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Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2)

Page 15

by C. M. Allen

  Shaking his head, he took another swig of his drink before he answered. “He needs to be put down. Those were Mr. Di Mozé’s exact words after I told him what occurred at our meeting this morning.”

  As I listened to everything that went down, I knew now more than ever that the plan Skull and I had come up with last night was the only way to get rid of this bastard and decided to let Rocco in on it. When I’d finished telling him what we had planned, he seemed to look at me with a newly found kind of respect I didn’t think he ever thought he’d find for someone like me, a gangbanger as he liked to call us.

  “I think that just might work. What do you need from me?” After I gave him the rundown of everything we’d need to make this happen, he placed a call to Mr. Di Mozé. “It’s done. When will this little surprise party of yours take place?”

  “I’m waitin՛ for Skull to make contact with Dekes and get him to believe that he wants me dead for what I did to one of his men, Worm. Once Skull convinces Dekes that he wants nothin՛ more than to see me and my club brought down for what we did, he’ll give me a call and we’ll go from there. The biggest thing is to get Dekes believin՛ that Skull and his club is at his disposal to do with as he pleases. Then, with a little suggestion from Skull on how to go about gettin՛ rid of us, we’ll hopefully be rid of this asshole.”

  “Got a question though. What makes you think Dekes will allow Skull and his men to live long enough to follow through with this plan of yours? I mean, seeing how he wants all of you in pine boxes and all.”

  “We don’t. That’s the biggest risk, tryin՛ to get Dekes to see that he needs Skull and his men to get back at me. Skull is fully aware of the risks though. The only thing they have goin՛ for them is that Dekes has no idea we’ve talked our shit out or that they know he wants them dead. As far as he’s concerned we are enemies and nothin՛ more.”

  “Well, let’s hope they’re some really good actors then.”

  Nodding my head, I stared at him for a moment, getting ready to stick my nose just where I knew it didn’t belong. “So, can I ask you somethin՛?”

  “Sure,” he shrugged his shoulders.

  “What’s the story between you and Ava?”

  Chuckling for a moment, he sat forward with his elbows on his knees. “Gotta say, I wasn’t expecting that question from you of all people, seeing how it’s your boy Roman who wanted to cut my dick off last night.”

  “Call it curiosity. If one of my men is goin՛ to be out of sorts over a woman durin՛ this whole thing I need to know about it.”

  “Look... Avanti and I dated a few years back and it just didn’t work out between us. Our lifestyles, if you will, didn’t quite align, even though her uncle is Sandro Di Mozé. I’m sure you’ve run into this problem a time or two in your lifetime, yes? Women not understanding why it is you do the things you do. Or why you lead the life in the business you do?”

  Nodding my head, I just agreed to pacify him, knowing that since Nicole the only other woman I’d ever givin՛ two shit’s about in my life was Harper. “Been there a time or two.”

  Cocking his head sideways, he ran his hand over his chin. “What I’m trying to figure out though is why she would fall for someone like Roman, seeing as how our professions are not all that different?”

  Leaning back in my chair, I let out a heavy breath. “I couldn’t even begin to explain the inner workings of a woman’s mind to you or why they do or say the shit they do, man.”

  “That woman of yours though, Harper is it? She’s ok with what you do? She seems a little... innocent and naïve to me. Not the kind of woman to get involved with the likes of you,” holding up his hands in defense, he quickly added. “No disrespect intended, just stating the obvious.”

  Smiling at the thought of just how tough Harper really was, I enlightened him. “That woman would surprise the hell out of you with just how strong she really is. Has to be to be with a man like myself. She’s been through hell and dealt with even more shit since she’s met me and still stuck by my side. More so than I think any one woman would tolerate in such a short amount of time.”

  Getting up out of his chair, he buttoned up his suit jacket. “Better not let anything happen to that one then. She sounds like a keeper. And for men like us, we don’t find that often in this life. I’ll be in touch.” With that he walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

  Never thought I would think that Rocco guy wasn’t such an asshole, but the fucker actually surprised me today.

