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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

Page 10

by K E Osborn

  Jovie squats in front of Sadie with the brightest expression on her face. “I love your dress, Sadie,” Jovie gushes.

  Sadie’s hand comes out threading her fingers through Jovie’s wavy, blonde hair. “You’re pretty.”

  Jovie laughs as I smile at the interaction between my daughter and my, whatever Jovie is. “So are you.” Jovie bops Sadie on her nose.

  Ethan glances at Jovie, raising his brow, then he grabs my bicep, pulling me to the side. Leaving Lucas and Sadie with Jovie and Savanah, Ethan scowls at me. “You’re looking at the blonde a little differently than normal… you and her, you have a thing?”

  I glance over my shoulder at Jovie, who’s deep in conversation with both my kids. As I turn back, I exhale. “I don’t know… maybe.”

  Ethan widens his eyes. “She’s the exact opposite of Emma.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Ethan’s lips finally turn up in the corner ever so slightly. “No, big brother, I think it’s exactly what you need.”

  “Okay, everyone, let’s head inside. We have some shit we need to discuss,” Zero announces.

  I turn back to Jovie and my kids, taking Sadie’s hand in mine. Ethan takes Lucas as I tilt my head at Jovie and Savanah for them to follow us. I study Jovie’s face when she walks inside as it lights up in awe. I know the reaction, mine did the same the first time I entered the clubhouse. I was a cop back then, and I saw through different colored lenses. Now, I call the Houston Defiance clubhouse my home, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

  Zero and Wraith approach. “Ethan, can you watch the kids for a while? Kevlar, Jovie… we need to talk some shit over?”

  Jovie’s eyes widen as Ethan dips his head. “Sure, Zero, we’ll be here.”

  I scruff Lucas’ hair, then Ethan pulls him up to sit on a chair. Sadie’s chatting with Savanah, she’ll keep Sadie occupied for a while.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I reach out for Jovie’s hand. She instinctively threads her fingers with mine, and we walk hand in hand toward the chapel behind Zero and Wraith. Jovie’s palm is sweaty. This can be all a little overwhelming and even intimidating, so I totally understand why she’s nervous right now.

  Zero walks through the door followed by Wraith, then I enter, leading Jovie through and close the door behind us.

  Jovie exhales. “Am I in trouble?” she asks before anyone has even had a chance to take a seat at the table.

  Zero and Wraith both pull out their chairs while I lead Jovie over to the table, gesturing for her to relax. She doesn’t—she stays standing.

  “Jovie, stop stressing. Kevlar told you we’re here to help, right?” She nods her head. “Then, that’s what we’re gonna do. Y’all just need to be honest with us. So please, take a damn seat,” Zero requests.

  Jovie’s eyes shift to mine, so I pull out a chair for her and sit on the one next to it.

  She exhales, finally sitting down. Stubborn woman. “Y’all will have to excuse me if I’m a little apprehensive.”

  “Let me put it this way, has Kevlar shown you signs of asshole behavior?”

  She turns to me, her expression softening, then back to Zero. “No, never.”

  “Well, we’re just like him. Hell, we took him into our brotherhood when he was a damn cop. If that doesn’t say what kind of men we are, I’m not fucking sure what does.”

  She nods. “Okay, then, what do you want to know?”


  The president, Zero, is tall, assertive, and a little gruff, but I suppose that’s to be expected in his position. The thing I wasn’t expecting was for him to be as sexy as all sin. The vice president, Wraith, has an edge to him, an aura, and he’s quieter than Zero. But again, when I agreed to come here, I certainly didn’t think all these bikers would be as attractive as Kevlar. I thought he would have been an exception to the rule. Honestly, I wasn’t prepared for the sheer size of this place or the state of it. I guess my expectations were for it to be unkempt and kind of a dive, but it’s actually pretty freaking cool. I have to say the Houston Defiance clubhouse and its members have definitely blown my mind.

  “Jovie?” Kevlar’s voice shocks me from my reverie.

  “Sorry, what?” I turn, taking in the medium-sized room overloaded with alpha men.

