Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3) Page 27

by K E Osborn

  “Wasn’t for me either after Em,” I state.

  “Or me after Zoey, but when that one woman strikes a chord with you enters your life…”

  “There’s no going back,” Zero finishes Torque’s sentence as he steps up.

  “Shit! Not you, too?” Hurricane grumbles.

  Zero shrugs. “Gotta say, brother, having an Old Lady is pretty fucking epic, especially one who is one hundred percent on board with the club.”

  “Fuck, yeah,” Torque adds.

  All this conversation is doing is reinforcing what I already know—Jovie is it for me.

  I don’t want anyone else but her.

  “Guys, I gotta go.” I stand, all the brothers from multiple chapters stare at me. “I’m gonna go claim what’s mine.”

  A round of cheering erupts, bottle caps are hurtled at me as I rush off inside. I take the stairs three at a time, my pulse rapid-firing. I’ve done this once before. It was different then. My entire relationship was different. But with Jovie, she’s the glue holding our family together. She is the only thing making my heart beat insatiably. Without her, I’d be walking through life on autopilot.

  She brought me back.

  She’s made me breathe again.

  She is everything I could ever want.

  I’m not sure what it was that was holding me back, but talking with Torque, even hearing Zero confirm it for me, was all I needed to let me know I’m absolutely doing the right thing.

  Not only for me but for Sadie and Lucas.

  We’re a family.

  A family that doesn’t work without her now.

  Opening the door to our bedroom, the lights are dim. Soft breathing echoes from the bed as I quietly enter. Jovie is under the covers cuddled into Lucas, who’s snuggled into Sadie. The three loves of my life right here, safe and sound.

  I stand back, my heart is so fucking full.

  I shrug out of my cut, placing it in the closet. My arm aches, the sutures pulling with each movement from where Chills worked her magic earlier in the evening. Pulling off my shirt, I run my hand over the long bandage covering my gash from the knife wound. That fucker cut a lengthy incision, not to mention the bandage on my arm from the bullet graze too. I’m lucky they weren’t too deep, just enough to be fucking annoying.

  Placing my cell on my pillow, I slide out of my clothing, leaving me in my boxer briefs and slip into bed next to Sadie.

  Jovie’s eyes flutter open, her gorgeous electric-blue orbs shining back at me.

  “They went out like a light. It’s been an eventful night for them,” she whispers quietly.

  “It’s been eventful for all of us,” I whisper back with the same tone.

  Her arm reaches out over the top of the kids’ heads for me, and I link my fingers with hers. “I’m sorry I asked you to leave earlier, I needed to speak with Torque.”

  “I figured. I don’t mind. Spending time with the kids is always awesome.”

  It’s not what I pictured, but honestly, this is what life is going to be like with us. The kids are always going to be in the way. So, if I’m going to do it, there’s no time like the present. “How would you feel about always spending time with the kids?”

  She lifts her head with narrowed eyes. “What? Like their babysitter?”

  “No… like their… Mom…” her eyes widen, but I continue, “… this isn’t a proposal, I want to claim you, Jovie. Take you as my Old Lady. If today has shown me anything, it’s that life is so fucking short. I know that more than anyone, and I don’t want to waste a second of it without you by my side.”

  Her eyes begin to water. “What about the kids?”

  “They love you… I… love you.”

  Jovie exhales, her tears falling freely now. She wipes them away. “I love them… and you, too.”

  Hearing her say that fills me with so much fucking happiness, I really wish the kids weren’t in between us. “I want to kiss you so bad right now.”

  She lets out a little laugh, then catches herself trying to keep quiet. She turns to pick up her cell, then starts typing in it. I wait for the message to come through.

  Sunshine: I want to do more than kiss you right now!

  My eyes flick up to her, an animalistic hunger rampaging through me. I type into my cell with a giant grin on my face.

  Me: Tomorrow morning, we’re getting Lou to watch the kids. I don’t give a fuck where we’re going, we are finding somewhere private. And sunshine… I’m gonna show you how much I fucking love you!

