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Bears of Burden Complete Series Box Set

Page 44

by Candace Ayers

  I needed to move, do something, but my feet were planted firmly where I stood. I knew that I was in trouble, and the new me was secretly thrilled.

  Sam stepped even closer, his body inches from mine, but still not touching. His eyes flicked down to my mouth and then his thumb came up and tugged my bottom lip out from between my teeth.

  Some wild hussy possessed me at that moment, and instead of being the old Presley, I parted my lips and gently took his thumb into my mouth. The taste of his skin exploded on my tongue, warm and sweet, like the milk chocolate I used to sneak from my mother’s secret stash when no one was looking. He felt just as pleasurable, just as forbidden, but there was no one around to tell me no. I stroked my tongue across his skin, only to find that every little bit of his thumb tasted just as delicious as the last.

  Sam growled again and caught my chin in his hand. He tipped my head up as his thumb slid from my mouth with an audible pop. His eyes bored into mine as he inched closer, his body barely brushing against mine.

  I felt drunk and it had nothing to do with the mixed drink I’d had back at my new place. It was something sexual and heady that was getting to me, sucking me in and chewing me up until all that remained was a pile of boneless woman, barely able to keep her knees closed.

  I sucked in a sharp breath as his hand claimed the skin at my side, his still damp thumb stroking close to my exposed navel. I wanted to ask what was happening, but I couldn’t redirect the energy coursing through me away from my core and to my brain. I was lost to whatever strange chemical magic was happening between us.

  I should’ve been afraid of the overwhelming feelings, but the newer, wild me, the ones with friends, and makeup, and a margarita in her, embraced it as easily as I embraced oxygen. A little voice in the back of my head told me I’d be a fool to push this away.



  I couldn’t remember why I’d planned on taking it slow with Presley. Something about a boyfriend, but my bear wasn’t hearing it. Seeing her had soothed him momentarily, but he was restless again. I couldn’t smell anyone else on her, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to smell myself on her. I needed her to wear my scent.

  If she’d shown any sign of not wanting me, I would’ve battled myself right out the door and dealt with it, but she’d sucked my thumb into her mouth and I knew the apron was doing nothing to hide my steel erection.

  She looked like a fucking goddess with her long hair trailing down to her ass, the soft blonde waves begging for me to run my fingers through them. Her wide sky blue eyes were burning into me even as her hands left scorching touches as she ran them up my arms and let them rest on my chest.

  I couldn’t hold out. I trailed my arms around her waist and caught the bottom of her ass in my hands before lifting her against my body. She locked her legs around my waist and I grunted as her skirt blocked my body from rubbing against hers. I wanted her naked.

  She locked her arms around my neck and lowered her mouth to my ear. “Where are we going?”

  Her soft voice had me damn near sprinting out of the bar. I looked both ways, trying to decide where to take her, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. My house wasn’t far, but I didn’t know if I could make it that far. Especially when her hands roamed over my head, caressing my scalp.

  She looked down at my mouth and then fluttered her lashes at me while biting her lip. I could hear her heart pounding and her scent was rolling over me in waves making my mouth water.

  Unable to resist, I lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her. Her lips were soft and plump under my mine and I knew I was hers. There was no way back now, if there ever had been a way. I tasted her lips, lightly running my tongue over them, gently exploring her. Strawberry was my reward and my bear wanted to roar, he was so happy.

  I pulled away and walked a few more feet before the urge was too strong. Pinning her against the side of the bar, I kissed her again. Tilting my head, I angled our mouths and gently pulled her bottom lip into my mouth, lightly biting it.

  Presley moaned in my arms. She stroked her tongue over my lips and pulled back. “You taste like chocolate here, too.”

  “I have to get you to a bed.” I pushed against the bar and ate up the ground under my feet in long, strong strides. The motion caused Presley’s body to bounce against mine and I had to stop twice more on the way to my house, once to pin her against someone’s garage, and then against a tree, so I could kiss her senseless.