  Once I’ve checked in on the operations and stock levels at The Bunny Bungalow, I found myself trying to peel one of the dancer’s hands off of my bicep as she tried to get me to go into the VIP room to give me a lap dance. What she didn’t know was that I already had a woman who gave the best fucking lap dances known to mankind anywhere, hands down. “Sorry Tiffany, but I’ve already got my lap dance reserved for later tonight. But thanks anyhow.”

  “Oh come on suga՛ you know you want this pussy. I’ll make it real good for ya,” she purred, running her hand over my dick before squeezing it.

  Trying to remove her hand again, I told her. “Look, like I already...”

  Before I could finish what I was about to say, I could hear someone clearing his throat very loudly right behind me over the music. Turning around, the first thing I spotted was Roman shaking his head at me, and next to him were a very beautiful, but very angry set of hazel eyes glaring back at me.

  Oh shit! No, no, no! She’s gonna think I was messing around with this dumb bitch! Fuck!

  Instantly her glare swung down to my crotch area before it landed directly on the woman, who’s hand I now noticed, was still on my dick and I quickly remove it. Walking closer to me, she bypassed me at the last second and moved to stand in front of Tiffany. Sticking her hand out towards her, she introduced herself, “hi, my name is Harper... and you are?”

  Smacking her gum, Tiffany looked her over with a glare before placing her hands on her hips. “Names Tiffany, what’s it to you?”

  Lowering her hand, Harper grinned wide with the fakest smile I’d ever seen on her. “Well Tiffany, I just wanted to introduce myself to you and let you in on a little something. See this extremely sexy man here?” She pointed her thumb over her shoulder at me. “If you or any of your little stripper skanks ever even think of putting your hands anywhere on his body ever again, I will kick the fucking shit out of your nighty, four-inch heel wearing asses. Got me?”

  Both Roman and I just stared at her in amazement as she squared off with Tiffany, throwing her claim down on me.

  Tiffany glared at her for a few beats longer before she muttered the word “whatever” and turned tail, sauntering off to the next guy she made her target.

  When Harper turned around to face me, she had a huge authentic smile on her face now. “So, I’m ready to leave now. How about you two?”

  Both Roman and I broke out in laughter before I swung my arm around her shoulders and brought her in close to kiss her. “My little closet bad ass.”

  Placing her hand on my dick, she said. “This is mine and no one else’s. And any bitch that thinks she can just go around grabbing it is in for a big surprise,” she made two fists and brought them up in a boxing motion.

  Laughing with her, I couldn’t help but kiss this beautiful woman of mine. “I thought for sure you’d read me the fuckin՛ riot act, thinkin՛ that I was allowin՛ her to do that shit.”

  Cupping my face, she kissed me. “I know your heart lies with mine Maverick, and I would have felt it being ripped out if you’d taken it back.”

  “God, I love you woman,” I picked her up off the ground and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I walked us out the doors of the club, fully ready to take my woman home.




  After I sent the message to Dekes about setting up a meeting with him, it didn’t take but two seconds for that piece of shit to get back to me with a place and a time. Texting Hatchet, I told him
to join me in the office so we could go over the plan we set up with Maverick.

  Shit, who would have ever thought our two clubs would be working together one day towards the same goal? Not me, that’s for fucking sure.

  “So, we gettin՛ ready to kill this motherfucker, or what?” Hatchet asked, walking into my office and sinking into the chair across from me.

  “That is the plan. Just got a message back from him that he wants to meet up at the same damn place we met up with him before, and this time we go it alone.”

  “That’s a damn risk, Skull. You sure you don’t want me to go and just take one of the other guys with me?”

