Book Read Free

No Limits

Page 35

by Nicki Bennett

  Éamon mimed a shudder at the thought of Niall anywhere near his bed and draped his arm around Devon’s shoulders. “Glynn and I would love to have the three of you join us. It’s an open-ended offer. So, do we have any chance of coaxing you to come play with us sometime?”

  “I can’t speak for the others without talking to them first.” Devon watched appreciatively as Bors argued with Arthur. He might not feel the need for anyone but Kit and Jonathan in his bed, but he sure wouldn’t kick either Glynn or Éamon out. “But I’ll pass the offer on to them.”

  “No rush,” Éamon assured him. “After the show you three put on the other night, we decided you’re worth the wait. And that’s not something we think very often.”

  “Niall cast some fine-looking men,” Devon allowed with a grin. “Makes me wonder whether he was only trying to make his wife happy.”

  “He sure made me happy.” Éamon laughed softly. “It looks like filming’s over for the day. I’m going to reclaim my husband. Enjoy your evening, and think about our offer.” After clapping Devon on the shoulder one last time, Éamon set an intercept course for Glynn, falling into step beside the other man as they walked toward their trailer.

  “SCENES LOOKED good today,” Devon commented as he pulled a trio of beers from the refrigerator, Jonathan having corrupted them with his preference for chilled brew. “Glynn makes quite a powerful Bors.”

  “He certainly does,” Kit agreed, a little breathlessly. “Niall did a fabulous job with the casting.”

  Well aware that his own presence in England was due to Niall’s casting decisions, Jonathan didn’t respond to Kit’s comment, turning to Devon instead. “That what you and Éamon were discussing so intently?”

  “Éamon was there today?” Kit asked in surprise. “I didn’t see him.”

  “Not surprising,” Devon answered with a roll of his eyes toward Jonathan. The hint of tightness in Jonathan’s expression told him he wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. “You didn’t have eyes for anyone but Glynn.”

  Kit flushed, unable to deny the accusation. “Just because I’m in love with you two doesn’t mean I’m blind,” he said defensively. “It was a little hard not to notice him, since he’s the one I was trading lines with all day.”

  “Glynn’s a good-looking guy,” Jonathan admitted, forcing back the niggle of jealousy that had been threatening to erupt all day. “He and Éamon make a striking couple.”

  “They’ve got nothing on the couple of men in my bed,” Kit insisted, the odd note in Jonathan’s voice making him want to reassure his lover.

  “That’s apparently what Éamon thinks too.” Devon ran a hand through his hair, wishing not for the first time that he had Jonathan’s skill with words. He didn’t know any other way to present Éamon’s offer than to come right out and say it. “He suggested that he and Glynn would like to join us sometime, if we’re interested.”

  “That wasn’t the deal,” Kit said immediately, the stunned look on Jonathan’s face enough to put him off the idea entirely. “It was a onetime offer to watch; that’s all.”

  “But you liked being watched, didn’t you?” Jonathan knew Kit had made adjustments for him and Devon, accommodating their occasional taste for a bit of rough in their lovemaking Kit didn’t share. If this was something Kit and Devon wanted, he ought to be willing to consider it, even if the idea made him uneasy. It was too much of a reminder of what he’d have to face when filming ended—the thought of either of the men he’d come to love in someone else’s bed.

  “Of course I liked being watched,” Kit replied, “but that’s because while they were watching, you and Devon were touching me. They’re undeniably attractive men, but that isn’t enough for me to be willing to put what we have at risk in any way, and that’s what we’d be doing if we aren’t all completely comfortable with the idea.”

  “But you would be?” Jonathan glanced up, including Devon in the question. “Willing to have them join us? Not just willing,” he clarified. “Is that something you’d want?”

  “I don’t know,” Kit replied honestly. “It isn’t something I’ve thought about. Not really, I mean. It’s one thing to look and think they’re attractive, but that doesn’t mean I’d want to act on it. We have so little time left before filming ends already. I don’t want to do something that would cause problems now, when we might not have time to work them out before we leave.”

