Page 19
So when Prudence and Piety had given their last counsel, they knelt with their friends and committed them to God's care. Before leaving, Prudence whispered something into Great-heart's ear. He nodded with a smile and then took the mysterious lamp from her hand. Then those two lovelies bade all a fond farewell and turned to go home. So when they had finally waved their last farewell and vanished over the brow of the hill, Christiana and her band turned to face the uncertain future. Sensing their unease, Great-heart said, "We need not fear this valley, for nothing will tempt us here unless we invite it ourselves."
"But did not my husband meet with great pains and frightful struggles in this place?" asked Christiana.
"Oh, aye, that he did," replied their guide. "But 'twas because he ignored the gentle warnings of Prudence and Piety to come down into Humility with great care. He got down all right. But because he came on with such self-confidence he incurred many a slip and slide. This gave Apollyon grounds to accuse him of pride and unfaithfulness."
"Like Peter?" asked Matthew.
"Yes. Exactly like Peter. Therefore, to prove to the onlooking universe that his heart was still pure, his Lord gave the devil permission to oppose him."
"Hmmm," said Christiana thoughtfully. "Then from this, I deduce that we must take all God's suggestions very seriously."
"Indeed. God never speaks for the mere joy of hearing His own voice. They that ignore His Word will stumble into Humility and therefore meet with conflicts going out. But, you and yours have done better than Christian and so need not fear."
"Ah, such a relief," sighed Christiana. "I had feared that the place might be haunted by foul fiends or evil spirits."
"In Humility! Nay," explained Great-heart. "The only foul spirits in this place are the ones we bring with us by neglecting good counsel. But let us not be too hard on our friend Christian - for 'tis easier going up this hill than down - something that can be said of no other. But in the end, he got himself a brave victory. May God grant that we fare as well. Boys! Keep sharp eyes about you. I'll wager that 'ere long we shall find something to explain why your father was so heavily set upon in this place."
And so the boys kept their eyes peeled to find something that might explain the mystery of Apollyon's vicious attack.
Now they had not gone far when James, the eagle-eyed, espied a monument standing off to one side. "Mother, look!" said he. "Yonder stands some kind of pillar with writing on it. May we run ahead and read it?"
The pillar commemorating Christian's battle with Apollyon
So, with a nod from Great-heart and their mother, the boys raced ahead. When all had gathered, they read this:
Let Christian's slips
before he came hither,
and the battles that he met with
in this place,
be a warning
to those that come after."
"Praise God!" exclaimed Great-heart. "Did not I tell you there would be something hereabouts that would give us a clue as to why Christian had it so hard in this place?"
"Great-heart?" said Matthew. "Tell me if I am understanding this principle correctly. Is it accurate to say that if we are careless in one leg of our journey, we shall find the way more difficult in the next?"
"Look to your own experience, Matthew. Did you not find it to be true in the matter of the forbidden fruit?"
"I . . . uh . . . well, yes. Sort of."
"Only sort of? Did you not rob yourself of courage and stand by while two lecherous villains accosted your mother and this pure maiden?"
"I . . . yes," admitted Matthew, with lowered eye.
"And when we met with Grim Bloody-man, did you not urge detours when honor and duty bade us meet the danger head-on?"
"Yes, sir."
"And, as time went on, were you not growing weaker and more inclined to turn about? And were not your whinings and complainings a burden to all?"
"Yes, sir. All that you say is true."
"Therefore, to answer your question directly - the answer is yes. Today's failure is tomorrow's temptation. Heed the warning of this pillar - all of you. Tomorrow has enough trials of its own without carrying any over from today. Therefore gain today's victories while it is yet called today. And now, onward!"
"Wait. Great-heart?"
"Yes, Matthew?"
"I just want to tell everyone how sorry I am for having slowed you down. I have sinned against you all and I ask your forgiveness."
Then there followed such a season of forgiveness and rejoicing as can scarce be put into words. There were hugs and tears from the ladies and handshakes and back-slaps from the brothers three. As he watched even Great-heart felt a lump in his throat. So they turned and continued on with great joy. As they journeyed, James ventured to ask the question that hung heavy upon his heart.
"Great-heart, sir? If my brother had turned back, what would have happened to him?"
"Well, perhaps you can answer your own question, James. Have you seen any bones bleaching in the sun thus far?"
"Sure! Many!"
"There lies your answer. They that turn back have no armor for their backs. They soon find themselves seven times worse off and pierced through with many sorrows. And, even if they should turn again and by some miracle of grace manage to attain the kingdom - their journey is much more difficult and their losses are eternal. But, brave pilgrims, be of good cheer; for we belong not to the tribe of the double minded."
