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Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set

Page 17

by Bella King

I pulled it around to the front of the school scanning the throngs of students pouring out of the building like ants for a sign of Dylan. He walked with a distinct swagger, as though his shoulders were so heavy that they rocked him from side to side. He did have pretty broad shoulders, but sometimes it looked like he was putting on a show when we were at school.

  I spotted his wrinkled linen shirt as he came out of school. He never had his clothes dry cleaned like mine were and seeing that made me appreciate what I had a little more. I was lucky to have the lifestyle that I did. I wished that he could also enjoy it.

  I pulled the car up to him, surprising him with a loud honk to let him know I was there. He jumped up, immediately throwing up his middle finger before squinting and realizing that it was just me. I laughed as he shook his head and circled around the car to get in. He was such a goof sometimes.

  The door opened, hot summer air flooding in with the masculine scent of Dylan. He dropped down in the seat beside me, pressing the car deeper down into the asphalt. He must have weighed a lot, but then again, muscle ways more than fat, and he was a very strong man.

  “How was school?” I asked him, slamming on the gas and throwing him back before he had the chance to put on his seatbelt. I raced out of the parking lot, trying to beat the traffic. I swerved the car around a slower vehicle, blasting over a small speedbump and flying out onto the main road.

  Dylan cursed as he was jostled around, the seatbelt buckle clasped in his large hand, trying to find its socket. He finally clicked it into place, leaning toward me and placing a hand on my thigh to steady himself. “You’re going to kill us driving like that,” he said, his fingers digging into the soft skin that was exposed at the hem of my uniform skirt.

  I felt a sudden surge of excitement at his touch, causing me to hit the gas even harder. The engine roared as we ripped down the road toward the city. Dylan lost grip of my leg and was pressed back into his seat.

  “Slow the hell down,” he growled.

  I eased off the gas, letting the car roll along the road at a slowly diminishing speed. I didn’t want to get down below the speed limit because that was no fun, but I also didn’t want to total my father’s car and traumatize Dylan. For a man as masculine as he was, he sure didn’t like speed.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I said, smiling at it as he breathed heavily.

  “What question?” He asked, recovering from the excitement of our exit.

  “How was school?” I repeated for him.

  He shook his head. “Mr. Smith is a fuckhead. He’s pissed because I didn’t turn in the homework and he threatened to fail me if it happened again.”

  That guy. I had never liked him. He was one of the stricter teachers at the school despite not looking that way. You would have thought he handed out A’s like candy the way his eyes smiled at you behind those thick glasses. That Was far from the truth, and I’m sure that if Dylan hadn’t known it before, he certainly knew it now.

  I placed a hand on his thigh like he had done to me, gauging his reaction to it. “He can be an asshole,” I said in agreement.

  Dylan looked down at my hand on his thigh. “What is that?” he asked, pointing to my hand.

  I didn’t remove it. “What?” I asked, glancing down at it.

  “Your hand. Why is it on my leg?” He asked, drawing awkward attention to my action.

  I lifted it and placed it back on the wheel. “Sorry,” I said, feeling embarrassed.

  “If you’re going to touch me, you need to do it right,” he said, reaching out and grabbing my hand. He moved it over to his crotch and placed it down in his lap, raising his hips up to meet it.

  I was shocked by his actions, jerking my hand away. “I’m not comfortable with that,” I said, frowning. He was misbehaving again, and I didn’t understand why.

  Dylan chuckled. “I thought women like you liked that sort of thing,” he said.

  “Women like me? And just who do you think I am?” I asked, heat rising to my cheeks at his rude words.

  “Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you don’t do this for all the rich guys at school. I know all the preppy girls are jerking off the jocks after school. I’m surprised your black skirt isn’t stained with jizz every day at school.”

  Holy shit, he was really digging in with the insults again. I was livid that he would suggest something so nasty about me. I didn’t hang out with any of the jocks, and even if I did, I wasn’t a slut. I shook my head in disbelief. “You have a funny way of talking to someone who’s trying to help you, Dylan.”

