Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3) Page 26

by K E Osborn

  “We’ll manage,” Nessie offers as she walks out without Bonnie or Lexi by her side. My eyes widen, but she dips her head to me, letting me know they’re still upstairs with my kids. I let out a relieved exhale, pulling Jovie back to me, more for my comfort than anything else.

  “I’m not sure what you plan to do with me, Wraith, but I hope we can learn more about each other. Thank you for sparing me… I won’t forget it,” Damir offers.

  Wraith scrunches up his face like he’s angry at himself. “Take him away.” Wraith waves his gun through the air. Frost and Phantom rush over, grabbing Damir and dragging him inside the clubhouse and out of sight.

  “You sure about this?” Prinie asks Wraith.

  “No, but I have to try. He’s family.”

  “Speaking of family…” Zero adds, “Where the fuck is Koda?”

  Chains steps forward, wiping his brow. “Inside with Chills. Pres, he’s hit. She’s patching him up now. Kid tried to be a hero and got a bullet for his troubles.”

  “Fuck,” Zero grumbles. “I gotta go check on my brother, but before I do… River,” he calls out.

  We all turn toward River, shocked that Zero knows who he is. River walks over to Zero, then they pull each other in for a man back-slapping hug. “Thank you. For everything you did for us.”

  My eyes widen as Jovie’s face lights up.

  “Everyone, this is River. He’s Jovie’s brother. Even though she thought he was on the Slaver’s side, he actually contacted me and told me he’s been working with the cops.”

  Ethan steps forward. “Yes, that’s right, River’s been coming to me for nearly a year. So, when he told me this was going down, it’s how I knew I had to be here.”

  My jaw opens wide while Zero continues, “River here, gave Ethan the location of your children in the abandoned warehouse. It was the Slavers who took them, Kevlar, not the Baron.” I turn to face River, my heart galloping in my chest. I had already figured out it was Jovie’s father, but I had no clue River had turned him in. “He also told us there’s a crooked cop working with the Baron and Damir. That they were all coming to the clubhouse. River warned me days in advance, so I could call for back-up. It was pure luck our brothers arrived just in time.”

  River grimaces. “I’m sorry, Zero. I had no clue my father was moving up the attack. When Dad gave the order, I had no time to warn you. Though I knew you were putting precautions in place, I was hoping it would be enough and that you had acted quickly. It was just lucky that Chicago and NOLA arrived early. I’m so fucking angry I didn’t realize what the asshole was up to. I guess he had a feeling there was a mole, so he moved the attack forward without telling anyone. We walked into the office, and he gave the damn order. Next thing I knew, we were in the cars and on our way here. I had Lennox by my side the entire time. There was no way for me even to send a text message.”

  Jovie suddenly races forward, taking River into the biggest of hugs.

  If I wasn’t sure about the guy before, I am now. Not only was he working with Zero but also with Ethan to carry this whole thing out.


  I’m angry as hell he took my chance to seek my revenge on Jovie’s father for my kids, but as long as he’s dead, I guess I have to take the wins where I can.

  “Thank you so much, River. I had no idea you were doing all this to help me. To help us,” Jovie murmurs.

  “Our deal stands, River. No matter what happened here today, your deal is locked in place,” Ethan commands.

  “What deal?” I ask.

  “All prior crimes against him while committed by the Slavers will be wiped for working as an informant. River is aware of who the dirty cop is in the department, the one who alleged Frenzy was turning on the club when he was alive, but it’s simply not true. Frenzy was giving the cop info on the Baron. The Baron was twisting the scenario to make you doubt your brothers. To make you doubt each other.”

  Zero steps forward, relief flooding his features. “So, my father wasn’t a rat?”

  Ethan shakes his head. “No, Zero, Frenzy wouldn’t ever tell us shit about the club. But he sure as hell told us a whole lot about the Baron. It made it easier to lock the Baron up when that smear campaign hit, knowing there was so much truth behind Frenzy’s allegations.”

  Zero’s muscles relax with the ease of tension as Cherry cuddles into him. “You can always count on the Baron to twist shit and make us the bad guys!” Cherry then kicks Baron’s dead body in the side of the ribs for good measure. She hates him just as much as the next guy.