  Zero, Wraith, and Kevlar have a way about them that is making me feel small right now. Plus, I think I’m still in shock from the accident, not to mention the awesome painkillers Hoodoo gave me that are still circulating in my system. I guess I’m a little spaced-out right now.

  “You need to tell us about your family. Why are they after you?” Zero grunts out like he’s getting impatient.

  I sit taller. “Right, yes, okay. You’re not going to like what I have to say, though.”

  “Then you better get to talking.”

  Taking a deep breath, I try to figure out exactly where to start, figuring it’s best at the beginning. “When I was younger, I knew my father was into some shady shit. He and my mother were always fighting because he was constantly leaving the house at stupid hours. Didn’t come home for weeks at a time. Strangers would be sitting out the front of our house for no reason. I couldn’t understand and didn’t until I was much older.”

  “Your father is in some dodgy shit?” Kevlar asks.

  “Ahh… yeah. And when my mother finally had enough, she kicked his ass out, but he took my brothers with him to raise them in the business. The family business. His father was in it. His brothers were, too. He wanted his entire family to be a part of it. It’s a generational kind of thing.”

  “Does this family business have a name?” Zero asks.

  “I suppose it’s not so much a business, more an enterprise. And yeah… they’re known as the Slavers Syndicate—”

  “The Slavers… from San Antonio? Are you fucking with me right now?” Wraith bursts out.

  I exhale, sinking in on myself. “Yeah, that’s the impression most people have. So, I tend to keep that shit to myself.”

  Kevlar rubs the back of his neck, then his eyes shift to Zero, whose nostrils flare.

  “You’re telling me… a daughter of the Slavers, is here, in our clubhouse?”

  This is why I stopped telling people who my family is because they judge me. It’s why I didn’t tell Kevlar because the way he’s looking at me right now, it honestly looks like disgust.

  “I’m not them. My father and brothers left me and my mother when I was young. I’ve had nothing to do with the—”

  “So, why the fuck are you running from them now?” Zero grumbles.

  “They came for me. Said I’ve been denying my birthright for far too long, that I must be a part of the syndicate. I don’t want to be like them. Before my mother…” I take a deep breath. The pain ripples through my chest as I clench my eyes tight, trying to fight the memory, but I need to get it out. “Before my mother died, I was studying to be an attorney, so I could find a way to bring them all down. I hate what they do. They ruin lives. They’re not good people.”

  Wraith scoffs. “We’re not good people, so why the fuck are you here with us?”

  I turn to Kevlar, his eyes are dim, but he reaches out, grabbing my hand in a show of support. “Because she needs our help. Yeah, we’re not always on the right side of the law, but we’re not anywhere near the Slavers’ level of corruption. If Jovie’s running, then she’s in trouble. We’re the kind of men she needs on her side.”

  Wraith scoffs. “Yeah, but that trouble is gonna follow her right to our damn doorstep. We have people here who need protecting, too, Kevlar. People who aren’t even born yet.”

  I met Prinie outside. She’s pregnant, so Wraith must be referring to her. I guess he’s the father.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble… my chances out there on my own are bad, but honestly, I don’t want to bring any drama to you, either. Look what’s happened already with the car accident…” I sigh. “You’re right, I don’t want to endanger anyone here at your club, especially pregnant women. S
av and I will leave immediately.”

  Kevlar stands from his seat aggressively. “Zero, c’mon… you know as well as I do if the Slavers are after Jovie, and we let her and Sav walk, what’s gonna happen to them. I don’t ask for much. Hell, I’ve done a fucking lot for this club. I gave up my previous life for this club. Pres, please, we need to keep her safe.”

  My chest tightens with the emotion that’s pouring from Kevlar. He understands. He finally understands me, and I’m seeing him in an all-new light. He’s not only a great fucking guy but protective of those he cares about. And right now, I’m someone he cares about.

  Zero slumps back in his seat, folding his arms over his huge chest. “Jovie, how can I be sure you’re not working with your father?”

  I scrunch up my face in disgust. “Seriously? I’ve been running from that asshole my entire life. Honestly, if the Slavers were after a fight with Defiance, they wouldn’t send me all the way to New Orleans, just to come back to Houston to wage war when they can take out the San Antonio Defiance first.”