  He scoffed, crossing his arms and showing off his large biceps. They seemed to pop out of his shirt, drawing my eyes off the road again. “You pretend to be all sweet and perfect, but I know you’re not,” he said.

  He must have been looking for some flaw in me, but he wasn’t going to find it. He had a warped perception of wealthy people, and I wanted to make sure he was aware of that. I wasn’t going to sink to his level and let him think the worst of me. I had to be better than he was.

  I turned the cold air toward my face, trying to cool down my flushed skin. I didn’t want him to see how irate I was at his offensive language. I waited a moment to collect myself before speaking again. “Dylan, I think you have the wrong impression of me. I don’t know why, but you’re mistaking me for the kind of person that I’m not. I need you to stop that.”

  I could see him roll his eyes out of the corner of mine, but I ignored him. I still wanted to figure out why he was so set on hating wealthy people instead of minding his own damn business. There must be a reason for his anger, and I didn’t think it was only because he was poor.

  “I want to get along with you, Dylan, but you’re making it hard,” I said.

  “I don’t fit in with people like you, so I doubt you’d get along with me anyway.”

  Talk about a victim complex. He had already painted me as the enemy, probably long before I wrecked his car outside the trailer park. I turned down a city street, slowing the car down as we got into a busier area. “You should give people a chance,” I advised.

  “People don’t give me a chance,” he countered.

  “I did, and do you really want to be like other people?” I said, bringing up a good point.

  “I don’t care what I’m like. I just want things to be easier. You know, it’s hard being out here having to work my ass off just to continue going to school,” he said, his voice growing softer.

  I felt like I was starting to get somewhere now. Patience when dealing with people can get you a lot further than you think. It’s always better to let people talk about their problems than to start arguing with them. Often times, they end up apologizing once they get the stress of their chest. I only hoped Dylan might act the same.

  I let him continue talking, giving him the silence that he needed to move forward.

  “I don’t have money, and that’s not anyone in my family’s fault. We used to, you know? I was a lot like you,” he said.

  I was surprised by that. I had assumed he grew up poor, but obviously there was more to his story than that. This was getting interesting, and I couldn’t stop myself from interjecting to urge him to talk more about it. “What happened that put you in the situation that you’re in now?” I asked, thinking that sounded innocent enough.

  Apparently, it wasn’t. Dylan grew angry again, his voice laced with hatred as he spoke. “That’s none of your business, Scarlet. You wouldn’t understand anyway.”

  “You don’t know that. I could try. What’s the harm in explaining it to me?” I asked.

  He laughed, but there was no joy in his laughter. “You know enough about me already. I don’t want to tell you anything more,” he said. “I’d like my car, and I’d like you to shut up about my life.”

  “You’ll get your car,” I said with a sigh, pulling into the dealership.

  I parked my father’s car on the far end of the lot, where the cheaper cars were. I didn’t have the money in my account to buy him anything ov
er five thousand dollars, but I figured that would be enough for him. He didn’t deserve niceness from me with his awful attitude. I had tried multiple times to be good to him, but he seemed to be more interested in claiming that I was the bad guy instead of working with me so that I would understand his plight.

  Dylan leaped out of the car before I even cut the engine, looking like he was scared to be in it with me after the wild ride I put him through. I didn’t blame him for that, but the rest I was still going to hold over his head, no matter how handsome he was.

  I climbed out of the car and stood beside it, hands on my hips as he eagerly searched the first row of cars in front of us. He ran his hand down the side of one, doing a quick bent-over peek to the tires, and looked back at me. “This one is nice.”

  I was amused by the quickness of his decision. “How much is it?” I asked, walking toward him.

  He looked at the sign on the front windshield and his face fell. “Oh, I guess I’ll look for another one,” he said, sounding disappointed.

  I came around to see the price, and it was just barely in my budget. “We can get this one,” I said.

