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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

Page 21

by Mackenzy Fox

  “Yeah?” she says, I can see she has a whole boatload of liquid courage in the form of Ginger’s cocktails. “Well, better get used to it.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t think so, babe, the only way you’re gonna be in charge is in the bedroom and when I say so, like right now.”

  “Not in front of your brothers though, right? Wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation and all,” she fires back.

  Oh, she has a bit to learn with the lip, and I want to be the one to teach her smart mouth, yeah, that could be fun.

  “Yeah, that’s how us cavemen work, haven’t you heard?”

  “If the shoe fits.”

  “How many drinks did you have?”

  She bites her lip. “Two.”

  I bet they were double strength, she’s definitely got some gumption from somewhere.

  I come toward her. “You can be a spitfire in here, babe, but not down there.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  I look down at her, she’s so goddamn beautiful, my chest lurches at the sight of her and the tent in my pants ain’t getting’ any smaller.

  I cock my head to one side. “You don’t want to?”

  “I didn’t say that, it’s just hypothetical.”

  “You can walk out that door, babe, but I don’t think you really want that, do you?”

  Her eyes drop to my lips but I’m not gonna cave, she can show me she wants this.

  After a few moments, she shakes her head. “I don’t want to go.”

  I refrain from a smug expression, she might just wipe it off.

  “Show me.”

  She gulps. “I don’t know how.”

  I can’t help it, I brush a hand down the side of her face gently. “Just do what you want to me,” I tell her in a low voice, “I won’t stop you.”

  “You have to do what I say?” she questions in a whisper.

  I grin. “In here? Yeah, babe, I do. I want you bad, so come on and stop teasin’ me, tell me what you want and I’ll do it, take what you want, princess, make me yours.”

  I’m so turned on and excited by this that I’m amazed at my willpower. I normally would be on top of her going to town by now. Instead, I stand, hard as a rock, hoping she’ll take me up on the challenge. Oh, I don’t mind these kinds of games at all, not one bit.

  “Where do you want me?” I ask with a lopsided half-smile, and then I wait.


  I stare at the brute towering over me, submitting to me, and I can barely breathe. He’s standing there waiting for me to direct him, and he’s not touching me. I want him to touch me.

  “Is this where you bring other girls?” I say.

  His eyebrows crease in response.

  “Hasn’t been that many lately.”

  “Thought you said three weeks was the longest.”

  One side of his mouth turns up. “I may have under exaggerated on that.”

  Well, this could be interesting if I let it.

  He’s willing to do anything I say. Hmm, I could work this to my advantage.

  I glance down his entire length, he’s a God. “Take your cut off,” I say.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He proceeds to do so and hangs his jacket on the back of the chair. His eyes are dark as he watches me.

  I lick my lips. “Pull your shirt off too.” He does the same and lays it over the top of his cut. I take a good long hard look at his body from his face to belt buckle. My, my, he’s a sight. His tatts are so badass, I think he knows it as he looks up at me with sexy eyes.

  “You likin’ this a little too much, babe?”

  “Boots,” I say, ignoring him.

  He makes a snorting sound but complies, kicking them off, then ultimately bends to straighten them up neatly—the neat freak that he is.

  “Undo your jeans.”

  He does.

  My heart accelerates, he’s turned on too. I’m so glad I had two cocktails or I’d never have the gall to do this.

  With our eyes locked, I shrug out of my jacket and pull the bodysuit open at the front. My black lacy bra comes into view and I watch as he swallows hard, looking down at me.

  “Pull them off, boxers too.”

  I watch as he follows my orders, hoping he’ll just take over and put his mouth on me, but he doesn’t, once they’re folded up too, his gaze is back on me.

  I look down at his wood and shake my head at his length; he’s hard as a rock and ready to go, his dick hangs heavily between his legs.

  “Somebody did miss me,” I breathe.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Touch yourself.”

