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Love or Lust 2

Page 1

by Rachael Brownell


  About the Author

  Also by Rachael Brownell

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  About the Author

  Also by Rachael Brownell

  About the Author

  Rachael Brownell is an award-winning author of young-adult and new-adult romance. She resides in the midwest with her husband and son. To learn more about Rachael and her books, follow her on social media, join her reader group on Facebook, Brownell’s Book Lovers, or sign up for her monthly newsletter.

  For more information…

  Also by Rachael Brownell

  Friends-to-lovers Romance…

  For All The Wrong Reasons

  For All The Right Reasons

  Worth The Fight

  Chasing Fate

  * * *

  Second-chance Romance…

  Half Truths

  Always in My Heart

  A Million Little Reasons

  Imperfect Love Story

  Imperfect Love Story: New Beginnings

  Sticks & Stones

  * * *

  Dark, gritty, sexy Romance…

  Dark Bishop

  Caught in the Storm

  Surviving the Storm

  * * *

  Office Romance…

  Damaging Rumors

  Devious Rumors

  Delicate Rumors

  Deserving Rumors

  Devastating Rumors

  Defensive Rumors

  * * *

  Romantic Comedy…

  Dating Dilemma

  * * *

  Young-adult Romance…

  Holding On



  Flawed Reality

  Take A Gamble


  Chapter One

  Day 16

  This week’s schedule is not exactly what I expected it to be. I’m not complaining. All the events of last week wore me down, and it looks like now we’re going to be taking it easy. At least for the next few days.

  Tonight is a group date.

  Yes, date.

  That’s what they’re calling it.

  Because the first thing that comes to mind when I think about going out on a date is to invite other people along. The more the merrier? Not so much.

  Then when I saw what we’re doing for our “group date,” I almost spit my champagne all over Jace as I started to laugh. It was my third glass. I could have brushed it off as too many bubbles. Instead, I choked on the champagne as I held it in.


  I don’t know how everyone else feels, but I see trouble coming a mile away. I can already hear people bitching. The guys fighting to show each other up. So many things can go wrong.

  Still, after last night and not being able to say goodbye to Kyra, I’m ready to hang out with everyone else. Even if the cameras will be there filming our every move. They were there last night as we toasted Kyra and Gage by the pool. There was even a cameraman who followed me back to my villa when he saw Jace walking with me.

  It was good I noticed when I did. I had just enough time to shut the door in his face. Not that there aren’t cameras all over the place. Hidden in plain sight. Everywhere except my bathroom.

  Which is why I drug Jace in there before I assaulted him with my mouth.


  He had no idea what was going on until I pressed him against the door and took control. He remained calm, cool, and collected, keeping his hands on my hips. Even after I removed his tie and threw it over my shoulder. After I unbuttoned his shirt and pressed my palms against his chest.

  Perfectly composed.

  Until I reached for his belt.

  It was like I broke his resolve when I pulled it loose. He unzipped my dress in a heartbeat, letting it fall from my body and pool at my feet. I stood in front of him in only a black thong and matching lace bra, yet his hands stayed on my hips. He never broke our kiss. When I moaned into his mouth as he flipped us around, holding me captive against the door with his body, I swear to God he made the sexiest sound. It was a cross between a grunt, a moan, and a curse.

  Then he whispered my name against my neck, and his lips began to travel.

  Breathing became harder with every kiss as he moved from my mouth to my neck and finally to the swell of my breasts. He hooked his fingers into my panties, and I was using my gaze to plead with him when there was a knock at my door. Followed by Lennon’s voice calling out to us.

  We both froze.

  Jace’s lips were pressed to my belly button, and my legs were shaking in anticipation of where he was going to kiss next.

  Lennon called out to us again, this time sounding closer than before. He was definitely in my villa. Possibly in my bedroom. Jace stood, shimmying my dress up my body as he rose. Placing his finger over his lips, he snagged his tie and stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain closed.

  “Presley,” Lennon called again, knocking on the bathroom door this time. “I know you’re in there.”

  “Sorry. Be right out,” I replied, attempting not to sound as out of breath as I felt.

  Jace peeked around the curtain, winked at me, and disappeared again. Rolling my eyes even though he couldn’t see me, I took a deep, cleansing breath, then let it out slowly as I opened the door to face Lennon.

  He was seated on my bed, looking handsome as ever.

  “Hey,” I said, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, holding my dress against my chest.

  “Is Jace with you?” he asked, looking around me toward the bathroom.

  “No, why?” I lied, giving him a curious look.

  “I was looking for him, and Courtney said she thought he was with you.”

  “He was. He walked me home, used the bathroom, and then left. I’m not sure if he went back to the pool or to his place. I know he was tired, so he may have gone to bed.”

  All lies.

  So many lies.

  I feel like I’m cheating on Lennon.

  Fuck! I’ve become Wren. I’m a lying bitch. I can’t do this.

