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Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set

Page 1

by Bella King


  Title Page


  Depraved Kings


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Hate You


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Raw Deal


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Seduced by Cruelty


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  More by Bella King

  Cruel Boys

  The Dark Bully Romance Box Set

  Bella King

  Copyright © 2019 by Bella King

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Depraved Kings

  A Dark Reverse Harem Bully Romance


  The scars etched deep into my stomach formed a word that I would have to carry with me forever.


  I came in innocent.

  But I left guilty.

  I had a taste for the dark side, but slipping over the line was what got me here in the first place.

  I was mistakenly locked up at a boarding school for delinquents.

  I wasn’t going to last a second there if I didn’t toughen up.

  Then came initiation.

  There were four of them, and there was only one of me.

  After that, nothing was the same.

  How could it be after those four men gained my trust?

  Now I was in their powerful hands, and they had plans for me.

  I wasn’t safe.

  And I feared I never would be safe again.

  Chapter 1

  These boys weren’t bullies, they were monsters disguised as students. They ran amok in a boarding school for young adults who would probably go on to spend the majority of their lives in prison. This was the place where the worst of the worst ended up, and then there was me.

  I wasn’t one of them. I had never been. Landing in here was the worst thing that could have happened to me, but life can be cruel and unfair. The justice system seemed to think that I needed a lot of reform after my arrest six months ago with my lunatic ex-boyfriend. None of it had been my fault, but the stars were aligned against me, and I ended up getting the book thrown at me. I thought I had been lucky to end up here instead of jail, but lord was I wrong.

  My ex-boyfriend had kidnapped me, beaten me, and left me for dead, only for the police to pick me up off the side of the road on gang-related charges that had nothing to do with me. Apparently, being associated with the bad boys puts you in the spotlight as well. What a pity. I could have gotten away from all that if I had tried a little harder.

  My parents had done their best to keep me out of jail, but despite their best efforts and a whole lot of money that they didn’t have, I ended up somewhere much worse. You would think that a boarding school wouldn’t have been nearly as bad as a concrete cell, but you would be wrong. This place was a nightmare, and one that would be lasting for the remainder of the year until I graduated.

  This boarding school was home to hardened criminals, petty thieves, and everyone in between. Any man or woman over the age of 18 who hadn’t finished high school was here, wrapping up the worst years of their life so that they could move onto the civilized world. Some of them, however, probably would end up straight in jail after this. I was determined to be different.

  If only I knew how hard that would be. Criminal activity at Ridgeview Boarding School begged for involvement. Whether you were bad or not, people wanted to pull you into their schemes. I experienced that on my first day at school, and perhaps I should have gone along with it. My life would have been a lot simpler if I had.

  “Blonde girl, come here,” a woman’s voice barked in my direction.

  I turned my head to look behind me, my silver-blonde hair flowing over my shoulder. I saw a woman standing a few yards away with two other women at either side of her, arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

  I pointed to my chest and raising my eyebrows. “Me?” I asked, knowing that there was nobody else she would be calling out. I didn’t want trouble on my first day of school, but trouble had a way of finding me.

  “Yes, you. Get over here,” the woman snapped, curling a finger to beckon me back toward her.

  I looked around once more before walking slowly up to her. My simple black shoes clacked against the ancient stone floor of the hallway and echoed around the high ceiling. This place was as big as it was old, and sometimes the amount of space in the school seemed excessive. It was practically a castle.

  I tried to keep my head up as I approached the woman and her posse. She was tall and slender, with high cheekbones and thin lips. There was an air of authority about her, and it wasn’t just from her snappy commands. She looked like someone who called the shots at this school.

  I wasn’t much of a follower. I had learned not to follow people from the poor experiences I had with my ex-boyfriend, so if she expected me to start following her orders, she was sadly mistaken. I was nobody’s bitch these

  “What’s your name?” She demanded to know when I had gotten close enough to her.

  I came to a stop two feet from her, keeping a healthy distance. I wasn’t yet sure what she wanted, and it was always best not to get into someone’s personal space, especially at a school like this one.

  I cleared my throat before speaking, trying to keep my voice from sounding weak. “Rose,” I said.

