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Chasing Dreams, Year Two

Page 26

by Shawn Keys

  Irène tossed a few kernels into her mouth, munching as she threaded her way past the two couches that created a small living space out of the otherwise open-concept, pool house. MK’s legs were stretched out onto the cushy ottoman that filled the space where a coffee table might have been, flicking through the selections to find the correct movie.

  “Is that a new robe?” Irène asked, admiring the red, Teri-cloth wrapped around the other woman’s body. It had fallen away from MK’s toned legs which she had crossed at the ankles.

  “Mmm hmm,” MK said, already sniffing the air appreciatively as she caught hint of the popcorn. She didn’t even give Irène a hard time about the buttery topping. “Bought it about a week ago.”

  “Nice.” Irène curled herself onto the couch next to her friend, tucking her legs in and propping the snack bowl between their laps. Her pajamas were made up of a breezy blouse and low-rise pants; the satiny material was so thin that she could feel the cool, metal bowl right through the fabric. “Lights?” she reminded MK.

  Pausing in her search, MK directed the remote control over to the wall sensor and killed the lights, leaving the room illuminated only by the flickering display in front of them. The hurdler then concentrated on navigating to the right series, then over to the fourth selection. She stopped before hitting the play button and sighed.

  “What?” Irène demanded, feigning innocence.

  “I can’t believe you’ve talked me into watching three of these already. I shouldn’t care if Carlos will finally become a werewolf… or if Sandy will come back to haunt them as a werebat after they didn’t get the antidote injected quickly enough.”

  “But you do care!” Irène snickered teasingly.

  “Under protest.”

  “Uh huh. No-one’s tying you down and forcing you to watch.” She leaned against MK’s side. “Though… you know, don’t go anywhere.” She loved the scary films, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want someone to cling to when they scared the crap out of her.

  “Sure,” MK answered with a wry grin, curling her arm around Irène’s shoulders, then reached over with her other hand to raid the popcorn. With the hand behind Irène, she angled the control toward the TV, aiming to start the movie.

  A small commotion caused Irène to perk up, peering out the window toward the main house. “Wait, don’t turn it on. Did you hear that?”

  MK followed her lead. “Think so. Are they home?”

  As she asked, the front door of the main house was flung open. Their sight line passed through a floor-to-ceiling window leading in from the pool and all the way to the front foyer. As the mansion’s interior lights came on, they could see clearly as Daniel staggered in with Cadence’s arms and legs wrapped around him. She must have been leaning against the door to make it whip open so hard. Her legs were around his hips, bare and emerging from below her sarong-style skirt which was hanging open behind her, revealing her white bikini bottoms.

  The two of them kissed as he turned in slow circles. Cadence leaned back to tear open his shirt. He shrugged the beach shirt off his shoulders, revealing the sculpted lines of his chest before crushing back against her. His shirt draped over her calves as her bikini top pressed into his skin, leaving him in nothing but his blue bathing shorts.

  Speaking so softly Irène barely heard her, MK murmured, “Never get tired of seeing that.”

  “Nope. Never,” Irène quipped, grinning with conspiratorial delight. Sharing a living space, left very little room for mystery. The fact that they both found Daniel attractive was no secret. Neither of them dared to mess with the good thing they all had going, which kept both of them from acting on that. But that didn’t change what they felt.

  As they looked on, Evelyn strolled in from outside, looking rather bemused. Normally elegant in the way she walked, Irène detected a slight waver to her seductive stride and a playful tinge to her smile that suggested she might be as tipsy as her two lovers. She swayed her way over to a side table and perched an empty wine bottle close to the edge. Claiming an elastic hair tie someone had left there, she reached up and gathered her long strands into a ponytail.

  Irène had to admit that the businesswoman was looking sexy tonight. With her arms working above her head, her one-piece suit clung to her body. The black fabric was only solid where it stretched over her full breasts. The rest was nothing but a mesh that curved down around her hips before it dove under her own checker-patterned sarong.