  When I finally pressed her against the door to my house, I was barely holding onto any control I’d ever pretended to have. Something about the woman in my arms called to my bear in a savage, primal way that didn’t allow for questions.

  I reached down to grab the bottom of her skirt. Yanking it up, I skimmed my hands up her calves and thighs. Swallowing her soft moan, I caught her ass in one hand and leaned back far enough to get the skirt bunched up between us and yank the apron off. When I pressed into her again, my dick pressed against her hot, damp panties.

  A small gasp tore from Presley’s lips and she dropped her head back to rest against the door. “Sam…”

  I rocked my hips into her while gripping her ass and pulling her harder into me. I buried my face in her neck and tasted her skin. Stars threatened to explode behind my eyes as my senses cried out in pleasure. She tasted like heaven.

  “Inside.” I tried to grab at the door handle, but a sudden cry from her soft lips stopped me.

  Her fingers dug into my shoulders and her thighs locked around my hips. “Sam…”

  I rocked into her faster, rubbing against her core until her mouth fell open and she called my name louder. Her panties grew damper and my control slipped.

  I threw the door open and let the momentum send us tumbling onto my couch. I braced the fall with one hand on the couch and one hand under her head. Staring down at her, I couldn’t help the grin I felt shaping my mouth. She was stunning.

  I winked at her before moving to the floor and slipping my hands under her skirt again. Edging my fingers into the lace at her hips, I carefully and slowly pulled them down. The white lace became visible at her knees and I groaned. “Fucking sexy.”

  She watched me as I caught the band of her skirt at her waist and pulled that down, too. Her lip was caught between her teeth again and I growled.

  Baring her body to my hungry eyes, I suddenly worried about coming early. She was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. I rubbed my hands up her legs and grabbed her hips to scoot her closer to me.

  Her gasp caused me to search her face. “I’ve never…”

  My bear preened at the idea of being her first in this pleasure. I pressed a kiss to her inner thigh and held her gaze. “I want to taste you.”

  Lowering my face, I trailed kisses from her thigh to the crease between her leg and core. I grazed my lips over hers and looked up at her to find her already panting. Wanting to prolong her pleasure, but not having the patience to, I dipped my tongue into her and growled as her taste exploded on my tongue. I gripped her legs a little too tightly as I pushed farther into her and then dragged my tongue up to her clit.

  When I circled it with my tongue and then sucked it into my mouth, her cry was broken and ragged. I devoured her core that way, long slow licks and then hard suctions that made her fingers dig into my scalp. I could’ve spent the rest of my life there, morning, noon, and night.

  After another orgasm rocked her body, Presley had other ideas, though. She dragged me higher, her fingers locked into my head so tight that I had no choice but to go with her.

  She kissed me, her tongue slipped into my mouth and brushing over mine. Her hands trailed down my back, palms wide open, touching as she went.

  I scooped her into my arms and stood up. “Bed. Or something.”

  My eyes caught my kitchen table and it was close enough. I swiped my arm across it, throwing the books and junk mail that’d been stacked there to the ground. I put her down at the edge of the table and grabbed the tiny tank top she was wearing. Pulling it o
ver her head, I caught sight of her chest and swore.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.” I bent over and took one of her pale pink nipples into my mouth, drawing a moan from her.

  She gripped her legs around my waist and dragged me closer to her. “I need you.”

  Those words were the most beautiful words I’d ever heard. I cupped her face in my hands, and held her lust-filled gaze as I palmed myself in the other hand and rubbed my tip up and down her wet folds. Knowing I was already too far gone to last for long, I lined our bodies up and slowly pressed forward.



  I arched my back and wrapped my arms around Sam’s shoulders as he filled me. My body stretched and throbbed around him, adjusting to his girth. He didn’t break eye contact as he slid slowly until he was finally pressed fully against me, his entire length inside me.

  Instantly, I felt a thread of attachment form between us. Staring into his deep eyes, I felt things that I’d never felt for anyone else. Fear threatened to creep into my consciousness, but then Sam gyrated his hips, and my brain went dumb.

