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Blood Curse (Misty Cedars - Vampire Edition)

Page 6

by Adrienne Blake

  Noah retrieved the Hot Pocket, and at the sound of the drawer slamming, started and turned around. His gaze fell on her bare legs and lingered there a little too long. She'd been hugging her knees, but now let them slide full length along the bed. The sudden movement had the opposite effect to what she hoped. Noah smiled lamely and looked away.

  He sat down at the desk and munched on the Hot Pocket, pausing now and again to blow on it, so he didn't burn his mouth.

  Dammit. What does a girl have to do to get laid?

  "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" she asked. "Are we going to Misty Cedars?"

  "Yes," replied Noah, "but not until first light. We don't want to run into him when he's on the prowl. Not yet. We're not ready, and if he exerts his power over you? Who knows what'll happen to us then. Let's just pray he's weak and can't sense you when he's at rest."

  "Oh God, yeah, right." She shivered. "So we break into the MacMillan house and kill him while he's sleeping?"

  "Actually, I was thinking more we scope the joint first. After all, we don't know for sure if it's him."

  "Yeah true," agreed Holly. "We don't wanna behead or impale an innocent cop by mistake."

  "Err, no."

  It would be dark now, and Holly wanted to do anything but sleep. She could smell Noah, and despite his protestations to the contrary, she sensed he wanted her, too.

  She stretched her arms, faking a yawn. "Oh, I'm so sleepy," she lied. "Are you coming to bed anytime soon? It's been quite a day, and I want to turn out the light."

  "I think I'll just brush my teeth." Noah made a bolt for the bathroom.

  Great. Might as well get comfortable. Holly left on her tee but wiggled out of her bra and panties. Here's hoping! Let's see if he can resist me now!

  Holly slid under the covers, but then, on reflection, sat upright. She dropped down again, then turned on her side, then her belly, then sat back up again. She just couldn't find a comfortable position, damn it.

  It had been some time since she heard the faucet run, but still, there was no sign of Noah. What was he doing in there? In a huff, she fell flat on her back. Noah couldn't be making this any harder.

  She pushed back the cover and crawled down to the other end of the bed. Odd. The light under the door was out.

  "Is everything okay, Noah? Are you alright?"


  Her heart began to race. Was it possible, could Micah have cottoned onto their presence already?

  No, that seemed absurd. He'd have come for Holly, not Noah, surely?

  She climbed out of bed, and ever so cautiously, tiptoed across the room to the bathroom. She put her ear to the door, but heard nothing. She took hold of the knob.

  "Noah?" she whispered.

  Still nothing.

  Slowly, she turned the knob and pushed the door open a fraction. Inside was completely dark. She pushed it open a little further.

  And there, lying on the bath mat was Noah. He had one leg crossed over the other, and he cradled his head on his arms. His eyes were closed, and now she could hear the gentle snore of the sleeping wolf. He had shifted.

  Well-played. Fucker.

  Her arms fell loosely to her side, and she turned and went back to bed.


  Jake’s Bar

  Holly closed the door softly and tiptoed over to the bed. Once there, she collapsed in a frustrated heap and stared blankly at the popcorn ceiling above. Fuck. She had spent her entire life protecting her virginity, and now she couldn't give it away! And she was ravenous. And totally not tired.

  She tossed and turned on top of the cover, but it was no use. Sleep wasn't coming. Her stomach was howling, demanding she pay it attention. Covering her eyes with her forearm, she indulged in the fantasy of slipping down to find the desk clerk and ripping out his throat. No. That wasn't right. Noah wouldn't like it. Maybe she could just play with her food. That wouldn't be too bad, would it?

  Oh my God, he's a person, not food, she chided herself. She felt even more miserable than before and hugged the pillow under her chin, trying to fight off these daydream demons.

  But as soon as her eyes were closed, her mind tormented her with images of throbbing jugulars and radial arteries just begging to be nibbled and sucked. Handsome city boys, full of vim and vigor, their crisp white shirts beautifully stained with droplets of fresh blood. Or maybe sliding down their fit, athletic bodies, promising one kind of kiss and delivering quite another.

