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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part III - Full Circle

Page 15

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Time Waits for No One ~

  Stefano walked briskly across the grounds and entered the stable. He opened Zarchos’ stall then walked back to the front of the stables. The stallion followed obediently. Stefano stopped then turned to scratch the steed’s forehead and received strong nudging from the animal, showing its appreciation. “Zarchos, I have need for swiftness this night. More than I have ever requested before. I will allow you open reins, I trust you to carry me well.” Again the horse nudged him. Stefano smiled. “Good boy.”

  Stefano walked to Zarchos’ left side, grabbed the end of the horse’s mane and swung himself up bareback. With no saddle and no bridle he leaned forward and spoke again to his mount. “Find Shadow. We must find Shadow. He may be in danger.”

  Zarchos whinnied in response, pawed at the ground, then charged into a full gallop. Stefano remained crouched forward to avoid most of the wind rushing past him. The covered the island completely, twice, before Stefano patted the mount’s neck and allowed him to slow, then stop.

  “Good boy, Zarchos, my friend. Excellent speed. You are the most noble steed I have ever known.”

  Zarchos tossed his head and snorted in an approval response.

  “I need to talk to the Marwick. Mayhaps he has seen them. No urgency this time, boy, but with haste.”

  Again Zarchos leapt into action. Within a few moments they were at the landing; the barge was nowhere in sight. Stefano rang the bell mounted beside the path’s end and waited until the ferryman crossed over.

  “Marwick, my friend. I trust you are well this night.”

  “Very well, my lord. Are you going to meet with Lord Gerik? I got the impression from him that he was traveling alone.”

  “Actually, that’s what I wished to know, whether you had seen him. Did he make any mention of where he was going?”

  “None my lord, though he did look upset. Mayhaps to The Row?”

  “Mayhaps. I will not be crossing tonight, Marwick; I shall await Gerik at home. I am sorry to have brought you across for no reason.”

  “You wished to speak to me, Lord Stefano. That is reason enough. May the Fates smile on you, gracious lord.”

  Stefano watched as the barge was poled away from the landing. “On you and your family as well, good friend.” He tossed three gold coins that landed neatly near Marwick’s feet. “This is for your trouble. Surprise your wife.”

  Marwick paused long enough to retrieve the coins and pocket them. “I shall, Lord Stefano. She has been eyeing a gown at the tailors for some time now. I am sure this will delight her.”

  The Lord of the Keep raised his hand in a parting gesture then nudged Zarchos to turn toward home. “No rush, Zarchos. An easy pace will be good.” He looked eastward. “There is still time before the dawn, let us enjoy the ride home.”

  Again the horse pawed the ground then moved into a gentle lope, allowing his rider to watch the scenery they passed and enjoy the calmer movement of air. When they finally reached the stables, Zarchos stopped and Stefano slipped himself down. He patted Zarchos neck again. “You did well, my friend. You always do. Come. I know a brush that is waiting in anticipation.”

  Zarchos snorted and walked beside his owner to his stall, then walked in. Stefano smiled at the fresh hay; someone had mucked out the stall during his ride. And knowing Viktor and his servants, no one would ever admit to it. He lifted a brush from its hook high on the wall and slipped his hand into the leather strap on the back. With loving attention he brushed Zarchos, working down the chest, front left leg then down the left side of the mount’s neck.

  “I do not know if I can make this one right, Zarchos. The kiss he witnessed was indeed a kiss of fire and passion, but we knew even then it could go nowhere. It may well have been my last chance to feel him close, taste him, know his presence.”

  Stefano continued to move back towards the tail. Once reached, he would move to the mount’s right side and work the mane before moving along that side in the same manner as the left. The tail would get its brushing last as it typically took the longest to clean. He glanced out the front doors of the stable and sighed again.

  “It grows late. If Gerik does not get here soon, he will not have time to make it to the Keep. I can only hope he has found other fitting shelter, should that be the case.”


  On the far end of the island, Gerik was finally urging Shadow off the barge. “Thank you, Marwick.”

  “Most welcome, Lord Gerik. May the Fates smile upon you and your path.”

  “Mmm hmm.”Gerik’s response was half-hearted and quiet. His mind was elsewhere, still racing over the events of the previous night. They would have ended in our bed if I had not chanced on them when I did. He can deny it all he wants, it was blatantly obvious their love has not wavered any over time.

  He nudged Shadow forward, up the slight slope then across the land. Half-way to the Keep he stopped the mount and turned him, speaking to him gently. “We shall have some fun before getting home. I have a feeling there will not be time for pleasantries for a while once I return.”

  A slight kick and Shadow moved forward, quickly into a gallop. Gerik watched the landscape, smiling when he saw the sign of exposed rock. “Jumping. I want to fly, Shadow.”

  The horse raced forward, easily clearing each slight rise as they were reached. Around the end of the island, turn and then back. Gerik’s demeanor softened as they rode.


  At the Keep, Lord Stefano had decided he had waited long enough. I will not stand around and worry over him like some school child. Nor shall I chance the light of day. He set his empty glass on the bar. “Thank you, Viktor. I will retire now.”

  “Very good, my lord. May the Fates give you a good rest, and a day void of disagreements.”

  Stefano gave a wry laugh. “Good rest is mayhaps possible, but I fear there is much discussion yet to come over the lack of discipline and respect being demonstrated.”

  Viktor responded only with a nod and began clearing the bar before walking across to close the balcony doors.

  Upstairs in his suite, the Lord of the Keep undressed and slipped himself under the covers of his bed. Stay safe, Gerik. I need you by my side. Come home and let us resolve with love.


  Far from the Keep, the young kindred watched as more exposed rock lay ahead. His face beamed, he had come to terms with himself; he would trust his love. Regardless the kiss, Stefano had said Nikolos was leaving. So worry over a ‘last kiss’ was unnecessary. As he approached the hidden ravine, he shuddered and gasped as he felt his sire in his mind. Clearly. He groaned at the touch of love just as his mount hit the ravine. But instead of leaping, the horse, out of fear, stopped short.

  Gerik flew from the saddle and collided hard with the bare stone. Good one, Gerik. Now get home. He tried to sit up but shouted in pain. Alright, let me catch my breath. He closed his eyes a moment and reached for that thought, hoping to return Stefano’s love.

  At the Keep, a restless Lord tossed and turned, longing for comfort. Suddenly he felt a presence. Gerik. He reached with his mind again, searching. As the colored glass in the balcony doors downstairs grew lighter in shade, Prince Stefano bolted up in bed, his eyes wide.


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