  Jonathan’s eyes flicked back to Devon. “I’d not kick them out,” Devon answered the unspoken question, echoing what he’d admitted to himself when Éamon first posed the offer. Jonathan and Kit deserved an honest response. “But only if both of you agreed. Kit’s right; it isn’t worth risking us to satisfy a passing itch.” Not when he was beginning to believe that what they’d found together might last even when filming was over—at least for him.

  “I can’t say they aren’t both attractive.” Jonathan shook his head, pushing back the lock of hair that fell forward, refusing to hide behind its concealment. “Just the kind of men I wouldn’t let myself notice, before the two of you. But I don’t think….” He trailed off. “You have to remember, until a few months ago I’d never had even one man in my bed, let alone two. Now you’re asking me to think about five of us?”

  “What kind of timeline did they give us for making a decision?” Kit interrupted, sensing Jonathan’s indecision. If they had to decide tonight, he’d put the brakes on the discussion for good. If they had a little more time to let Jonathan get used to the idea, they’d see where things went.

  “I told them I couldn’t speak for all of us, and we left it at that. Though Éamon did say it was an open-ended offer.” Devon set his beer on the counter and squeezed Jonathan’s shoulder. “If you don’t like the idea, I’ll tell him no, and that’ll be the end of it.”

  “If it really is open-ended, then we don’t have to decide now either,” Kit interjected. “We can take some time, think about it and what it would mean to us, and then decide tomorrow or next week or never, although I suppose the end of filming in a month is probably the outer limit.”

  “Don’t tell him no,” Jonathan said slowly. He still suspected that if not for his hesitance, Kit and Devon would have taken the other two up on the offer immediately. Between them, they’d opened his eyes to so much about himself already. More than that, Kit had accepted that he and Devon could enjoy a level of pain mixed with their pleasure that Kit himself would never be comfortable with. They deserved more than to have him reject this out of hand just because it stretched his own comfort zone. “Where would I be if I’d said no to the two of you when you first approached me? Just give me some time to think about the idea.”

  “As much time as you need,” Devon assured him. “And if at the end of it the answer’s still no, that’s fine too.” He glanced at Kit, who nodded his agreement. “In the meantime, let’s make a simpler decision. What’s for dinner?”

  JONATHAN LEANED against the bar, the noise of the music and conversations around him a welcome distraction as he waited for their drinks. It wasn’t that the past week of filming had been more grueling than any of the others—not that the Orkneys in particular needed that excuse or any other for partying—but it had seemed longer than usual to him. The reasons why were a few hundred feet away from him, moving on the dance floor along with a crowd of other dancers. In the mass of bodies, it was nearly impossible to pair off any two as partners, but he’d seen the touch of hands or brush of hips that linked Glynn and Éamon together. There had been an undercurrent of awareness in all Arthur’s scenes with Bors this past week—despite himself, Jonathan couldn’t help but think of Éamon’s offer every time he faced Glynn. He’d been aware of Glynn watching him too, and Kit when Percival was a part of the action.

  It was true, as he’d admitted to Kit, that Glynn and Éamon were just the type he’d have fantasized about, back when he was still resisting his attraction to men. Except now he had two exceptional men in his life and in his bed. He didn’t need to risk th
at by welcoming in any others. Did he? His decision might be easier if he wasn’t aware that his lovers didn’t share his hesitation. Maybe he was being selfish by not agreeing to something Devon and Kit obviously wanted?

  The bartender interrupted his uneasy musings by setting their drinks in front of him. Jonathan picked up the tumbler of Jameson he’d ordered with his beer and tossed it back. Drinking heavily was starting to sound like a viable option.

  “Hey, Jonathan,” Glynn said, sliding onto the stool next to him. “I don’t suppose you’d share a drink with a thirsty mate.”

  Startled that he’d been so lost in thought he hadn’t noticed the object of those thoughts sitting next to him, Jonathan slid a beer over to Glynn. “Help yourself—I was going to order another for myself anyway.”

  “You’re drinking heavy tonight, mate,” Glynn commented. “You didn’t have a bust-up with Devon and Kit, did you?”