  Holly punched her pillow. No, no, no! This wouldn't do. She was Holly George, brilliant student with her whole future before her. Fuck the blood of virgins, I miss bacon! And yet, the mere thought of bacon now turned her skin green. Well, not literally.

  The night was calling to her. Holly slipped off the end of the bed and shuffled quietly into her jeans and sneakers. She remembered the desk clerk's reaction when he'd seen her hands. If only she'd bought some gloves or something. She made a mental note to buy some later. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror on the wall. Shit. She'd forgot.

  Just for a second, she'd expected to see the old Holly George staring back at her, but no. Her semi-transparent reflection was yet another brutal reminder of her new reality. Pissed, she wanted to throw the lamp at it, but that would have woken Noah, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. Holly was sure he'd try and stop her from going out alone. And she needed to, if only to enjoy the cool night air.

  At least that's what she told herself.

  Ever so quietly, Holly prepared to leave. She turned the knob softly so as not to wake Noah. She could hear his gentle breathing and knew he was still asleep. Dang. They only had the one key. For a second, she thought to take it with her, but then she could hardly lock him in. What if there was a fire? Plus he'd be mad as hell.

  She opened the door, stepped out into the hall, and pulled it gently behind her. All was quiet across the hall. Mork and Mindy must be sleeping. She imagined them, locked in each other's arms, maybe spooning. How nice it must be to cuddle up like that, she thought. To feel love and be loved. If she and Noah couldn't kill Micah, and she became all-the-way undead, would she ever wake to something like that? Did vampires love? Desire, sure. She glanced at her closed room door and thought about Noah on the other side. Hmmm. She definitely wanted him. But was it love?

  Oh come on Holly, she admonished herself, you've only known him like, 24 hours. You're an adult for fucks sake, not a little girl. But he was so damn gorgeous. Maybe she just liked hairy men. She tried not to giggle aloud and wake everybody up.

  Holly walked quickly downstairs to the front desk. All was dark, the clerk nowhere to be seen. She was a little disappointed. It might have been fun to tease him a little, but then, a little fun wasn't really why she was here.

  She marched quickly across the foyer and reached up to stop the little bell from jingling as she unlocked and opened the door. She closed it silently behind her. She'd worry about how to get back inside when she returned.

  Purcell Springs wasn't exactly a happening town. There was nobody about, not a soul. But it was a warm night, and a delightful tingle ran up Holly's spine. Oddly, she'd never felt more alive. The moonlight had revived her.

  Holly looked up and down the street as she pondered which way to go. A flashing neon light way down the end of the road caught her attention. A bar. She sensed there were people inside and, excited, she stepped off the sidewalk and into the road. Fuck! With lightning speed she jumped out of the way of a passing truck. The driver was not so lucky, and the screech of his brakes disturbed the silent night as he barely missed Holly's Alfa which was parked on the side of the road.

  The driver, a tall, burly man with a black beard and a checkered shirt jumped out of the truck. "Oh my God, are you alright?" he cried.

  Not a scratch. "I'm not sure," said Holly, faking a shaken voice. "I think so."

  "Did I hit you?" asked the panicked driver. "I didn't see you until it was too late. God I'm so sorry."

  "It wasn't your fault," replied Holly
. "I wasn't thinking."

  He was checking her over, looking for signs of injury. Holly checked him out, too. Not too bad. Nice and healthy looking.

  "Do you need to sit down or anything?"

  "I-I dunno. I'm a little shaky. I think maybe I need a drink."

  The driver looked down the street toward the bar. "Jake's place is over there. Let me take you. I'll buy you a whiskey or something. It's the least I can do."

  Holly thought it best not to sound too eager. "I dunno... maybe I'm alright, really." She feigned a faint. The man caught her just in time, and through half-closed eyes, Holly could see the guy was half-worried out of his wits.

  "Come on. We can go in my truck."

  The driver glanced over to his vehicle which had Pete's Handyman Services emblazoned on the side.

  Holly pretended to resist. "No, really, I couldn't."