  Zero’s hardened expression softens. I know I’m making sense. Zero glances at Wraith, and he groans. “Fuck, okay… say you’re telling the truth. What happens when Daddy dearest finds out you’re here? What would be his next step? Would he take out our brothers in San Antonio on his way to us?”

  I shrug. “Yeah, maybe. To be fair… I don’t know the man that well. I’ve never been a part of that life. I’ve only heard the horror stories on the streets.”

  “Great! So, by taking you in, we risk not only our lives but a brother chapter, too. You’ve already put NOLA Defiance at risk, now San Antonio, too. You see how this looks for you, Jovie?”

  “Like I said, I’ll grab Sav, and we can leave. I don’t want to be the cause of anyone getting hur—”

  “Problem is, Jovie… you leave, and our man, Kevlar here won’t forgive us.”

  “Damn straight,” Kevlar mumbles under his breath.

  Zero lets out a long huff. “The proverbial rock and a hard place. You stay, but I don’t want you venturing far from the club. I don’t need no gossip on the streets.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, pres. I told Jovie I would protect her. I always keep my promises,” Kevlar affirms.

  Zero stands. “We will dig into the Slavers, see what we can find out. But for now, everyone will welcome you and celebrate Kevlar being back home.”

  “Thank you. Sav and I won’t be any trouble.”

  A low rumble reverbs from deep in Zero’s chest. “Make sure you’re not. Kevlar, you’re in charge of them… both.”

  “Got it.”

  Zero gestures for the door. “Well then, let’s go have us some good ol’ fashioned Texas barbecue. Try to have a good night.”

  Zero’s portraying the tough-guy act well, but deep down he’s doing this because he cares about the people here at the club, and it can only mean one thing—he’s a decent human being.

  I stand, Kevlar does too, his hand moving to the small of my back as he ushers me toward the door. “You did good,” he whispers in my ear.

  We walk out, leaving the two hulking bikers behind.

  “I did?”

  “Yeah. They were testing you, checking to see if you were working for your fath—”

  “I’m not.”

  “I know, but they had to be sure.”

  “As long as you trust me, that’s all I really care about.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him. “You, helping run an underground syndicate? Nah, just can’t see it.”

  “I can’t tell if I should be pleased by that comment or insulted.”

  He leads me into the main room. “Definitely pleased.”

  We walk over to Ethan, where he stands with Kevlar’s kids. Sadie is twirling with Savanah. I have no clue what they’re doing. Lucas is loving the show while Ethan stands back shaking his head.

  As we approach, Savanah grabs hold of the bar, her eyes rolling around in her head. “Whose idea was this?”

  Sadie giggles, stops spinning, then jumps up and down on the spot. “Yours, silly. I win!”

  “And what does Sadie win?” I raise my brow in question.

  “Well, nothing of any value, just the knowledge she can out-spin an adult. The aim was to spin until you either fall over or throw up,” Savanah informs us.

  Kevlar’s eyes shift to Ethan.

  Ethan raises his hands. “Hey man, I couldn’t stop it once it started, and if Savanah wants to spin until she pukes, then that’s her problem.”

  “What if Sadie was sick?”

  Ethan chuckles. “Sadie? Have you ever seen your daughter spin? She goes on for hours. Seriously, it’s like her brain is glued to her skull. It just doesn’t have any effect on her at all.”

  Kevlar tries to hide the hurt in his eyes, but I see it. There’s pain there, sadness that he’s missed out on some of his children’s lives.

  I reach out gripping his bicep. “You can spend time with them now.”

  Ethan stands. “Actually, Fox said there’s gonna be a party… I should get them home.”

  Kevlar tenses. “Eath, man, c’mon. Please stay. I’ve been away for days.”

  Ethan’s eyes drop to the floor. “I brought them here to see you. They missed you. But this…” he waves his hand around, “… it’s still a clubhouse, Liam. You’re having a party… I’m all too aware what happens at club parties. They’re not staying here for this.”

  “Then, I’ll come home with you. Spend some time with the kid—”

  “Liam, you need to be here. They’re having the party for you. Come by for dinner soon.”

  My heart aches for Kevlar as the sheer desperation on his face washes over his entire being. He bends down, picking Sadie up into a tight hug. “I love you, baby girl.”

