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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

Page 11

by Mackenzy Fox

  “Don’t stop,” she moans breathlessly. I like how I’m affecting her.

  “Not gonna stop, babe, I’m not gonna stop until you’re begging me to take you.”

  Looming over her, I look down at her perfect tits through the material of her shirt as she breathes heavily. I cup them and squeeze hard; she pushes them out further into my hands.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I mutter in her ear.

  Her nipples are rock hard as I play with them with my fingers through the material, my mouth still at her neck, teasing her. I tug gently and she calls my name breathlessly—my real one—and I just about lose it in my pants.

  “You’ve got such a beautiful body.” She feels all-woman beneath me, all curves; she has the softest, sweetest smelling skin I’ve ever encountered. “I can’t wait to taste your honey but right now I need to be inside you.”

  She grinds her ass into my junk and I close my eyes. I yank her tank top up and throw it, then I unhook her lacy bra and throw that too. I look down at her naked breasts; she’s goddamn perfect. I squeeze her glorious tits together and it takes all of my resolve not to lose control. She grasps my hands with hers over the top and flexes them, she moans as I continue to please her.

  I whirl her around and remove my hands, looking down at her gorgeous body and I curse a string of profanities as I look at her. Her skirt is still hitched around her waist, time for her to lose that. I unzip it and let it fall; she steps out of it and reaches for her shoes.

  “No, leave those on,” I bark. The lacy thin scrap of material covering her pussy won’t be there for very long either.

  I drop to my knees and pull her closer, my mouth going to one of her succulent breasts and I suck hard on her nipple, pulling and palming the other one at the same time. She tips her head back and moans. Oh yeah, babe, I can do this all night, my specialty. I move to the other one and do the same, lapping her with my tongue.

  “Tell me what you like,” I mutter into her flesh.

  She moves her hands into my hair as I watch her enjoying my movements, but she doesn’t speak.

  “Answer me,” I demand, taking her hands in mine and linking our fingers.

  She opens her eyes as I bring my mouth up her body and back to her neck, her lips are bruised and swollen from our illicit kisses. I want those lips all over my body, I want them everywhere. Just imagining her on her knees before me makes me want to explode; I won’t last, so that can’t happen tonight.

  “What was the question?” she asks in a low, breathy voice.

  I smirk. “You’re so hot for me, you can’t remember.”

  “Take your clothes off,” she retorts, ignoring me. It almost sounds like a demand.

  I cock an eyebrow, but secretly, I love this kind of bossiness in the bedroom, when it’s coming from her that is.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I shrug my cut off, tempted to throw it, but I don’t, I hang it over the nearest chair. She takes over and lifts my shirt up and I pull it the rest of the way over my head.

  She stares at my body, her hands at my pecs.

  I smirk. “What do you like?” I remind her of my question.

  “I like your tattoos,” she whispers, surprising me.

  I grunt, moving back to her. “You like my tats, babe?”

  “Yes, they’re sexy on you.”

  “What do you like in bed?” I ask because she’s not getting the hint. I need to know.

  “I… I don’t know,” she stammers, suddenly embarrassed.

  “Don’t be shy around me, princess.” I pull one of her hands down to my dick that’s so hard in my jeans it may never come down, it presses against my zipper like it’s in prison and in dire need to be let out. I hold onto her hand as I rub it up and down, showing her how I like it.

  “That’s what you do to me,” I grit out. “This is what I’ve been living with since I first saw you.”

  “Since the clubhouse?” she whispers as I kiss her neck and behind her ear.

  “No, I saw you long before that.”

  She squeezes me hard and I groan.

  “Fucking Sienna,” I curse into her neck. “I’m gonna do you all night, babe, so I hope you don’t plan on getting any sleep…”

  “I like whatever you want to do,” she moans, almost bashfully, her words muffled in my hair. “But, it’s… it’s been a while.”

  I glance at her and it’s like music to my ears—every man’s dream. I resist a cocky smirk.

  “How long?” I ask, kissing her gently.