  Pete was insistent now. "Then I'll walk with you. Just let me lock up my truck, and I'll be right with you."

  "I dunno," she said, dubiously, but Pete was already jumping into his truck and reparking it in front of her Alfa. Holly smiled. This was a fun game. He quickly returned, and she put her hand to her forehead.

  "I-I think I'm okay now."

  "I dunno, Miss. You look awfully pale to me. Let's get you to that bar, if only so we can sit you down and get a proper look at you."

  "Well okay, if you insist."

  Holly hung onto his arm, and together, they walked the short distance to the bar. Pete smelled great to her, but it wasn't his aftershave she was drinking in. He smelled fit and healthy, and very much alive. She looked up to him, not to his head, but to his neck. His jugular stood out nice and fat and she licked her lips when he wasn't looking.

  "Don't fret honey, we're almost there. My name's Pete."

  I know. "Holly," she replied weakly.

  They passed a couple of poorly lit houses separated by a dark alley. Holly thought to try her strength and drag him down there for a little nibble. She looked up at him. He sure was a big fella. Better to bide her time and wait for the right moment, maybe ply him with a few drinks at the bar. This sure was a lot trickier than biting a little fawn. She'd have to plan her moment carefully.

  The flashing neon sign beside the entrance read Jake's. Pete opened the door for her and ushered her inside.

  "My, such a gentleman," she said.

  There were a handful of drinkers propped up on stools at the bar, and toward the rear a young couple were busy playing pool. Some country music was playing through shoddy speakers. She didn't recognize the song.

  Jake's was dimly lit, most of the light illuminating the bottles behind the bar. Pete sat her down on the nearest free stool to the entrance. The young barman hurried over, looking almost as concerned as the driver.

  "Everything okay, Pete?"

  "Um, I think so, Jake," said Pete. "Lady's had a bit of a fright. Give her a whiskey, will you?" He dropped a ten on the bar.

  "Sure." Jake turned and poured a glassful, then placed it in front of Holly.

  Hmmm. Dilemma. She picked up the glass and pretended to sip, but then started coughing and spluttering.

  Pete patted her on the back. "Are you sure you're okay."

  "I'm fine," she said. "Just not used to hard liquor I guess."

  "What happened?" asked Jake.

  To save Pete's blushes, Holly jumped in. "I stepped out in front of his truck like an idiot."

  "Don't say that," said Pete, blushing.

  "But it's true," pressed Holly. "In fact I should buy you a drink for putting you to all this trouble."

  Holly dropped twenty on the bar and quickly returned her hand to her lap. It was dark in here, but she couldn't be too careful. "In fact, make it a double," she said.

  "But I'm driving," protested Pete.

  "You can leave your truck there for the night, can't you?" argued Holly coyly. "Anyway, it's only the one."

  "Double," Pete reminded her.

  "Ah, but you're a big boy." She smiled what she hoped was her most seductive smile. "I'm sure you can handle it." She picked at a button on his shirt, recognizing a big softy when she saw one.

  Pete blushed. "Okay, maybe just the one."

  She dropped her hand under the bar again.

  Jake, who had listened to them both all along, grinned and popped a glass in front of Pete. "You're new in town then?" he asked Holly as he poured Pete's whiskey.

  "Not really. Just passing through. Actually, I'm on my way to Misty Cedars, but it was a long drive here, and this looked like a nice place to stop and spend the night."

  "Misty Cedars, you say?" repeated Pete. His brow darkened, and he took a deep swig of his whiskey. "What business you got there?"

  "Oh, just visiting an old friend I haven't seen in a while."


  Jake, who was drying a glass in front of them, nodded sagely. "Pete's right. You can't be too careful in Misty Cedars. I know someone who's niece went hiking up that way. She was seen entering the town, but she hasn't been heard of since. She just up and disappeared, never to be seen again."

  "You don't believe in ghost stories, do you," laughed Holly, pretending to sound nervous.

  "Not saying I do, not saying I don't," replied Jake, tapping the side of his nose. "I have to ask, are you traveling all alone up there? If you are, you want to be careful. "

  "Err, no, not exactly. My, um, companion, was doing all the driving, and he needed to take a break. I was, um, hungry and came out to find something to eat. Talking of which, is there any place you recommend?"

