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Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2)

Page 9

by C. M. Allen

  The man he called Buzz looked up at both Gunner and Axle before returning his glare at Maverick. “I didn’t do shit to this club and the fact you are accusin՛ me is bullshit!” he slammed his fist down onto the table to punctuate his angry words.

  “Last chance to show some fuckin՛ respect for your brothers and come clean.” Maverick warned him.

  The man just glared back at him with hate in his eyes.

  Lifting his chin at Gunner and Axle, they both grabbed an arm and picked Buzz up out of his chair as he tried to fight them off “Are you all just goin՛ to let him do this to me with no proof?!” he shouted at everyone in the room.

  “He has a point, Mav. What proof do you have against him to back up this claim that he’s a rat.?” One of the men asked.

  Taking a deep breath, Maverick stood up. “Seems our brother here has been runnin՛ his mouth to a DEA Agent by the name of Dekes, who turns out is a lot more than just a mere agent for the government. Dekes is the man who kidnapped Harper and tried to kill Vulture! Our brother still lies in a coma right now because of him!” Murmurs filled the room at his words.

  “That’s bullshit! He’s lyin՛ to all of you!”

  Maverick stood there and folded his arms over his chest before he motioned to Butch. Getting out of his chair, Butch walked over to the double set of doors we all sat behind and opened them up to reveal a teary-eyed Roxy. I shared another look with Ava, but this time it was one of satisfaction, knowing that she was in fact spying outside the office when we caught her, and she was finally going to go down for whatever else she’d done right alongside Buzz.

  Butch pulled her inside and brought her to Maverick at the head of the table. “Start talkin՛, Roxy.”

  She visibly shook as she ran down her story about Dekes showing up at the strip club and blackmailing her with her son’s life, making me almost feel sorry for her. But I knew that bitch was all too happy to tell Dekes where I was. It wasn’t hard to see that she wanted Maverick all to herself.

  When she finished her story, Buzz spoke up again. “This fuckin՛ whore betrayin՛ the club doesn’t prove shit!”

  Maverick began to slowly walk towards him. “You’re right. It doesn’t. But while Roxy was spillin՛ her guts about what she had done, she decided to step up and tell me about somethin՛ she had remembered seein՛ before she met Dekes. See, most of you don’t know it, but Roxy here, she has a real thing for memorizin՛ phone numbers like you wouldn’t believe. So, when she told me what number Dekes had given her, she recalled that she had seen that same number on someone’s phone before. Your phone, Buzz.”

  “That’s a God damn lie!”

  Holding his hand out towards the doors, Maverick glared at him. “Then you wouldn’t mind goin՛ and gettin՛ your phone out of the locker and lettin՛ me take a look at it, now would you?”

  Looking around the table at the other members, he tried to pull them to his side. “Come on! Are you, my brothers, really goin՛ to let him do this to me? Humiliate me like this on a whore’s word?!”

  “If it’s all bullshit then just give Prez the damn phone so we can be done with this shit already.” One of the members I’d heard called, Ink, said.

  Letting out an irritated huff, a sneer crossed his face. “Fine.” When he yanked his arms out of Gunner and Axle’s grip, he turned to walk to the lockers that they all left their guns and phones in before entering the room. Maverick nodded for Axle to follow him out. But then before he could see it coming, Buzz pulled out a small knife from his belt and stabbed Axle in the side with it. Before anyone realized what he had done, he threw the doors open and ran out, leaving the two prospects who guarded the doors, staring inside the room, wondering just what the hell went down in here. Suddenly it was like a fire just broke out in the room when every member at the table scrambled to stand up and charge through the door after him.

  “Gunner! Shoot that motherfucker in the leg and bring his ass back to me!” Maverick shouted out as he and Roman tended to Axle, who was lying on the ground.

  He gripped his side and shouted out a few curse words as he rolled around on the floor in pain. Both Ava and I ran over to see if we could help when we heard a gunshot ring out. The loud sound caused me to freeze, but Ava didn’t even flinch at it as she continued to where Axle lay. “Is he going to be ok?” she asked, trying to look at where he was gripping his side.