  She buries her head into my neck, trying to hide.

  “Don’t be shy, babe, you can tell me.”

  I feel her breathe hard on my skin.

  “A year,” she mutters.

  My eyes go wide though she can’t see me. A year? She hasn’t had sex with anyone in a whole year? Goddamn.

  “That sounds pretty fuckin’ great,” I admit, I can’t help it. Imagining that just spurs me on even more.

  I rub my hands down her back to her ass and up again, repeating the motion.

  I glance over her shoulder at the bed and frown. Jesus, it’s small, I’m never going to fit.

  She doesn’t stop stroking me, squeezing me harder as I fight to stay in control. It feels so good.

  I reach one hand into the back of her hair and I grasp it gently, pulling her to me. I snake a hand down south to the rim of her sheer panties. I dip my hand inside and one of her hands follows mine, holding me at the wrist, halting me.

  I stop. Is she telling me no?

  “I won’t hurt you.” I assure her, looking up at her big round eyes. With her man troubles that I’m not supposed to know about, I don’t want to risk scaring her. She gulps and closes her eyes, removes her hand from my wrist, and I continue gently, cautiously, rubbing her sweet spot, she’s so wet and slick. I want to take her hard and fast but I know I can’t. She’s nervous.

  A whole year? How is that even possible?

  I rub, pinch, and flick her back and forth through her folds as I hold her head in place so she has to look at me.

  “Let go, babe,” I command, and on queue as I keep moving at a slow and steady pace, she comes all over my hand, it’s such a glorious sight as her skin pinkens delightfully from the rush. The noise of her moans drives me over the edge.

  I plunge my tongue into her mouth as she contracts around my fingers and I slow down. I want in, I want in so bad.

  “Gonna let me in?” I ask, she’s panting so rapidly and holds onto my neck as I back her toward the bed.

  “Yes,” she stammers. I stop, and with my hand still in her pants, our eyes lock. I dip a finger inside and she moans, she’s so tight, Jesus Christ. I move my finger in and out and I know it won’t take long until she’s having a second orgasm. I insert a second finger and she gasps.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her again. “So fuckin’ tight around me, I wanna hear you scream my name all night, baby.”

  She moans into my neck but it’s incoherent. I smile into her hair as my thumb dances over her nub and I’m delighted when she explodes again so quickly, loudly this time. Jesus, it sounds good. Her hands move suddenly to my belt buckle shakily, I glance down to watch.

  She releases the button and unzips me, her fingers brushing my hard-on, making a rumble tremble through me. I can’t remember when I’ve wanted somebody this much before or been this excited… maybe never.

  She caresses me through my boxer briefs and swears under her breath looking down at my bulge.

  “What’s up, Sienna?” I manage, my eyes still watching her fondle me.

  “You’re so… umm…”

  “What?” I encourage, though I know what she’s going to say because I’ve heard it before, many, many times.

  “Big,” she states. I sense she may be a little bit afraid.

  “It’s alright,” I tell her softly. “I won’t hurt you. I’ll go slow, it’ll feel tight because it’s been a while but I’ll make sure you’re ready and wet for me.”
I brush the hair back off her face and hold my hands there until she looks at me. “You trust me, don’t you?”

  Her big eyes blink and she looks so good post-orgasm that I lean in for a chaste kiss.

  “Y-yes,” she stammers.

  I feel her hand go under the elastic of my briefs that I’m bobbing out of and she rubs her hand all the way along my shaft. I make a noise that’s foreign to me and there is literally no room left inside my jeans to house what I have going on in there. It’s like pure paradise; there’s a party going on and I’m making a mess.

  “Take my dick out,” I tell her. For fuck’s sake. I can’t take much more of this sweet torture. “Touch me, baby, play with me.”

  She does just that, yanking my briefs down to my knees and my dick bobs free, finally. She grasps me with one hand and I wince at the contact, her eyes staring down south. I so want to push her down to her knees so she can suck me off but I don’t want our first time to be me ramrodding down her throat. This is about her, not me. I watch as she pulls me off slowly at first, I move a hand over hers and quicken it a little bit.