  “So, now the Baron’s dead… Damir’s in holding, the Slavers are… dealt with, and kind of on our side now. What’s left to do?” Prinie asks.

  Everyone smirks while we take in the huge fucking mess that is our clubhouse.

  “Party!” everyone calls out.

  Zero spins, grabbing Cherry in his arms. “Actually, there’s something else I need to do first.”

  Everyone turns back to face him as he locks eyes with Cherry.

  “When shit like this happens, it shows me how fucking important it is to live every damn day to the fullest. I’ve been holding off on this because of my past, but you know what? Fuck that. I’m not letting that bullshit interfere with what I have with you, Cherry Bomb. You’re my woman. I want everyone here to know it officially.”

  He drops down to one knee.

  Cherry’s hand slaps her mouth, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as Zero grips hold of her hand.

  “I don’t have a ring. I’m completely underprepared. But, baby, I’m gonna get you whatever fucking ring you want because you deserve only the best. I love you, Rayne, more than anything in this world, and I want you to marry me?”

  She gasps as she lets out a small sob. “I’ve done the whole marriage thing… it didn’t work out so well for me last time.”

  Everyone widens their eyes as Zero swallows hard. “It didn’t work out so well for me either last time, remember?”

  We all chuckle as Cherry’s lips turn up into the biggest of smiles. She can’t contain her happiness anymore as she jumps into his arms, kissing him passionately. We all let out a cheer.

  I wrap my arm around Jovie, just wanting to be closer to her right now as Zero and Cherry finally part lips.

  Zero pulls back, grinning from ear to ear as he holds onto his Old Lady so fucking tight. “So, is that a yes?”

  Cherry nods emphatically. “No, baby, that’s a hell yes!”

  We all laugh as they kiss again, a round of applause erupts around the compound.

  Zero finally pulls back from Cherry, slapping her briefly on the ass. “Okay, okay… first, clean up. Then, let’s fucking celebrate,” Zero cheers.

  Everyone starts rushing about, but Jovie turns to me, her hand smoothing over where my shirt is sliced, a small trail of blood has seeped through. “You’re hurt?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Her eyes shift to my bicep with a huff. “This doesn’t look like nothing, Liam.”

  Jovie’s used my name. She means business.

  “I’d take a hundred bullets if it meant protecting you and the kids.”

  Jovie turns back to take in the clubhouse covered in bullets. “Lou was pretty strong up there. When River came to get me and the others, he let her stay there with the kids. She, Lexi, and Bonnie. They were playing music really loud to drown out the noise.”

  “We need to check on them.”

  “Don’t we have to stay and help clean up?”

  “I don’t give a shit. That can wait. I need to be with my kids.” I grab her hand, pulling her with me, and we rush inside the clubhouse. Chills is working on Koda, he’s up on the pool table, knocked out cold as she performs surgery on his leg. Prinie moves to his side, anxiously pacing.

  We halt for a moment, Jovie placing her hand on Prinie’s back. “Is he doing okay?”

  “Chills?” Prinie asks desperately.

  “It hasn’t hit anything major, but he’s gonna need some pretty decent re
covery time. He’s gonna have to stop running for a while, while it heals.”

  “Shit! He’s going to hate that. I knew he’d try to do something like this. He isn’t fit for this life, Chills…” Prinie starts crying as Wraith rushes up, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Try not to stress, the baby has been under enough of that today.”

  I grab Jovie, leading her away. “C’mon, let’s go see the kids. They need to do their family stuff, and we need to do ours.”

  “I need you back here when you’re done upstairs, Kevlar. Don’t think I didn’t see your injuries,” Chills yells out as we start the trek up the stairs.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  My feet move faster the closer we get. Baby Shark blasts down the hall, making me all too aware that my kids are too fucking young to be dealing with this shit. We make our way to my room, and as I open the door, Lou swings a chair at us dramatically. I grab it just in time, halting it from hitting Jovie.

  “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” I yell, and the three women all visibly relax.

  Sadie and Lucas dance together in the room unphased by the commotion outside, but Lexi turns off the music. They stop with a huff now their favorite song is gone. “We were dancing! Did you see us, Daddy?”