"My!" declared Mercy after they had got well into the Valley. "This Valley of Humiliation is quite a prosperous-looking place. I had expected bones and skulls along the path, but instead I see living streams and green fields sprinkled with flowers."
"Ah, indeed," agreed the guide. "You will find this Valley as sweet and fruitful as any place overflown by the crow. Yea, if this Valley could speak it might say, 'I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley'."
"And the people!" exclaimed Christiana. "Where I had expected a wilderness, I see instead neat farms and lovely cottages. And the workers in the fields seem to be so happy and prosperous. Why is that, Great-heart?"
"Because, as the Good Book says, 'God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble'. Also the soil of Humility is very fruitful and brings forth by handfuls. Indeed, many a pilgrim has wished that his entire journey might lie along this Valley. But the way is, what the way is, and even its hardships have precious lessons to teach."
Now a little farther along they espied a shepherd boy watching o'er his father's sheep. The boy was dressed in the plainest of clothes, but his face was so fresh and well-favored that none could help but admire him. As he sat alone, he accompanied himself with David's harp and sang thusly:
"He that is down needs fear no fall,
He that is low no pride;
He that is humble ever shall
Have God to be his guide.
I am content with what I have,
Little be it or much;
And, Lord, contentment still I crave,
Because thou savest such.
Fullness to such a burden is
That go on pilgrimage:
Here little, and hereafter bliss,
Is best from age to age."
Then said Great-heart, "I dare say that this boy lives a merrier life, and wears more of that herb called 'heart's ease' in his bosom than any that are clad in silk and ermine."
The happy shepherd boy
"Is it because he is just a simple child," asked Matthew, "or is it because such is the nature of all who dwell in the Valley of Humility?"
"'Tis true of all who dwell here, Matthew. In fact, when the Prince of Glory dwelt among us, He had His country home here. Whenever His work was done in the carpenter shop, He would love to stroll these meadows and converse with His Father."
"Really!" exclaimed James. "Here? Right here where we are?"
"Oh, yes," answered the guide. "It is quiet here and a true seeker may meditate upon heavenly things with no distractions."
"Why?" asked Joseph.
"' Tis because the people of Humility can sense when we are seeking time with God and dare not interfere."
"'Tis indeed a lovely place," commented Mercy. "There is no rattling of coaches or rumblings of wheels. Here one may meditate upon what she is, and to what the King has called her."
"Aye," agreed Great-heart. "And though Christian had to duel with Apollyon, it is not so with all. Some men meet with angels here; others find pearls of great price; still others have the words of life opened to them. Oh, and did I mention that each year the Lord of the hill bestows a handsome sum upon those who dwell in Humility?"
"Now why would he do that?" questioned Matthew. "It sounds like a reverse tax to me."
"Indeed. It is to enable them to beautify the land of Humility. Also to care for their traveling expenses when they are ready to resume their pilgrimage."
"But how can He afford it?"
"Don't forget, Matthew, our Lord 'owns the cattle on a thousand hills'. He is well able to bestow His richest gifts upon those who enjoy Humility."
"Oh, that it could be so among the governments of men!"
"In due time you will come to a place where this is true. But until then 'tis the bitter before the sweet."
"My!" exclaimed Mercy as she sat herself down upon the green and bent over to smell the flowers. "'Tis such a lovely place we have come upon; what with this lovely green meadow and its living carpet of flowers. Great-heart? Might we not lie down here for a few moments and enjoy the perfumed air of this place?"
"Good idea!" agreed James as he plopped himself down in the midst of a patch of nosegays.
"Nay! Mercy! James! Get you up! Quickly!"
"Yes, sir."
So they got them up, albeit 'twas obedience born of respect rather than logic, for they could see no reason at all for the urgency of their conductor's voice. So after they had strolled on a few more yards, Mercy addressed Great-heart in this manner.
"Great-heart? Did we do something wrong? Why was there such an urgent tone to your voice?"
"You and James were in mortal danger."
"What! Danger in Humility? How can this be?"
"Look over yonder. Do you see that sign?"
"Aye. It says 'Forgetful Green'. My, what a queer name."
"There is more, Mercy. Read on."
So she read the sign aloud. And this is what it said"
"Let pilgrims beware! Tarry not here.
For the price you pay is far too dear.
The flowers planted by an enemy's hand
Make you forgetful of heaven's land."
"Hmmm," puzzled Mercy. "What does it mean?"
"The perfume of these flowers is like a potion. It makes those who pause to take their ease forgetful of God's leading in the past. Worse, it leads them to feel that they can never fail in the future."
"Ah, I have heard this idea before," said Mercy. "'Our only fear for the future is that we shall forget how God has led us in the past'."