  “Like this.” I show her and as I watch her take over, it’s almost my undoing, it’s so damn good.

  “You like that?” she whispers. I open my eyes, and when I look down, she’s looking at me with a very sexy, sly grin, using my words back at me.

  “Yeah, I like it, princess, gonna do you so fuckin’ good.”

  She bites her lip and I lose the rest of my composure, I yank my jeans and briefs down the rest of the way.

  I push her down onto the bed and she scrambles backwards. I remember somewhere in the small part of my brain that I need a wrap, so I reach down to my jeans and find my wallet and take one out. She watches me in awe.

  “Jayson…” she begs, holding her arms out to me. “Hurry up.”

  “I’m comin’, babe.” My voice is gravelly and raw. I move towards the bed and crawl onto it, I reach for her and snag her panties by the hips and rip them down her legs. No need for those anymore.

  I’m delighted to see she has no tattoo’s, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been with someone who has no ink. But it’s perfect, she’s perfect. Her skin’s so beautifully unmarked, it’s how it’s supposed to be with her.

  I know just looking at her that it won’t only be a one-night thing. I know I can’t, I know I won’t. I’ll want more.

  Once won’t be enough.

  I rip the foil with my teeth.

  “Put it on me.” Her eyes go wide again and I laugh out loud. I can’t help it.

  “Really?” she says, squirming as I loom over her.

  “Really,” I repeat.

  She astonishes me by complying, pleasing me even more. She takes the wrap from me and rolls it over my length as I whistle through my teeth at her touch.

  “Jesus, Steel, you’re so big, you’re not gonna fit…”

  I groan at her words, the head nudging at her thigh. Her dirty talk has me wanting to take her so bad.

  “I’m gonna fit, babe, and you’re gonna love every minute of it.”

  She reaches for me and I move over her, I know now that if this is it, then I’ll die a happy man.

  Nothing and nobody will ever compare to this moment. I want to savor it forever and never let her go.



  I should be terrified, he’s massive—and not just his appendage—yet he’s treating my body like it’s a temple and I cannot get enough of it. I watch as he sheaths himself a few times with his fist and then moves his mouth to mine and kisses me like he’s a dying man. It’s like I’m having an out of body experience. His beard is soft and a little bit prickly but I like it… no, I love it.

  His body is like a temple. Hard, muscled, his abs a sight from heaven, dark tattoos cover his entire body, even his legs, not that I’m looking there because he’s all front and center.

  “Talk to me,” he says again, hovering over me. He seems to like that, the dirty talk, but I’m no good at it.

  “Jayson….” It comes out like a whisper; it’s all I can say to not come undone at the very sight of him.

  “Yeah, baby, talk to me.”

  He holds himself over me, his forearms next to my head and I feel the heat radiating from his body.

  “Please,” I beg him.

  “Please what?” He nibbles my neck as I clutch him, thrusting my hips up. I’ve never been so aroused in my entire life. He’s so open about sex and all about what I like that I don’t know how to answer, I’ve never had this kind of experience before. I didn’t know it could be like this.

  I reach up to grab his ass and he groans again. I can feel the head of his very large manhood nudging at my entrance.

  “If you could see how beautiful you look…” he murmurs in my ear. “I can’t wait to be inside you, Sienna.”

  I moan again at his words, I don’t know who taught him to talk like this but it’s freaking turning me on. He takes a nipple into his mouth and sucks again, I feel his hand move between us but he doesn’t penetrate, he rubs me very deliberately with his hard length up and down my slick center. I came so fast the first time, it’s embarrassing, but who can blame me? My body is on fire. I barely have time to register when another orgasm builds just as quickly then rips through my body as I cling to him, panting his name, his mouth sucking on my nipple as he rides me through it. Number three done and dusted.

  He groans, moving to my entrance. He nudges me once, then twice, then slides in slightly. I’ve never been with anyone so big before, he feels tight, but so damned hot. He mutters how good it feels and a string of profanities follow.

