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Fallen Ambitions

Page 37

by Guy S. Stanton III

  Chapter Twelve


  The bush plane set down with a hard jolt upon the ice of the frozen over lake. A storm was about to rage in this untouched corner of the Alaskan wilderness.

  Cold wind that already bore snowflakes of hard frozen density stung at my cheeks as I left the bush plane and jumped down onto the ice. I walked unafraid across the ice as it already lay a good 4 inches thick or more in places.

  Night was falling and I wasted no time in making my way up from the shore of the lake towards the snug looking log cabin nestled in an alcove of the slope that afforded it a good view of the lake and surrounding mountains.

  I hadn’t been here in years and as far as everybody in the world knew this place had been burned down years before, when I had hunted Alexi down in these mountains. What nobody knew though was that I hadn’t outright killed Alexi.

  He’d been near death from a fall in the mountains near the cabin, when I’d come upon him. I’d actually put him more out of his misery than anything else.

  I’d helped him build the cabin two years before on the condition that I could come and make use of the place from time to time for the same purposes that he saw in it. In short the need to be away from all the voices, especially the voices of our own demons.

  We’d never been truly apart from them, but out here just living the simple life in harmony with nature for a while hadn’t seemed to be so terrible. The hell had always returned though whenever the fateful summons for our expert services were required by our handlers.

  There had been a brush fire in the area at the time and when asked as to the condition of the house by my superiors I had said that I had left it to be burned up in the approaching blaze and they had left it at that and never to my knowledge sent a team to verify the destruction of the cabin. What I hadn’t told them was that a lake of standing water stood in the way of the blaze ever reaching the house.

  The cabin had indeed escaped the blaze and now it existed as a provision of God of a place far away from the realities of a world run by an utterly wicked few who did so in abject obedience to the god of this world, satan.

  All the corruption, the genocide, the prejudices, and false religiosity taking place in societies were out of mind here. Stepping up to the door I wiped the snow from off my boots and quickly stepped within the enclosure of the well-insulated house.

  The air within the cabin was warm, but starting to cool off. There was no electricity here and even less desire to have any so I moved with familiarity within the dark confines of the entrance area that also served as a small kitchen.

  I took my boots off and then my coat. As I walked towards the great room that served as the only bedroom within the cabin I began to disrobe myself of the rest of my clothes, which as it were formed the last trappings of society that I had escaped from for the moment. Stepping naked into the great room I turned to make my way around the front of the central fireplace that warmed the entire house.

  There were only a few bare coals left of fire by which to give even a glimmer of light into the dark cast room, as snow began to fall outside in earnest. It was the start of a long winter and I rejoiced in the knowledge of being here in this place to experience it as I was not going to have to enjoy it alone.

  Taking kindling I built the fire up from the few remaining coals until a cheery blaze illuminated the room with its warmth of heat and color. It wasn’t enough though.

  Reaching my hand into a nearby box I brought out a handful of candles and lit them one by one. Walking with lit candles in hand I approached the large bed set off in the middle of the oval-shaped house.

  The flames of the fire were enough to highlight the outlines of my beloved’s form that lay fast asleep upon the bed where she lay tucked under a mountain of blankets. I was going to have to cut and split a mountain’s worth of wood to keep her happily warm through an Alaskan winter, but it was a challenge that I looked forward to.

  Walking around the bed I placed a candle in each holder I came across until the bed itself was lit apart from the room as if a candelabra were hung above it. Not able to refrain from doing so any longer I tugged on the covers and slowly they slid them down off her form until she lay there upon the bed as bare as I was.

  Dreamily her eyes opened and with anticipation she said, “I thought you’d never get here.”

  “I’m here now.”

  “Well why don’t you come a little closer.” She teased.

  I did so all the while marveling at the created wonder of all that she was.

  “So I take it they bought the ploy of the synthetic version of me?”

  “Yes.” I said with less than half of my attention, as I coasted one hand lovingly up over a body I had forbidden myself for the longest time of ever touching, but was now mine to have and hold for all of this mortal lifetime.

  Desirée simply lay upon the sheets watching me as I discovered and felt with my hands all the curves and hidden valleys I had yearned to touch for so long. Neither of us were virgins and both of us had pasts that were hard to even think of in the beauty of the moment at hand.