  “Appreciate your concern for my life, but you know what happened last time we didn’t follow that assholes instructions and I don’t want to see that shit again. Right now, he thinks we’re goin՛ to be there to help him get his revenge on Maverick and the rest of them Deviant’s, so for the minute I think we’ll be safe. After that... it’s anyone’s guess. Probably be the usual shit of fightin՛ for our lives if we have to, and prayin՛ to the Devil himself that we make it out of there alive.”

  “When we meetin՛ him?”

  “It’s set for nine PM tonight, so we’ll take the SUV. Better to have that to jump into than bein՛ out there in the open on our bikes if the bullets start flyin՛ like last time.”

  “That’s for fuckin՛ sure.”

  PULLING ONTO THE OLD airfield, we both immediately spotted the two sets of headlights straight ahead. “Amazin՛, that fucker is always tellin՛ us to come alone, yet he brings a God damn army with him every time.” Hatchet bitched, echoing the same thoughts that were running through my head.

  “Yeah, this asshole likes to make his own set of rules, but never plays by em՛. All right, you ready for this shit?” I asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever fuckin՛ be to deal with this prick.”

  “Ride or die man. Let’s just hope tonight doesn’t end with the last part of that sayin՛.” I said to him, hoping this shit we were about to do didn’t piss backwards on us.

  “Amen to that, brother.”

  Stopping the car a few feet away from their two SUV’s, we both exited the vehicle and walked around to the front of it, coming to stand before Dekes. “Well, well, looks like you two learned your lesson from the last time we met out here and actually came alone tonight. Now who says you can’t teach a dying dog new tricks, huh?” he said, laughing at his own stupid joke.

  “Can we just get down to business here? I didn’t set this meetin՛ up to come out here and be insulted.” I snapped at him, barely hanging on to the rage that ignited in my blood at the very sight of him for what he did to my men the last time we met.

  “Sure, let’s get on with our meetin՛ then,” he said, still mocking me. “So, tell me, how can you possibly help me get my revenge on Maverick and the rest of those pieces of shit Deviant’s?”

  After I explained everything to him about how we could get the whole lot of them all in one place at one time to eliminate them, it wasn’t until I told him that every member in my club would be at this same location that I saw his eyes light up like the fucking fourth of July, knowing I’d just handed him a way to wipe us all out in one sweep.

  Rubbing his chin, he looked at the man next to him and smirked, and that’s when I knew we had his egotistical ass right where we wanted it. “So, you’re telling me that every club member in both of your clubs will be at this meeting? Why would you risk bringing all your members to one location like that?”

  “It’s the only way to insure that Maverick will bring all of his, you know, just in case this little meetin՛ of ours goes South. He’ll want to have as much backup as possible, it’s what I would do if the roles were reversed.”

  Rubbing his chin again, he smiled at the other man. “Well, now, my only question would be, what is it you want out of this?”

  “That’s simple. For you to stop fuckin՛ with my deliveries and expect no more payments from me. You leave my club the fuck alone. That’s my only demand and it’s the only way we’ll help you.”

  Tapping his finger on his lips, he pretended to ponder our deal when I knew the fucker was just singing his own fucking praises in his head for getting everything he’s wanted handed to him on a silver platter. And the best part is, he thinks, that we’re just handing that silver platter over to him. “I’ll tell you what. Give me a minute to go over this little proposition of yours with my consultant Devin here. We’ll be right back.”

  When they both turned to head back behind one of the SUV’s I wasn’t going to sugar coat that shit when I say my butt hole puckered up a little at the fact Hatchet and I were now sitting ducks here, totally exposed in the headlights. Two gunshots to the head and we’re nothing but a bad memory.

  After a few stressful moments, they both returned. “Good news gentlemen, we have a deal,” Dekes announced. “I only have one stipulation to this deal of ours.”

  “And what is that?”

  “That this is done and over with by Friday next week. I’ve got some pressing matters in London that I need to deal with and have pushed them off for far too long to complete this little... mission of mine. So, deal?”

  “Deal,” I said, shaking his hand to seal the deal.

