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Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set

Page 43

by Bella King

  “I won’t,” Troy said, crossing his heart with a finger.

  Why did he have to be so charming? This wouldn’t be nearly so complicated f he was like all the other jocks. I tilted my head to the side and kissed the air in front of me before continuing. “Another thing, let’s decide on a time and place to meet from now on. No talking at school unless completely necessary. Got that?”

  Troy nodded obediently. He was surprisingly easy to work with, if not just a tad too passive.

  “I suppose that’s about it. As long as we keep this thing under wraps, we won’t have any problems.”

  Troy agreed. “Just one question though.”


  “Do you want to sleep over tonight?”

  Chapter 23

  Making love to Troy was a true delight to the senses. Every part of my body sprung to life at his touch, and every sense was enveloped by his presence. My eyes grew large at the sight of his naked muscular body, those large biceps and perfect abs that led down a narrowing waste toward a very stiff cock. My nose was intoxicated by his deep masculine scent, like aged wood and moonlit whiskey. My skin got goosebumps at the low rumble of his voice, and my legs parted to the cruel seduction that made my life so difficult, yet so amazing.

  Neither Troy nor I would say it yet, but we were in love, obsessed with each other’s mind and body, wrapped up in the blankets for hours at a time. It was a pure world that we existed in when we were alone, free from the terrors of school or the complications of our opposing sides. We were enemies turned lovers, reveling in the danger of swimming in the deep end of passion, holding each other’s hands for fear of drowning in ourselves.

  Troy placed a hand on my breast after he got done making love to me, playing with my nipple lightly between his fingers. He stared down at me, his blue eyes sparkling with a beautiful intensity. “I really like you,” he said softly.

  I giggled. “I can tell.”

  “No, but you’ve really made me rethink the way I have been living,” Troy said. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do once I leave Greywood Academy. Of course, I’m attending Greywood University. They offered me a scholarship.”

  “That’s great,” I said, excited for his achievement.

  “Yes, but I want you to be there,” He replied, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

  “Well, I haven’t decided where I’m going to go, but I think Greywood part two wouldn’t be so terrible,” I said with a silly grin.

  Troy laughed softly. “Yeah, but what about everyone else. I feel like our relationship is forbidden.”

  “God, fuck everyone else, Troy. Life doesn’t end in high school. We’re adults, ready to make adult decisions. If we want to be together, why can’t we?” I said fiercely.

  “That’s true,” Troy responded, giving my nipple a light pinch. “I would give you up for the world.”

  I smiled up at him. He was sitting up over me as I laid down on my back, sinking into the crisp white pillow behind my head. Everything was perfect here with him, so much so that I didn’t even want to return to school later. I wanted to live with Troy.

  “What are we going to do when your parents get back from vacation?” I asked, suddenly remembering that Troy wouldn’t have the house to himself forever.

  “Plenty of hotels we can hole up in if we need to,” Troy casually responded while swirling a finger on my breast. “We’re going to have some wild nights. I’m going to show you the darker side of sex.”

  “Oo,” I said, with a shudder. “Please do master.”

  Troy laughed. “You’re perfect, Faith. You’re everything to me. Don’t forget that.”

  I gazed up into his eyes, lost in the blue oceans within. I knew that we were made for each other. We would get through all this together if we were strong. Troy meant more to me than I thought he ever would, but that’s often how life goes. You think you hate someone only to find out you were made for each other.

  I reached out and gripped his hand tightly. “We’re perfect.”

  Troy nodded. “Yes, that’s true,” he whispered, leaning down for another kiss and sinking right into my soul.

  Chapter 24

  It was weird not talking to Troy at school anymore. Try as I might, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him or my heart from fluttering every time he walked past me. I wasn’t going to blow our cover though, so I stayed chill.

  The rematch between The Greywoods and the rugby team from Crimson High was in a few days, and Morgan had returned to the school with new plans. She wouldn’t be able to cheer for a while due to her broken arm, but there were plenty of ways that she could cause mischief in the meantime.