  Yet, somehow despite the past, what was occurring right now was as if a gift of heavenly import had been opened to us to be as two individuals, who would soon be one flesh, that were withheld of any damning influence of a past life drenched in acts of sin. We were new creations and it had never been made quite so clear to me as it was now in this moment.

  Kneeling over her I looked up to meet her gaze and with all honesty I said, “I didn’t think it was possible, but I love God even more right now than I did yesterday. How strange this love for me of His is.”

  “Strange?” She inquired gently.

  “He has given me so much and made life to exist where none was before and I so wish for a way to repay Him and yet He has never stopped giving.”

  Smiling Desirée pulled me down on top of her and said, “I think you should show Him your appreciation by how much you appreciate what He has given to you. I know I certainly am going to do so!” Her lips formed over mine and I kissed her back with the sweetness the moment was pressed full of.

  Pulling back from the kiss, as the promise of all the delight her body and passion for me beckoned with, I asked the last troubling question that remained between me and the peaceful enjoyment of all that God had given me.

  “How long do you think we have? I …… I don’t want to ever lose you again.”

  Her eyes gazed into mine and true to form she quoted from the Words of Life, “Worry not for tomorrow for sufficient are the evils thereof.”

  She kissed me briefly then before saying, “Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone so we should make the most of what we have today. However, the Bible does say that a newly married man is to be excused from active military service for a year’s time. You are a warrior of Elohim’s are you not?”


  “Well then I’d say that verse applies to us. Consider me your living breathing distraction for the next 12 months and then your mate in the trenches for all the wars to follow.”

  “You make the future sound very good.”

  “It is good, but in the here and now you need to stop wasting it and make me yours!” She urged with the desperation of a woman to be one with the man she loved.

  I was that man and with a passion of both heart and mind I made her mine even as I could not yet comprehend how good my God was to me to have brought this all about. I had known Him for only a short time and yet He had known and prepared this day of oneness and happiness to occur from before the beginning of time.

  I loved my God, but truly it was so because He had first loved me.

  A note from the Author

  A little bit about what went into influencing the story.

  - Wow this story has taken a while to write. I always fear that I’m behind in what God wants me to accomplish for His Kingdom and yet He has His own timetable for when things need to be done by. I thank the Holy Spirit (Ruach) for being
my teacher and guide. So many ways to go wrong and yet with God and through His Son Yeshua all things are made possible to me. Not really sure where God is taking my writing, but He’s certainly adding more depth to it all the time and I’m grateful. I don’t want to settle for just copying down the elements needed to make up an entertaining story. No, I want to be personally impacted. I want to feel it. I want to learn from it. The odd thing is to do that, as an author, I’ve found is that you end up going through some really dark scary places, but that’s okay, as I’m never left alone there and somehow victory is already always mine. It just has to be claimed. Here’s to another unexpected journey into fiction that bears a lot of resemblance to elements in the life that we all experience and yet perceive differently. Conditions in this world are getting darker for sure, but God is revealing more of Himself and because of that we believers can do more and I hope my story has helped to influence you into seeing that it doesn’t matter where it was that you started out from in your walk in faith, but rather it’s where you choose to let God take you and speaking for myself I never want the journey to stop. I hope you’ll join me. There’s lots of room, but the water can be a little cold at times. I’m promised though that by the time we all reach the end of the journey that everything is going to be just right.

  Reviews and help promoting my books is always appreciated. Thank You, to all who have helped me by doing so!

  If you’d like to be informed about new book releases and the availability of free review copies then drop me a note and I’ll put you on my fan list and send you updates as they come available. Contact Info:

  Guy S. Stanton, III

  A few important things to know about me

  I love my family and I love my God.

  Without Him and His Son, Yeshua, I would have nothing.

  Because of that I continually wish to give Him everything.

  He’s blessed me to write some amazing stories, but truly the best thing in life is that a loving experience with one’s Creator doesn’t have to only last for the length of the story within the pages of a book, but that it can exist written across the plains of your heart each and every day of your life. It’s this story I hope you’ll experience fully for yourself, as there is no better story than being in the presence of the Father and seeing what He’ll do next. The best part of this fantastical relationship is that it’s a story that will never end and only grows sweeter as it flows on through eternity.


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