  Distracting herself from Evelyn, Irène whispered, “Empty bottle. They’re half-trashed.”

  “No wonder they forgot to turn the lights off.”

  “Or close the curtains,” Irène added with another snicker. “They’re usually pretty careful.”

  Through the glass, Cadence unfurled from around Daniel, who settled her feet onto the ground. Her sandals matched Evelyn’s; Irène had never seen them before, suggesting they might have bought them while out and about today. Emphasizing the sway in her own hips to keep Daniel’s eyes locked on her behind, Cadence strolled over to a decorative, miniature chest of drawers under the foyer mirror.

  Producing a small, golden key that hung on her necklace, Cadence kissed it, then winked at the other two. She slid it into the lock for the top drawer, pulled it open and began to retrieve a few special items from inside.

  The first was a pair of padded handcuffs. She tossed them to Daniel who plucked them out of the air. Evelyn knew she was the target for the restraints. Her sensual smile never wavered as she took a couple steps toward Cadence, exposing her back a little for Daniel to approach. He came closer, leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her neck. His lips worked up to her ear and then down to her shoulder. His attentions soon had the woman’s head stretching to one side, exposing her throat for his continued exploration.

  As he feasted on her skin, he ran his hands along Evelyn’s arms, collecting them behind her back. Irène imagined the clicks as he secured the handcuffs around her wrists. She swore she saw Evelyn shiver in delight, her lips parting in a sigh of erotic anticipation as her control was stripped away.

  Irène had wondered why Evelyn had bothered tying up her hair, but she was given the answer a few seconds later. Cadence tossed something else to Daniel. Irène wasn’t sure what it was until she saw Daniel kiss the nape of her neck, then slip this item around her throat. It was a long, black, lace collar that fitted tightly under her chin and down her slender neck to where it flared out to touch her collar bones. The lace was interwoven with a thin, silver metal that gave the collar an elegant structure. The only hint that it was meant for anything other than to adorn her was the solid metal ring at front of her throat.

  As Daniel smoothed the collar into place, Cadence drew a length of pink leather from the drawer. Her smile grew a lot more wicked.

  MK gasped. “Did you know that stuff was in there?”

  “No!” Irène protested. “Did you?”

  “No!” her friend exclaimed quietly.

  Neither could tear their eyes away from the scene as Cadence strutted saucily up to Evelyn and snapped the hook into the loop on the front of her collar. She withdrew, slowly walking backwards to the kitchen island, letting the leather slide though her hands. She then tugged on the leash she now controlled to bring Evelyn after her. Reaching the marble edge, Cadence pulled herself up onto the hard surface. Her gauzy skirt drifted open with her soft movements. She slipped her thumbs into the bands of her bikini thong, sliding it over the widest part of her hips.

  With a naughty smirk, Cadence put a little more pressure on the leash and dragged Evelyn between her legs. Irène noticed Cadence said something, and it looked to her like she had directed her lover to ‘use your teeth’… but that might have been hindsight once she saw Evelyn latch onto the damp fabric of the thong and tug it down Cadence’s legs using her mouth. Dropping it on the ground, Evelyn instantly returned between Cadence’s legs in obedience to the pull on her leash. This time Cadence drew her right in and held her there, keeping the pressure on w
ith the leash. Her one heel hooked behind Evelyn’s back to urge her close. Her other foot was perched up on the edge of the island, keeping her core open as her free hand cupped around the back of her lover’s head.

  “Should… should we ummm… you know, tell them?” Irène asked in a whisper. “Or at least close the curtains?”

  “Or…” MK quickly glanced at her with a touch of shameless delight, “You could pass me the popcorn.”

  Irène’s eyes got a little wide, then she giggled and crowded closer to her.

  They both reached into the bowl when Daniel circled a hand around Evelyn’s waist and unfastened the clip holding her sarong in place. It floated down to reveal the full extent of her shapely legs that he worshipped so well. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, furrowing her flesh with his fingertips as he placed a loving kiss on one of her ass cheeks. Working his bathing suit off, he began to kiss his way up the small of her back.