  “Wait!” I shouted before he could get a word in edgewise. “He is here. Jace,” I called over my shoulder. “Come out here. I’m not going to lie to anyone. I can’t do it. I know how it feels to be on the other end of the lie, and I don’t want to be that person.”

  After walking up behind me, Jace slowly zipped my dress before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

  “Sorry, man.” It was a simple statement. Not actually an apology. More of an I’m sorry you had to see this rather than an I’m sorry I’m doing this because he wasn’t. Sorry, that is.

  “I figured. Hell, I was planning on walking her home until you made the move first,” Lennon said, standing. “I’ll leave you two alone, but tomorrow night, I’d like to spend some time alone with you after the group thing, Presley.”

  “I’d like that too,” I replied honestly.

  After Lennon left, I asked Jace to leave as well, knowing that if I didn’t, things would continue to get hot and heavy between us. Seeing the reaction Lennon had, which wasn’t much more than a small flinch, I knew being with Jace intimately would hurt him. If the situation were reversed, it would hurt Jace as well.

  So I can’t cross that point of no return with either of them. Which means I�
��m going to be sexually frustrated until this is over.

  Kissing will have to suffice. I’m prepared to make out like a horny teenager until I’m kicked out of this place. Or one of them is. Then I may reconsider my stance, but until then, I’m celibate.

  Fuck me!

  Even the word makes me cringe. Not that I was getting any action before I came here, but I chalked that up to not being ready. And now? Now I’m ready to throw myself at both of them like the little slut I feel like I am some days. Because, I’d do it if I didn’t think I’d hurt one of them. Or both. Or myself.

  In the end, that’s my main concern. Getting hurt again because I’m not sure my heart would survive this time, especially if I’m the one that destroys it.

  “Knock, knock,” Courtney calls out, bringing me out of my daydream as she walks through my open door. It’s a nice day out, and I was hoping the fresh air would help me clear my mind. “You ready for this debauchery?”

  Debauchery? Interesting choice of wording to describe what’s about to happen. I wonder if she even knows what that word means? I’m going to guess she doesn’t, but I’m not about to point out her misuse.

  “No time like the present to embark on a weird group dating scenario, I guess.” I snag my purse off the counter and then follow her out the door.

  “I don’t think it’s going to be weird. It’ll be like we’re hanging out by the pool except we have to wear gross shoes and try not to make an ass of ourselves.”

  “I’m guessing you’re not a fan of bowling?”

  “It’s not that, I’m just not good at it. In case you didn’t notice, sports are not really my thing. I hope the guys have something better planned for later this week. I’m excited to go on the individual dates.”

  Me too, I want to add, but I don’t.

  After today, I get to spend some one-on-one time with each of the guys. Away from the ranch. An activity of their choice. It’s going to give me a glimpse into their personalities. Even if a camera is following us around. Which I hope is done discretely for my sanity.

  Courtney and I sit in the back of the van on the ride to the bowling alley. All the guys are up front taking bets on who’s going to get the high score. I saw that coming a mile away. They seem to throw money down on anything and everything. Hell, for all I know, they could have side bets going with each other about the girls.

  Which makes me wonder if I’m ever the topic of conversation. Based on the fact both Milo and Callen mentioned something to that effect to me last week, I’m guessing Jace and Lennon talk about me when I’m not around.

  What about the other girls? Do they talk about them as well? Aside from Milo’s interest in Natasha, are any of the guys interested in any of the girls? Is there a love connection going on that I’ve been too busy with my own shit to notice? I’ll have to pay attention tonight. Maybe I’ll pick up on some clues.

  To everyone’s surprise, Ed’s waiting for us outside the bowling alley when we arrive. He has a devious grin on his face, telling me I’m probably not going to like what he has to say.

  “Congratulations on making it to week three,” he starts as we all crowd around him. “As you all know, this week you’ll be off the ranch going on one-on-one dates with each other. While you’re out on the town, I want you to pay attention and keep a few things in mind. As much as you will get to know each other, it’s also about putting into play what you you’ve already learned. The guys are choosing the dates this week, so this is their opportunity to prove they’ve been paying attention the last few weeks. Their choice of activity should impress you. It’s all about the ladies this week!

  “Sunday morning, the ladies will be receiving a special delivery to your villas, similar to the package the guys received yesterday.” Say what? What did they get? “The most important thing in the package this week will be a card you’ll need to give to Claudia before you vote on Sunday night. One guy will be granted immunity, and the ladies will decide who the lucky one is.”

  Stepping aside, Ed motions for us to head inside but not before adding some parting words that make me want to roll my eyes at him. Of course, there’s a damn camera in my face, so I can’t.

  “Good luck. Have fun. And, ladies . . . no one can save you from going home this week except yourselves. If you want to be here, do whatever it takes to ensure you’re the one they’re thinking about when they vote on Sunday.”