  She focused on Pete's jugular which she could see clear as day, even though the bar was dark. She prayed sometime tonight that it might be on the menu.

  "We're serving still," said Jake, "if you're okay with something light like drumsticks or a club sandwich. There's nothing else open after eight. This is it, I'm afraid."

  Holly thought quickly. "I, um, I'm low carb. I'd probably better wait until tomorrow."

  "Suit yourself," the barman said and walked off.

  Pete had finished his whiskey and was preparing to leave. She slid her own drink across the bar toward him. "Ya know, you should finish that. I don't think I can."

  He hesitated and looked like he was about to refuse.

  "Go on," she teased. "I could use the company."

  Pete softened and sat down again. "Okay," he said. "Just one more."

  "So tell me more about Misty Cedars? I like a good horror story at bedtime."

  "Yes, well, you can laugh if you want to, but all I'm saying is you wanna be careful, that's all. A lot of people have been disappearing up there lately. It's like some kind of Bermuda Triangle."

  Interesting. "And no one knows why?"

  "No. I've only been there a few times myself, and that was enough." Pete stared at his second empty glass.

  "Let me buy you another," she said.

  "No," he argued. "Not if you're not drinking."

  "I could have a diet coke or something?"

  He smiled. "Sure. But I'm buying."

  "Deal," said Holly. "You said you've been there a couple of times?"

  "Yeah. Don't like it. The place is kinda spooky. I avoid it as much as I can, but it's not always possible. Sometimes, I have to drive my truck right through it. I feel weird when I'm there."

  "These people who disappear, none of them have ever come back?"

  In her eagerness to hear his story, Holly had forgotten herself, and her right hand was lying flat on Pete's forearm. She noticed Pete staring at it. She snatched it back quickly, but it was too late.

  "No, well, look, I'd better be off. The umm, missus will be wondering where I am." He got up quickly, almost knocking his stool over in his haste.

  Jake wandered over. "Everything alright, here Pete? Want another?" he winked, suggestively.

  "Err, no, thanks," replied Pete, a little too quickly. "I really should be going. It was nice to meet you, err...."


  "Right. Holly. G
ood night to you."

  Pete couldn't get out of the bar quick enough. Holly thought to follow after him, but he was such a nice guy, she suddenly lost heart. I guess I'm not a brutal killer yet, she thought.

  "You sure I can't get you something to eat?" asked Jake.

  Holly sighed and slid slowly off the seat. "No, thank you. I think I'll be fine. Goodnight."

  She walked slowly from the bar, giving Pete good time to make his escape. It was a tricky business, this vampiring. She wondered if she'd ever have the stomach for it. Let's pray I never have to.

  Still, the night hadn't been a complete wash. There was definitely something going on up at Misty Cedars, so maybe they were on the right track after all. That was something to hope for at least. As Holly opened the door to the street, she heard the cry of an alley cat not too far down the street. She had always liked cats. Holly smiled.



  It wasn't the first night Noah had slept on the floor. Sometimes, when the urge to shift was on him, he could be out in the open for days at a time, and then, the forest bed would be his home, and he rather liked it. But he'd never slept in a bathroom before. And now he needed to pee.

  Since it would be uncouth to cock his leg up the toilet, he focused his mind on transforming back to his human self. It really didn't hurt much. It was like over-straining a muscle, or working out just a bit too hard. The most peculiar feeling was his hair, when the wolf's bristle receded and his human hair pushed through. That always tickled in an almost pleasant way, so he focused on that as much as he could. When he was done, he turned his neck and stretched his jaw. The nose and chin transformation was the worst of it.

  Himself again, Noah stared back at this reflection. He didn't look so bad for a guy who had camped out on the bathroom floor, and looking down, it was clear his cock was none the worse for it either. The thing was looking right back up at him. He needed the big fella to quieten down so he could focus on his other business. And God forbid Holly should walk in the bathroom right now. No, stop! Thinking about her only made the damn thing more determined than ever.


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