  “I’m goin՛ to be just fuckin՛ great after I get my hands on that piece of shit, ahhhh!” he howled out in pain.

  Seeing only a small amount of blood through his gray shirt, I knew that the wound couldn’t have been too bad. Leaning down, I asked Maverick. “Do you have a first aid kit?”

  “I’ve got it right here. Everyone just move back so I can take a look,” another member said as he kneeled down at Axle’s side. “Lift your shirt up and let me get a look at it.” When Axle lifted his shirt up, I could see what looked to be a pretty deep three-inch gash on his side. “Fuck dude, it’s just a scratch. You need to stop actin՛ like such a pussy with all your whinin՛ before I grab a tampon and stuff it in there,” he chuckled.

  “Fuck you, Sid! This shit fuckin՛ hurts like a bitch!”

  Looking at me and Ava with a smirk, Sid asked. “Pardon my bluntness but would either one of you ladies have an extra tampon I can use for my pussy brother here?” he chuckled again, causing Ava and I to laugh too.

  “God damn it, Sid! Shut the fuck up and stitch me up already,” Axle snapped back, trying to stand as Maverick and Roman helped him up.

  “We’ll be right back.” Maverick told me as he and Roman both left the room, knowing Axle would be just fine.

  A few minutes later, there was shouting and a scuffle in the front area of the club. When I looked out, I saw them dragging a bloodied Buzz inside as he fought them to get away. His leg was bleeding, and it looked like someone beat the crap out of his face pretty bad. “All you motherfuckers are dead! What you do to me don’t mean shit! You’re fucked, Prez! I made sure of it!” He laughed as Maverick ordered Gunner and Roman to take him to some shed out back.

  Realizing no one was watching Roxy, I turned to look for her, but she was gone. “Maverick! Maverick!” When he finally heard me, he looked over and I motioned to where she had been standing, “she’s gone! Roxy’s gone!”

  “Fuck! Butch! Find Roxy! She’s bolted!” he shouted before walking towards me. When he stopped in front of me, I could see the anger burning like a raging inferno in his eyes. “I need to go deal with this and find out just how much information Buzz gave Dekes on my club. I’ll be gone a few hours, so I want you to stay put up in my room with Ava where it’s safe. Lock the door and don’t let anyone in until I get back. I’m goin՛ to have Pinch stand post outside the door.”

  Thinking that he’s going a little overboard with this whole keeping me safe thing after the rats have already been found, I asked. “Is that all really necessary? You found out who the rats were already.”

  “Roxy is missin՛, and I don’t trust that bitch not to try some crazy shit just to save her own ass.”

  “What about her son? Who’s going to protect him from Dekes? When he finds out Roxy turned on him, he’s going to go after him to get back at her. He’s crazy Maverick, and I wouldn’t put it past him to sell her little boy to those human traffickers like he said he would.”

  Leaning down, he kissed me on the lips. “Always thinkin՛ of someone else, aren’t you, Sweetheart?”

  Looking up at him, I pressed my lips to his once again. “It’s not that poor boy’s fault he has a bitch like Roxy for a mother.”

  “I’ll send Ink and Chainsaw over there to get him then. Roxy might have gone home anyways when she bolted. Now, I need to go and finish this, so go get Ava and get on up to my room, ok?”

  “All right.” When I turned away from him, I couldn’t help stopping and asking him the question that burned in the back of my mind. “Maverick?”


  “Are... are you going to kill him?”<
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  Letting out a heavy breath, he walked back over to me and took me into his arms, hugging me tightly against him. “There will always be things that I will have to do as the President of this club, Harper. They may not always be things I want to do, but regardless I will do what needs to be done to protect my brothers and this club. Each member is like my family, and when shit like this happens, one of our own betrayin՛ us. Believe me when I say the last thing I want to do is kill him. But the moment he betrayed this club, he lost all of his privileges to call any of us brother. I’ve known Buzz for a lot of years now, but I won’t stand for anyone betrayin՛ this club, brother or not.”