  She receives the message, then exhales like she’s having trouble keeping her raging hormones to herself.

  Sunshine: This Old Lady is going to show you how much she appreciates being a part of this family… I love you, Liam.

  My chest swells with pride as I look up at her.

  She couldn’t have written anything better.

  Me: I love you, Jovie.

  I put my cell down, and I shuffle, getting comfortable on the bed. My fingers are still locked with Jovie’s. “By the way, your Old Lady name is… Sunshine.”

  She giggles. “I love it. I wouldn’t want anything else.”

  “Good night, Sunshine.”

  “Night, Kevlar.”

  I couldn’t imagine this going any better.

  I have my beautiful kids.

  I have my gorgeous Old Lady.

  Life can’t get any fucking better than this.

  So, what’s this niggling in my stomach that I can’t seem to shift?


  The Next Morning

  Yesterday was one of the scariest but also the best day of my entire life. Not only for the reason you would imagine—Kevlar claiming me—but also because my brother, River, wasn’t as much of a manipulative asshole as I thought he was. Turns out, I do have a member of my family who isn’t a criminal.

  Well, he was, but he’s actually one of the good guys.

  This morning as I sit with Kevlar and the kids eating breakfast, the clubhouse is packed to the brim. All our clubhouse family members are still here from lockdown, but we also have the Chicago and NOLA brothers here too. There’s hardly any space to move around. I haven’t had a second even to find Savanah and tell her about Kevlar claiming me.

  I need to do that.

  I need to spend more time with her.

  The last few weeks, I’ve neglected her to make time for the kids. That’s bad form on my behalf. She’s having a ball, making a place for herself, but I just don’t know how she’s going to take the news that Kevlar has snatched me up for good.

  River strides over, pulling out a seat next to me, and sits. “Hey.”

  I relax a little, seeing he’s still here. I want to talk to him more. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him properly. With him off with the Slavers and me trying to keep my distance, it’s not like we kept in touch.

  “Hey… I want to thank you for everything you did for me. I know I didn’t reach out to you all those years—”

  “Stop, you couldn’t. Dad would have tried to force you into the syndicate. You did the right thing. I’m glad I was able to help when I could.”

  I reach out, grabbing River’s hand in mine. “I don’t think you understand how much I appreciate it, Riv. This club, my family here, they mean everything.”

  He glances over at Sadie and Lucas, who don’t give a flying fuck about this conversation.

  “I understand it perfectly, sis. It’s why I have something to ask you, but I won’t do it if you don’t approve.”

  I narrow my eyes on him. “Okay… now you have me intrigued.”

  He exhales like he’s nervous. “I’m the head of the Slavers now, and Zero’s given me some options… either join forces with the club and keep running the syndicate or disband the Slavers and see how I like Defiance, as either a hangaround or maybe something more if I like it here.”

  “You mean prospect in?” I clarify.

  “Maybe… yeah. I mean I like how Zero runs things. I’ve been deep in convers
ations with him for weeks now. I know the club well enough… and… you’re here.”

  My chest squeezes as I tighten my grip on his hands. “You’d be going from third in charge to the bottom of the barrel. Prospects don’t have any authority, River, and the Slavers? I mean, I never liked them or what they stood for, but can you just disband a syndicate like that?”

  “I’m in charge now. I can do whatever the fuck I want. I have to talk to Zero about it some more, but whatever you want me to do… I’ll do.”

  The kids are happily eating their cereal. This is not a conversation for them to hear, so I stand, taking River with me as we walk a few steps away from them. “Hear me out on this. I was talking to Cherry, and I know the club is making products in a place of business they shouldn’t be…”

  “You trying to keep this shit on the down-low?”

  “I just don’t know what I can tell you, but just listen. What if this product that they can only make in small quantities because of fear of being caught could be outsourced to the Slavers? What if… the club and Slavers run side-by-side. The club uses the Slavers to produce and push their product, so if the product is ever found by the heat, then the Slavers go down, not the club?”

  River frowns. “But then I’ll go down?”