  Lou bursts into tears, Jovie moving to her instantly, taking her into a tight embrace. I smile, trying to make light of the situation. “Yeah, baby girl. I saw you.”

  “Are you hurt, Dad? Did you g… g… get an owie?” Lucas asks, rushing to me and wrapping his arms around my legs. I pat his head and hold him to me with everything I have.

  “I’m fine, kids. As long as you guys are happy, I’m totally fine.”

  My eyes shift to Lou, who’s visibly shaking. I walk over and pull her into a tight-as-hell embrace. “Thank you. Thank you for keeping them safe,” I whisper.

  She sniffles, pulling back, her eyes meeting mine. “Is Ethan okay?”

  “He was incredible. We couldn’t have won this without him.”

  She wipes her face. “To be honest, even though I was scared as hell, all I wanted to do was protect them. I would have done anything, Liam. Anything.”

  “That means everything, Lou.”

  “She punched River when he came to get me.”

  I widen my eyes. “Bullshit!”

  Lou shakes out her hand. “My knuckles still hurt… I think I broke something.”

  “Look at you, you badass,” I tease just as Ethan comes rushing into the room.

  He locks eyes with Lou, then pulls her into a tight embrace. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Uncle Ethan, did you scare the bad men away?” Sadie asks.

  Ethan pulls back from Lou, turning to Sadie. “No, it was a team effort. Your father certainly played a big part.”

  “Daddy’s a hero,” Sadie coos, running at me and jumping into my arms.

  I grimace from the pain pulling in my torso and in my arm, but right now, I don’t give two fucks. I have my boy hugging my legs, my baby girl on my hip, and my woman in my arms.

  How can it get any better than this?

  It’s the early hours of the morning, and the party’s in full swing after a heavy-duty cleanup. We have prospects from all three clubs manning the gate, while we have a team of builders constructing a new one. Fox and Bub are spending time with Surge and Grudge at the grill.

  Zero, Wraith, and Neon are standing around with Torque, Trax, and Sensei from Chicago talking shop. I’m sitting at the fire with the brothers from NOLA. It’s fucking good to see them again. I had no clue they were heading this way. Hurricane sips on his beer with Nessie on his lap. His hand is traveling further up her thigh. He’s such a dirty fucking prick. Razor slings back in his chair, not caring about anything, oblivious to nothing but his drink while Bayou tries aimlessly to flick a bottle cap and catch it on the tip of his thumb—unsuccessfully, of course.

  “So, when Zero called you, you didn’t let me know you were heading down,” I ask Hurricane.

  His eyes slowly move to mine then he lets out a huff. “Did we hurt your precious feelings?” He chuckles. “Nah, brother, it needed to be on the down-low, so when these fuckers came, our ambush with Chicago would be quiet. We didn’t need it leaking out.”

  I get it. “Yeah… but still, you come from N’awlins. I wanted you to bring me some shit.”

  Bayou clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “Told ya he’d be dirty if you didn’t bring ‘em.”

  “Bring what?”

  Hurricane smirks. “The two packets of Café du Monde beignet mix I have in my bag for you!”


  “I got your back, brother.”

  I let out a small laugh. “You know me too fucking well.”

  “Did I hear beignets?” Jovie asks, walking over with Savanah.

  “Well, hello there! If it isn’t my two favorite feisty women,” Hurricane quips.

  “Hurricane,” Jovie placates.

  “Honestly, are you stalking me?” Savanah mocks.

  “Well, if it isn’t lady balls? It is nice to see you again, but I didn’t ride five hours just to see your gorgeous face, Savanah.”

  She clutches her hand to her chest. “I’m hurt. I’m sure this whole thing was a ploy just to see me. Well, if you’re not interested, then I’m just gonna go get a drink. Nice seeing you, Hurricane!” Savanah spins, walking off.

  “Never said I wasn’t interested! Savanah! Sav! Lady balls,” he calls out, pulling Nessie from his lap, standing, then chases after her like a lost puppy.