  He slowly withdrew and then pressed into me again, setting a slow and steady rhythm that felt so much calmer than the trip from the bar. I moved my arms around his neck and pulled at his hair.

  Sam captured my lips in a soft kiss that stole my breath. When he leaned back and looked at me again, the strain of keeping the slow rhythm was clear on his face.

  I dug my fingers into his back and he slid into me faster. I moaned at the sensation and nodded. “More.”

  Sam hurried his pace and his hands clenched on my ass, dragging me closer to the edge of the table.

  I couldn’t help the cry that left my throat when his thrusts grew harder. I bit down hard on my lip and tried to keep my eyes on his. My body wound tighter and tighter, the pressure building in me until I thought I’d explode from it all.

  Sam growled loudly and the vibrations from his chest against mine started my undoing. The pressure snapped and white hot pleasure shot through my body, tightening my body around him until he buried his head against my neck and his thrusts grew erratic.

  I gasped as waves of pleasure crashed over me and then fell into an even stronger orgasm when Sam sank his teeth into my neck. I drew my nails down his back as I felt him release hot, pulsing jets inside me, his teeth still firmly on my neck.

  Pleasure like I’d never known wreaked havoc on my body until I was limp in his arms, completely spent and still pulsing around him. He let go of my neck and trailed his tongue over my skin, sending another, weaker wave of pleasure through my body. I moaned and shook my head.

  “Can’t take anymore.”

  With a deep chuckle, he pulled out of me and picked my completely relaxed body up. He carried me into the kitchen and put me down on a counter while he grabbed a towel and wet it in the sink. Coming back to me, he gently cleaned between my legs while kissing me.

  My heart sped up, feelings rushing forward that I couldn’t ignore. I felt the connection between us, almost as a separate living entity. My body seemed to pull towards him as though we were magnetized. The hairs on my arms, the core of me, the very blood in my veins arched towards him when he moved away to drop the towel into the sink.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t last. When the realization of what I’d just done had finally sunk in, I felt an icy chill run through my veins. Sam still thought I was with Matt. I’d slept with Sam while pretending to be dating his cousin. Worse, he’d slept with me, knowing that I was dating his cousin. Despite trying to become a new woman, here I was, back to my old ways.

  I slipped off the counter and rushed into the living room, suddenly desperate to get clothes back on my body.

  “Whoa, where are you going?”

  I grabbed my tank top and wiggled my head and arms through it, the familiar shame washing over me. I couldn’t find my panties, so I just grabbed my skirt and stepped into it. “I… I have to go. I messed up again.”

  Sam caught me around my waist and tugged my body into his. “What are you talking about?”

  Panic grew as my mind wrapped itself around reality. Sam slept with me thinking I was in a relationship with his cousin. He knew we couldn’t be together, but he’d still taken me home with him from the bar and slept with me. Sam, the man-slut. He wasn’t the kind of guy I could trust my heart with. Now that the deed was done, he’d be content for us to go our merry way. Maybe he was figuring that Matt wouldn’t find out. I had real, live, pulsing feelings for the man, and that scared the hell out of me because, in that moment, he reminded me of Kyle. Kyle, who’d managed to break my heart without ever fully having it. What damage could Sam do?

  “Matt… I have to go. I have to leave now.” I pulled away from him and hurried to the door.

  “Fuck. I’m sorry, Presley. Stay. Let’s talk. I’ll explain this to Matt. He’ll understand.”

  His words sent me running faster. He wanted me to stay? It was even worse that I feared. If he chased me, I wouldn’t be able to resist falling for him for long. In fact, I didn’t even know him and I was already there. It didn’t make any sense.

  “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  I jerked open the door and took off at a sprint towards Matt’s house. Gathering my skirt in my hands, I ran as fast as I could.

  When I realized that Sam hadn’t chased me, my disappointment annoyed me. He let me have the space I’d insisted on, yet instead of being relieved, I felt crushed.

