an apple when another hand grabbed it at the same time and electricity exploded up her arm.

  “I’M SORRY. WAS THIS yours?” Ridge took the apple they had both grabbed and tossed it in the air with a cocky smile. He had gotten stuck at work longer than he’d expected and had had to hurry to make it here at all. When he saw Everly’s forlorn look, it had caused his hopes to skyrocket and he knew he needed to make it up to her.

  Everly’s lips twitched and she put one hand on her hip and held out the other. “Yes, it was. Can I have it back, please?”

  Ridge stepped forward, forcing her to put down her hand, then he bent down so they were seeing eye to eye. “What will you give me for it?” he asked softly.

  To Ridge’s delight, Everly held his gaze. “I guess that depends on what you want,” she whispered back.

  Oh, man...why is she so perfect? He made a point of looking around, then came close to her ear. “I’ve always wanted to have a secret assignation in a grocery store and kiss the living daylights out of a musician.”

  Everly leaned back to look him in the eye, amusement written all over her face. “That is...oddly specific.”

  Ridge shrugged. “I’m a man who knows what I want.” He intensified his stare, trying to tell her without words what that sentence really meant. By the blush creeping up her neck, Ridge figured his message had been received.

  “Come on, people,” Sawyer said, stepping into their little circle. “The bananas are starting to blush.”

  Ridge rolled his eyes when Everly quickly stepped back, obviously embarrassed at Sawyer’s comment. “Dude. Someday I’m totally going to ruin the moment for you too.”

  Sawyer shrugged, his eyes still roving the store. “If I’m having one in front of a bunch of fruit, you’re welcome to interrupt it.”

  Ridge scowled, but Everly grabbed his arm. “Come on,” she said softly, smiling up at him hopefully. “We can walk together.”

  “We can start with that,” Ridge quipped, turning his attention away from his brother.

  Slowly, he and Everly walked through the store, gathering her groceries and ignoring Sawyer as he trailed behind them. There was so little privacy that the most Ridge was able to do was hold her hand...and it wasn’t enough.

  I’ve waited too long for this to not be able to do more, he grumbled in his mind.

  “That’s it,” Everly said, beaming up at Ridge while she marked the last thing off her list.

  Ridge’s mind raced to find a way to have a moment with her and his eyes finally landed on an idea. “Uh, nope. I think you forgot something.” He grabbed Everly’s hand and began to push the cart away from the food.

  “I did?” Everly’s voice was breathless as she hurried to keep up with his long-legged stride. Ridge forced himself to slow down.

  “Ridge...” Sawyer warned, following right behind them.

  Ridge ignored his brother. “Yeah. You need a shirt...” Ridge guided the cart into a nearby clothing area. “A little boy’s shirt,” he corrected as he glanced at the pictures of superheroes and cartoon characters.

  “Ridge, what are you—” Everly’s question was cut off as Ridge pulled her forward.

  Abandoning the cart nearby, Ridge swung Everly around and gently backed her into a clothing display wall, pushing her all the way to the back so the rows of shirts and jackets were enveloping them. “Much better,” he breathed as they disappeared into the racks.

  He didn’t even bother to try to warm Everly up to the idea before he leaned in and took control of her mouth. When her hands immediately fisted in his shirt, he relaxed. One of his hands came up her back and slid into her hair, letting the silky strands slide along his fingers.

  Nothing had ever felt so intense and so right as having this woman in his arms. He never wanted to let her go, but when one of the hangers jabbed him in the ear, he was brought back to reality.

  He pulled back just enough to look her in the eyes, both of them breathing hard. “Did you find what you were looking for?” Ridge whispered with a grin.

  “No,” she said with a smile. “I might have to try again.”

  Ridge groaned and leaned in again when a tap came on his shoulder.

  “Break it up, man. Store security is going to be after us if you don’t come out.”

  Ridge pressed his forehead to Everly’s “He can be a real downer sometimes.”