  Jonathan waved to the bartender to bring him another round, Glynn’s words cutting too close to his fears for him to answer immediately. Moving the two remaining beers closer, he shook his head. “Nothing like that—they’re just over there, waiting for me to bring them their drinks.” The booth he nodded toward was empty, though; it took him a minute’s searching to find his lovers on the dance floor, where Éamon was still moving to the beat, sweat making his shirt cling to his chest. “Surprised you could tear yourself away.”

  Glynn followed Jonathan’s gaze and grinned. “He’ll still be there when I get back, waiting for me with open arms,” Glynn drawled. “But he’s not the only good-looking man in the room.” He bumped Jonathan’s thigh with his from his perch on the stool. “And neither of us is averse to sharing occasionally.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Jonathan answered dryly, his gaze still following Devon and Kit. He’d hoped one of them would look up and see him watching them, but they were too caught up in each other. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the man beside him. “Why?” he asked softly, honestly trying to understand. “Isn’t he enough for you?”

  Glynn spluttered into his beer. “Oh God, Jonathan, you have no idea. He’s more than enough for me. It’s not that at all. Nothing shakes that foundation. Nothing. But occasionally someone will catch our eye—our eye, mind you. We don’t do this if we don’t agree on the other or others we want to add. It’s fun. It adds a little spice to things now and again. And we both get to act on our occasional crushes without it damaging our relationship because it’s festering between us.”

  “How long have you been together?” Jonathan didn’t feel the need for any additional spice in his relationship, but maybe Devon and Kit didn’t feel the same.

  “Three years,” Glynn replied immediately. “Three wonderful years. And I’m hoping for many, many more.”

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Jonathan considered Glynn’s response. He and Éamon had managed to make a relationship work for years; of course, they were much closer geographically than he and Devon and Kit would be after filming ended, but the thought gave him a bit more hope. “And bringing others in really doesn’t threaten that?”

  “It might,” Glynn admitted, “if we weren’t so strict about how we bring others in. If Éamon weren’t here, I never would’ve approached you three. That would be cheating. When we swing, we swing together or not at all. Some people would say that makes us pretty poor swingers, but it works for us.”

  Not giving Jonathan a chance to reply, Glynn leaned forward and brushed his lips over Jonathan’s. “Give us a chance,” he murmured before kissing him again, with more enthusiasm.

  Jonathan meant to pull away after the first touch of Glynn’s lips, but the gentle kiss was surprisingly compelling. He couldn’t deny to himself that he’d been imagining something like this for most of the week’s filming. Knowing his lovers would probably encourage him, he let Glynn deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue out to swipe against the darker man’s lips.

  The moment Glynn felt the touch of Jonathan’s tongue, he lifted his hand to tangle in the shaggy hair, holding Jonathan in place as he plundered the willing mouth, claiming that new territory with the same ferocity he demonstrated in fighting Mordred’s knights.

  “Have you persuaded him yet?” Éamon asked, interrupting them.

  “I think I’m making progress,” Glynn replied, lifting his head but not moving his hand.

  Eyes sparkling, Jonathan smiled at Éamon. “I haven’t quite decided,” he murmured before lifting his own hand to pull Glynn back into the kiss.

  “I take it that’s a yes, then?” Devon’s arm was wrapped around Kit’s waist as they squeezed their way up to the bar, his eyes kindling as they took in Jonathan and Glynn leaning together. “If that’s decided, how about passing me a beer, Éamon?”

  “Forget the beer,” Kit protested. “We need to figure out who has the biggest bed.” He tried to adjust himself discreetly as he watched Glynn and Jonathan kiss. “We need to take this somewhere private, and fast.”

  “That would be me, like,” Devon offered, his own cock thickening at the thought of what was to come. He had no idea what size bed Éamon or Glynn had, but he knew Jonathan was already making enough of an adjustment. He’d be more comfortable in familiar surroundings.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Glynn asked, letting go of Jonathan’s mouth only long enough to answer. “We’ll meet you and Kit there. We’re taking Jonathan with us.”