  “Fabulous! I want all the details of the location and everything else by Tuesday. That way I can make the proper arrangements to make my appearance at this little shindig of yours, ok?”

  “I’ll get you everythin՛ you need to know by Tuesday.”

  “Great. Enjoy the rest of your evening, gentlemen. I know I will,” with those parting words, Dekes and his sidekick both turned to head back to their SUV, while Hatchet and I hightailed it back to ours.

  Once our doors were shut, both Hatchet and I took a deep breath. “Fuck! I thought our asses were goin՛ to get smoked out there for sure tonight when they left us in those God damn headlights to make their decision about whether or not to take the deal.” Hatchet said first.

  “Yeah, my asshole sure did pucker up that’s for sure. I need a fuckin՛ drink after that shit.”

  “Me too.” Hatchet echoed as we drove off.

  Back at the clubhouse, we both headed into my office, and after about three shots my nerves were finally calmed down enough to make the call to Maverick and let him know that we were all set.




  Last night after we got back to my parents’ house, Maverick and I made love until we both had passed out. But not before I gave him the lap dance of his dreams that is.

  Those bitches got nothing on me.

  Maverick got the call from Skull that the plan had been put into motion last night right as we were headed to the shower to clean off so we could start all over again. The news that the plan was set gave him an energy boost I sure had a fun time trying to keep up with.

  Waking up this morning in his arms again was something that would never grow old with me. I’d always want this feeling of being wrapped up in his arms, where I felt safe and loved like never before.

  We just needed to make it through this crap of getting Dekes out of our lives and then we could start working on living a simpler life. A normal one.

  While thinking about how it was just this one thing that stood in our way of a happily ever after, I realized that it could also be the one thing that could crush all those hopes and dreams we’ve talked about. “What’s gotten into that head of yours, Sweetheart?”

  Not realizing he was awake; I kept my face pointed away from him. “Nothing. I’m just enjoying waking up in your arms again. It’s the best feeling ever in my book.”

  “Then what made your body suddenly go stiff like you were scared about somethin՛?”

  Letting out a heavy breath, I turned over to face him. Stroking his cheek, I looked into his eyes. “Not necessarily scared but... I am worried.”

  Placing his hand on top of mine on his cheek, he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. “What’s got yo
u so worried this early in the mornin՛?”

  “This whole plan you have to get rid of Dekes. I’ve only heard bits and pieces, but it sounds very dangerous and I don’t want to lose you before our lives can truly begin together.”

  Leaning up on his elbow, he brushed the hair off my face before leaning down to kiss me once again. “First of all, as far as I’m concerned our life began together that day you told me off at the gas station.”

  Unable to stop myself, I giggled. “That’s what reeled you in, wasn’t it? The fact I didn’t want anything to do with you?”

  Chuckling, he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose, “no, it’s not. What reeled me in was that look in your eyes like you were goin՛ to fuck me sideways right where I stood.”

  Laughing, I slapped him on his chest. “Stop! You are so full of yourself. I wanted nothing to do with you and your bad boy ways.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll believe that bullshit you’re tryin՛ to sell me when the Slayers all develop wings and start flyin՛ like the little pigs they are,” both of us broke out in laughter at that image.

  “Ok, so maybe I did think you were hot, but you were dangerous.”

  “Still am Sweetheart, just not to you... unless you’re under me that is,” he winked.

  Why was it when he talked about his bad boy ways I always got so turned on? You’re sick in the head, that’s why. I answer myself.

  “Anyway, back to your worries. Skull and his men are the ones takin՛ the biggest risk in all this.”

  As he continued to explain just how it was all going to go down; I failed to see his logic in that statement about Skull and his men. As far as I was concerned, they were all taking an equal risk in this. Maybe in the beginning when Skull and Hatchet went on their own to meet up with Dekes it was true, but they made it out of that alive and now the real dangerous part for Maverick and his men began.


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