  Her tiny arms wrap around him as she snuggles into him. “Daddy?”

  He clears his throat. “Yeah?”

  “Are you leaving again?”

  Kevlar’s entire body sags like he’s having trouble even functioning right now. “No, baby. I’m never leaving you again. I’ll come by tomorrow, okay? I promise.”

  “Okay, Daddy. Can I show you my new tea set Auntie Lou gave me?”

  He finally smiles. “Yeah... I really wanna see that.”

  “Okay. I’ll make you and Mommy a cup of tea.”

  I widen my eyes as Kevlar leans in kissing her cheek. “I’ll see you and Mommy tomorrow.”

  “Love you, Daddy.”

  He chuckles. “Love you, too. You be a good girl for Uncle Ethan, okay?”

  “I’m always good.”

  Kevlar narrows his eyes on her. “Uh-huh, I’m sure you are.” He places Sadie on the floor, and she races over to me, wrapping her arms around my legs. I jolt in surprise as I slide my arm around her small back. “Bye, Jovie!”

  My head snaps to Kevlar, the corner of his lips turns up as she races toward the exit.

  “Sadie, hold on, for crying out loud. She has the energy of a fucking bunny, I swear,” Ethan groans.

  Kevlar scruffs Lucas’ hair. “Take care of your sister, okay, little big man?”

  Lucas nods enthusiastically. “Uh-huh. I take care of S… S… Sadie, Dad.”

  “I know you will. Watch out for Uncle Ethan, too, yeah?”

  Lucas looks up at Ethan, his big eyes widening like he’s just been given this huge task, but he’s going to take it on with gusto. “Mm-hmm…”

  “Lucas, come ooon,” Sadie drawls out, frustrated from the front door as she waves frantically.

  Ethan rolls his shoulders. “That’s my cue. Have a good night, big brother. Don’t party too hard. Call me before you come ‘round tomorrow, okay?”

  “Remind my kids I love them when you tuck them in tonight. Can you do that for me?”

  Ethan grips Kevlar’s shoulder. “Yeah, I can. Bye, Jovie, it was good meeting you.” Ethan takes off after the kids, leaving me with a bereft Kevlar.

  I turn to face him. “Are you okay?

  Kevlar rubs the back of his neck, then leans against the bar. “She still makes her tea parties about her mother… that can’t be healthy, right?”

  I exhale, moving in beside him. “Every child copes differently growing up without a parent. Sadie might remember her mother in pieces or small fragments… maybe she’s confused about where she’s gone and is trying to keep her memory alive by pretending Em is at her tea parties with her?”

  Kevlar exhales. “But it’s the pretending that’s not healthy, right?”

  I shrug. “If it helps her to feel comfort, then for now, I think it’s okay. There’s no right or wrongs in this, Kevlar. She seems perfectly normal to me. Maybe the problem is you don’t like to be reminded of her mother?”

  He jerks back like I’ve electrocuted him.

  Shit! Maybe I’m out of line.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about your wife. It’s not my place—”

  “No… I think you might have hit the nail on the head. I feel awkward when Sadie or Lucas bring up their mother. The longer time goes on, the harder it gets to talk about Em with them.”

  I reach out for his hand, linking my fingers with his, just to give him a sense of comfort right now. “Being a single parent can’t be easy, Kevlar. You’re doing the best you can. Everyone sees how much you adore them. You do what feels right. They’re young, they don’t need all the ins and outs on their mom right now. When they’re older and understand better, they will want to know more, and by then, you will have had time to process, and you’ll know exactly what to say.”

  Kevlar turns to face me, gratitude written all over his face. “Thank you. I really needed this right now.”

  I move in, resting my head on his shoulder. “Glad I could help.”

  Wraith walks past with Prinie, fussing over her as they pass. “Will you stop. I need to help the girls.”

  Wraith wraps his arm around her widening waist. “You won’t! You will come sit down and give those swollen feet a chance to rest.”

  “I am not swollen,” Prinie scoffs out as she detaches from him.

  Zero walks past chuckling like he’s enjoying Wraith getting in trouble. “Glad she’s giving you a dose of hell, VP!”


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