  He moves the tip in and out slowly, then goes a little further on each thrust. I close my eyes to the pain, it’s like the first time all over again, my nails dig into his ass as he pumps into me with a beautiful rhythm. He’s a fine specimen and he’s all mine, at least for tonight.

  “You’re so tight,” he grunts roughly in my ear. He works me in and out and slowly goes deeper. He’s everywhere, all my senses are so tuned in, I can barely breathe. “Let me in, babe.”

  He’s so much gentler than I imagined he’d be, not a barbarian at all, but I want more, my body aches for him. I cling to him, digging into his ass cheeks and on the next thrust he goes full tilt. We both moan and he stills, letting me adjust.

  Shit, he’s big. My heart drums so fast in my ears, I can’t even hear anything else.

  “You okay, princess?” He looks down at me and I meet his eyes.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “You’ve no idea how this feels for me, babe. No, don’t close your eyes, look at me.”

  I do and I run my hands over his back and smile.

  “So beautiful, this pussy is mine, babe. You got me? All mine.”

  Our eyes lock as we stare at one another.

  He moves slowly out of me then back in again, I can feel every single nerve ending in my body light up. He leans in and kisses me, his tongue finding mine.

  “I knew you could take me, tell me how good you feel,” he whispers, he thrusts a little harder at the end, the pace is picking up but it’s still slow and controlled. Out, in, thrust. Repeat.

  “So good,” I mutter. He grins at me—actually grins—I’ve never seen him smile this whole time, he should smile more, it suits him. His arms completely surround me as I hang on for dear life.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he commands. I do and he tilts my hips a little bit, going deeper, thrusting on every return, hitting the end of me.

  “Yes!” I call out.

  “Come for me,” he whispers. It’s my undoing, I spiral around him again, for the third… or is it the fourth time? He watches me, drinking me in, feasting on me.

  The pace, the thrust, the slowness, the contact, it makes my pleasure go on and on, I don’t ever remember sex being this good. It’s complete ecstasy.

  He whispers dirty stuff in my ear as my hands travel all over his body, feeling him, encouraging him as he pumps
me again and again with control over my entire body.

  “You weren’t lying,” I say breathlessly. “Fuck me harder, please, Steel.”

  A look of pure lust comes over him as he quickens the pace, honestly, I don’t know how he’s lasted this long. The bed hits the wall with such force, it’s a wonder it doesn’t break, the sound is as erotic as hell.

  “Oh, fuck, babe, gonna come, can’t hold on anymore, feels too good, fuck…”

  I go over the edge with him as he groans and makes noises I’ve never heard a man make, banging me hard and fast as his hands grip the sheets and I feel him pulse between my legs and then he stills. A few seconds later, he collapses on top of me. We’re both covered in sweat.

  He completely crushes me and I squeal under him. He lifts up suddenly, kisses my sweaty forehead, and rolls off to lie next to me.

  “Princess,” he mutters, lying beside me as we gasp for breath together.

  “I know.” I can’t seem to form words.

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yes, that too,” I pant in agreement.

  “That was fucking fantastic, I came so hard,” he states to the ceiling.

  Satisfaction fills my every being. “You and me both.”

  I feel the bed move as he chuckles. I think I like this Steel, he’s softer like this, no way near as harsh or scary as he is when he’s in biker mode.

  It’s silent as we both catch our breaths.

  “I want to do that again,” he declares a few moments later, his breathing is so fast and hard, I feel quite proud of myself. “After a breather,” he adds as I turn to gaze up at him.

  I pull the duvet around me, covering myself as he looks at me sideways, I suddenly feel a little exposed.

  “As long as you liked it? I got a bit rough there at the end.” He looks at me with a frown.

  “Of course, I liked it,” I tut, my hand roams his chest as I trace a finger around the swirling patterns of his tats. “Didn’t you hear me?”

  He sits up on one elbow. “Yeah, I heard you, but you need to talk to me more though, I like hearing what you want me to do to you.”


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