  “While you ladies are on the field cheering for our team, I’m going to be in their locker room putting itching powder all over everything,” Morgan explained excitedly. “When they come back for half-time, they’re going to be itching like crazy.”

  The girls on the team all laughed and gave each other high fives.

  Jennifer nodded in approval. “This gives a new definition to the words ‘jock itch’.”

  I laughed. While I didn’t want Troy to be itching like crazy, this particular stunt was relatively harmless and was a good way to prank the team without causing any broken limbs. I approved. Things had escalated too far the past weeks, and it was good to dial it back a notch.

  I was going to warm Troy about it anyway, but only if he swore not to tell anybody else on the team about it, not even Jeremy. Neither he nor Cindy could be trusted at this point. Hell, I hardly even trusted anyone of my cheer team.

  “Faith,” Morgan snapped. “Where were you yesterday? I didn’t see you at practice?”

  Oh fuck, I had forgotten about cheer practice. I was too busy getting a good pounding by Troy. I cleared my throat. “Uh, my mom was sick. I had to go to store for soup,” I said, hoping Morgan wouldn’t dig too deep into that.

  Morgan nodded, softening her face. “Fair enough. I hope she feels better.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, she’s doing alright now.” Whew, crisis averted.

  Morgan turned back to the rest of the squad. “Alright, I want you girls to get some rest before the big game. We might not want The Greywoods to win, but we need to look fantastic. All eyes will be on us.”

  What she said was true. The cheerleading squad was held in high regard at the school, enjoying an advanced social status. That was why nobody picked on me anymore aside from the jocks. They were the only ones that were on the same level as us. It was nice to be among the popular students for once. It was a far cry from the miserable existence that was the first few years of my high school experience. Never again would I play the victim.

  Now that I had partnered up with the man that I had originally been so intimidated by, I felt a lot more powerful. I felt like I had claimed my place in society and won the sexiest man at Greywood Academy in the process. That was something to brag about, except for that I couldn’t without getting knocked down a few steps on the social ladder. Dating Troy was a double-edged sword.

  We were meeting up again that night at his place to enjoy each other and watch a movie. He had told me that he loved documentaries, which I found quite charming. I picked out one about penguins. I always liked those sweet creatures.

  “Something else to note,” Morgan said before we all dispersed, and I went to watch my movie with Troy. “Cindy has been ex-communicated. Not only does she fuck jocks, but she also snitched on us which led to me totaling my car. As you can imagine, my parents weren’t very happy about that. I practically had to beg them to buy me another one.”

  Everyone at this school was so rich that buying a brand new car was more a minor inconvenience than a big ordeal. Morgan was likely exaggerating.

  “As such,” she continued, “Cindy can continue sucking sweaty jock dick, but none of us will be talking to her anymore. I think we’ll use this itching powder on her later as well to teach her not to mess with us.”

  That was something I could get behind.
I didn’t care much for Cindy anymore after everything she had done. Plus, she liked Troy even though she was dating Jeremy. Troy was my man. She could keep her drooling idiot boyfriend and fuck right off.

  I gave Morgan and the other high fives, and then we all went home. Except, I didn’t go home. I circled around the block a few times to make sure nobody was following me, then headed straight for Troy’s house. Tonight, we were going to have some fun.

  Chapter 25

  The day of the big game had arrived. Morgan was manically checking our cheerleading uniforms for any piece of dust or crease so that we would look our best. She wouldn’t be cheering, but she would still be there to direct the cheer. Jennifer would be upfront in place of Morgan.

  I had taken a lot of care with my outfit and makeup, and it showed. I was cheering not for our rugby team, but for Troy, acting as a double agent this afternoon. I had told him about the itching powder, which he got very irritated about. After a short argument about whether it would be fine to inform his teammates, we came to a compromise. He wouldn’t tell them about the itching powder, but they would be using the empty women’s locker room during their halftime instead.