  “Whatcha doing there, Rèn?” asked MK with a breathier voice than before.

  Irène glanced down, realizing that her own hands were running along the sprinter’s thigh in much the same way Daniel was exploring Evelyn. MK’s legs were strong and defined, the product of an athlete’s training regimen. Her skin was beautiful and smooth under Irène’s touch. “Should… I stop?” Everything in her tone conveyed her desire not to.

  MK sucked her lower lip between her teeth, drifting through an internal debate. Her eyes were fixated on the way Daniel was stroking his hard shaft up and down Evelyn’s inner thigh, allowing her juices to ready him for what was coming. Without turning away from the scene, she whispered, “Don’t you dare.”

  Any doubt Irene may have had about MK’s answer was dispelled by the warm caress the sprinter slowly ran down her own back. When she reached the bottom of Irène’s pajama top, she slipped her fingers under it and placed a palm against the skin on the small of Irène’s back. She then stroked upward along Irène’s spine.

  The two of them cuddled closer, making each other’s skin tingle as they watched the sexual scene playing out in the main house.

  Daniel had entered Evelyn now, thrusting into her with rhythmic strokes that shook the woman’s body and were no doubt making her moan into Cadence’s sex. The pole vaulter was rolling her hips against Evelyn’s face, her back arched and clearly chasing an orgasm fueled by whatever dance Evelyn’s tongue was doing.

  Irène let out a soft exhale as a hand dipped past the hem of her low-riding pajama bottoms. MK’s already wandering caress skimmed over the swell of one her buttocks, curling around to urge Irène in closer.

  She knew she had two choices. She had made the first move, even if it had been a somewhat subconscious one. Now MK was exploring more of her. If she was going to stop this, now was the time.

  Unless… she didn’t want her to stop. Then, her choice would be to…

  Irène’s hand stopped drawing patterns along MK’s thigh and slipped up to the belt holding her robe closed. She gently tugged on the knot. The robe opened enough for Irène to catch glimpses of the chocolate skin stretched taut over MK’s nicely sculpted abs. She brushed a palm inside the robe and upward to lightly cup her friend’s left breast. The tender flesh filled her hand so sweetly; larger than her own, though still no more than a handful even for her.

  The touch was enough to break MK’s stare into the house. Her bright-hazel eyes skipped down to find Irène’s dark ones with an intent question in them. It was a silent question, but Irène heard it clearly. Are you sure you want this?

  What Irène beamed back was her own need to know. Do you? She had to wonder. Was this simply a reaction to what they were seeing in the house? Of course, that was part of it. It had sparked what was happening between them. Was that the only reason? Did it even matter?

  The inner debate suddenly ended for her. At that moment, Irène wanted someone next to her. She wanted someone to desire her. Someone she trusted. Something inside her needed that connection. It didn’t totally make sense, but she decided it didn’t really need to.

  As erotic as the scene was in the house, MK turned away from it. There was no doubt they would continue to find Daniel attractive. And there was no doubt Cadence and Evelyn were incredible.

  But right then… MK turned and leaned into Irène. She knew Irène more than wanted this. She needed it… and MK wanted to explore these new feelings as well. Surrendering to the irresistible momentum of their shared passion, Irène allowed herself to recline until her back touched the couch with MK stretched above her. The Teri-cloth robe hung open completely, allowing the sprinter to press her naked body all along Irène’s. Their lips met. Tentatively at first, then evolving into a passionate kiss every bit as intense as the one they had seen Cadence and Daniel share.

  Soon after, MK’s robe was stripped down her arms and tossed onto the floor, leaving her entire body exposed in the television’s soft glow. They turned with each other so that Irène was on top, permitting her pajamas to be discarded and thus removing the last barrier between them.

  Though they would always remember the sensual play they had seen through those windows, for the moment it was forgotten. For the hours that followed, all that mattered was each other.