"Aye," agreed Great-heart. "Let us march on now. There shall be rest as we need it, for the great Master Shepherd never overdrives His lambs."
Now as they went on, Samuel said to Mr. Great-heart, "Sir, I know that in this Valley my father and the fiend Apollyon had their fearsome battle. But where was the fight? Do you think we shall ever find the place in such a wide valley?"
"Aye. Just beyond us is a narrow divide which is the favorite lurking place of Apollyon. 'Twas likely there that your father had his fierce encounter."
"Why there, sir?"
"Because 'tis there, after times of peace and safety that we are most likely to be off our guard. And those who, like Peter, think they can stand, are in the greatest danger of all. If this is the place of conflict, we are sure to find some signs of the battle - or perhaps even a monument to testify to the victory."
And so they passed into a narrow way and soon came to a place where the ground was all torn and gashed. Littered here and there were darts with their shafts charred and splintered. So Great-heart paused, and, after a brief study of the place, declared, "This is the place! Look about you, lads. 'Twas right here that Christian did play the man and showed himself as stout as Samson himself."
"My!" exclaimed Mercy. "The marks of battle are so fresh. It seems they were made but yesterday."
"Indeed," agreed Great-heart. "My guess is that the Lord of the Hill will keep the marks of this victory fresh until the last pilgrim passes by. Look! Over there in that narrowest place. That must be where Apollyon straddled the path and forced the battle."
"How can you tell, Great-heart?" asked Samuel.
"By many ways. See those stains upon the stones?"
"Blood stains from your father's wounds."
"The beast!" snapped Matthew angrily. "How I wish I were a better swordsman - for I long to avenge him!"
"There is a better way, Matthew."
"What is it?"
"You can avenge your father best by living a life under the control of God's Spirit. Nothing brings more pain to the foe than one who becomes a partaker of the divine nature and lives a victorious life."
"How can I do that?"
"Read of it in 2 Peter 1:4 where he says that unto us are given ' . . . exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust'. Choose to believe it, Matthew, and 'all power in heaven and earth' shall be given you."
"Hmmm. I shall give it the try."
"As shall we all!" vowed Samuel.
"Aye!" added James. "By God's grace, we'll be more than conquerors and put a kink in the old serpent's tail!"
Now as they were exploring the scene of battle, which encompassed an acre or more, James saw a most curious sight and said, "Great-heart! Over here is a whole long trail of blackish, oily gook like the blood of giant Grim. Is it blood?"
"Don't touch it, James!" commanded Great-heart as he strode over to have a look.
"Me? Are you kidding!" answered James. "All the grass and bushes along its pathway are wilted and deformed."
"Hmmm. It's blood all right - poured forth from a dragon in retreat, no doubt. See how the marks of his claws and dragging tail vanish over yonder? 'Tis there that the retreating wimp became airborne, I'll wager."
"My!" exclaimed Christiana. "I'd never dreamed it to be such a vicious battle!"
"Oh, aye, vicious it was, Madam. 'Twas indeed a duel to the death."
"What are all these burned splinters of wood, Great-heart?" asked Joseph.
"Shivers of wood from Apollyon's fiery darts."
"Broken upon the shield of faith, I'll wager," observed Matthew proudly.
"Boy! The ground hereabouts is sure all torn up!" noted Samuel.
"Yeah!" agreed James. "And look at all these gashes on the rocks. What are they from, Great-heart?"
"By-blows from Christian's mighty sword, no doubt."
"Wowie! This rock is cut clean in two," piped up James.
"Man! Some kind of power our Pappy had, huh, guys?"
"Don't forget that it was more than human power he was wielding. He was using the 'sword of the Spirit' - a mighty two-edged sword that brings sure victory to all who use it honestly."
"The Word of God, eh?" observed Matthew.
"Aye," answered Great-heart. "'Twas with the Word of God that our Lord and Master vanquished the enemy and sent him scampering back to his den. So it was with your father."
"How does it work?" questioned Matthew.
"A very good question, Matthew; one whose answer opens the door to eternity. It works like this: in the Word of God resides the very power that spoke the universe into existence. And that same power is available to all who would gain the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil."
"Then I'll take it up!" pledged Matthew.
"Us too!" vowed the brothers three.
"But how do I do it?" queried James.
"By hiding th
e words of Scripture in your mind, James."
"How much?"
"That depends."
"On what?"
"On how big a sword you want. Do you want to meet the enemy with a stick-pin or with a tempered blade of Jerusalem-steel?"
"Oh, with a Jerusalem blade! You betcha!"
"Then memorize much - for it is from the mine of your memory that the Master Sword Smith digs the ore from which to forge your blade."