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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

Page 13

by Mackenzy Fox

  I twitch my lips as she watches me. “She’s got a gold mine and he fuckin’ knows it.”

  “Well, I’d love to stay and chat,” Rubble seems to find something amusing, “but I’ve got shit to do. Sayonara, bitches, See ya, Sienna.”

  “Bye, Rubble,” she replies sweetly. She is sweet as pie in every sense of the word, delectable, and I want her again right here, right now.

  I look at Jaxon. “Time you went on an extended lunch break.”

  When I look back at Sienna, her eyes have gone wide and she looks a little startled.

  “But it’s only eleven,” he starts, then he sees my icy glare and snaps his mouth shut.

  “Take the scenic route,” I add.

  I wait until he’s gone before I move right in front of her. She’s so pretty in the light of day. Her hair is in a low ponytail, great for grabbing onto. She looks out of place here, too pure.

  “You okay? You didn’t reply to my text.”

  I’m pretty sure it was good for her; maybe she’s had a change of heart?

  I sent her a text in the wee hours telling her I’d gone home, I didn’t want to appear like an asshole when she woke up and found me not there, but I have to sleep in my own bed.

  “Do people always do what you tell them to?” she wonders.

  I shrug. “If they want to keep their jobs and get paid, then yes, he works for me and he’s a prospect, he does as I say.”

  She holds the tablet to her chest and assesses me. “Nice overalls.” Her lips twitch, fighting a smile.

  “You’re nice,” I tell her.

  She blushes a little and drops her head. I lift her chin to look at me.

  “You sore?”

  Her mouth drops open and I drop my eyes to her pouty lips. They seem a little swollen, I hope it’s because of me last night, I can’t wait for her to blow me with that hot little mouth.

  “A little,” she shrugs, embarrassed.

  I smirk. Good, it means I did my job properly.

  I lower my head and take her mouth gently; she reciprocates, okay, good sign, she’s kissing me back.

  “I had a fuckin’ fantastic time last night,” I say against her lips. “I wanna do it again.”

  Her breathing is accelerated, she smells like a ball of cotton candy.

  “I’d like that.”

  It’s like music to my ears.

  “Still not a thing?” I cock my head to the side.

  She smiles up at me. “I don’t know but I like your overalls.”

  I hold her chin and run my thumb over her bottom lip and think about biting it, but instead, I go over to the front door and lock it, then turn the sign around to ‘closed’. I grab her hand and pull her with me as I approach my office door.

  Lola is lying on the floor; she looks up as we approach. Since Sienna’s a girl, she isn’t fazed one bit and just looks up, bored.

  “That’s Lola,” I tell her. “Don’t worry, she’s a pussy cat.”

  She’s wearing her skull bandana, she flops her head back down as we step over her and go up the stairs into my office.

  “I didn’t know you were a mechanic,” she says. “Do you fix bikes too or just cars?”

  I’ve no idea why it matters or why she’s interested but I go with it.

  “I fix everything. You name it, I fix it, I restore shit too.”

  She looks around my office; I hate how messy it is. This isn’t how I operate.

  “What did you bring me in here for?” she asks, turning back to face me.

  “To tidy my office, of course.”

  She smiles. “Really? I’m not very domesticated.”

  “You’ll learn.”

  Her eyebrows rise. “You want to pound your chest while saying that, Tarzan?”

  I purse my lips because of her cheek, she’ll have to learn to not talk back but I like her spunk, it’s refreshing. Most women don’t say shit to me.

  “Someone’s cheeky this morning.”

  “I had a wild night, some badass biker kept me up all night and I didn’t get any sleep.”

  I watch as she puts her hands on her hips, challenging me, not a good move but sexy as hell.

  “Yeah, well, he’s about to keep you up again, against the back of this door.”

  She bites her lip and looks down at the bulge clearly showing in my pants. She walks over to me and slides her hands inside, pulling the stud buttons open roughly. Holy Christ.