  The woman and her two henchwomen snickered. “Rose?” She asked, smirking and shaking her head. “What kind of a stupid name is that?”

  “It’s not stupid,” I countered, my temper already beginning to flare. It had gotten much worse since I was arrested and would probably only continue this way until I was in a better environment.

  The woman’s smirk turned into a snarl. “It’s whatever I say it is. My name is Natasha, and you better remember it. You’d be a lot safer around here if you did.”

  I assumed she was a dominant member of the local community, but I didn’t much care about that. I didn’t follow people whose first instinct was to insult me. I lodged her name in the back of my head anyway. It was always good to know who your enemies were.

  I shrugged at Natasha’s threatening words. “Is there anything else you wanted to say to me?”

  One of the women beside her lurched at me, but Natasha’s long arm shot out and blocked her path. “Relax, she’s new here,” Natasha said to the girl, her voice calm but serious.

  I was surprised by the sudden movement, but my self-defense instincts were still there from having to defend myself from a man much larger than any of these women. I had my arms up to block my face in a second, and I was ready to bring a knee up to the gut of anyone who charged me.

  Natasha chuckled. “I’m going to take it easy on you, but I suggest you fall in line here at Ridgeview. People disappear all the time,” she said, waving a hand in the air casually and turning to leave.

  The girl that had lurched at me made a face at me before following Natasha. They all walked away from me, their strides arrogant and purposeful.

  I let out the breath I had been holding in. I couldn’t believe that I had already been confronted by the school bitch during my first day here. She was diligent. I’ll give her that, but I wasn’t going to ‘step in line,’ as she had put it. I wasn’t that type of woman.

  I turned on my heels and walked the direction I had been heading before. I needed to unpack my belongings in the dormitory where the other new arrivals would be doing the same. We had surprising mobility on the school grounds, but the administration kept a closer eye on the newcomers. I would have liked it if they kept an eye on people like Natasha instead.

  I listened to the echoes of my own footsteps as I made my way to the dormitory, making a note of my bleak surroundings so that I wouldn’t get lost in this place. The school was huge, and this was only the beginning. I hadn’t even attempted to get to my classes yet. That would be another challenge entirely.

  I passed by a broken wall, bricks literally laying in a pile on the floor as though someone had ripped them from the wall and tried to get inside of the school walls. I looked around for someone to acknowledge this mess, but there were very few students around. The ones that did pass seemed to ignore it completely, unphased by the obvious destruction of school property. I wondered if that was normal here.

  I stared at the wall for a few more seconds, noticing how some of the bricks looked to be chipped away. It was a bit unsettling that someone had tried to smash through a wall, and nobody seemed to care.

  I tried to put it out of my head as I continued to the dormitory. I was sure there would be plenty more for me to worry about at this school aside from the destruction around me. Natasha, for one, seemed like a bigger threat. I would try to keep my distance from her.

  Chapter 2

  “17 beds, but not a single fucking nail in them,” a girl exclaimed from beside me as I rolled my belonging out over my bed.

  I looked up at her, noticing the deep frown on her face. She was pissed about the beds for some reason, but she didn’t look as threatening as Natasha had. I didn’t want to talk to her though. There was no telling what she was actually like, so I put my head back down.

  “Do you have any sharp objects on you?” The girl asked, her question directed toward me.

  I glanced up again, getting a better look at her. Her frown looked like more of a frustrated one than an angry one, and her black hair was all over her face, as though she had been running around frantically before I came. She probably had been looking for a nail.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, not entirely understanding her question.

  “I’m looking for a nail or something, and I can’t find any,” she said.

  “Is your bed broken?” I asked, looking down at it.

  Her bed looked like all the other ones in the dormitory. It was low to the ground, narrow, and short enough to have your feet hanging off the end if you were too tall. Thankfully, I wasn’t, but some of the other women here would have a problem.

  The girl chuckled. “It’s not broken. I need a nail so I can stick it through this piece of wood,” she said, holding up a small plank of wood that resembled a thick ruler.

  “What for?” I asked, wanting to know what she was up to before I tried to help.