  Everly laughed lightly and leaned up for a quick peck. “Maybe so, but he’s right. We better get out of here.”

  Reluctantly, Ridge stepped back, bringing Everly with him. He turned and glared at Sawyer, who was standing with his hands on his hips.

  “It’s about time you came up for air. She can’t sing if she can’t breathe,” Sawyer snarked.

  “Someday, man.” Ridge shook his head. “Someday I’ll return the favor.”

  “Oh, you mean the one where I let you be me so you could get to know the woman of your dreams? Or the one where I allowed you to come meet her in public even though we’re keeping a low profile? Or maybe it’s the one where I let you attack her in a kid’s clothing section and had to keep watch while you enjoyed yourself?”

  Ridge put his nose in the air and took a beet red Everly back to their cart. “Green isn’t your color, bro.”

  Sawyer rolled his eyes and grumbled something under his breath, but Ridge ignored usual.

  They walked up to the front to check out and Ridge glanced at his watch. “Shoot. I have to get back. I still have some things to look into this afternoon.”

  Everly’s face fell and Ridge felt it like a punch to the gut. “Will I get to see you again?” she asked, glancing back at Sawyer for a second.

  Ridge cupped her cheek and ran a thumb along her cheek bone. “Absolutely. I’ve waited too long for this, Everly Madison. You can’t get rid of me now.” He nodded to Sawyer. “He and I’ll work something out, okay?”

  Everly nodded. “Okay.”

  Ridge leaned in and lightly kissed her forehead. “Be good and I’ll see you soon.” He turned on his heel and left without saying anything else. The desire to stay with Everly was overwhelming and Ridge was barely staying in control.

  His feelings for her had started months ago when he’d discovered her music, but it had simply been a celebrity crush. After meeting her in person, they’d changed almost instantly. She was sweet and funny and seemed just as interested as Ridge was. She laughed at his jokes and her shy smile was beyond adorable. He loved how she responded to his flirting and how she surprised him with her own hits once in a while. He loved that she baked and read old romances. The fact that she was close to her brother told him that she cherished relationships, and add in the fact that she was genuinely kind to everyone, well...the list of reasons why he liked her just kept getting longer and longer.

  He growled as he started his car and pulled onto the freeway to head back to the office. “And right now I can’t have her because of a stalker.” He shook his head. “We’ve gotta get this guy...or girl behind bars.”

  Turning his excess energy into determination, Ridge sped toward the firm, ready to help break Everly free once and for all.


  Ridge: Obviously I’m a terrible shopper, because I’ve been craving something ever since our little outing the other day and nothing around here seems to satisfy my sweet tooth.

  Everly read the text again and smiled. She didn’t usually bring her phone into her practice room, but texting was one of the few w
ays she had been able to stay in touch with Ridge.

  Ever since the grocery run a few days ago, Everly had been itching to see him again. She had been so disappointed when her list was complete, not wanting her time with the handsome bodyguard to end, and obviously he had felt the same since he had taken measures to make sure they got a little privacy and a little more time together.

  Everly’s cheeks heated as she thought of him dragging her into the kids’ section and trapping her under the shirts. It had been the craziest and the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. Ridge was exciting and mischievous, and he made Everly feel like a desirable woman. What more could anyone ask for? she mused while texting back.

  Everly: I heard chocolate chip is your favorite. Maybe that’s what you need?

  Ridge: Nah. I’ve already tried chocolate. Doesn’t help.

  Everly squished her lips to the side as she decided just how bold she should be. “It’s not like he’s made any secret of his interest,” she encouraged herself. “Just do it.”

  Everly: What do you think might cure you? She chewed her lip, hoping he took the bait.

  Ridge: Well, I’ve been watching some of your music videos and I have to admit, they help more than anything else...but they’re still not quite as good as the real thing.

  She squealed in delight, then immediately frowned.

  Everly: Having your copycat in my house isn’t quite as good as the real thing either.