  “You naked under there?” she breathes as her hot little hands run up my chest to my pecs.

  My voice is husky with want. “Why don’t you find out?”

  I watch as she dips one hand lower and finds my dick through my boxer briefs and

  begins fondling it right there in the middle of my office. She is gonna make me die, I swear it.

  I shrug half out of the overalls and the arms flop down to my waist as she takes me in.

  “Your tatts are amazing,” she says as I can’t take my eyes off her hand, she moves under the elastic and rubs her palm over my length. I hiss as I watch her.

  “Did they hurt?”

  “Not as much as you’re gonna be hurtin’ when I’m done pounding you against my door.”

  Her breath hitches.

  “You know how to sweet talk a woman.” She’s good with sarcasm too.

  “Nothin’ sweet about it.”

  “I don’t know; last night was pretty sweet. You’ve got some moves… and stamina.”

  “At last we can agree on something,” I murmur.

  She shakes her head playfully, I think I like playful Sienna.

  “I’ve always had this fantasy about doing it in my office,” I close my eyes at her hand still working me.

  She looks over her shoulder toward the door. “I’m not doing it in your office.”

  I fall against my door and bring her with me. “Why not?”

  “Someone could walk in.”

  “Nobody here but you, me, and my dog… and she’s asleep.”

  “It’s the middle of the day.” She actually has the good grace to look slightly horrified.

  I bark a laugh. “Shock horror, people can have sex during daylight hours.”

  “In respectable workplaces?”

  “Ain’t nothin’ respectable about this joint, babe.”

  She laughs; it’s a sweet, sweet sound.

  “And anyway,” I go on. “You shouldn’t have your hand down my pants if you don’t want any of this.”

  She doesn’t get time to answer, I shut her up with a kiss and it feels just as sweet as last night, it feels like she’s always been here and that is a very scary place to be.

  What the hell is happening to me?

  I want her on her knees, oh, yeah, I do, but that’s selfish. As if reading my mind, she pushes my overalls down and my boxer briefs go with them.

  “You’re so hot, Steel,” she says, a little smile on her face, her words confound me.

  “Yeah, you like me naked?”

  She nods.

  “You wanna go on your knees, baby girl?”

  Her eyes go wide, can’t say I blame her; I’m not exactly small in that department. To my astonishment, she drops down and takes the tip of me into her mouth, it happens so fast, I let out a hiss as I look down at her, then she looks up at me and takes me further. She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I have to close my eyes because while I’ve got stamina, I won’t last two seconds watching her take me like this. I move my hand over hers and help her sheath me the way I like it.

  “Like that, baby, yeah, that feels good.” I don’t thrust, I don’t want to choke the girl, I just let her take me—most of me, not all of me—and when I open my eyes again, I can’t let her continue or I’ll blow my load right down her throat. I yank her to her feet and lift her by the hips, she squeals at the sudden movement but wraps her legs around me. Her skirt has helpfully hitched up all by itself. I reach a hand into her panties as I hold her against the door with my other arm.

er done it against a door, princess?”

  “Absolutely not,” she says, her eyes closing at my touch.

  She’s wet already as I rub her with my fingers gently, finding her sensitive spot.

  “How sore are you again?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “A little, not too much.”

  “Not gonna take you rough, you good with that?”

  “Yes,” she breathes. So much for worrying about people barging in on us.

  I plunge my tongue into her mouth and she gasps. It’s a wonderful sound, everything about her is wonderful. She clutches my shoulders, squeezing me.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck,” I say, my breathing ragged. She does as she’s told, good girl, and I reach down into the pocket of my overalls, take my wallet out, and get out a wrap. I make quick work of it and move my hands back to her hips.

  I pull her panties aside and nudge her entrance. I know for a fact I’m not gonna last long after seeing her on her knees, that was heaven.

  “Next time we do this, it’ll be in my bed,” I tell her before I can stop myself, “and I’m gonna taste your honey until you’re begging me to take you.”