  “You put a nail near the top, having it sticking out the other side,” she explained, tracing a finger decorated with chipped black nail polish around the top of the wood. “Two simple ingredients, and you got yourself a weapon. Anyone who decides it’s a good idea to run up on me,” she said, suddenly smacking the stick down on her mattress with a loud thwap. “Bam! Nail through the stomach.”

  I winced when she hit the mattress. That looked like a great way to put someone in the hospital.

  “You’d probably go to jail for that,” I said.

  She laughed as though I had made the funniest joke in the world, slapping her knee for emphasis. “Damn girl, you’re hilarious. We’re already in jail. Nobody gets out of this place unless they fucking die.”

  “It’s a boarding school, though,” I said, holding my palms up.

  “You try walking out the door then,” she replied, placing her hands on her hips and staring at me with her lips tightly pressed together.

  She had a point. You weren’t allowed to leave the school, unless it was for recess or afterschool sports. Even then, you wouldn’t be allowed off the school campus. They had fences up and everything.

  I nodded. “I guess you’re right.”

  “You’re damn right I’m right,” she said loudly. “I’m also Eden. What’s your name?”

  “Eden,” I said, repeating her name under my breath. She would understand what it was like to have an unusual name. Eden probably got a fair amount of remarks on her name.

  “Your name is also Eden?” she asked, crooning her head like a pelican toward me.

  I hadn’t thought she had heard me. I shook my head. “No, it’s Rose. Nice to meet you,” I said, holding out a hand.

  Eden reached across the bed and shook it firmly. “I like you, Rose. Which is good, because we sleep beside each other and this stick is long enough to put a nail through your forehead in your sleep if you piss me off,” she said, whacking it against the palm of her hand.

  “Just do it quickly so I don’t have to suffer,” I joked.

  Eden laughed. “It’s good to have a sense of humor in this place. Depression can hit you hard if you’re not on the lookout for it. Some guy already snapped and it’s only the first day.”

  “He snapped?” I asked, perking up.

  “Uh hu, like a twig. The man took a hammer to the wall and tried to escape, breaking through a whole layer of bricks before anyone stopped him. It would probably be easier to walk out the front door, to be honest, but crazy people don’t behave rationally, you know,” she explained.

  A light went on in my head. “I think I saw that wall on the way here,” I said.

  “Honey, everyone saw that wall. I don�
��t think they’ll fix it either. There’s too much other shit to deal with around here to bother with it,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. She seemed to be a fountain of valuable information, and I would continue asking her questions until she grew bothered by it. I thought it good to learn as much as I could to protect myself from the insanity that went on here. I was already hearing terrible things.

  “The administration has, like, two janitors. Do you know how many students are here puking on homemade liquor and spraying blood around the bathroom on a daily basis?”

  I shook my head.

  “Over 3000 and growing by the day.”

  “Wow, so how do you know all this?” I asked. She had only gotten here today, just like me, so I didn’t see how she had all this information packed in her pretty head.

  Eden put the stick behind her on her bed, which was already neatly made and rubbed her small hands together. “Let me tell you a story about a girl named Maria. She used to go here, until a group of guys pushed her out of a window and broke her neck. Now, she’s paralyzed, but she can still talk.”

  “That’s horrible,” I said.

  “Maria is my sister, but she doesn’t go here anymore. She didn’t want me to end up in the same place, but here I am,” she said, an edge of bitterness in her otherwise cheerful voice. “Now all I have to do is survive.”

  “Jesus, that’s really awful, but I bet she told you a lot of useful stuff,” I said.

  “Oh yeah, she did. Like, don’t fuck with the guys here. Don’t fuck with any of them. They’ll break your heart if you’re lucky. If you’re not, well, maybe it’ll be your neck,” she said, crossing her arms over her flat chest.

  Eden had a lot of personality, which made me want to believe that she was stretching the truth, but that was wishful thinking. I didn’t want it to be that bad here, but it was only my first day and I had witnessed some concerning things. It looked like it was only going to get worse, and that Eden was right about this school. It was a prison for psychopaths.

  “I guess we have to stick together,” I said, turning my body back around my bed while keeping my head craned toward Eden.

  She nodded, staring down the line of bed and refocusing her eyes. “That would be ideal,” she replied, the words dripping from her mouth.


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