  I knew that this could get me in trouble, but I wasn’t going to let the cheerleading squad ruin Troy and his team. I knew that the scholarship that he sought from Greywood University was more important than the cheerleaders’ revenge on the rugby team. I was somewhat of a double agent now.

  When we finally left the locker rooms to slip out on the green, the rugby teams were already out warming up. The crowd cheered, packed tightly on the bleachers that surrounded the playing field. Half the school must have been there, including many of the teachers. This was a big game.

  I spotted Troy doing some stretches and stared at him until he noticed me. Even across the field I could see a goofy grin on his face as the cheer team got into position. God, what a hunk. I still didn’t know if I was lucky or cursed to have him, but I would enjoy this moment regardless.

  “Alright, everyone, get in position. You know the drill. Knock those motherfuckers dead,” Jennifer shouted at us as we prepared for our cheer.

  I continued to look at Troy until I spotted Daniel right beside him blowing a kiss into the crowd. I looked over at the bleachers to see Mrs. Snow sitting right where he was blowing the kiss. Was he doing this to her? I watched him closely, looking back and forth between him and Mrs. Snow. There was definitely something going on there.

  I kept an eye on those two as our cheer squad flipped and jumped around, reciting our cheer anthem about how great the Greywoods were. I cheered this time with much more enthusiasm than I ever had, directing it all at Troy.

  Once we finished, we retreated to the sidelines to let the game begin. Jennifer beamed at us. “We did great. You especially, Faith. Great job.”

  I smiled proudly. “Thank you.”

  Morgan ran up to us panting with a big goofy smile spread across her face. “I did it. The jocks are going to be itching like crazy after halftime.”

  Jennifer gave her a high five. “Dope. Serves them right,” she said happily.

  I nodded. “Yeah, that’ll show them,” I said pleasantly, all the while thinking how childish Morgan was being by doing something like this. I was glad I had exited out of that mentality. Just a week prior I probably would have been excited about it, but now I was playing for the other team.

  We sat down on the bleachers, waiting for halftime where we would do a mid-game performance. It would be more cheering, nothing special, but that’s what we were there for. Watching the game was secondary.

  I did watch though, my eyes following Troy as he plowed down guys with the ball in his hands. He was a powerful man, nothing able to stop him, not even the biggest guys on the opposing team. He would run down guys and come up without a scratch. It was amazing.

  I wasn’t the only one on the cheer team staring at the rugby players, admitting their well-tuned bodies. It made me wonder if anyone else on the team was secretly involved with the rugby team. I made a mental note to myself to ask Troy about it. We could form a better alliance if I knew who was fraternizing with the enemy. Maybe there would be enough girls to dissolve the whole feud entirely.

  I liked to think that was possible, but I would get myself into a hell of a lot of trouble if I tried to do that without first finding out how many people were siding with the rugby team. It also wouldn’t be easy to find those people, because nobody wanted to be exposed as a traitor.

  I thought about this a lot as I watched the match. By halftime, The Greywoods had pummeled the other team so hard that the scoreboard looked like the guys from Crimson High hadn’t even been playing. Either they had a terrible team or ours was just that good. I leaned toward the latter.

  The Greywoods jogged off the field, and I watched Morgan and Jennifer rub their hands together as they watched the jocks go to the locker rooms. I smiled to myself knowing that they had nothing to worry about. My tip would prevent them from getting sabotaged by itching powder.

  “And now, halftime entertainment! Provided by the Greywood Cheer Squad!” The game announcer said louder over a speaker as we sprinted out onto the field to keep everyone occupied while the guys rehydrated and planned their strategy for the second half.

  We did our performance, and the crowd loved it of course. We had practiced a lot, and if I’m being honest, Jennifer was actually a better cheerleader than Morgan was. It was nice to have her at the head of the pack.

  The rest of the game was a piece of cake for the Greywood rugby team, though Morgan was confused and irritated as to why none of the jocks were itching.