  Everly suddenly lost her excitement for their conversation. She was still under lockdown with Sawyer and had no idea when she would get to see Ridge again. The thought was more than depressing.

  Ridge: Then what are you going to do about it?

  Everly frowned as she glanced at the message. “What do you mean, what am I going to do about it?” she muttered. “There’s nothing I can do about it.”

  Everly: I don’t know. Is there anything I can do about it?

  Ridge: Why don’t you come to the kitchen and see?

  Everly froze for a split second before jumping out of her seat and rushing down the hallway. She skidded to a stop as she came around the entrance to the kitchen. “Ridge,” she breathed, instantly recognizing the smirking man standing next to two plates of sandwiches and fruit.

  “Hey, baby. Hungry?”

  There was absolutely no way to stop the too-wide smile that crossed her face. “Yeah,” she said softly.

  “Yeah?” His eyebrows went up and he held out a hand. “Then come here.”

  Everly stepped forward and slipped her shaking fingers into Ridge’s large, warm hand. Gently, he grasped her hand and pulled her forward, straight into his arms. His kiss was achingly sweet and sent skitters of goosebumps from her neck to her toes.

  After a minute, he pulled back his head and their eyes locked. “I think I figured out what will cure my sweet tooth,” he said hoarsely.

  “You’re unbelievable.” Everly laughed, shaking her head.

  “Thank you,” Ridge joked back before dropping in for another tender kiss.

  Everly felt his hands flex on her back and suddenly he jerked his head upright. “Food. I need to get you food.” He stepped back and she instantly felt the loss of his warmth. “Come on and let me feed you before I have to get back to work.”

  Reluctantly, Everly nodded and followed him to the table. Just before she sat, Everly glanced at the kitchen door. “Is Sawyer going to join us? Or did you two swap again?”

  “He’s here,” Ridge said, getting her settled. “He’s just giving us a little privacy.”

  “Poor guy, constantly playing the third wheel.”

  Ridge shrugged. “As much as I would have loved to have been your bodyguard, Sawyer really is the best man for the job. I can handle my own, but Sawyer...” Ridge glanced at the doorway, then leaned in close and dropped his voice to a whisper. “Sawyer can take down anybody at any time. His hand to hand skills are totally crazy.” He put a finger to his lips. “But whatever you do, do NOT tell him I said that. A man has to hold onto some of his masculinity.”

  Everly chuckled. “Gotcha.” She closed her eyes for a quick prayer and was surprised when she opened them to find Ridge doing the same. She waited until he was done before picking up her sandwich. “So, Sawyer told me you like to blow things up.”

  Ridge laughed before stuffing a grape in his mouth. “Yeah. That sounds exactly like what he would tell you.”

  Everly waited for him to continue, but he kept his focus on the food. “Is it true?”

  Ridge glanced sideways with a cocky smirk. “Maybe. I may not know ten ways to kill a man with my pinky, but I can create an explosion out of almost anything.”

  Everly’s eyebrows shot up as she swallowed. “That’s a pretty bold statement.”

  He shrugged. “But a true one. If my parents were alive, you could ask them. They have firsthand accounts of all my exploits as an untrained youth.”

  Everly groaned and shook her head. “Oh my gosh, how many things did you break?”

  Ridge began to hold up fingers, his eyes narrowing in concentration. By the time he’d covered all his fingers twice, Everly had had enough.

  Laughing, she put her hand over his. “Okay, okay, I get it. You must have been an expensive child. It’s a wonder your parents ever had any other children.”

  “Yeah.” He swallowed. “I’ve always thought it was pretty gutsy to give us a sibling. We were probably enough to drive any mom insane.”

  “Sounds like.”

  It was quiet for a few minutes as they both ate their lunches.

  “Tell me about you and Leon,” Ridge finally said. “He’s older, right?”

  Everly nodded. “Yeah. By almost five years. Mom and Dad had a little trouble having children.”

  “Did they want more?”