  He grabs his dick and starts to pull on it, his eyes still on me. I bite my lip and proceed to reach around to my clasp and undo my bra. I fling it at him and he catches it in his other hand. His eyes shift down to my breasts as I touch them, pushing them together like he likes.

  “You getting off on watching me?” I purr, being in charge is fun, I think I like it.

  “Fuck yeah, pull on them.”

  “Shoosh,” I say, his eyes flick to mine and they crinkle from his half-smile. “I’m in charge, remember? Pull on it harder.”

  He does and the sight of him jacking himself off while watching me is such a beautiful thing that it may be ingrained into my brain forevermore. His tight torso flexes with every move.

  “Come here,” I say, “put your mouth on me.”

  He smirks, still holding himself, and stalks toward me. “Where do you want my mouth?”

  I motion to my breasts as he drops to his knees and takes them in his hands. He rubs his thumbs over my hard peaks and I close my eyes as he takes one into his mouth and sucks, then repeats the motion on the other side. I’m lost when he does this.

  “Take your pants off,” he tells me.

  “You don’t get to decide that, lover boy,” I say sweetly, taking my job a little too seriously. I reach down and grasp his length in my hand and he shudders. He’s so hard it’s ridiculous.

  “I think I like you bossy,” he tells me in between sucks.

  “Put your hand in my pants.”

  He moves his mouth down my torso and pushes me back toward the bed, he follows me on his knees, he reaches and undoes my top button as he shrugs my jeans to my knees and I sit down on the edge of the mattress.

  He pulls my lace panties aside and rubs two fingers through my heat. His eyes dance with mischief.

  “Very wet, babe, you sure you don’t want my mouth there?”

  I don’t get time to answer, he rubs my sweet spot back and forth lightly with his fingertips, then he circles around and around until my breathing hitches and I know I’m going to lose it.

  “Jayson…” I wail. “Oh, God, yes, yes, yes!” I throw myself back onto the bed as the convulsions run through me and he dips a finger inside and pumps me slowly in and out, curling his fingers, his pace is maddening. I feel him unzipping my boots and then he pulls them and my jeans off as well as my panties. He replaces his fingers with his mouth as he lifts my legs and plants my feet on the bed so I’m open to him. His tongue licking me and sucking is my undoing and it doesn’t take long before I’m there again, bucking off the bed like a mad woman, especially when he curls his fingers up inside me again, taking me to new heights that I’ve never experienced before. I’m so lost in all the sensations going on, I forget where I am.

  “You like that, princess?”

  I have no words, literally, I’m shaking. He kisses my thigh, his beard scorching my skin on every single touch.

  “Where you want me now?”

  “Standing,” I pant.

  “You on the pill?” he asks suddenly. My eyes go wide. I shake my head.

  “That’s something we might have to remedy, babe, feels better without a wrap, for you and for me. I’m clean. I’ve always worn one.”

  “Shut up and put one on,” I say. His chest rumbles from his laugh as I watch his naked ass go over to the chair and he fishes out his wallet. He rolls one on by the
time he gets back.

  “Kiss me first.” I reach for him.

  He comes over the top of me and we kiss almost violently, I can feel his hard length pressing against my thigh, his tongue commands mine, I clutch onto his neck like I may never let go and moan into his mouth.

  “I want you standing,” I manage before he smirks into my skin again, pulling back to look at me.

  “You’re kind of enjoying this, aren’t you, my little spitfire?”

  I shrug. “Me being in charge may not happen again, so better make the most of it.”

  “Oh, it’ll be happening, tie me up for all I care.”

  My brows rise in surprise. “Now you’re giving me ideas.”

  He stands and pulls me back down the bed, holds my ankles with my legs resting against his chest, and slowly slides into me. It’s a different position but it feels oh so good. He takes it slow—in, out, in, out—he closes his eyes.

  “Look at me,” I say, suddenly I’m hell and ready. Thank you, Tequila Sunrise.

  “Can’t, babe,” he says, his eyes squeezed shut. “I’ll lose it if I do.”