  He looked surprised, jerking his head back and frowning as though I had just told him something that made no sense at all. “Really?” He asked.

  “For sure,” I said. “You probably want to take it for a test drive though, right?”

  He shrugged, still in disbelief that he could have this car.

  “Well, I would like to, at least, so that I know what we’re getting for you. I’ll go ask somebody,” I said, looking around the lot.

  There wasn’t anyone out, which I thought was pretty poor service until I realized we were probably too far out in the lot for anyone from the store to see us. I’d probably have to go in there to get the key anyway.

  “Wait here,” I said, walking toward the store, leaving Dylan standing next to the car. I looked back to see him looking it over again, admiring the build. He was cute when he wasn’t so angry.

  I went up to the shop, opened the door, and was greeted by a cool blast of air that smelled like rubber.

  Chapter 10


  I don’t know what came over me in the car on the way to the dealership. I was so aroused by her hand on my leg that I wanted more. I felt like she was teasing me, like she would push me to the edge only to take it away with a bout of cruel laughter. Of course, that was all in my head, but I had this image of her as a demon that just couldn’t shake.

  It was too easy to demonize a woman like Scarlet. She was so attractive, and yet so ignorant to the struggles of regular people. She pretended to want to know about my life, but I was suspicious of her. She couldn’t know that her father was the one that had caused my father’s suicide. She wouldn’t be as easy to ruin if she knew about how much it hurt me. She would have the upper hand.

  I had already given her too much information as it was. I had told her that my family used to be wealthy like hers. We didn’t have to live in such a dump my whole life like she had assumed. I used to be normal. I used to be happy.

  My father lost his business because of the actions of Scarlet’s father. He was big on business, greedy, and didn’t know when to stop. He would crush competition without giving them a chance, and he didn’t care about what happened to all the people who were without employment when it happened.

  My father was brilliant, yet foolish at the same time. He managed to start a company from nothing, but he shoveled so much money into it, taking out loans for aggressive growth. It did well for a while, giving us the unique opportunity to rise to riches quickly. We moved to a nice neighborhood, and I started going to a nice school. Everything was perfect, until it wasn’t.

  I remember when my father began getting stressed out. Someone was sending people to his manufacturing sights and criminally sabotaging operations. There was a constant string of these, putting great strain on the business and causing several of his partners to pull out of the company. Nobody wanted to work with someone that unlucky.

  My father knew who it was who was behind it, but he never was able to gather definitive proof. It wasn’t until his company crumbled did Scarlet’s father take over, mowing over the industry with his own manufacturing plants and replacing the services that my father had provided. He had no regard for what happened to my father after that. He had only wanted to destroy his business, but in doing so, he had destroyed him as well.

  My father couldn’t recover. We were broke, and in serious debt. He wasn’t expecting everything to fall apart so quickly, funds stretched too thin for too long. We wouldn’t be able to get out of this. The debt was too great.

  It was all on the shoulders of my family. My father owed so much money that they threatened to take our house. That was when he took his own life. The debt had been in his name, and died with him, but not before wiping out everything we owned.

  My mother and I had to retreat to a trailer park, because it was the only thing in town that we could afford and still keep me in school. I was a wreck, and so was she, but we had survived. I would fight to correct what had happened, to get my mother and me out of here, but first I needed to get revenge so that my father could finally rest.

  Scarlet didn’t know this. Most people didn’t. My mother had only explained it all to me after I begged her to let me know the whole story. I was confused when I was younger, before I was told the whole story, but not anymore. I knew why my father had committed suicide, and I knew who was behind it all.

  “I got the keys,” Scarlet announced as she walked toward me.

  I lifted my head, focusing on her curvy figure instead of the pebbles at my feet. She glowed in the afternoon lighting, looking more like an angel than the demon I was making her out to be. I couldn’t help but smile when she handed it to me.

  “Let’s see what this baby can do,” she said, crinkling her nose with a smile that was to die for.