  Seeing only eager acceptance in both his lovers’ expressions, Jonathan acceded, letting Glynn lead him out to his car. Éamon slid into the driver’s seat, Glynn pulling Jonathan into the back and into another kiss as the redhead followed Devon out of the lot. Doing his best to ignore his lingering doubts, Jonathan returned Glynn’s kiss, focusing on his body’s physical reaction as a hand slid down his back to cup his ass in a large palm.

  “God, you taste good,” Glynn mumbled against Jonathan’s lips, his hands squeezing and caressing through the loose clothing. “Can’t wait to get you in bed.”

  Delving between Glynn’s open lips, Jonathan did some exploring of his own. It felt strange, after the few months he’d been with Kit and Devon, to taste another man’s mouth, to feel another man’s torso beneath his hands, even if Glynn’s chest was every bit as toned as Bors’s appearance had promised.

  Glynn released his grip on Jonathan’s backside long enough to unbutton the blue cotton shirt he was wearing, giving Jonathan easier access to his skin. When he was done, he slipped his hands under Jonathan’s T-shirt, running his palms over strong muscles before teasing along the waistband of Jonathan’s jeans.

  Glynn’s skin was warm beneath Jonathan’s palms, with a light coat of hair tickling his skin. Jonathan was surprised to find his body reacting to Glynn’s answering touch, his cock pressing up toward the promise of the other man’s fingertips when they slid beneath the soft denim of his jeans. He inhaled sharply, the muscles of his abdomen quivering, as Éamon pulled to the curb behind Devon’s car.

  “Did they take good care of you?” Kit asked Jonathan as they tumbled out of Éamon’s car, though he thought he knew the answer to that from the glazed look in Jonathan’s eyes.

  Not sure how to answer, Jonathan hooked an arm around both Glynn and Éamon, steering them up the steps as Devon opened the front door. He couldn’t resist reaching out for a quick touch to both Devon and Kit, grounding himself with their presence before turning to Glynn, already sliding his opened shirt off his shoulders, and Éamon, who wasn’t far behind him. “How do we do this?”

  “Bedroom’s upstairs.” Devon nodded in the general direction of the stairs, his eyes roaming appreciatively over the flesh their guests were baring. “Unless you’d rather have at it right here.”

  “The couch is barely big enough for the three of us,” Kit interjected. “The bed is definitely the better option.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head and grabbed Jonathan with one hand and Éamon with the other. Jonathan didn’t need directions, but Kit rather thought he might need the reas
surance. “This way.”

  That left Glynn to Devon for the moment, which was fine with him. Moving behind the darker man, he slid his arms under Glynn’s, tweaking his nipples. He canted his hips to nudge his erection against Glynn’s crease while he nipped at an earlobe. “Best not let them get too far ahead of us,” he murmured.

  “Eager, are they?” Glynn asked, leaning back into Devon’s caress, rubbing provocatively against the hard cock. “I like that in a man.”

  “Yeah, well, they’ll start without us if we don’t get up there, and that’s not something I plan to miss. So move that gorgeous arse.” Stepping back, Devon landed a swat on the arse in question before grabbing Glynn’s hand and starting up the stairs.

  Glynn followed willingly, crowding Devon all the way up the stairs and into the bedroom.

  True to Devon’s prediction, all three men in the bedroom were already out of their shirts, and Kit’s jeans flew past their heads as they came through the door. “You weren’t kidding,” Glynn observed, dropping trou as well as he pounced on Kit to strip away his boxers.

  Kit jumped at the unexpected touch but settled again quickly and turned in Glynn’s arms, attacking his lips as he returned the favor, stripping Glynn completely. He met Devon’s eyes over Glynn’s shoulder and winked lasciviously as he grabbed a handful of firm butt and squeezed.

  Éamon had backed Jonathan against a wall and was kissing him with enthusiasm, his hands working at Jonathan’s belt. Jonathan grasped Éamon’s shoulders, his eyes closed until one of the busy hands slid behind his zipper to palm his cock. His lids snapping open, he found himself watching Kit and Devon strip the last of Glynn’s clothing and tackle him to the bed. Well aware of how it felt to be the focus of their combined attentions, he twisted his head to nip Éamon’s ear. “Let’s join the others,” he suggested, kicking his jeans off when Éamon moved away enough to do the same.


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