  “Better not, I’m not done yet… oh, God! Oh, God!” He adjusts his hips just as I say the words and gives me a thrust at the end; I want him to quicken the pace because this is maddening. I come hard and when I open my eyes, I see he’s looking down at where we’re joined as he continues his torture.

  “Jesus, fuck,” he mutters. “You look so good, babe, this is mine, you hear me? Mine. I want you so bad and I’m gonna have you.”

  I watch with satisfaction at his undoing. It’s a glorious thing to witness.

  “Flip me over,” I say breathlessly. Who am I?

  He pulls out, flips me over, and pulls my hips back then pushes my head into the duvet, my ass is in the air, then sinks back in, I hear him let out a hiss. “You’re killin’ me, babe.”

  He slides in and out as my hands clutch the duvet and hang on. Ah, God, it feels so good, he’s big but he always makes sure I’m ready for him before he devours me. He’s such an unselfish lover.

  “I want you, Steel, harder.”

  He grunts and picks up the pace, his hands grip my hips firmly. “What’s my name, babe?”

  “Ahhh… Jayson.” It comes out like a never-ending moan.

  “Tell me.”

  “Harder, I need you harder, baby, give it to me.”

  He complies, grunting, thrusting hard, so hard the bed begins to bang against the wall.

  “So tight, Sienna, so beautiful, you’re a naughty girl turnin’ me on like this, you in those boots, goddamn, I want you naked wearin’ only those next time.”

  I cry out again as he reaches under my torso and flicks my clit with his fingers. I convulse like I’ve never done before; I’m seeing stars for several seconds in the aftermath.

  “Tell me I’m yours,” he moans.


  “Tell me I’m yours, I’m gonna come so hard.”

  “I’m yours!” I pant.

  He grunts once, twice, then stills as I feel him let go as he convulses with a shudder ripping through him, he moans the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

  He squashes my butt down to the bed and collapses on top of me. We’re so hot and sweaty, and thank God for the music or they’d have heard us on the other side of town.

  I don’t think I’ve ever climaxed so hard. Sweat covers my entire body.

  “That was so hot,” I say, my words mumbled into the duvet. He lifts up and then pulls out and rolls off me, landing at my side.

  “You’re gonna give me a heart attack,” he says, completely out of breath. I’ve given him a workout then, good.

  “I like being yours,” I say before I can help it. He rolls on his side as I put my head up, still face-down.

  “This is a thing,” he tells me, brushing my wet hair off my face.

  I let out a slow breath. “Maybe it is.”

  He kisses me chastely. “Don’t make me wait for sex for twenty-four hours again.”

  I poke him in the arm. “Technically, you were the one who stood me up, remember?”

  He smiles softly, he looks… happy.

  “Never wanted anything so bad,” he mutters as his lips hover over mine. “What spell have you put on me, Sienna Morgan?”

  “The same one you put on me?” I breathe.

  He smirks, runs a hand down my arm, and cups one cheek of my ass. “Think about stayin’.”

  I look at him with wide eyes. “Steel… I-I don’t know.”

  “Think about it, that’s all I’m sayin’.” He kisses me quickly and gets up wandering into the bathroom, I hear the toilet flush a few moments later and the faucet run.

  What is happening here? This is more than just sex, even I can admit that. We have a connection, he feels it too. He’s asking me to stay.

  What have I realistically got waiting for me back home? The thought of leaving him and being without his warmth makes me shudder. I’m falling for him. It hits me with full force.

  I mean, how does that even happen after such a short space of time? I have no fricking clue but I know how I feel, or maybe I’m just still in the throes of the orgasm after-shocks and I’ll agree to anything. That’s a possibility, the man can move. But he’s very sweet too, he takes his time, makes sure I’m satisfied, and in his own gruff way, he seems to enjoy himself.

  He wants me to think about staying.

  For the first time in my life, I’m at a crossroads and I have no idea what to do.