  I took the keys, turning around and unlocking the car. I swung the door open. No creaky hinges, and the lock actually worked. Wonderful.

  “Where should I take it?” I asked as she climbed in the car beside me, her skirt riding up her legs again like it had when she drove me to the dealership.

  She didn’t bother to pull it down. Instead, she left her bare thighs visible to me. “Take it around the block and hit the fucking gas. I want to burn some rubber.”

  I laughed, sticking the key into the ignition and turning it. Almost turned it again out of habit, but the car roared to life on the first try. Was I in heaven, or had reality gotten this good so quickly? I ran my hands over the smooth leather wheel before I shifted it into drive. I was going to enjoy this.

  The car wasn’t the nicest thing, by far, but it moved. I hit the gas so hard that I thought the engine would explode as I peeled out of the parking lot and barreled onto the street. Smoke flew from the tires on the pavement, leaving the stench of burnt rubber for anyone who walked where we had been.

  I felt more comfortable driving fast when I wasn’t praying that the car wouldn’t fall apart the second I began moving over 30 miles per hour. I jerked the wheel, watching a flash of fear in Scarlet’s face out of the corner of my eye at how closely I had come to hitting the curb and wrecking the car.

  I enjoyed seeing that fear on her pretty face. Those big lips looked delicious when they were pushed out in a frightful pout. I wanted to grab her head and push it to my lap as I drove, pressing those lips against my cock. The urge was powerful, but I resisted it. Scarlet had to be ruined slowly.

  “I see you always like to drive fast,” she noted as I flew over a speedbump lie it wasn’t there.

  “Yeah, I think I could get used to this,” I said, jerking the wheel again and sending the car flying around a corner.

  “Slow it down on this bend. It’s a sharp one,” she cautioned as I sped down a narrow road toward another turn.

  As much as I wanted to defy her, I also knew that she was tearing up these roads regularly and would know where to dr
ive fast and where not to. I didn’t want to kill us, after all. I should survive, at the very least. What happened to her was none of my concern.

  I brought the car down to a more normal speed, finally breathing out. I had been holding my breath this whole time without realizing it. I glanced over at Scarlet to find her having a nice time, looking out the side window. Her skirt was even higher than it had been before, causing me to feel aroused.

  I brought the car around to the bend, then slowed to a crawl until I could find a patch of road to park it on. I brought the car to a complete stop, then shifted it to park.

  “This isn’t the dealership,” Scarlet said, looking around.

  “So perceptive,” I replied sarcastically.

  “So, what are you doing?” She asked, furrowing her perfect eyebrows.

  I smiled. “I want to ask you something.”

  “Okay,” she said slowly, trying to figure out what I was up to. She would find out soon enough.

  “Why are you showing me so much of your legs. You look like you want to blow me in traffic,” I said, unable to filter my dirty mind before it reached my mouth. I loved the shocked O that her mouth made when I spoke like that. It only made me hornier.

  “I’m not showing that much skin,” she said, finally reaching down and pulling her skirt into place.

  “You are, and it’s because you want me to have a taste of you. Is that it? Is that why you brought me out here, to tease me?” I asked, my voice growing louder. I didn’t know if it was anger or sexual arousal that was driving me now, but whatever it was, it pulled at my chest, urging me to jump onto her and fuck her into another dimension.

  Scarlet shrugged, playing it off like it didn’t bother her how dirty I was being. “I just came out to replace your car, like I said I would. You’re the one who is sexualizing all this.”

  She may have been right, but I didn’t want to believe it. I wanted her, and badly. It was infuriating that she was teasing me like that, like she knew that she could get out of trouble with me if she made me fall in love with her.

  But that wasn’t what this was, and it never would be like that. What I felt were lust and resentment, rolled up into one dangerous package that could drive me to do anything. Scarlet was irresistible, and if she kept playing with me like this, I wasn’t going to be able to control myself.


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