  “See… you can still be the head of the Slavers, but you have a lackey who runs it… the fall guy. You’re like a silent partner. In the meantime, you prospect in here at the club, so your cover is you’re a brother, not a Slaver.”

  “So, the Slavers go into manufacturing hardcore drugs.”

  “I didn’t say it was that.”

  “You don’t have to, Jovie. I know what product means.”

  “Okay, so? What do you think?”

  “I’ll run it past Zero, see if he’s on board. If so, looks like I’ll be prospecting in, and I’m gonna be around a lot more. I have a few years to catch up on with you. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to come through for you.”

  I pull him in for a hug. “I missed you, Riv. I’m glad you’re back, and we don’t have to worry about Lennox or Dad.”

  He pulls back. “Me, too… me, too.”

  Kevlar steps up to my side. “This looks cozy.”

  River places his hand out to shake Kevlar’s. “Thanks, man… for taking care of her. For letting her be a part of your family. I’m so glad you found each other.”

  “I’m fucking glad I found her, too.”

  “And look… I’m sorry for stepping in and putting a bullet in Dad before you could. I know you wanted to avenge your kids, but I had a fucking lot of pent-up anger I needed to get out toward that fucker. So, I’m sorry for taking that hit away from you, but that bastard… he killed my mother, forced me to grow up in a syndicate I wanted no part of and made me do things I can’t even comprehend. I’m sorry, but I had to end him myself.”

  I know Kevlar was dirty on River for not letting him get his vengeance. But hearing this, I’m sure Kevlar understands.

  “As long as he’s dead, my vengeance is paid. Now, if you excuse me, I need to borrow Sunshine for a moment.”

  River nods, and Kevlar whisks me off. “What about the kids?”

  “Lou has them.” He winks at me, and I widen my eyes.

  “Ooh, excellent!” I let out a little laugh.

  He leads me out to his pickup. I waggle my eyebrows as I hop in excitedly. “Are you sure they won’t miss us?”

  “Zero knows we’re heading out for a little while. We’re not expected back for two hours.”

  “Two hours? Wow! Okay, let’s go!”

  He starts the pickup, and we drive out of the compound.

  Excitement bubbles up inside of me. “So, where are we going?”

  Kevlar turns to me briefly with a giant smirk. “Not far.” With that, he pulls the truck over to the side of the road, where it’s fairly abandoned.

  “I’m confused.”

  “We have limited time. I could take you to a hotel, but then we need to book in, and there could be a wait. Honestly, I just want to spend as much time alone with you as I can get. If it’s on the side of the fucking road in my pickup, then I’m okay with that.”

  “Gotta take what we can get. Now push your seat back and unbuckle your belt ‘cause I’m comin’ on over.”

  “Yeah, baby.” He slides his seat back all the way and undoes his jeans, sliding them down over his ass. I yank my jeans and panties down, even though it’s awkward as fuck, then jump across, moving into position on top of him. My eyes meet his, his hand moving up to caress my cheek.

  “You amaze me, Sunshine. The way you’re taking this on… taking me and my family on.”

  I rest my forehead against his, my chest flooding with warmth. “It’s not a matter of taking you on, it’s that I can’t imagine being anywhere else. This isn’t a chore for me, Kevlar. I do this because it’s what we do to be a family. You’re my home now. Those kids are my everything. So, don’t feel like this… here right now, isn’t good enough. Fucking you in your pickup while Lou has the kids is the life I want. The life I choose. I choose you. Always.”

  His lips slam against mine, his cock pressing right against the lips of my pussy. I can’t wait another second to be joined with him. I move into position, then slide down on his cock effortlessly, his thickness filling me completely. His deep, throaty moan reverbs through my mouth as his tongue dances with mine. He thrusts up inside of me. I’m straddling him, a soft whimper leaving my mouth as my clit throbs with need.

  Fucking Kevlar is fantastic, and it’s like the first time every time, even in the front seat of a pickup.