  “Steel,” she murmurs, her hands in my hair. Her lips find mine and, at the same time, my tongue goes into her mouth and I slide in slowly, making sure not to go too fast or too deep. She winces a little. Normally, I’d warm her up with a couple of orgasms but we ain’t got all day.

  “You’re such a badass,” she tells me in a whisper. I slide in deeper and pull out slowly.

  “You know it.”

  “I thought about you all morning,” she says out of nowhere.

  I smile into her neck, nibbling her with my teeth as she clings to me. God, being buried in her is like fucking heaven, I never wanna leave.

  “Yeah, babe?”


  I suck the base of her throat hard, it’ll probably leave a mark but I don’t care, I thrust in and out nice and slow but firm, giving it to her like she deserves.

  “Not gonna last, not with you in that skirt,” I growl into her neck, “you got me all wound up, babe.”

  “Steel…” she cries.

  “What’s my name when I’m buried inside you?”

  “Jayson...” she says quickly as she lets go right then and there; I feel her pulsating around my dick, “oh, God, yes.”

  I smirk again but that’s it, my resolve is gone and time is limited, I pump once, twice, then lose my load as I grunt her name in her ear. I still for a few moments, enjoying the feeling.

  “That was too quick,” I mutter into her hair.

  “You’re a really bad influence,” she giggles, out of breath, her cheeks are pink and luscious.

  “Don’t you know it.” I kiss her gently then pull out, let her down, discard the wrap, tie it, and drop it in the trashcan under my desk. She’s still smoothing her skirt down when I pull my overalls up.

  “Your office really is a mess,” she tells me again as she continues to fluff herself back together. I realize I’m turning her to the dark side, but seeing her like this—disheveled and just fucked against my door—I don’t really care.

  “Tell me about it,” I grumble. “I got no office girl.”

  “That explains the mountain,” she nods at one of the overflowing trays.

  “I got no invoicing system on the computer,” I admit, “tryin’ but paperwork ain’t exactly my forte.”

  “Can’t you hire someone who knows what to do?”

  I didn’t want to get into this with her because now she’s gonna think I’m an asshole when she hears how many girls I’ve managed to piss off and then fire.

  “Hard to believe, princess,” I say, slumping down into my seat as she leans her butt on the edge of the desk, “but apparently, I’m not the easiest person to get along with, nor am I the nicest person to work for.”

  “Surprise, surprise,” she mumbles.

  “And anyway, I did have Lucy helping, that’s Rubble’s ol’ lady, but she’s too busy now with the tow truck and doing Brock’s bookwork, Lily helps too but everyone’s busy.”

  A little smile creeps on her face. “I could help you.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You don’t have to be polite around me.”

  “I’m not,” she shrugs, “I worked in the financial department at a bank in my last job, I’m sure I could get my head around it.”

  I look at her and she’s totally serious.

  What the hell?

  “You don’t wanna work for me, trust me,” I tell her. “And there’s that little ditty that I’d never get any work done and everyone would be on extended lunch breaks every day.”

  She bites her lip, laughing. “Well, I could help you out, not work for you, that means no funny business in the office.”

  I lean forward, clasping my hands on the desk. “Long as you work under me,” I say as she throws me a look.

  “Well, looks like you’ll be here until doomsday otherwise.”

  This is true.

  “What about the Stone Crow?”

  “I only work four nights a week.”

  I really don’t like her working there. If she sticks around, which I plan on trying to make happen for a while longer, then she’s gonna have to quit that shit. I’m all for women’s independence, but not when it comes at the expense of other dudes checking out my woman.

  My woman?

  Oh my, how the mighty have fallen, I have to get a grip and fast.

  She looks toward the tray. “May I?”

  I nod. “Go ahead.”

  She picks up a stack and runs through the pages quickly. “Some of these date back three months ago.”

  “Yeah, no shit.”

  She frowns again. “Why do they say COD or check?”