  “Oh, yeah. I think Mom would have had a dozen if she could.” Everly stuffed a potato chip in her mouth. “By the way, this sandwich is pretty good. You’ve been holding out on me with your culinary skills.”

  Ridge chuckled. “It’s hard to mess up a sandwich since you don’t actually have to make anything.” Suddenly his voice got a lot louder. “Unless, of course, you’re Sawyer. He can’t even put the mayo on correctly.”

  “Watch it, dude,” Sawyer said, breezing into the kitchen, shocking Everly, who hadn’t known he was right outside the door. “Or I’ll use pinky technique number nine on you.”

  Ridge rolled his neck and flexed. “Bring it on, buddy. I’m ready.”

  Everly slapped Ridge’s shoulder. “Knock it off.” She turned to Sawyer. “Would you like me to make you some lunch?”

  “What?” Ridge cried. “You’d make lunch for him, but not me? What kind of messed-up gig is this?”

  Everly shrugged. “He protects me. I want to make sure he has his strength.”

  Sawyer burst out laughing and Ridge scowled, getting right in Everly’s face. “Careful, or I’ll have to break out my mad skills, known to my nieces as...the claw.” He curled his fingers on one hand and Everly laughed.

  “Then she’d really need protection.” Sawyer snorted.

  Ridge started to rise, but Everly reached out and grabbed his arm. Pulling him back down, she leaned in. “I may have offered him a sandwich, but I have something better for you,” she whispered.

  RIDGE WAS RIDING ON cloud nine. Not only was he spending time with the girl he’d fallen for, but she was teasing him right back, and he was loving every minute of it.

  He raised a playful eyebrow. “Something better? Pray tell, what could be better than you cooking for me?”

  Everly grinned and stood up. Walking to the cupboard, she grabbed a plastic container and headed toward the kitchen entrance. With a wink and a nod, she crossed over into the family room, Ridge scrambling out of his seat to follow her.

  “Careful, man,” Sawyer said softly. When Ridge turned to look at him, his brother looked concerned. “Make sure you don’t hurt her, yeah? She’s turning out to be a pretty nice kid.”

; “She’s not a kid, Sawyer. She’s a woman and I have no intention of hurting her.” Ridge glanced at the entrance, then back to his brother. “I’ve been waiting for her for a long time, long before I even knew she existed.” Ridge turned and left before he said any more. He knew he was falling hard and fast and that Sawyer probably wouldn’t really understand it, but there was no stopping it. Truth be told, Ridge didn’t want to stop it.

  Everly was sitting on the couch, the container in her lap. She smiled sweetly at Ridge and he walked to her like a bee to honey.

  “Whatcha got there?” he asked softly, sitting next to her.

  Everly popped the top and waved it under Ridge’s nose. He took a deep inhale and closed his eyes. “ really did know that my favorite was chocolate chip.”

  Everly laughed and pulled the container open the rest of the way. “Sawyer might have mentioned it.” She held it out. “Here. Have one.”

  “One?” Ridge grabbed three. “It’s a crime to only eat one.”

  She laughed again and set the cookies aside, leaning back into the couch. Ridge leaned back as well and Everly rested her head against his shoulder. “Thank you for coming today,” she whispered. “It was a really sweet surprise.”

  Ridge tilted his head down to meet hers. “Well, good. I hoped it would be. But I doubt it was as sweet as these cookies. They’re amazing!” He glanced sideways to see the blush he knew would be creeping into her cheeks.

  “Thanks,” she answered.

  “How come you’re not having one?”

  Everly shrugged. “Not really that hungry right now.” She looked up with a grin. “Your lunch was really filling.”

  “Mm...that’s a bummer,” he murmured, his eyes locking on her lips.

  “It is? Why?”

  “Because I think my appetite is actually getting bigger,” Ridge said, bringing his gaze up to meet hers. He knew he probably looked intense. He felt intense. This connection between them was amazing, overwhelming and terrifying all at the same time, but there was absolutely nothing that anyone could do that would make Ridge stop.


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