  Not exactly a pep talk. More like encouraging us to sleep our way to the top. Which is not how I plan to ensure my safety. At the end of the day, this is still a game, and I won’t compromise my morals to win.

  After we all have our shoes and are situated at the lanes, Milo and Callen head off to grab drinks while the rest of the guys go in search of bowling balls for everyone. Sliding my feet into my shoes, I notice Natasha is on her phone, her fingers flying across the screen. There’s a sly grin on her face that promptly disappears when Milo and Callen make their way back to us, each with two pitchers of beer.

  Wanting to help, I take the stack of plastic cups Milo tucked under his arm and whisper in his ear.

  “Everything okay with you and Natasha? She seems like she’s acting a little cold toward you today.”

  He lets out a grunt, looks over my shoulder at her, and glares.


  “You’re a horrible liar, in case you were wondering, but I’m a great listener if you want to talk about it later,” I offer, pouring myself a cup of beer and taking a sip.

  “I might take you up on that,” he notes as everyone else starts gathering around and pouring themselves a drink.

  Lennon sets up the lanes, girls versus guys, while Drake walks around and collects twenty dollars from everyone. Whichever team has the best overall score wins the pot. Whichever player on the team has the highest score gets all the cash.

  Not a bad deal. I don’t mind risking a little money to make a bunch.

  Not everyone wants to participate, though. Natasha refuses to wear the shoes, too many germs or something, and thus refuses to play. Teegan seems indifferent and somewhat quiet today. Almost like a storm is raging beneath the surface and she’s holding herself back from going off on someone. Bella is her normal, sweet self, trying to be encouraging. Which leaves me and Courtney, and we’re both watching the girls interact with raised eyebrows.

  Nope, not at all like when we hang out by the pool.

  Yes, I’m happy the rest of the week I get some alone time with the guys. There are entirely too many hormones floating around right now, and I’m here to have fun, not sit around and look pissy.

  We’re in the second frame when Natasha disappears for half an hour. No one seems to notice except me. She doesn’t return until the beginning of the sixth frame, and it looks like she’s been given an attitude adjustment. One that caused her hair to get messed up and her lipstick to smudge.

  My first thought . . . none of the guys left.

  My second . . . who the hell has sex at a bowling alley if they’re afraid of the germs the shoes might have?

  Not my business. Don’t care, I try to convince myself as Jace hollers for me to bowl. He’s ticked off. All the guys are, except Lennon. Probably because he’s crushing them. I swear the man only knows how to throw strikes, and on the off chance when he doesn’t knock them all down, he picks up the remaining pins with his next ball.

  He’s stupid good.

  Unlike me. I’ve managed to slowly crawl my way to the top of the leader board for the girls, but only by one point. Bella is damn good at bowling. If she hadn’t thrown a gutter ball a few frames back after her spare, she’d be in the lead. Not that I care if I lose. I’m having fun talking with everyone.

  Callen’s telling jokes. The more he drinks, the more inappropriate they become. Jace is trying everything he can to get Lennon to screw up, which is making the rest of us laugh. Milo and Drake are sitting next to Teegan, probably whispering sweet nothings in her ear judging by the smile that’s been plastered on her face since we sta
rted. And Lennon . . . well, he’s had his eyes on me the entire time.

  Watching and not saying anything. It makes me self-conscious. I feel horrible for what he walked in on last night.

  Lennon and Bella take the first game and he splits the money with her. The second game ends up much like the first, only no one is throwing as well because of all the beer we’ve consumed. As we pack up to head out, Lennon wraps his arm around my shoulder and tugs me to the side.

  “Do I still get some alone time with you tonight?” he asks, pulling me to his chest and kissing me on the top of the head, his smell driving me crazy as it assaults my senses. Whatever cologne he uses, I should invest in a bottle and spray my sheets with it every night. I can only imagine I’d have the best dreams and he would be the star.

  “Of course. What did you have in mind?”

  My head bounces slightly as he chuckles. “I have a few ideas,” he retorts, taking my hand and tugging gently as we walk out of the bowling alley behind the rest of our friends.

  All I can think is . . . I bet he does. I bet I can guess what those ideas are. And I have a feeling they’re right along the lines of what was happening last night before he showed up.

  As soon as we’re back at the ranch, Lennon and I part with the promise to meet me in the game room in fifteen minutes. I’m not sure what he’s up to, but we might not be alone in the game room. The guys like to play pool, and there’s a bar in there, so there’s no telling who might be hanging out.

  To my surprise, it’s dark when I walk in except for the glow from the large screen on the far wall. And Lennon? He’s cooking popcorn, the smell making my mouth water.

  “I wanted to take you to the movies,” he starts, pulling me into his arms, kissing me lightly on the lips, “but I knew it wasn’t an option, so this is the next best thing. Go pick a seat and I’ll be over in a sec.”


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