  Trying to understand how he felt, I got it. If Ava betrayed me and put my life in danger the way Buzz has done to the club, I would never be able look at her the same way. But I don’t know that I could ever kill her. I’d probably help put her behind bars, but unless she was pointing a gun in my face, I don’t know that I ever could physically do harm to her. It all goes to show you just how different Maverick’s way of doing things was from my own.

  I’m not going to lie and say that it doesn’t bother me. I just hopped that one day the killing wouldn’t be such a necessity in his world anymore.

  “I’m trying to understand Maverick, I really am. I just hope that one day you won’t have to make these kinds of decisions about whether or not someone lives or dies anymore.”

  “Me too Sweetheart, me too. But somethin՛ tells me that until Dekes is permanently out of the picture there won’t be a chance in hell of that happenin՛ any time soon,” he kissed the top of my head. “I really need to go deal with this. Do what I said and get to my room. Pinch will be up shortly.”





  After I sent Ink and Chainsaw to Roxy’s place to get her son, I headed out back. As soon as I exited the door, Butch approached me as the rest of my men milled about and talked amongst themselves “Hey, finally found Roxy’s ass, she was hidin՛ out in the God damn shed. When Gunner opened the door to bring Buzz in, he spotted her hidin՛ in the corner. I told Cueball to lock her ass up in the empty bedroom upstairs until we finish up out here.”

  “Good. Haven’t made my mind up on her yet. Buzz secured inside the shed?”

  “He put up a good fight, but yeah, he’s secured.”

  “You know, I really had hoped this day would never come, havin՛ to do this shit to a brother. It’s the one thing my father always warned me could happen. But I never wanted to believe that one of our own could actually do some shit like this.”

  “It’s fucked up, I know. But are you really surprised that it’s Buzz that betrayed us? That motherfucker has been against us goin՛ legit from the very beginnin՛.”

  “I know. Let’s just get this shit over with. I need to know exactly what Dekes knows.”

  Walking inside the shed, the first thing I heard was Buzz yelling fuck you at Axle, who just planted his fist right in the middle of Buzz’s face. “Guess I don’t need to ask Sid how Axle’s doin՛,” I said to Butch as we moved closer to them.

  Tapping Axle on the shoulder, he turned to face me. “Just gettin՛ my licks in for this motherfucker stabbin՛ me.”

  “You done?”

  Looking back at Buzz, who had so much blood covering his face that it was almost hard to see what he looked like, he said. “For now. But I want my slice later.”

  “And you’ll have it. After, I’m done with him.”

  Nodding, he walked over to the corner and leaned on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Looking around the room, I saw my usual top five waiting for my next move. Walking closer to Buzz, who was tied to a chair, I crouched down in front of him. “Why?” Was all I asked. It was a simple question, one that I thought surprised him by the look on his face.

  “Because,” he started, but stopped to spit blood out of his mouth onto the floor. “You’re weak! You’ve made this club weak! Just like your old man did! That old bastard thought takin՛ this club legit was goin՛ to make us better than the rest, make us stronger! But all it did was make us weaker! It’s his fault I lost my Mallory that day! He knew the Slayers would try and overtake us! But he didn’t give a shit! Said that we needed to make a better path for ourselves, for our families! And look what it got us! She was pregnant. Two months,” he said in a low voice as if the memory of his loss was too painful for him to say out loud. “Did you know that? I swore that day she died in my arms that I would do everythin՛ I could to avenge her and my unborn child’s death against this club and those fuckin՛ Slayers.”

  My blood began to boil, and I knew the instant the lock slipped open on its cage and the raging beast inside of me broke free. Before I even knew what I was doing, I had my hands wrapped around his neck and I began to squeeze. “My mother and father paid with their lives that day! I paid too! I lost both of them and Nicole that day! You weren’t the only one who lost someone they loved you sonofabitch! We all did!” Releasing my hold on his throat, I pushed away from him as he gasped out for air and I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down.

  You need him alive until you know what Dekes has planned.

  I chanted these words to myself over and over as I paced back and forth. Stopping, I turned to look at him. “Tell me what Dekes is plannin՛.”