  “What the fuck is going on?” She asked, pacing up and down the sidelines.

  “Maybe you bought dud powder,” Jennifer offered.

  “Nah, that shit works. Believe me, I put it on my dog and he was itching like mad.”

  I frowned. “Why would you put it on your dog?”

  “To test it, idiot,” Morgan snapped.

  I didn’t like her attitude one bit, and putting itching powder on a dog is just plain cruel. I was really starting to resent Morgan. I was quite happy to know that her plan had failed.

  Jennifer shrugged. “We’ll get them next time.”

  Morgan crossed her arms and huffed. “Fucking jocks,” she muttered while shaking her head.

  We watched the rest of the game in silence. There were many times that I wanted to cheer for the team, but I knew that would only anger Morgan more. I didn’t want to mess with her now that she was pissed. All of the girls on the team kept their mouths shut while the Greywoods crushed the opposing side.

  Once the match was over, we began to head back to our locker room. I snuck away from the group to meet up with Troy.

  Chapter 26

  “You played great,” I said, rocking from side to side with my hands clasped in front of me.

  Troy and I were behind the school building, just around the corner from the rugby field. He laughed and I swear that he blushed a little. “It was a good game,” he said humbly.

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips. “It was great.”

  “Thank you, Faith,” he replied softly. “If you want, we can go back to my place for the evening.”

  “To celebrate?” I asked with a wink.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I would like that a lot.”

  “Okay,” I said, looking over his sweaty body. “Show me how much power you have left in you.”

  Troy grabbed my waist and stared deep into my eyes. “I assure you, it’s a lot.”

  I smirked seductively. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  Troy grinned and leaned in to kiss me again, but I pushed him away when I spotted Mrs. Snow walking off the pitch with Daniel right behind her.

  “Fuck I got to go,” I said urgently, breaking away from Troy’s grip.

  Troy’s handsome face creased in concern. “What? Why?”

  I blew him a kiss. “I’ll tell you later. I’ll be at y
our place at seven.”

  Troy shrugged. “See you, Faith.”

  “Bye,” I called over my shoulder as I sprinted away to spy on Daniel. This was my chance to catch them in the act. I needed to make sure I didn’t miss it.

  I looked around to check that Jeremy wasn’t watching over Daniel like last time. I didn’t want to be stuffed in his trunk again. That wasn’t a pleasant experience.

  Jeremy was over by the bleachers, smoking cigarettes with Cindy and chatting. He hadn’t noticed Daniel slip away. I was the only one who saw this. I slunk after him, following closely so as not to lose sight of him.

  A followed the pair all the way back into the school, where they headed upstairs to the teachers’ offices. This was getting juicy. Why would they be going up there?

  I had to wait for them to disappear upstairs before coming after them because the school was largely empty. I would be seen if I followed them down the hallway. I counted the seconds in my head until I was sure that they were far enough away that they wouldn’t hear me coming, then I dashed up the stairs and looked around the corner from the stairwell.

  I didn’t see anyone. They must have snuck into one of the offices. I slowly crept down the hall in my cheer uniform, careful not to make any sound. Thankfully the shoes that I had to wear were very soft and quiet, otherwise I would have been heard.

  I listened closely for voices as I passed each office, ducking down when I got close to a door so they wouldn’t see me through the window at the top of each door. I slunk around like I had when I used to sneak around my parents’ house in the middle of the night to take sweets from the kitchen. I had ample practice with that.

  I finally heard the low murmur of Daniel’s voice through one of the doors. It was low enough to where I couldn’t make out the words, but then I heard Mrs. Snow talking and it was very different than her usual droning during math class.

  She sounded excited and full of life. I wondered how she could feel such a way about some stupid 18-year-old jock when she had a husband at home. I guess everything wasn’t always the way it seemed on the surface. Even an attractive married woman like Mrs. Snow had her issues.


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