  I shrug. “Because that’s how they pay.”

  “No credit card machine? They all get invoiced?”

  “The smaller jobs pay cash and the bigger jobs and corporate shit gets invoiced.”

  “You need to have a decent payment system, it would clear up a lot of unnecessary work.”

  “Too complicated,” I mutter, it gives me a headache thinking about it.

  “It’s not that hard, Steel,” she says, eyeing me. She may be getting the picture that I don’t like change. “Honestly, I could help you set it up.”

  I like that she wants to help me, even if she doesn’t want to work for me.

  “You’d do that for me?” I stare at her. Why would she wanna help me? She barely knows me.

  She nods, she actually looks a bit excited about the prospect. “As long as I don’t have to start calling you boss,” she stifles a laugh.

  “Only in the bedroom,” I grunt.


  “But we haven’t discussed the terms yet.”


  “Yes, starting with appropriate office attire,” I pull at her singlet top with my finger.

  “You’re not seriously going to tell me what I can and can’t wear, are you?”

  Shit. Yes, I am, then I remember she’s not part of the Rebels, she’s not a club girl, and she sure as hell ain’t my ol’ lady. Remembering her in my cut from the other night has me stirring in my overalls again. Five minutes ago, I didn’t want a permanent piece, now I’m imagining her in my club colors.

  “We’ll discuss this later,” I say, wanting to deliberately change the subject. “First, I wanna go and see what Max has in that shed, then I’m gonna go smash Jack in the teeth for trying to rip you off.”

  “Are you always this brash?”

  When it comes to Bracken Ridge Rebels property, yes. She doesn’t realize it yet, but the protection order means that she is part of the club, even if Hutch means temporarily. And I don’t mind the sound of that, not one bit.

  “Yes, babe,” I say, giving her a quick peck, “so you better get used to it.”



  Clearly, I’ve lost my mind. I just had sex in Steel’s office. I don’t even kn
ow who I am anymore or what’s come over me. To top it off, he insisted on going to Max’s on his bike, which he calls a sled… I have no idea why, and I end up on the back.

  Maybe I’ve lost all of my sense and sensibility, or maybe I never had any.

  Being with him complicates things, I mean, I know it’s just sex and I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, but it feels different to anyone I’ve been with before. Him being a biker though, that isn’t something I’m sure about, but this isn’t a long-term thing. My brain is telling me to run, my body is telling me to shut the hell up and go with it, my heart; well, it can’t keep up with any of it, it is just along for the ride.

  He’s probably been with boatloads of women, he’s clearly very experienced, what’s more, he probably told them all the nice things too. So, there’s really no use getting all attached, all I am right now is the new shiny toy in town, something new to play with—nothing more.

  When we get to the shed, he digs out a large torch from the saddle bag of his bike, I unlock the padlock and he shines it while I follow behind, he peels the covers all the way back, muttering under his breath at each one as he makes his way deeper into the back.

  He has a good look at the black Mustang. “All the interior is original,” he says almost in wonder, ducking his head through the door as it creaks open. “Looks to be in good condition considering it’s been here for so long, at least there’s no water damage because it’s been kept undercover.”

  The cherry red Alfa Romeo is in a similar condition, though the paint has faded severely. Then he tells me there’s a 1954 silver Mercedes-Benz, a 1957 Chevy Bel Air that used to be green, now it just looks murky, a beat-up Cadillac Series 62, and a gold Chevy Camaro. They all just look old to me but it seems Max was an avid collector.

  “Seems dear old dad had a few projects he never got around to,” he muses when he’s finished his inspection; he lets out a low whistle.

  “Are they worth anything?”

  He glances at me. “Yeah, princess, they are.”

  He seems pleased. I remember him saying something earlier about restoring cars and bikes.

  I decide to probe a little. “Do you like these kinds of cars?”

  He smirks. “Oh yeah.”

  “I guess that old saying is true; they don’t make them like they used to.”


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