  I pat my lap for Jovie to sit. Razor gestures for Nessie to take her place on his lap instead. NOLA is a young club at heart with club girls still their scene. Me, I’m a one-woman man, always have been. Most of Houston Defiance is heading down the same path as me these days.

  Torque, from Chicago, makes his way over, taking the seat Hurricane just vacated. I raise my chin at him. “Pres.”

  “You’ve come a long way, Kevlar. I even noticed your cop brother is here. I can’t wait to hear that story.”

  “That’s a long, fucking epic tale, which needs a hell of a lot of beer. Right now, I want to know about you and Foxy. How’re things?”

  Utter contentment lights his face. “She’s fuckin’ everything, brother. You know what it’s like.”

  He’s talking about Em, but I’m fortunate to understand what it’s like to find it twice in my life. He’s been there, too. His wife died, and he was able to move on with Foxy. I’d like to talk to him about that.

  “Sunshine, would you go check on the kids, make sure they’re asleep for me?”

  Jovie narrows her eyes. “Sure.” She leans in, pressing her lips to mine, and then she takes off with a spring in her step.

  Torque taps Nessie on the leg. “Be a peach and grab me another beer, will you? Take your time, though.” She nods her head in understanding, gets up from Razor’s lap, then walks off leaving the guys to talk.

  “Right. So… things with Jovie serious?” Torque asks.

  I sit forward, letting out a heavy exhale. “I mean, yeah. I want them to be. It’s just…” I trail off.

  “Hard to let go completely of your first love. Trust me, I know. But brother, if she is worth it, and if your kids get along with her, if you feel that connection enough even to think she’s worth takin’ the risk for, then fuckin’ take it. I was so fuckin’ scared when it came to Foxy that I nearly lost her. Don’t let it happen to you. You want her, fuckin’ take her! It could end up bein’ the best thing you ever do.”

  “Plus, she’s hot as fuck, brother,” Bayou quips.

  “And sassy as hell,” Razor adds.

  “Bet she’s a firecracker in the sack.” Bayou purses his lips.

  “Fucker!” I throw my empty bottle at him. “Right, I know what I need to do.”

  Torque dips his chin at me. “Glad to help.”

  “Thanks for coming all the way down here, man. Chicago’s so fucking far, having you guys coming in to help us out means s
o damn much.”

  Torque waves his hand through the air dismissively. “Honestly, we hopped on a plane. The ride’s too much. You guys understand that from when you came to get Prinie and Koda. We might be across the other side of the country, but we’re all family. If you’re in trouble, we’re always gonna fight for you.”

  A loud bang drums from across the way, I turn as Lift throws his arms up in celebration while Chains mopes about over an oil barrel. I’m pretty sure they just had an arm wrestle. It’s good to see Chains interacting with the brothers from his old chapter. Chills walks over with her son Kobe in her arms, and the rest of the Chicago guys go crazy over him. Warmth floods over me while they smother him in affection. It’s been ages since they’ve seen him, Kobe was so much younger when they left Chicago.

  “It must be good seeing your guys again?” I ask Torque.

  “The club has a hole with Chains and Luc gone. With Chills leavin’, I was worried about not having a club doctor, but with Foxy’s trainin’ and Medic takin’ over, we’ve managed. They’re both doin’ really well… Ruby left a gap, though. We do miss her organizin’ everythin’.”

  I tilt my head over to Nickel and Siren. “You know Luc patched in, claimed Ruby. They’re Nickel and Siren now. Getting hitched and shit.”

  “Yeah, Chains called through and told us. Nickel has come so fuckin’ far!”

  Hurricane rushes back over, shaking his head. “Savanah told me I was up myself, and she was on a penis pause. What the fuck is a penis pause? Do you believe that shit? Bitch turned me down. Me?” He slumps on the seat next to me with a frown on his face.

  “Probably because you’re a fucking manwhore, pres,” Bayou quips, still flicking the beer cap with his thumb.

  “Bitch couldn’t handle me, anyway.”

  Torque chuckles. “You seriously need to find a good woman. When you do, you’ll calm your ass, Hurricane.”

  The NOLA president curls up his lip, it looks like in complete disgust. “I don’t reckon I’ll ever settle down. It’s just not on the cards for me.”


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