  I ran so hard that I was panting and clutching at my cramping sides by the time I got to Matt’s place. His truck was in the driveway, luckily, and by the time I made it to his porch, he was coming outside, his face a mask of confusion and worry.

  “What’s wrong? What happened?” He tilted his head back and inhaled slowly. “Fuck.”

  I doubled over and rested my hands on my knees, sucking in air. “I…messed…up.”

  Mabel ran out, her big ears flopping, and threw her body against mine. I toppled over backwards, flat on my back. She took the chance to cover my face in her kisses.

  Matt whistled, more of an exclamation than a call to his dog. “Sam, huh?”

  I looked up, blocking Mabel’s slobbery tongue with my hand. “How did you know?”

  He grinned. “I can smell him all over you.”

  I looked down at myself and blushed. “You can—How?”

  “Let’s just say that there are some interesting things you’re going to learn in the next little while.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Even though my cousin slept with my fake girlfriend behind my back, I’m going to do him a solid. Come on, Presley. I have some things to explain to you.”



  I waited as long as I could before going to talk to Matt. I felt like a backstabbing asshole, but I’d lost control. That was the only excuse I could give him for what I’d done with his girlfriend. Well, that and the fact that she was my mate. All I could do now was be honest with him and hope that he understood.

  Who was I kidding? Of course, he wouldn’t understand. I’d not only had sex with his girlfriend, I’d marked her. I still couldn’t believe I’d lost control quite so thoroughly and completely.

  It was almost midnight, and while I should’ve waited until morning, I couldn’t do it. I felt like a slimy dicknugget, but I also felt calmer and more at peace than I had since meeting Presley. She was mine. She felt what I felt, I was certain. I just had to figure out why she was running from me. Was it loyalty to Matt, or was there something more?

  Matt’s truck wasn’t in the driveway when I pulled in, but I figured that due to the late hour, he’d probably be getting home soon. Sure enough, I no sooner killed my engine than I heard his truck coming down the road. I got out and sat on his porch steps, getting ready for what I hoped wasn’t going to be too horrible a beating. I would let Matt hit me all he wanted. I deserved it. I should’ve talked to him first.

  He got out of his truck and came at me slowly. “You’ve v
isited me a lot today.”

  “We need to talk.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, we do. I just drove Presley home to her new place.”

  I stood up and pulled my baseball hat off. “So, you know?”

  “That you marked my so-called girlfriend? Yeah, I know.”

  I stuffed the hat in my back pocket and held my arms out at my side. “Go ahead, hit me. I’m not going to fight back. I messed up.”

  “Messed up how? By marking her?”

  My mouth snapped shut. While the timing hadn’t been right, marking her had been. She was mine and I was going to be with her. There was no stopping it.

  “Didn’t think so.”

  “Fuck. I’m sorry, Matt. I should’ve come and talked to you. I just… It just happened. I lost control and it just happened. I know it’s a lame excuse, but the pull of the mate bond is so fucking strong.”

  He shook his head and grinned. “Shit, as much as I would love to stretch this out longer, you look pathetic and I feel sorry for you.”

  “You feel sorry for me?”

  He nodded. “Presley and I weren’t dating, Sam. She’s not my girlfriend. She’s just a friend, a good friend that I care deeply about, but just a friend.”


  He shrugged. “It wasn’t my idea, that’s for sure. She just panicked when she met you. Said that the feelings were too much for her and she did the first thing she could think of to keep you away.”

  I bent over and sucked in a much needed breath of air. “Holy shit. She—what? Why? Why would she do that?”

  “Come on in for a drink. I have some shit to tell you that you’re going to be interested in.”

  I nodded. “A Drink sounds perfect.”

  I had the next day off and I woke up earlier than normal to get ready for my day. I felt like a teenage boy, showering and swiping too much gel in my hair just to have to shower it out again. I pulled on my good jeans and a T-shirt that was mostly still in one piece before heading towards the veterinary clinic.


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