  His hands slide up into my hair, tugging it forcefully, pulling my head back as his teeth graze my skin. I continue to ride him, the truck rocking back and forth with our movements. The quiet reverb of our rushed, harsh breaths echoes throughout the truck. The windows fog, blocking out the blue morning sky.

  My pussy tightens around his cock, and he groans in reaction. I arch my back, moaning, as I bring my lips back to his kissing him frantically. My soft cries as I grind down on him are only making his balls pull up tighter. The way his cock is pulsing, he isn’t going to last much longer.

  My skin prickles in sweat as he thrusts in deeper.

  I gasp, clenching my fingernails into his shoulders.

  He groans in satisfaction

  “Oh God, Liam,” I moan into his mouth.

  His entire body thrusts when he hears me call his name like it’s a massive turn on.

  “Come for me, Jovie,” he demands.

  My body trembles. I ride him faster, our bodies moving as one, striving for climax. His cock throbs as he leans in biting down on my bottom lip. I moan, my pussy clenching tight, my nails digging in harder. All my muscles tense as he pumps into me. Shards of light flash behind my eyes when the explosion hits with so much force. I moan so fucking loud when everything releases.

  Kevlar groans when I slump my body into him, but he continues moving my hips to help him reach his.

  My mouth leaves his lips as I move to his neck, biting down hard. He groans as my teeth sink into his flesh. He likes it a little rough, it makes his cock harder if that’s possible.

  “Fuck, Jovie!”

  I lick the skin of his neck and tease his flesh as he grabs my ass, squeezing my cheeks to pull me on and off him at the tempo he needs to get himself off. The grunts coming from him are animalistic while I continue to devour his neck.

  The muscles in my pussy clench, and he groans, throwing his head back against the headrest in undeniable, unequivocal pleasure. His cock throbs inside me, his entire body going rigid as I move my mouth back to his. My tongue invades, taking him forcefully.

  Kevlar pulls me up and down firmly, his cock growing harder and pulsing. I know he’s close. He tenses, jolts, then groans loudly into my mouth while I tighten my pussy around his girth as he explodes inside me.

  We pant frantically for much-needed breaths, his head falling back against the headrest. I kiss him softly as
he comes down from his high. I’m floating, yet the world is spinning while I’m holding on for the thrilling ride of a lifetime.

  That’s what Kevlar does to me.

  He exhales, then suddenly, the seat falls backward in a mad rush. I let out a squeal as Kevlar pulls me with him. “Just lay on me for a while. We still have some time. Let’s just stay here, like this.”

  I slide up, cuddling into him. It’s the tightest, most uncomfortable position we could be in, but right here, right now, I wouldn’t be anywhere else than in his arms, in his truck.

  “We’re so fucking lucky,” I murmur.

  He plays with my hair, our breaths slowly returning to normal while he hums under his breath. “Why’s that?”

  “Even though our sex life is going to be like this with having the two kids around, and we’re going to have to find time where we can, it’s still better than anything I could have imagined.”

  Kevlar exhales, pulling my face up to his in a kiss. I kiss him back, loving the connection we have, then his cock springs back to life inside me.

  I break the kiss looking down. “Again?”

  He checks his watch. “Oh yeah, we have another hour… let’s do this.”

  This may not be perfect for everyone.

  But it’s perfect for me.

  I never imagined my life could ever be like this.

  A stepmom.

  A partner to an amazing man.

  I was always destined for the Slavers.

  Maybe, just maybe, I can have my happy ending after all.


  The Next Evening

  The clean-up was massive. It’s taken us hours and three brother chapters to get this place back to somewhat normal again. Bullet holes still line the second story of the clubhouse on the outside. We were able to patch them from the inside, but it’s like a fucking cheese grater on the outside.

  Cherry said it gives the place a tougher vibe.

  I think she was trying to make us feel better about it.

  Chicago and NOLA Defiance both left this afternoon. They have to get back to their own lives, though we can’t thank them enough for their contribution in saving our asses. At any other time, it would be great to see them, but when it involves a war, it’s always a tougher greeting.


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