  Chapter 15

  Azélie met Matteo in a big hug as he entered the coffee shop. They hadn’t known each other before Daniel’s introduction, but Matteo was glad there was pleasant formation of a friendship building between them, forged largely in their shared desire to improve the well-being of a certain swimming team.

  Disengaging from the embrace, Azélie sank into a chair at the small table she had claimed for them. It wasn’t the sort of place people lingered. Large-scale, commercial coffee chains weren’t common in the island, but Express Cup had managed to crack open the local economy and plant a half-dozen franchises in a few of the country’s cities and larger towns. They provided designer coffee to those in a hurry. Not a lot of need for tables in a place like this.

  Matteo had come to accept Azélie’s not-so-mild coffee addiction as a fact of life. He hadn’t batted an eye when she had suggested to meet here for a quick update on the upcoming games. They wouldn’t be there long enough for the owner to start to wonder why they were taking up a table. “What’s the news?” he asked, taking the seat across from her and a long sip on the cup she had already bought for him.

  “Mostly good stuff. Flora couldn’t make it?”

  “Leaving the business side to me right about now. Let’s just say that our position isn’t what you’d call secured in cement, so the team is spending every second they can in the water.” He shrugged. “They are already going to compete in the team, duet and solo events at the FLGs, but they still don’t think that’s going to render them safe. Melodie and Daphne are taking on solo and duet events, and I know Laura and Hélène are looking for a way to amp up their own impact. Originally, I wasn’t sure they were going to branch out into the speed events, but I think they’re coming along fast. And speed events do have a larger audience. I’d say they will get involved at the Pan Am games.”

  “Sport diversity is not what the sponsors are going to be looking for,” Azélie reminded him.

  “I know. It’s a balance.” Matteo shrugged. “We’ll see. I know Flora won’t let them dilute their training regimen. If they can’t deconflict how they can build talent in the two sports on a workable schedule, they’ll have to abandon the other efforts.” He shrugged. “But we need sponsorships. More importantly, local sponsors.”

  “You’re still thinking they’re going to need a few more on the team?”

  “They haven’t admitted it to themselves, yet. They’re a close-knit group. I had no idea how close until I was with them in San Diego.” Matteo still couldn’t shake the dreams he had had about them in that hotel bathroom. Haven’t had erotic fantasy dreams like that for a long time. Woke up hard as mountain stone for three days. “They’ll do well enough at the regionals. Even the FLGs might not pressure them enough to realize they need at lea
st two more on their team. But the Pan Am games are going to be a rude awakening. The World Championships… well, they won’t survive with a handicap that affects them before they even enter the water. I’ve looked into it. There hasn’t been an Olympic team with less than 6 members in two cycles. And neither of them placed well enough to be noteworthy. They need to recruit. They need to bring them in and start training them as soon as possible.”

  “They need to be recognized in order to attract others.”

  “Precisely. Now, it isn’t absolutely critical before the FLGs. If the coverage there gets broadcast around the island well enough, I might hear of some interest. It all depends.”

  “But sponsors would help.”

  “Beyond a doubt. Like I said, local ones. Commercials that will be seen around the island. Maybe create a few dreams for college students looking for a new challenge. Tell me what you need, Azélie.”

  “A fifth-place finish or better in the team competition.”

  Matteo snorted. “Not asking for much, are you?”

  Azélie scowled. “This isn’t a time for modesty. They placed sixth at that competition up north. They were right in the mix with some serious competition.”

  “Teams that didn’t need to make a reputation for themselves.” Matteo backtracked a little. “I’m not trying to take anything away from them. They did a damned fine job. But it was a show-event. The rest of the teams were there to shake off any nerves or to size up their competition. Getting over-confident is the last thing they need.”

  “Fifth isn’t impossible.”

  “Agreed. But with the countries attending the FLGs, it’s going to take everything they have with only four team members.” He growled. “What about the duet or solo?”

  “If they are as good as you say they are, that might be the easier path to fame. Might leave a couple of the others in the shadows, but they won’t have a handicap in those, right?”


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