  Laughing at my question, it slowly turned into a cough. “You really think that fucker told me what he had planned? Hell, all I wanted was the money and blow he was givin՛ me. What he did to any of you fucks didn’t mean shit to me.”

  Staring at him for a moment, I decided to change tactics. “If you tell me what Dekes has planned, I’ll let you walk out of here a free man.” In my peripheral vision I could see all five of my men reacting with tense stances and curses to my proposition. But what they didn’t know, or maybe they did, was that I had no intention of letting this fucker ever walk out of here alive. He dug his grave the moment he turned on this club.

  “Don’t try and bullshit me, Prez. You ain’t goin՛ to let me live.”

  “Let’s call it even after losin՛ your old lady and unborn child. You give me the information I want, and I’ll let their sacrifices for this club be enough,” looking down at my phone, I told him. “You’ve got two minutes to make your decision before I change my mind.”

  I turned and walked over to the table with the knives, screwdrivers and saws lying on it, contemplating which one would be the most painful to die by, when he suddenly spoke up. “You really goin՛ to let me walk out of here?”

  Turning around, I held the saw with the biggest teeth on it and ran my fingers over them. “That depends on your answer.”

  Looking down, he drew in a deep breath, but before he could get one word out, Butch spoke up. “It’s the least you owe this club, Buzz. It’s the least you owe your brothers.”

  Spitting more blood out of his mouth onto the floor, he started to say his first words, but a loud booming sound rocked the whole shed. The wood on the wall splintered apart before Buzz’ head literally exploded on top of his shoulders, sending blood and brain matter flying everywhere. “Fuck! Get down!” I shouted out, drawing my weapon along with everyone else as we prepared to go to war with whoever the hell it was shooting at us.

  “What the fuck was that?!” Butch shouted out.

  “Don’t know. But if I had to guess, my money is on Dekes!” I called out back to him.

  Waiting a few beats no other shots were fired so we all started to cautiously get up, when the door to the shed flew open. All of us turned and pointed our weapons in its direction. “Whoa! Whoa! Don’t shoot! It’s just me!”

  When I saw that it was Rigs looking in, I shouted for everyone to hold their fire.

  “You guys ok in... Holy shit! That shot near blew his head clean off,” he said, looking around at the mess. “Get a hose, Cueball! Got some cleanup work for ya!” he shouted over his shoulder.

  “Anyone else hurt?” I asked, walking out.<
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  “No. It was just the one shot and it only took out the side of the shed, and apparently Buzz’ fuckin՛ head.” Sid said.

  “Did anyone see the shooter?” I asked.

  He pointed out towards the mountain side in front of the clubhouse. “No. But that shot had to have come from a high caliber weapon far away though. No trees out here to be hidin՛ in.”

  Knowing now more than ever that this had to be Dekes’ handy work, I knew that I needed everyone in my club on lock down until we could figure out if anyone else was still out there or not. “Roman! Get Harper and Ava into the safe room! Gunner, you get all the rest of the women and children down into the safe room! We need to proceed as if we are still under attack!” I shouted.

  Walking over to Butch, I told him. “I know this is Dekes we’re dealin՛ with and who knows what that fucker has planned. We need to secure the area and go on lockdown until we know just what this asshole has planned. I’m goin՛ to call Ink and Chainsaw, warn them to watch their backs.”

  “Ok, I’m goin՛ to go grab Raven and bring her down to the...” My phone ringing cut him off.


  Showing Butch the screen on my phone, I slid it open and held it up to my ear. “Yeah?”

  “Mr. Reed. Just wanted to call and let you know that I did you the favor of exterminating that rat of yours. Save you the trouble of having to do it yourself. I know how hard it can be to kill one of your own.”

  “Somehow Dekes I already fuckin՛ knew that. What is it you want?” I growled at him.

  Chuckling, he stopped abruptly. “Still think you can keep Miss. Lancaster and Miss Sabatini safe from me? You’re lucky I just wanted to kill that rat before he gave any of my secrets away and not the two women that you had stashed away in your room, Mr. Reed.”


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