  Days turn into weeks and things just seem to get better and better. My office shit is getting cleared, there’s overdue money rolling in and I’ve got a hot little office girl bossing me around, well, in the bedroom anyway. Life couldn’t be sweeter. Rocky has turned into a little dude, he’s put on weight and even lets us pat him, Sienna has been taking him and Lola for walks to the park and she takes photos of them nonstop.

  I don’t know when this happened, this aching need that I have for her that’s taken over me. She’s even been upstairs into my apartment, which she likes, and I’ve fucked her in my bed too, I let that sink in for a few days before I did it again. She’s not needy like other girls are, she doesn’t expect anything from me but I find myself wanting to give her it all. I wasn’t looking for anyone permanent but it seems I was looking for so much more, I just didn’t know it. I don’t know where it leaves us but at least she hasn’t run away.

  It’s Wednesday night and I’m locking up the garage after another crazy day. Sienna’s finishing up too, my little pocket-rocket has everything filed nicely and my office doesn’t represent a bomb exploding anymore. She hasn’t said anything more about staying and I haven’t asked her again, I don’t want to pressure her.

  “I’ve got something to show you, if you’re up for a drive,” I say, leaning on the side of the door jam, watching her.

  She wears these glasses when she’s on the computer for a long time, I can’t get enough of her in office attire. She’s had to stop wearing anything low-cut because I don’t want anyone looking at her tits except me, and I’ve been paying them good attention for the last two weeks, we haven’t spent one night apart.

  “Oh yeah, big guy? Better be something I haven’t seen before.”

  I purse my lips and move in, leaning over the desk, she lifts off the chair and we kiss over the top of it. It’s mushy and pathetic but if I start, I’m not gonna be able to stop so I pull back.

  “I gotta get the dogs ready though.”

  “We’re going out?” she seems disappointed.

  “Don’t worry, it’ll be worth it.” I give her a wink and disappear.

  I haven’t shown her my cage yet—a fully restored 1951 GMC 100 black pick-up, it’s basically a hard-on on wheels. I restored it myself painstakingly and it took me over a year in between jobs. I can’t wait to take her on the hood.

  “This is your ride?” she says when I switch the lights on next door in the
second garage that we use for storage.

  “Yep.” I’m just a little bit proud.

  “Wow, this is so cool, it’s very you, very badass.”

  I snort. “Well, it took me over a year and a lot of coin, but it came up good.”

  She turns to look at me. “You did all of this?”

  “Everything except the paint job.”

  She looks bewildered. “No wonder you like restoring if this is how old things can look with a bit of TLC.”

  Speaking of which, the cars from Max’s are in storage until an auction comes up, I want her to get the best price possible, and right now isn’t a great time for selling but things will turn around.

  “If you have the patience, time, and money, yeah.”

  “Could you do up Max’s cars?”

  I shrug. “It would take a lot of time, I don’t have the resources right now or the guys to work on restoration full-time.”

  “But could you expand? If you did this, you clearly have a talent.”

  One day, I’ll show her my portfolio of cars and bikes I’ve done up, I’m pretty proud of it, but time is of the essence at the moment and we need to get on the road.

  I shake my head, pick up Rocky, and put him on the front seat, Lola jumps up all by herself. They both have little woolly onesie outfits on, the nights can get chilly where we’re going.

  “One day,” I shrug, “get in.”

  I drive us up to the ridge near the Canyon, it’s off a dirt road, it’s got one of the best views in Bracken Ridge and as being in a state park, there’s a lot of places to stop and look at the view. People come in the summer time with picnics and to hike the gorges. This time of year, there aren’t many tourists or campers, so when we get to one of my favorite lookouts, I’m happy to see it’s deserted. I reverse park so the boot is facing the edge of the Canyon and I shut off the engine.

  “Wow,” Sienna says as I turn to her.

  “Yeah, babe.”

  The sunset is gonna be a beauty tonight; it’s already a mish-mash of orange and pink as the sun slowly makes its way toward the horizon.


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